Spphire cried for almost a minute before remembering she was given only three minutes.

One minute gone, she's left with two right now.

"I can't lose mum, I can't" she said and stood, she dialled Seth's line fast and when he picked, she sucked a breath and released tears from her eyes.

"Pretty" Seth said and she only cried more.

" Are you ok?, Sapphire" he asked. I

"Seth" she said, trying hard to hide the fact that she's crying but she's not that good, he detected.

"You're crying, why? Talk to me" he said hastily.

" Let's break up" she said 

" What are you saying" Seth said, it's obvious in his voice that he doesn't believe.

" I just got tired of everything" she said


"Having to undergo so much pains because of you, I hate it, I can't continue risking my life because of love so I'm breaking up with you right now, forget about me and get yourself a new girl, I hate you for making me pass through pains Seth, I hate you" she said and hung up without waiting for his answer.

The strange number called again and she picked fast.

"Good job, you did the right thing" the voice said.

"Where's my mum!" She demanded.

" Come to the hills in the woods not so far from your house" the voice replied and hung up

Sapphire dashed out of the house and ran all the way to the hills.

It took just ten minutes run before she got there.

"Mum!" She screamed, running around

"Mum!' she screamed repeatedly.

" Mum!"

" Sapp..hire" Julia's voice came from the other end.

She ran there fast and couldn't find her.

"Mum!" She called

"Sapphire!" Julia's voice said at the edge of the cliff and she walked slowly to the edge.

Julia is hanging down the edge of the cliff, she's only holding the weak root of a tree for support and there's blood on her arm.

"Mum!!" Sapphire screamed in horror.

No chance of survival if she falls, anyone will freeze till death in the cold water after three minutes.

"Sapphire you need to leave" Julia said and the root moved, she almost fell.

" No, how can I possibly leave you here" Sapphire replied and lay on the hill, she pointed her arm to Julia.

"Grab my hand" she said quickly.

"Sapphire just leave already!" Julia screamed in tears. The root she's holding moved again, just a little bit and she'll fall.

"Mum Please!, Grab my hand I can't lose you, not after losing Seth!" She screamed in tears too.

" Sapphire..." Julia whispered, looking at her eyes dearly.

" Mum fast" she replied and Julia raised her second hand, Sapphire grabbed it and she let go of the root she was holding, it fell immediately.

Julia held tightly to Sapphire and Sapphire pulled with all her strength. Julia supported her legs with the small stones, it kept falling but Sapphire pulled her tightly.

"I'll save you no matter what mum, you ain't leaving me" she said and continued pulling.

Julia's blouse became more and more wet from the blood dripping from her arm.

Sapphire took a deep breath before pulling her up finally. 

"Mum" she sniffed sorrowfully

"My baby" Julia smiled tearfully.

Sapphire hugged her tightly. 

"Mum I love you a lot" she said, tightening the hug

"I love you more daughter, I love you" Julia replied and Sapphire felt the blood on her blouse. She broke the hug and looked at it, her eyes widened when she saw the wound on her arm

"It's a gunshot wound" Julia said 

"You were shot?" Sapphire gasped.

" Yes, they're Sophia's men right?" Julia said and Sapphire nodded.

" We need to get you to the hospital right now" she said and helped Julia up

Her phone rang and she brought it out to see the strange number again.

"You're stronger than I thought, to be able to save your mum from the edge of that cliff, whoa! , Just like you've been described" the voice said.

" How dare you shoot my mum" she replied.

"Oh, maybe I just wanted to warn must throw away that phone right now, and don't ever contact Michael anymore"

" Why should I throw away my phone why!!" She screamed .

"I'm watching you on top of the hill right now, want me to plant another bullet on your mother's head?"

" Sophia, I know she's behind you guys, how can you guys do this to us" she said and immediately, a loud gunshot sounded, the bullet hit her arm.

"Ahh!" She whispered

"Sapphire!" Julia screamed as Sapphire grabbed her shot arm which started bleeding immediately.

"Are you ready to throw the phone away and be free now or should I shoot another bullet on both of your heads?" The voice asked.

Sapphire looked at the phone then at her mum

She faced the edge and threw it away.

"Let's go mum" she said.

"Your arm" Julia said

"You got shot too and you're fine, I'm fine so let's get to the hospital" she replied and held Julia's arm, she started climbing down the hill with her.


New York**.

The phone fell from Seth after receiving the call, he stood motionless for almost ten minutes, feeling lifeless already before snapping out of it.

"No!!!!!!" He screamed tearfully.

"No, she can't do that, she loves me, she loves me so much, she does" he cried, remembering the words she said.

" Sapphire can't do this, it's not her, it's not!!!!" He screamed and got his phone

She started trying her line but it's unavailable.

"No can it not be available" he said and tried again with shaky hands, his tears falling on the phone screen repeatedly as he tried but it's still unavailable no matter how many times he tries it.

"Sapphire!!!!" He screamed and fell on the bed, almost passing out.

He dipped his face in the pillow and when he raised his face, the pillow is already soaked with tears.

