Next day, 5pm**

W hospitals**

Julia walked into the ward sadly, staring at her daughter's unconscious body on the bed.

Sapphire has been unconscious since the accident yesterday and she's got a wound on her head which got treated already, her head was bandaged. 

Nothing has been heard from Seth and no matter how hard the guys try, his line is not reachable.

Julia sat beside her bed and smiled sadly

"Once again she has landed in a critical state, why is my life in a mess" she said sorrowfully

" Why must it always be my Sapphire!, Why must the bad things always happen to only her why!" She screamed

" Mrs Julia it's dangerous" Hardin said

" She's always the one who lands in the hospital bed everytime!, She's always the one in pains!, Why can't I get punished instead!, What has she done to deserve this punishment what!" She screamed again, standing up and throwing herself up, she fell back on the ground in tears 

"My daughter... doesn't deserve all of this...she doesn't" she cried

Jacinthe went to her and hugged her tightly

" You don't need this madam Julia, please calm down, our Sapphire will be okay" she consoled

" Jacinthe I'm sad, I'm the saddest on Earth, why must it be her again" Julia cried

" Stop crying ma'am" Jacinthe said, patting her back

"The TV" Nadia said and they all shifted their attention to the TV

📺 The most successful woman in New York... Sophia Langford has announced the adding of queen to her title at a conference earlier today, Sophia Langford had said adding the title to her name will befit her status better.

Also, the long awaited engagement between the heir to Langford's conglomerates, her only son whose face has never been revealed and Petra Brooke.. daughter of the former president will be coming up soon, the date will be announced in a short time... Queen Sophia Langford is ready to reveal the face of her hidden handsome heir very soon and the world obviously can't wait to behold his ethereal aura.

"So it's really true" Julia said

"We've actually suspected this but we weren't expecting it too be as huge, the heir to Langford's conglomerates?, Who'd have believed Seth of a people is the HEIR" Blaine said sadly

" He obviously escaped from home cos he doesn't want the engagement, poor him" Clark said

" But....are you sure Sophia is really their mum?, I mean how the f*ck will a mum hate her son's happiness" Hardin said hatefully

" Heard she's wicked" Nadia said

"F*cking wicked" Jacinthe replied

"So what's gonna happen to our Sapphire?, Is Seth really gonna get engaged with Petra?" Nadia said, looking at Sapphire on the bed

" All I know is....what will be, will be" Julia said, wiping her tears

" Yes....what will be will be" Hardin added


New York**

The Langford's mansion**

Seth's vision was blur at first when he opened his eyes, it hurts too so he quickly closed his eyes and opened it again at once.

He spranged up and barely looking around, he knows he's back in New York, the scenes of what happened flowed through his brain, he got down from the bed and ran out of the room to the dinning where Sophia is busy eating with Petra

"Baby, you're awake" Petra said cheerfully, coming to him

Seth felt the chilly morning air on his body and his eyes widened. 

*It's another day already?* He asked himself and immediately, he knew he was sedated in the car.

Petra got to him and tried hugging him but he pushed her and she fell heavily

"Michael!" Sophia yelled, standing up from her chair

"Why do you take pleasure in doing what makes me sad?, Why are you bent on ruining my life Sophia?, What have I ever done to you!' he screamed loudly, walking to her

"You're my son and you gotta do what I want!" She said coldly

" I need to go back to Washington.... right now!" He said

"That must be a joke Michael, why will you do that when I'm here" Petra said

" Don't talk when I'm talking or I'll make you regret talking!" He yelled back at her and she shivered slightly at his coldness

"You're not my mother, since dad died, I've stopped considering myself as your son cos you've become a devil! " He yelled and Sophia walked to him, she made to slap him but he held her hand

"I won't let you slap me, you can't disfigure the face Sapphire loves so much" he said and Sophia smiled

" Sapphire Hunt... English student in WSU, mother; Julia Hunt who works in McCoy holdings, Washington, she lives in Washington with her mum , father.. dead" she said

" What! " Seth said

" You know who I am, you know if I want something I'll go as far as the high heavens to get it, so why did you choose to step on my toes by getting involved with a stinking poor girl!, You know how much I hate poor people! " She screamed and Seth walked closer to her, looking her in the eye

" I love her, I love her damn much Sophia!, She's someone I can do anything for!, She's my life and doing without her is impossible anymore!, Why don't you just leave me alone! " He yelled

" Cos I don't want to!, You're getting married to Petra soon, get ready.... And that Sapphire girl, I'll handle her, I'll make her life miserable for talking back at me rudely, she even held my hand and the biggest sin is being in a relationship with you, I'll destroy her! " Sophia yelled

" If you touch her or her mum, I'll not stand still, I'll send you out of earth" he replied 

"What will you do?, Not like you'll be able to contact her anymore anyways, it's over... And you won't be able to step out of this house till you get engaged" she replied

" Where's my phone" he demanded

" I set it on fire by myself" Petra replied from behind and he faced her swiftly

"You did what?"

