Some days later**

New York; The Langford's mansion**

"Michael refused to come for breakfast again?, Is he trying to get himself killed or what?" Sophia said during breakfast

" Even Nora" Petra said 

" Are they both kidding me?" Sophia said and stood, she walked upstairs and made to open Seth's door but it won't open, it was locked from inside.

It has been that way since he came back, he won't come out or talk to anyone, Nora has been with him since them

"Michael!, Come out right now and eat something!" She shouted

" I'm scared, what if he he gets sick cos of hunger" Petra said 

" Michael!!!" Sophia yelled again but the door won't open, she lost patience and summoned the guards

"Break the door" she ordered and in just two minutes, the lock was broken and the door opened

Seth is in, sitting on his bed with his headphones on, Nora is sleeping beside him

"What do you think you're doing!" Sophia yelled, removing the headphones from his head

Seth folded his fist secretly and gave her a daring look

"Come downstairs now,you need to eat" Sophia ordered

" I'm not interested" he said, snatching the headphones from her, he made to wear it again but she took it and smashed it on the ground, the sound woke Nora

"Come Nora, you need to eat" Sophia said, taking her hand but she broke free

"Who said I'm interested in food?, Michael is not eating, there's no reason for me to eat" she said

" Nora stop this" Sophia said

" We stayed here cos we don't wanna see your annoying face, and now you came in by yourself just to show us?, Get out!' Nora yelled

"You're really chasing me?" Sophia said, smiling wickedly

"Just go!" Nora said hatefully

Sophia took her arm and dragged her up, trying to forcefully take her but Seth interfered and pushed Sophia away from her, Sophia fell and sprained her wrist

"Leave when I'm still nice" he said, meaning every word

Petra helped Sophia up and she smirked

"You'll really continue like this?" She said and smiled again before leaving the room

Nora hugged Seth tightly, feeling the flatness of his stomach

"You should eat" she said

"How am i supposed to have an appetite when my girlfriend is there in Washington, I can't see her I can't hear her voice, I can't do anything than missing her like crazy, how can I eat in a situation like this" he replied

" If you'll continue to be like this, then I won't eat till you eat" she said

*No, you can't do that, you need to continue eating for me" he said

"I don't want to!!, Your stomach is so flat as if there's not even a single intestine in there, you lost a lot of weight too Michael, please just eat even if it's hard,....look I think you should really eat, you need to show mum that you're ok, if you eat and talk to Petra, she might allow you to go out and have fun with her, then we can scheme how to make you escape" she said

Seth sighed, thinking about what she said when Carlos entered the room

"Carlos" Seth almost screamed, getting down from the bed

Carlos is Sophia's chief guard, he follows him everywhere and she sends him anywhere confidential, he has been in the Langford's mansion for over nineteen years so he knows everything about it

"You're really back" he said, stepping closer and closer till Seth hugged him 

" Where have you been?" Seth asked, hugging him tighter

" Germany, I had to do something confidential for the queen, I heard the news Immediately I came back" Carlos replied

" Carlos what do we do?, He has refused to eat, the only thing he eats is apples and not even full?ĺ apple" Nora said

" What?, Only apples?, Are you tryna murder yourself?" Carlos said, breaking the hug

" I can't just eat, I want to badly see Sapphire... Carlos do you know how heavy my heart is right now?, I miss her insanely I swear, I miss her" Seth said with teary eyes

" Still... starving yourself won't help" Carlos said

"Where's your phone?, I need to call right now, I know her line off hand" Seth said and Carlos brought out his phone

" It's dangerous, the calls of all the sixty guards in this mansion is being monitored by her, any call to Washington , Sophia will kill the guard" Carlos said

" Shit!" Seth said frustratedly

"Sixty.....what!" Nora said and shifted the curtain away from one side of the window, she stared out through the open space and truly, escape is impossible, the guards has been doubled, they're sixty like Carlos said

"Sophia!!!" She screamed and made to rush out but Carlos held her

"That won't help either, you both need to act like you're ok, eat and talk to Petra like she wanted, she might decide to be lenient and then we can make a move before the darn engagement" Carlos said and Seth sat on the bed dejectedly

" I don't want to talk to Petra,her sight irritates me" he muttered and Nora sat beside him

" You have to force yourself please" she said

"I have to go now" Carlos said when he heard footsteps approaching.

He left the room and wiped the little tear in his eyes.

Seeing them suffering like this is just so heartbreaking.

"I'm dying to tell you guys the secret but.... it'll only break your hearts more, I don't want to see you both crying and wailing....what should I do?" He asked himself .

" Carlos?" Sophia called and he looked up to see her getting accompanied out of her room with maids

"Yes queen" he bowed

"I told you I'll be meeting with Mr Bills today" she said

"Yes queen, I'm always ready" he said and Sophia sighed before moving, he followed beside.

He secretly looked at Sophia and sighed.

"I wonder how you sleep at night with all you've done... Sophia" he thought.