He got his phone again and sat on the ground, he kept trying her line every minute without relenting and after about close to fifty, he threw away the phone and raised his knees to bury his face in it , crying like a baby.

"Seth" Nora said, rushing into the room.

He won't look up, he continued crying so loudly.

She knelt beside him and tried to force him to look up but he won't.

"Micheal do you want me to cry too?" She said and waited for a while.

He slowly raised his head and Nora's eyes widened.

His face is wet with tears and his eyes are red like fire.

"Hey what's wrong?, Tell me everything please" she said and he hiccuped.

" Calm down Mich, just calm down first then tell me what the problem is, is it about Sapphire?" She asked patiently.

" She broke up with me" he replied and Nora couldn't hide her shock either.

" Breakup? " She said shockingly.

"Yes, she really broke up trust me, she broke up" he cried.

"Suddenly?, You both still talked this afternoon if I can still remember" Nora said

" Yes, we even talked two hours ago and she told me she's already on her way home, Nora she told me she loves me, she told me that close to six times before she hung up only for her to call an hour later to tell me she's breaking up, Nora it can't happen, she has become a big part of me that I can't live without, I feel like dying" he said seriously.

" Calm down no one is dying, this situation only means she was threatened" Nora said.

" She was crying so much when she was telling me" he replied

"I knew it, she was threatened but for her to accept, she must have been threatened with something big" Nora said.

" Madam Julia" Seth whispered.

" Who's that?"

"Her mum" 

"Sophia...." Nora muttered and stormed out of the room.

She opened Sophia's door and went in. Sophia was sitting on her bed, about to lay down and sleep.

"How far are you gonna go" she said

"What are you talking about" 

"Why do you have to go as far as threatening Sapphire with her mum!" She yelled.

Sophia smiled and stood then faced her.

" Can't believe my daughter is taking sides with a stranger instead of me" she said

" Sapphire is not a stranger" she replied.

Suddenly they heard loud screams from outside and they both rushed out of the room only to see Seth with a kitchen knife on his neck.

"What do you think you're doing!" Sophia yelled

"I'm gonna kill myself if you don't allow me to leave this house tonight, I can't stay here any longer" he said

" Take that knife off your neck" Sophia said and Seth smirked.

" Let me out of this house!, It's suffocating! " he yelled loudly.

" No you can't do that Seth, Please" Nora said.

"Feel free to kill yourself" Sophia said and sat on the couch.

*What!' Nora said shockingly

Seth's eyes widened as he watched this devil in front of her.

"Did that just come out from your mouth?" Nora said

"It's his choice " Sophia replied and Seth started walking to her.

"Michael no" Nora said but he won't stop till he got to Sophia.

Before the guards could make a move, he already shoved the knife into Sophia's arm.

"Aarrgh!!!!" Sophia screamed.


A day to the wedding**

W hospitals... Washington**

"I'm glad you both are now ok, but if you don't mind, how did it happen?" Dr Woods asked as Sapphire prepared to go home with Julia

They've been in the hospital since the incident.

"It's personal" Julia replied

"It's strange, how come you both get shot on the right arm" Dr Woods said suspiciously.

" Thanks for saving us Dr, we'll take out leave" Sapphire said and left the hospital with Julia, avoiding more questions.

Ivy came to take them home in Julia's car and when they got home, Sapphire entered her room immediately.

"She's surely going there to cry, I think she was threatened to break up with Seth during my kidnap" Julia said.

" Sophia" Ivy said

" I pity my daughter, her love life is the most complicated I've ever seen" Julia sobbed

" It's fine, I just hope everything bounces back to normal someday" Ivy said and the opening of the door interrupted them.

Mr McCoy came in straight.

"Boss" Julia said surprisingly, standing up with Ivy

"Julia, Ivy told me you travelled when you didn't show up at work but I know you're not someone who'll do anything without giving me a heads-up, Dr Woods informed me" he said, holding Sophia's arms, staring at the bandage.

"I'm sorry for lying, I just didn't want you to worry" she replied and he smiled before hugging her, taking her by surprise.

"Everything will be fine by tommorow, where's your daughter?' he asked after breaking the hug.

"She's in, she'd surely be crying her eyes out, they love each other so much" she replied.

" Sophia Langford, tomorrow's engagement will tell" Mr McCoy said

" Boss ion understand" Ivy said.

"Wait patiently till tommorow, the real owner of Langford's mansion will show up" he replied with a sure smile.


New York**

Evening, The Bills mansion**

"I wasn't allowed into the mansion anymore, ion know why" Rowen said sadly.

" Then how would we know the road they're taking to the engagement tommorow, we should inform the gangsters about that first" Hardin said

" I think it's because dad failed her, dad wasn't able to convince Mr McCoy, and she threatened that after the engagement she'd teach him a lesson" Rowen said

" That evil woman" Clark said.

" But she was wounded, her arm was bandaged" Rowen said.

" Could it be Seth?" Blaine asked

"Who else?" Rowen said.

