Chapter: 12

"I don't really want Aizen to see this… But, oh well. Not everything can be hidden." Gin shrugged his shoulders and bent down, lowering his centre of gravity, his hands and feet turned pitch black as he stared ahead with a smirk.

Both Yoruichi and Urahara hurriedly took their fighting stance.

"—!?" Instinctively, Urahara put his sword in front of his chest. The ground cracked and Gin vanished. The sound of a sound barrier breaking was heard before, with a blink, Urahara vanished; turning into a straight meteor, he was launched into the air at 45 degrees.

Yoruichi's eyes widened, too late to register what had just happened as Gin spun. His leg cut through the air, producing a loud shrill due to the friction, as she crossed her hands in front of her face. Once again, the sound of the sound barrier shattering resounded, and Yoruichi vanished in the same direction as Urahara, leaving behind nought but a long trail behind.

Placing both his feet back on the ground, Gin took a deep breath. The ground below him shattered as if hit by a meteor and Gin was launched, by pure strength, into the air; following Yoruichi and Urahara.

It was as if three jets were flying above in the air, but people could neither see the jet nor the reason for this swirling sound of friction and the object.

"Hahaha… I would rather not get hit by such a punch directly." With a nervous laugh, Urahara stared down at his hand which was trembling continuously, and looking at how he easily travelled some dozen miles, he understood that if he took the punch head-on, he really won't come out in one piece.

"You think so?" Yoruichi, who also stopped just beside him, looked towards him; her voice dripping with sarcasm as she stared at her hand barely hanging there. If she hadn't activated Shunko timely, she might have been missing her arms right now. The thought alone sent shivers down her spine.


Yoruichi's pupils shrunk to the size of a needle as she hurriedly spun and threw a punch upward, towards the dark kick that, like an axe, was threatening to split her apart into two.

"GONG" A weird sound was produced, bursting away everything around Gin and Yoruichi, showing the might behind both of their attacks. It would be no exaggeration to say that if this attack had hit the ground, then there would have been an earthquake for a dozen miles or so!

Blood started to drip out of her nose and her gums, as she gritted her teeth hard. Finally, just when her body couldn't take it any longer and be on the brink of losing, Urahara intervened.

[Kamisori, Benihime]

A crimson arc of red energy flew towards Gin at an unprecedented rate. But Gin already seemed to know before Urahara even slashed, evident by his action as how he had already disengaged with Yoruichi before he even slashed.

This made Urahara's eyes widen and stared at Gin with a confused expression. He was certain that the attack should have hit Gin or at least made him dodge in a weird position, yet everything seemed to flow with such fluidity that it felt like the whole fight was nothing but them acting and dancing on a manuscript.

"Wfu~ That was close." Gin smirked and looked towards Urahara and Yoruichi. "Better come at me with everything you got. I won't be merciful. After all… we are enemies."

"Dammit! I really should have gotten my gauntlets!" Yoruichi grumbled as her sleeves were blown away, an electric Kido filling her surroundings. She had fully activated Shunko!

"How troublesome…" Urahara sighed before taking a battle stance. He also wasn't going to hold back any longer!


"He really is enjoying his time." Staring in the distance, towards where he could feel the crash of three Reiatsu, Yammy muttered with a bored tone.

He also wanted a fight! Sadly, there wasn't anyone left to fight with him. Everyone was already occupied.

"..." Ulquiorra stood beside him, also not fighting, as he stared in a completely different direction than Yammy. Instead, he stared towards the black-clothed Shinigami waving a black katana and the orange-haired girl who was healing those injured.

One look at her power and he already deduced that this was the person Gin was talking about before.

'How weird.' Of course. It was no hidden truth that Ulquiorra didn't understand human emotions. So for him to feel interested in someone, he showed it by making a hole in their body, at the same place where he has one.

How noble of him… Anyway, looking towards Ichigo, Ulquiorra felt disappointed. He didn't understand why Aizen felt interested in him.

He was just like everyone else. A Shinigami. Yes. Slightly unique maybe but not by much. It really was confusing.

"Fue~ It really is an interesting ability. I wonder how well it will go against our Hierro."

Ulquiorra looked towards Gin, deep in thought.