*Ireland; Dublin*** 

The beautiful mansion was designed with expensive golden mirrors, no other mansion like it in the whole of Dublin, it's expensive and heavily guarded.

It's the biggest in Dublin and one of the biggest in Ireland as a whole, but what made it stand out is the golden mirror designs, it's too beautiful. 

Owned by the rich business woman.... Karen Chad.

No one has ever seen her face, not even her maids and guards at home, she goes out with mask every time, the mask only leaves out her red lips and rumours said it's because her face was disfigured but it doesn't entirely make sense .

As an extra rich woman, taking care of a disfigured face will be a piece of cake so some think it's something more personal than a scar, she takes her mask off only In the privacy of her room.

She sat in the comfort of her living room, sipping wine slowly when one of her guards came with a tab which he handed to her.

"The information you told me to get ma'am" he said and she dismissed him before looking at the tab.

"She added queen to her name?" Karen muttered and smiled.

" Sophia, you're still the same, you haven't changed a bit.... Has it been eight years? i guess so" she said, sipping her wine again

She scrolled down the tab and laughed

"Her son's engagement with Petra Brooke comes up a week and two days from now?" She read and laughed more loudly.

" Oh no, Sophia you're surely crazy" she said and stopped laughing

" Your son?, How ridiculous, you must be having a lot of fun... Sophia, seeking fame by forcing him to get married to the girl all because of her parents richness, how greedy will you become, how much more!" She yelled and threw away the glass of wine, it broke on the ground.

She stood and the maids immediately started cleaning up the mess, she went to her room and stood in front of the mirror.

She slowly started taking off her mask till it was completely off, she smiled at her reflection but it was short.

She got serious and moved closer to the mirror, she touched her own reflection and smiled.

"Sophia, I think your time will be a flick. The engagement will be the first of it's's hightime you pay...for everything you did" she muttered hatefully.


*The Bills mansion, New York**

" I can't believe this!, She really came!" Rowen almost screamed when Sophia came down from her car in front of the house

"I told you she'd become humble didn't I?, Mr McCoy is in my favor right now so she'd want to act nice" Mr Bills said

" But....why is she doing all these?, She's rich already, the most successful woman in New York but...she's still after more money and fame?" Rowen said

" True definition of greediness" Mr Bills said and Rowen giggled .

The door opened and Sophia came in with her guards

"Oh queen Sophia, you're finally here" Mr Bills said and Rowen went to the dinning room where he watched them from

Sophia sat without replying.

"Heard you're obsessed with champagne, I'll tell the maids to serve you" Mr Bills said

" I'm not here to drink champagne, I'm here to talk bussiness" she replied strictly

" Oh" 

" I'm thinking of reconsidering your request for partnership with Langford's conglomerates" she said

" Why?" Cos Mr McCoy is now in my favour?" Mr Bills said without blinking.

" Well, ... Think what you like Mr Bills, I just made an offer" she replied and he stood

" You can take your leave right now, I'm not interested in partnering with you anymore" he said and started leaving

" We need to really talk.... Mr Bills" she said

"Then go straight to the point" he replied

" You should help me talk to Mr McCoy, what do you want in return?" She said

"Talk to Mr McCoy?, Ion think I can do that" he replied

"I just said I'll do anything you request for" Sophia said desperately.

" Then can you give me Langford's conglomerates?" Mr Bills Joked

" What!"

" Joking" he said and Sophia sighed

"Say something" she said

"I'll think about it...but while thinking about it, I want my son to come in and go out of your mansion without hitch" he said

" Why?"

" He has always been fascinated by it" Mr Bills replied and Rowen came out

" It's a pleasure to meet you in person queen Sophia" he bowed

" He seems like he's the age of my son" Sophia said

"he's nineteen" Mr Bills said

" Cool, you can come to my mansion anytime you like, I'll let you meet my son, try to be friends with him, he's lonely" she said

" I can't wait" Rowen said and Sophia smiled shortly before facing Mr Bills

"Don't let your thinking take forever" she said

"Sure" he smiled.


Next day, Washington**

Nadia brushed Sapphire's hair with a lot of care as she sat on the bed, the exams start today.

She got discharged just yesterday though her head still hurts a lot but she insisted on going for her exams, she hasn't talked to anyone, she didn't say a word since she got discharged, not even to her mum.

"Don't brush her wound please" Jacinthe said

"Sure" Nadia replied and dropped the brush

Jacinthe took one of her pills from the envelope and gave it to her, she took it and swallowed it with water before putting on her boots and stood, she made to carry her backpack but Nadia carried it

"Let's go I'll take it" she smiled and Sapphire led the way out of the room while they both followed.

Julia is waiting in front of the hostel already

"My baby" she said, hugging her tightly.

"She still won't talk to anyone" Jacinthe said

"You're all I have Sapphire, you need to talk to me at least, deciding not to talk is hurting me" Julia said, touching her face all-over

" You're so pretty, do you know that?" She said

Sapphire still didn't talk, she just stared as if she's mute, Julia hugged her again.

