Same day, W hospitals**

Sapphire fell asleep after a while and everyone except Hardin left the ward for a while.

Rowen left with Nadia while Blaine left with Jacinthe, Clark needed to get some sleep so he left too.

Rowen kept peeking at Nadia as they walked down the street together, she noticed but pretended like she didn't.

Rowen dipped his hands into his pants pocket as he walked, not knowing how to start an healthy conversation.

Nadia suddenly stopped and faced him.

"You really don't have anything to say to me?" She said 

"Why would I have something to say to you* he replied and Nadia scoffed.

"Ok, I'll just take my leave then" she said and started leaving but Rowen rushed to her, he pulled her hand and drew her back to himself, he hugged her tightly.

"I love your perfume" he said, touching her hair gently.

"Is that all you have to say? " She said, smiling as she hugged him back.

"It might sound strange cos we weren't on good terms when I left but... I missed you somehow" he said he she smiled.

" Well I didn't" she said

" It's not a must, i just said my mind" he replied, breaking the hug.

" You said no hug for me earlier" she said, trying to sound stern

"I was acting" he replied

"You said we're fighting too" she said.

"I was joking, can't you tell jokes apart?" He said and she laughed.

"You changed a lot" she said

" You too" he replied.

" Really? "

" Yeah, you became more pretty and.... " He said

" And what? " She asked curiously.

"Later" he winked and her heart skipped beats.

" Let's go eat together, I'm so hungry" he said

" Should we go to my room?, I can cook pretty well" she said

" Really?, Then let's do that" he replied and they smiled at each other before continuing the walk.


New York**

The Bills mansion**

Mr Bills stopped work on his laptop when a call rang on his phone from Sophia, he stood and picked.

"And what the hell is taking you so long!, Talking to Mr McCoy should be just a piece of cake! " She yelled.

" Yelling is not allowed Sophia" he replied calmly.

" Sophia?, How dare you address me ordinarily, I'm a queen" she replied.

" Queen?, Oh I guess I forgot" he replied.

" Forgot?, Huh? " She said shockingly.

" Talking to Mr McCoy is a piece of cake but making him agree to partner with you is a piece of rock" he replied and Sophia sighed.

" I'm giving you three more days, if you fail me Mr Bills, you know what I can do" she said.

" Am I supposed to make a list of that?" He replied.

Sophia hung up and he laughed before dialling McCoy's number.

"Hey Bills" McCoy laughed 

"I just finished talking to her, she's making something like a threat" Mr Bills said

" I knew it, I can't have anything to do with her, just keep playing, I want her to get angry, I'm looking forward to what she's gonna do" Mr McCoy said.

" Sure " Mr Bills replied and hung up.

He dropped his phone and rested his palms on the table.

"Sophia Langford, how far are you gonna go?, Just to get more wealth and influence, you have to force your only son into marrying a slut?, Unbelievable!, She changed so much since Mr Langford's death".


The Langford's mansion**

Seth is sitting on the bare ground in his room, still crying so much and so is Nora, she has almost lost her voice as a result of crying so loud.

She held the teddy Carlos gave to her, clutching it tightly to herself.

"Why must you leave us so early, I miss you so much already" she cried loudly again, remembering his smiles and how he laughs so heartily.

This same man will always keep her company when Michael wasn't around.

This same man helped her get to Micheal in WSU.

This same man has been the cruelest way ever.

She cried more as she remembered everything and hugged the teddy tighter.

Seth walked to her and hugged her, he's still crying too.

He didn't say a work, he just kept hugging her and they cried on each other's shoulders for almost five minutes before he released her, he entered the bathroom immediately.

Nora kept rubbing her hands on the teddy and she can't help but notice a part of it is bulgy as if someone is inside of it.

She rubbed that part again and decided to ignore it.

She hugged it again and continued crying.



W hospitals, night**

Sapphire was eating dinner when Seth's call rang on her phone, she dropped her spoon and quickly picked with a smile but her smile vanished when she saw his face.

"Hey.... what's... wrong?" She asked slowly.

"Nothing" he smiled but it's fake.

"Your eyes are red, even your face and you're telling me nothing's wrong? ' she said and Seth wiped his face with his palm.

"Carlos.... Is dead" he replied.

*What!, Why would he... What .. " she said in shock.

" He was murdered, someone set his house on fire, he got burnt together with it" he replied and Sapphire covered her mouth so she won't shout, her eyes widened in more shock.

"Who the hell could have done that, what did he do to deserve that" she said.

"I honestly don't know" he replied.

" You must have been so sad, I'm so sorry" she said, shifting her food away from herself.

" What are you doing?" He said

"I lost appetite" she replied.

"You can't... Eat now... You've barely touched it" he said

" How can I eat when....

"I'm ok so you should eat, please" he said


"Please, I'm pleading" he interrupted and she took the plate again, she started eating slowly .

"How's your head faring?" He asked.