"Set it on fire, it got burnt together with Nora's phone" she replied and Seth rushed to her, he grabbed her shoulders and made to push her on the wall just to hurt her but he was stopped by guards who rushed in to take him

"Take him to his room" Sophia ordered and strong hands took him away

"Sophia I hate you!!!!, You'll regret this I swear!, You'll regret treating me this way Sophia!, And don't ever touch my Sapphire!, Don't touch her!" He kept telling till he was taken upstairs.

He was locked in his room and he hit his knuckles on the wall repeatedly, not feeling any pain as he did but it bled a lot and the blood stained the wall as he continued punching it

He went to the bathroom and got the sink bowl, he came back and threw it at the glass dresser, it broke and shattered, the blood coming out of his hands is staining the ground badly, dripping after him everywhere he goes

He went into his dressing room and pushed down all the closets and racks, the glass ones broke and he got some shoes, he went to the bathroom and started throwing them at the glass doors, breaking them without minding. 

He stood, breathing heavily, looking at his now messed up room for a while then held his head

"Aaarrrrgg!!!!* He screamed, revealing all the veins in his neck.

He went down on the ground, backing the door while crying slowly

"I miss her like crazy, I wonder if she'd forgive me for keeping this from her, I wonder if I'd get to see her soon, what do I do?" He cried slowly.

Nora shifted away from his door and sniffed, she has actually been staying behind his door since he was locked in, she listened to his display of violence, how he broke things

"My Mich" she whispered, covering her mouth

He has not seen her since he arrived and she's not planning to show her face to him, she betrayed him and she's so ashamed to face him

She walked downstairs and met Petra who just finished eating

"Hey pretty, I told you my Micheal will be back, you thought I was lying?" Now he's back to me, what do you think?" She winked

"Bitch!" Nora screamed and ran to her, she jumped on the dinning table before jumping down on Petra, she went down with her and started hitting her, pulling her hair

"My Mich is in there, crying bitterly!, He got violent and I'm sure he'd have injured himself, You don't care about his happiness and you wanna get engaged?, Just die!" She yelled, biting her forehead

" Aarrgh!!!!" Petra yelled and guards rushed in

"Nora!' Sophia yelled, coming out too

Nora was taken away from Petra, Petra's forehead is bleeding already

"I'm so sorry Petra, I'm sorry does it hurt a lot?" Sophia said, checking her out

" I'm ok queen, it hurts a lot but I'll be fine" she replied slowly

" Go away from here!!!, Leave!!!" Nora screamed , the guards are actually holding her in place

"Get her treated" Sophia ordered and Petra was taken away

She went to Nora and tried slapping her but her hand was held by a bleeding hand

"Michael" Sophia said shockingly

"Mich" Nora whispered, staring at his bleeding hands

"What the hell did you do to your hands!' Sophia yelled in shock, still staring at his bleeding hands, the wounds are so deep if it's bleeding like that.

Seth took Nora from the guards and looked at Sophia

"If you lay your hands on her again, I won't mind if you're my mum, I'm gonna kill you" he glared dangerously and took Nora away

Sophia held her chest, resting on the table. "Where the hell did all his confidence and boldness come from?, This is surely not the Micheal that left this house" she muttered, still in shock, remembering his face when he was saying he'd kill her, he looks serious.

She sighed and faced the guards

"Get the doctor, his hands needs treatment" she ordered

"Yes queen" .

Seth's room**

Nora refused to look him in the eye since they got in, she just dipped her face in his chest, crying like a baby

"Stop the tears please" he said gently and she started hiccuping

"Nora please" he tried again but she still won't stop

"Look, I still have your necklace, I never lost it" he said and she slowly looked up at his neck.

"You really...still have this?" She said, touching the pendant

"Yes, just to show your how much you mean to me" he replied with a sad smile

" I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to spill out your location but the devil said she's gonna send you to Hong Kong and I won't see you for twenty years...I couldn't take that, I spoke up...I'm so sorry Mich, I love you so much" she cried and Seth wiped her tears

" I love you Nora, it wasn't not your fault, it was bound to happen " he replied, rubbing her hair

" You must miss her so much, I'm so sorry" she said again

"Stop saying sorry" he replied and she looked at his room, it's as if earthquake just occurred in there, it's messy, then she looked back at his hand

"You're hurt badly" she said 

"Young master your hands treatment starts now" the doctor said, appearing by the door

Seth stood and left for the door. "Get your face off mine!" He said and shut his door hard on his face

He went back in and Nora hugged him

"I'll treat it for you, I have a kit in my room" she said.


Rowen's place**

" Hurray!!!!!" Mr Bills screamed as he entered the house, he looks too happy, Rowen spranged up anxiously

"Dad .... Did it..." He said slowly, taking slow steps to him

"!, It did!, Mr McCoy signed the contract!, I'm gonna be his partner from Monday!" He announced

" OMG dad!!!, Jackpot!, We finally hit jackpot!" Rowen screamed, hugging his dad

McCoy holdings is the largest in Washington, he has branches in fifteen more countries....he's freaking rich!, Though not more than Sophia but he's got connections more than her

"I'm so happy, I heard Sophia was willing to partner with him too but he choose me, whoa!, Let's eat out tonight" Mr Bills said

" I can't wait, I'll get dressed" he winked and rushed upstairs to his room, a call came in from Hardin

"Hey bastard" he picked fast

"Are you in for a shocker?" Hardin asked


" I know the Langford's heir, Michael" Hardin said

" Stop joking around" Rowen scoffed

" I'm in a sad mood right now so I'll just send you his picture on WhatsApp" Hardin replied and hung up

Almost immediately, a message popped up on his WhatsApp from him, it's a picture of Seth

"Seth?, The heir to Langford's conglomerates?, Oh no Hardin is drunk again" he laughed.