"I know you'll overcome this, I'm sure" she said, stroking her hair

" We need to go now" Nadia said, checking the time

"Ok baby, do your best in the exams and leave the rest ok?, I trust you* Julia smiled and kissed her forehead before releasing her.

Nadia and Jacinthe took both of her hands and left with her.

"Good Lord, please have mercy on me, bring back the old Sapphire" Julia prayed silently.



"She still won't talk?" Clark said, looking at Sapphire who's just sitting on her seat, staring into space while rubbing her necklace pendant

"I swear she refused to talk to anyone" Jacinthe replied and Hardin walked to her.

" Hey lady s" he waved but she only stared like he's a stranger

"This isn't the best yunno, talk to us" he said but still the same

" It's useless" he muttered and went back

"She won't talk no matter how hard you persuade" Nadia said

" Is it a week and one day to the engagement now?" Blaine said

" Sure" Jacinthe nodded

The examiners and supervisors came in immediately and they all settled down

"Let's all do well from this first paper to the last one" Hardin said

" Sure" they all chorused except Sapphire.


New York**

The Langford's mansion**

"Is it delicious?" Petra asked, sitting beside Seth happily, he's finally eating and Nora is right beside him

"Yes" he replied and ate another spoon

"I'm so glad!, My Micheal is finally eating" she chuckled and served him more

" Nora thanks for eating too, let's get along from now on" Petra said and Nora scowled at her

" Can you stop calling my name?" She said

"We'll be good soon" Petra winked.

She continued watching Seth eat and when she tried to touch his shoulder, he gave her an icy look and she withdrew her hand .

Sophia watched from the stairs, Carlos is beside her.

"Seems they're getting along" he said and Sophia smiled

" It doesn't seem like it, the look on his face doesn't say that, he's obviously still head over heels for that lowlife and I know what to do" Sophia said.

" I'm full" Seth said and went in

"Me too" Nora added and left too

"I love you Michael!" Petra said loudly

"Queen, Rowen Bills is here" a guard announced

" Oh, let him in" Sophia replied and the door opened to reveal Rowen wearing black on black , that made his red hair look outstanding, he's hot.

Petra's eyes widened and she swallowed hard.

"OMG he's cute!" 


Washington; The carats hostel**


Sapphire has been missing since an hour ago and the guys are still busy searching everywhere, no one even knew when she left the room and now she's nowhere to be found, her line is off too.

" Have you searched the lounge?, She goes there sometimes" Nadia asked.

" I'm just coming from there" Jacinthe replied

"Where else haven't we searched?" Hardin asked

"Nowhere" Clark replied

" Let's go to school and search the classes then, she might be inside one of them" Blaine suggested

" Sure" Nadia said and they set out to school.


Sapphire's eyes continued producing tears at her slightest blink as she sat on the mountain, watching the flower bed from there

Memories are here, cute memories of him, all she's seeing is his face, all she could perceive is his scent and all she's hearing in her ears is his sexy voice,he's all-over her head and it hurts

The thought that he's getting married a week and and some days from now is killing

She took the necklace pendant and kissed it for so long.

"Will you really marry her?, Will you leave me?, Please don't... I'll die" she cried 

" You told me you'll never leave...why breaking the promise right now" she cried, hiccuping loudly

" I love you so much Mich, I miss you, please come back to me, please" she lamented tearfully.

" I'm not in my right senses anymore I don't even know what I'm doing Seth, please come back before I go mental" she cried loudly.

She continued that till about past 10 before deciding to go back.

She walked weakly down the mountain and got on his bike...she has been riding it since he left.

She rubbed her hand on it and smiled, imagining him in front of her and her arms around his tummy.

"It hurts so much" she muttered and wiped her tears before driving off fast.

She has barely drove for three minutes when something blocked the bike and it stopped abruptly, making her fall off

"Ouch!" She winced, standing up with wounded elbows

She saw it was actually rope on the road. "Why is this here" she thought and got suspicious immediately... someone is definitely behind her.

She looked back swiftly and saw more than ten guys, they look like rookies.

"Who are you guys" she demanded 

"We'll answer with our fists" one of them replied and they all charged forward at once

She braced up despite her weakness and faced them boldly, they threw punches and kicks, some of them held sticks but she took care of them for the first three minutes

She avoided every kick and punch, throwing their bodies around , thrashing them mercilessly before she got hit in the head.

Her wounded head made a loud noise and she went on her knees, blood rushed out of her head Immediately

"Got you!' the one who hit the stick on her head laughed and made to hit it again but was stopped by a punch from the right... from Hardin

He flew to the other side of the road and the guys appeared fully.

"Sapphire!, Oh no she's bleeding!' Jacinthe said fearfully as Sapphire went unconscious

"Motherfuckers!" Hardin yelled and rushed to the rookies with Blaine and Clark.

Within three minutes, they brought them all down, making sure they're all bleeding before leaving them

"Let's get Sapphire to the hospital" Nadia said and Jacinthe called an ambulance

" I'll call the cops, these bastards must say the name of whoever they're working for" Hardin seethed.