"It's healing fast, it's not as painful as it was when I woke up" she replied.

" Are you taking your drugs? " He asked

" Yes, trust me" she smiled and he smiled lightly.

" Winter break starts after exams tommorow" he said

"Yes, the guys will be done with their exams tomorrow but I'm gonna write all the four I missed tommorow" she replied.

" That'd be too hard, don't be too hard on yourself" he said

"It's nothing, you know I can do it, I've been reading since the beginning of the semester just like you, it's hightime it pays off" she replied.

" That's true, you'd do well, I trust you pretty" he said and she smiled.

" Seth" she said.

" Hmm" 

" You know I can't live without you right?, And you know I love you" she said and he smiled.

" Yes, and it's same here baby" he said and she smiled.

She ate many spoons of her food and he watched patiently.

"I haven't heard of madam Julia" he said

"Mum?, She's not aware that I'm in the hospital" she replied.

" Really?"

" Yes, we talked on phone earlier,my friends has been lying to her that I've been extra busy so I played along" she replied

" It's the best, it won't be cool if she started worrying" he nodded.

" You won't eat?" She asked.

" Maybe when I have an appetite" he replied.

"You must" she said

" Ok boss" he smiled

" The guys are all having fun right now, too bad I can't join them, doctor Woods won't allow me to step out of here till tommorow" she said

" He's such a nice person, so are you the only one who's gonna sleep in the ward?" He asked

" No, Jacinthe and Nadia will come soon" she replied

" Thanks for forgiving Nadia" he said

" She'll always remain my first bestie, Jacinthe is the second" she replied.

" Lay down, I wanna see you sleep" he said and she did that, placing the phone on the bed.

" I love you, goodnight" he said.

"I love you... goodnight" she smiled then closed her eyes but suddenly heard movements by the door, she looked back but found no one.

"Thought it's the girls" she said and closed her eyes afterwards, it didn't take long before she slept off.

Seth stayed awake all night, caressing her face on the screen and staring at it.

He didn't feel sleepy till daybreak,he watched her sleep and that made him happy a lot.


Next day ... (Four days to the engagement)**

A bar**

"To everyone for finishing their exams successfully!" Clark said loudly, raising his cup of soda.

"To us" everyone replied and they clinked their glasses before drinking.

"Sapphire you're something else, writing four exams all in a day consecutively isn't easy" Jacinthe said

" It's good to read ahead, it was easy, and I'm sure everyone else did well too" she replied.

" Of course, I'm expecting A's" Nadia said

" Same here" Jacinthe said

" Same here" Hardin and Blaine chorused.

Clark kept looking at his cup of soda, smiling as he did

"What's wrong?" Rowen asked.

"This rings a bell" Clark replied

Hardin and Blaine got it immediately and started laughing.

"Rowen was like; pick up the ball" Hardin said

" Pick the ball then you can get your keys" Blaine laughed

"Stop" Rowen said, drinking from his cup

" And in the next minute came a loud crashing sound" Clark said

"The soda bottle went crassshhhhhhhh!!!, All on Rowen's head, Blaine said and everyone laughed.

"You guys are frustrating" Rowen said, feeling embarrassed.

"I wonder how your brain is still intact after that" Sapphire whispered beside him and he glared at her 

" Stop talking!" He said loudly and that only made them laugh more loudly.

"So the winter break starts today, who's travelling?" Nadia asked.

" I'm going back to New York tommorow" Rowen said

" We're going with you, we promised to spend winter break with you remember?" Hardin said.

" Sure, so what about you girls?" Rowen asked.

" I'd love to go too" Nadia said

" Me too, it doesn't sound bad" Jacinthe replied and they all faced Sapphire.

" What?" She asked.

"You aren't going to New York with us tomorrow?" Rowen asked.

" Ion think so, I can't leave mum" she replied.

"Mum's pet, I guess we'll see when winter break ends, I'll miss you" Clark said

" Nosy guy" she said and Clark laughed.

" Engagement is four days to come, Seth will be back that same day, he'll come back to you" Rowen said.

" How?" Everyone asked.

" Handsome son of handsome Mr Bills will handle it" he smiled.


New York, next day**

(Three days to engagement)**

Petra entered Sophia's room and met her sitting in front of her dresser, wearing lipstick on her lips.

She stopped it when Petra came in. "I detected nothing, no secret conversations" she said

" Really?" Sophia said, standing up to face her

"Yes queen" Petra replied.

"Then the intern at the hospital, was he lying?, He said they do communicate" Sophia said

" Then maybe he communicates with her in his dressing room, but how did he get a phone" Petra said 

" Rowen?" Sapphire said suspiciously

" queen, he was always thoroughly searched before he'd be allowed in, and he's not that close to Mich, Michael rarely talks to him" Petra said.

"Then how did he get a phone" 

"Maybe one of the guards" Petra said and Sophia smiled.