He typed a message and sent it to him.

*Quit drinking already, alcohol is not for you... airhead*

He laughed again after sending it . "Seth?, He should at least send someone more believable" he giggled, leaving the room.


The Langford's mansion**

"What!, McCoy partnered with Bills instead of me?" Sophia said shockingly

" Yes ma'am, I dunno his reason but he kept saying he can't partner with you" her secretary replied with a bow

Sophia hit her palms on her table angrily

"McCoy is taking me as a joke right now?, How can he ignore my large conglomerate for a smaller one like The Bills!" She yelled, breathing heavily

She drank from her cup and sat slowly. "Contact Bills" she ordered

"Will that be a good idea?, Mr Bills once asked for partnership with us but you declined" her secretary replied

" Just do as I said!, I have to persuade him to talk some sense into McCoy's brain" she breathed.


Three days later**

Washington; W hospitals**

The gentle batting of Sapphire's eyelids alerted Julia and she quickly stood

"I saw it right, it moved" she said and immediately, it moved again

"Sapphire!" She screamed and her eyes flew open, doctors rushed in and she excused them so she'll be checked

She stayed behind hopefully as she got checked for almost three minutes

"She's fully awake" Dr Woods said with a big smile and Julia rushed to her bed

Her eyes is fully open but she still looks so weak

"My baby" she said tearfully

"Mum" Sapphire whispered back faintly

"Oh my baby, she recognizes me..she does" Julia said happily and hugged her on the bed Immediately.

"Why is my boyfriend not here?" She asked and Julia disengaged from her

" You don't remember what happened?" She said before she could stop herself

"What happened?, Something happened?, Oh... something must have really happened, that's why I'm here" she said and got a sting in her head immediately, she held her head and sat up immediately

Sweat covered her face in a minute and she sniffed uncontrollably, her eyes remained wide opened

The chapter that got lost in her brain came back and her eyes widened....she removed the drip in her hand instantly

"No!!!!" She screamed, getting down from the bed

"Sapphire calm down" Julia said, holding her

" Where's my Seth?, Where did they take him to!' she yelled, her head hurts in the process and she almost passed out

"Sapphire don't do this to me, you're not entitled to shout right now please!" Julia said

" Bring back my boyfriend, I want to see my Mich!, I want to see him!" She screamed again, struggling with Julia

" Sapphire please, don't do this" Julia cried, holding with all her strength, she's damn strong

"Baby fire" Nadia's voice said from the door, she came in with Jacinthe and took her from Julia

"Nadia where's Seth?, Where's he?" She said, searching her eyes

" He'll be back" she replied

" Don't give me crap!, I wanna see Seth right now or I won't be okay!, Where's Seth!" She screamed

" He's the son of the great queen Sophia Langford..his real name is Michael Langford, he's the heir to Langford's conglomerates" Jacinthe said

" I don't care!!!!!, Just bring my Seth back....I want him badly!!* She screamed in tears..

*Miss, screaming will cause you a lot of harm" one of the doctors said

" Aarrggghhh!!!!" She screamed

" Sapphire I'm pleading" Julia begged as Sapphire tried to break free from Nadia too

The guys came in and she rushed to Hardin

"Where's my Seth?, I'm about to go crazy right now...I need to see him!!" she cried

Hardin hugged her but she broke it

" Where's Seth!!!!" She screamed again and her head spun,,

" Seth isn't available right now.. please stop screaming" Hardin said, looking at her pathetic pitiful state.

" This is for miss Sapphire Hunt" a man in suit said, entering the ward with an envelope

" What's it?" Clark asked, taking it from him, he left immediately

Sapphire snatched it from Clark and tore it open, it contains a note


She finished reading and took out the second thing in the envelope, it's an invitation.

A gorgeous expensive invitation the engagement party of Micheal Langford and Petra Brooke, coming up two weeks from now.

*I didn't send this invitation so you'd come, I sent it so you'd die*

Was written below the card

Both the card and the note fell from her hands immediately and she followed, passing out flatly on the ground.

"Oh no..... Sapphire!!" Julia screamed, bending beside her, he raised her up and almost lost her breath when Sapphire went limp 

"She's not breathing, she's not breathing!" She shouted and the doctors quickly took her from Julia, taking her to the bed again.

Julia was forced to go out with the rest while Sapphire got attended to

"The defibrillators" the doctor in charge said and it was handed to him

"50 joules, charge!" He said


He pressed the defibrillators on Sapphire's chest but no response.

"Please ... Save my daughter" Julian muttered, looking at the ward through the transparent glass.