"Something is weird!" Yoruichi grumbled with frustration. This whole fight, from start to end, was weird as fuck to her. And this was annoying her!

"... This really is a troublesome ability." Urahara looked towards the grinning Gin and said.

"What is it?" Yoruichi asked with impatience, giving Urahara a glare. Was this really a time to play mysterious?

"Ichimaru-san…" Instead of answering her, Urahara addressed Gin and asked with slight nervousness. "When did you start to see the future now? Is it also something you have developed? Mind telling me how?"

Gin chuckled. He looked into Urahara's eyes and said.

"Actually, teaching it isn't impossible."

Urahara's eyes widened. He had only asked it jokingly but to hear Gin saying that it was possible to teach it to others, he really couldn't help but feel excited. His scientific side screamed to learn how Gin was able to create such a miraculous Kido that allowed him to peek into the future itself!

"But of course I'm not teaching it." Gin answered, putting water over Urahara's excitement. "Oh! But if Princess Yoruichi wants, as long as she is willing to extend our contract, I'm willing to teach it to you. After all, I'll make sure to make you mine during that time."

For someone like Gin who has lived for centuries, of course he wasn't going to mince his words when it came to things he wanted.

And it was the same when he was interested in someone. There was no veil in his words.

"Oh! But as long as you are willing to trade anything with equivalent value, I don't mind teaching it to you too, Urahara-san."

"And what is this something that you think is of equivalent value?"

"The knowledge about the creation of Hogyoku!" Gin smirked greedily. "As long as you are willing to trade it, I will not mind giving you the knowledge about the ability to see into the future."

"I would have to decline then."  Urahara shook his head, much to Gin's disappointment. He gave him a serious expression and said. "I don't want to make another mistake."

"Is that so?" Gin's smile conceded a little as he sighed. "What a disappointment, really. Guess I'll have to use some other methods then."

Urahara and Yoruichi frowned.

"Are you also after Hogyoku?"

"Me? Of course not." Gin smirked. "Why would I be going after something that is already mine?"

"What are you—"

"Enough talk." He cut Urahara midway, who had an expression of impatience. His hand reached for the handle of his sword as he pulled it out. It, just like his hands, turned black. "Let's get serious shall we?"

Yoruichi and Urahara, both of their expressions constricted and their bodies stiffened. Though they won't admit it, they couldn't believe how strong Ichimaru has become. Their gazes were so focused on Aizen that they completely ignored him. It seemed that it was a mistake. Because, surprisingly enough, Ichimaru gave off more dangerous vibes than Aizen himself right now!

"Urahara-san. Why aren't you using Armament Haki yourself?" Gin asked while fully drawing his sword. Looking down at him, he asked. "You have analysed it fully, no? After all, I saw one of the futures where you fully nullified it. It shouldn't be hard for you to use it either."

"... Really. It really is a very troublesome ability."

"Of course! It would be sad if you ended up dying due to your carelessness."

Urahara sighed. Taking a deep breath, his eyes turned serious. He wasn't playing any longer. Just like Gin, his sword and arms also took a black reddish tint. Obviously, he was also using Armament Haki!

To be honest, Armament Haki itself wasn't hard for Shinigami to use. One just needs to continuously coat themselves with Spiritual Energy until it takes a materialistic form around them.

But from what Gin has observed, one needed to have Spiritual Energy of at least a Lieutenant Level to clearly pull this off!

As for those in captain-level? Well, as long as they understood the principle behind it they could easily use it; this was what Urahara was doing too.

Like Gin, he understood the principle behind Armament Haki. And so it wasn't hard for him to use it too!

"Kisuke?" Yoruichi looked towards him, surprised.

"It is actually so simple. It really makes me ashamed for not coming up with something like this." Urahara laughed and explained. "Just keep coating your Spiritual Energy around your body until it solidifies. The only problem is that one needs to continuously focus on controlling their spiritual energy so it won't lose its materialistic form."

"In a high-level battle, it could be a fatal mistake."

"That is for those who are new to this." Gin nodded his head, not denying Urahara's analysis. "But once you keep using it to the point where it is considered as an unconscious activity by the brain, like breathing, it won't be a problem."

"And how many years of training that would be?" Urahara shook his head. "I guess it doesn't matter to us, how many years it would be huh. After all, we are going to live for a long time… unless something extraordinary happens."