" I know what to do, I need to get rid of her for real this time" she said, facing Petra.

" Michael Langford will be yours on Sunday, Karen Chad will be attending" she said

" Really?" Petra smiled

" Sure" Sophia replied, stroking Petra's hair before hugging her.

"The day I've always waited for is finally coming, Langford's conglomerates will totally be mine, ours...that brat will be out of the way before the end of today" Sophia smiled.


The Bills mansion**

"OMG!!, Rowen is rich!" Jacinthe screamed when the guys finally arrived.

" You think I'm a poor guy before?" Rowen grinned.

" This is different from the one we met you at the last time we came" Hardin said

"We got richer so we changed" he winked and opened the door.

"My jeez!, Your dad should go for presidency" Clark said

" If you guys are like this just at the sight of this house, how'll you guys behave when you get to the Langford's mansion" he replied

"You've gone there before?" Nadia asked, looking shocked.

"I visit it everyday before I came to Washington" he replied

" Meaning you've been meeting Seth" Jacinthe said.

"Sure, dad made a deal with queen Sophia so....the rest is story" he replied

" You guys don't seem surprised" Nadia said

" Cos he has told us"Blaine said

"Unfair" Nadia said and Rowen giggled.

He showed them around the big house and when they were done, they choose rooms.

Jacinthe will share a room with Nadia while all the guys insisted on staying in Rowen's room despite the fact that there are many other rooms.

"A friend is coming too, Roger" Rowen said

" You met him in school" Hardin said

"No, he's a final year high schooler" he replied

" gist us about the Langford's mansion" Jacinthe said.

Nadia got herself a cup of apple juice from the freezer

"It's more beautiful than the white house, more magnificent, big and smells money, the diamond designs are real, it's just like paradise, more than sixty guards, numerous maids and cleaners, more than hundred rooms" he replied.

" whoa!" Nadia said"

"But Petra Brooke, Seth's supposed bride, is a bich" he said

" Huh?, You didn't tell us that" Clark said

" Well you're hearing it now, she tried to seduce me into f*cking her, she even told me to tear her up with my rod" he said

" So?" Hardin said

" I did" he replied and Nadia choked on her drink.

"Are you ok?" Jacinthe asked.

"Of course" she replied and stood, she ran upstairs.

"Why did you do that" Blaine said

"To see her reaction...I didn't f*ck anyone" Rowen replied and everyone laughed.



Sapphire got to the main road with her bag and smiled as she brought out her phone.

She's going home already, it took a lot of time packing her stuffs though she only packed a small bag but it's still stressful.

"I've become lazy" she smiled and checked the time.

"7pm on the dot" she said and her mum's call rang on her phone immediately.

" Hey momma!" She smiled

"Hey daughter!, I'm still waiting, I made you a special meal, can't wait to see you again please come fast" 

" I'm about to enter the cab" she replied, stopping a cab.

Suddenly she started hearing struggles from the other end.

"Who are you guys?, How did you get in?, Let me go!, No!!!, Let me go!!" Julia screamed.

" Mum?, Mum?, Mum!' Sapphire called but no answer came.

She hung up and called again but no one is picking.

Her heart got stuck in her throat as she quickly entered the cab.

She told the driver her address and luckily he drove fast though she kept urging him

She got home and even forgot to take her bag before rushing in.

The door is widely opened, there's food on the dinning table, the food Julia prepared for her but Julia herself is nowhere to be found.

"Mum!, Mum!, Mum!!!" She screamed, running around for any sign of her but it's futile.

She dialled her line again and it rang on the floor, her phone was lying on the floor, staring at her..

She picked it slowly with shaky hands.

"Mum...." She said shakily and her phone rang immediately, a video call

She picked fearfully and her eyes widened. Her mum was tied to a chair, her mouth was gagged and a gun was pointed directly at her forehead.

"Mum!!!" She cried.

"If you do the needful, you might be lucky to see her alive again" a voice said

" Bastard!, What do you want from me!!!, Why don't you face me instead!!!, If yo you touch a strand of hair on her head I'll kill you!!" She screamed in tears

" Yes, that's more like Sapphire Hunt, but fierceness doesn't help here" the voice replied and made to pull the trigger.

"No!!!!!!!" She screamed.

"Are you ready to corporate or you'd rather lose the mum you love so much?"

" What should I do?, Don't touch my mum, don't touch her please!" She replied, crying so much.

" You still contact Michael Langford right?, Contact him right now and break up with him as naturally as you can, you can just tell him you're tired of him, break up with him right now, that's the only way to save your mum" the voice said and made to pull the trigger again.

"Don't kill my mum !!!, Don't shoot that gun please!!!" She cried loudly again, falling on the ground

" Then you have just three minutes to make the decision, your mum's life or your so-called boyfriend, I'm watching you right now" the voice said and hung up, the video ended.

" Mum!!!, Mum!!!!!" She screamed again, rolling on the ground.