"Is Sapphire's line still not available?" Clark asked

" Yes, but I called her mum and she told me she's fine" Nadia replied.

" No matter how hard I think about it, something isn't right" Rowen said.


Seven Stars hotel, New York**

Karen finished picking the dress she'd be wearing to tomorrow's engagement and sighed.

She has been in New York since three days ago, just to prepare enough for the engagement.

She looked at her finger and smiled at the ring....the one her loving husband gave her on their wedding.

"Jake Langford, I miss you.." she smiled and kissed it.

She walked to the mirror and checked herself out with a wide smile.

"Sonia, it's hightime I take back my name and rights.... and my babies" she smiled.


Next day.... D-Day**

The Langford's mansion**

Seth has not even the slightest smile on his face as he got dressed for.

His white shirt was put on for him first before the tie then the suit and his shoes.

His hairstyle was changed into whatever Sophia likes then he was sprayed, his face was taken care of and without minding if he looks gorgeous or not, (who cares anyways?)He stood and walked out of the dressing room with guards .

Nora was just entering his room, they exchanged no smilies as he walked out of the room.

She held his hand and he looked back at her expressionlessly. She released him.

He walked out in the company of the guards.

Petra and Sophia left earlier though.

Nora adjusted her gown and felt like tearing it off but she cried instead, she saw her teddy and went for it.

She took it and hugged it.

"I know if you're still alive right now Carlos, this wouldn't be happening" she whispered and closed her eyes.

She felt the bulge In the teddy on her stomach and opened her eyes, she pressed the bulge and felt strange.

"Teddies don't get stuffed with things like this, what's this" she wondered and got more curious.

She continued pressing it and the bulge became even more obvious, increasing her curiousness.

She got a razor from the kit and sighed.

"I'm sorry Carlos, I promise to sew it back" she said and tore it open slowly.

Surprisingly a flashdrive, a voice recorder and a note is inside.

In her shocked state, she picked the note.

*Nora, if you're seeing this right now.... please watch the video on the flashdrive and listen to the voice recorder, fast please*

She threw down the note and rushed to her room where she inserted the drive into her laptop.

She played the only video on it and her eyes widened together with her mouth.

Two women are struggling with each other. One is holding a knife, trying to stab the other one while the other one kept struggling.

But the most confusing thing is that, they're the same person....the two are her mum.... Sophia.

Not long after that, the one with the knife succeeded in stabbing the other woman and she gasped for breath, the one with the knife stabbed her again and again more than six times till her eyes went shut.

Nora was already crying when another scene came up, the killer threw the one she killed Into a river.

Nora covered her mouth in total shock and almost screamed but she's still confused so she pressed play on the recorder and Carlos spoke.

"Your mum is a twin, ion know how it happened but no one is aware, not even your dad or me, shes the only one aware of it. 

" But a week after your dad's death, you can remember your mum travelled to The Philippines right?, She went there to meet her twin without taking me along, she went alone and came back after a week after which she changed totally".

It got everyone wondering but on a fateful day, I was on an errand for madam when a woman met me, she introduced herself as Sonia's friend, I asked her who's Sonia and she told me my boss's twin, I was confused at first but when she explained everything, I got to understand the change in behavior is not ordinary, there's also a change in person.

"They were so identical that there's no single difference, Sonia knowingly invited Sophia over after her husband's death just to kill her and take over everything, the one acting like a mum is Sonia,... Nora you need to tell Michael about this as soon as possible, I'm sure she'd want to kill you guys after she might have achieved everything..."

Nora couldn't wait to listen to the rest, she removed the flashdrive and took the recorder before rushing out of the room.


Engagement party**

Seth and Petra walked in with her arm hanged on his own, everyone clapped and watched with admiration as they made their entry.

Sophia was smiling happily, she's the happiest here today.

The hall was guarded by over hundred guards so there won't be any break in.

Petra's parents are sitting beside her, smiling widely too.

Seth's mind is not here at all, his legs are walking but his mind is somewhere else .

He was locked in for two days after stabbing Sophia and when he came out, he lost all hope and right now, he feels powerless.

He got to the front with Petra and the clapping doubled as she picked her cup of wine.

She had to tap lost Seth to pick his own.

Everyone stood as they were about to drink but a shoe flew in from the door and hit Seth's cup, it fell and shattered on the ground, leaving everyone in shock

They all faced the door to see Nora running in with only a shoe on her left leg.

"Killer!!!, You're not Sophia!!!" She screamed and Sonia stood shockingly. 

" What's the talking about" she said.

"Still wanna deny?" Another voice said from the second door and all attention turned there, Karen is standing there, masked as usual.

👥 Karen Chad

👥 Whoa!, She came

👥 Can't believe this

👥 OMG!

Karen stood there for some seconds and Nora came forward.

"Your game ends here Sonia" she said

Karen walked in and Immediately she got to Sophia, she took off her mask and mouths went agape.

Right in front of everyone is another Sophia.

"S...s..sophia" Sophia stammered shockingly.

"Sonia, surprised?" Karen smiled.