"Exactly." Gin nodded and looked towards Yoruichi and sighed. He had come to play with her but it seemed that this time he would only be fighting and nothing else. Though disappointed, there wasn't really anything he could do about it…unless he was willing to destroy his persona of Aizen's minion.

'Though of course, it won't change anything by much, knowing I already have a deal with him. But I still need another deal with Ichigo. And for that, I need Aizen's plan.'

"How annoying." He muttered before getting ready for another round. This time, he will try not to hold back as much as he can.


"You Shinigami… Quite weak, aren't you?" Nakeem Grindina calmly said, though slightly disappointed.

"You think so?" Rangiku scoffed in annoyance. "Then why am I still standing? It seems that you can't even kill a weak Shinigami. To me, you look like the weak one."

"... Humph." Nakeem didn't show many reactions to her provocation. Instead, he only showed his mild annoyance at her cheap attempt to anger him.

He gripped the hilt of his sword and vanished, leaving behind only the sound of the sound barrier shattering.

"—!?" Feeling a presence behind her, Rangiku hurriedly ready herself to block the sword but it was too late. It was not that she was weak, no, it was because 80% of her abilities were sealed in the Human World. Which made it harder for her to perceive Nakeem's presence and his speed.

And Shinigami Research and Development Institute was taking the time of their lives to open their seals!

The time seemed to halt itself. Both Rangiku and Nakeem's had their eyes opened to extremes and their bodies stiffened.

The world turned black and white, divided into two! By the time they came back to their senses, Nakeem with at least ten miles of the earth was bisected!

It was as if someone tried to cut the earth itself, but failed to do so; leaving behind a horrendous and terrifying ravine in its wake.

"Wha…!" Nakeem could only blink his eyes in bafflement before succumbing to death.

"Ichimaru, you bastard!" Grimmjow, who finally realised what happened, looked towards Gin with anger.

"Oops! My hand slipped. Hahaha…"

"..." Yoruichi and Urahara sucked deep breaths, staring at the earth below, and the ravine that showed no end in sight. They were going to be busy brainwashing everyone…

"Do you take me for an idiot?! You obviously targeted him!" Though he didn't care much about his subordinates, he still felt angry when they were killed right in front of his eyes with a sloppy excuse such as "my hand slipped"!

"Oh my. You shouldn't blame other people, Grimmjow-san. Obviously, he stood in the path of my blade and not me pointing my blade towards him on purpose. You should also understand it, right? In a battle between the strong, there is no place for the weak. It is his fault that he wasn't strong enough to dodge or block the sword strike."

Gin sighed as if lamenting that fact.

"Well. It's just another weak replaceable Arrancar. If you want another one, I'm sure Captain Aizen will create another one for you. No need to be so sad."

"Bastard—!" Grimmjow gritted his teeth in anger, seeing how Gin treated them less than even a living creature. His way of saying this clearly showed he treated them with just another replaceable pawn. Something that could be replaced as long as he willed it so.

It infuriated him!

"Oh well. I guess playtime is over." Sheathing his sword, Gin appeared beside silent Ulquiorra and Yammy. "It seems that we are going to be outnumbered. So we will take our leave then."

The moment he finished, eight new people appeared on the battlefield—The Visored!

"Hello~ Long time no see, Shinji-san… and everybody else."

"... He didn't even try." Rabu Aikawa added. "Did he forget us? I mean, it indeed has been a long time—"

"Shut up, Love!" Hiyroi shouted before looking towards Gin with an irritated face. "You fucking snake-faced bastard! Want me to kick your ass to remind you who we are?! Also, do you think I will let you run away just because why not!? Fucker! I'm comin' for ya'!"

"Hahaha… Rude as always. Makes me miss old times."

"Ya' the only one missin' those fucked up times! The only thing I'm missin' is your dead body!"

"I sure am hated." Gin sighed. Before waving his finger in the air, cutting open the space. "But, as I have said before, I rather not fight when we are outnumbered. So wait patiently for me to come back with higher forces. You can enjoy the fight to your heart's content then."

"Wait, Gin!" Rangiku finally appeared around the place where Gin was and called out to him, prompting him to look towards her with a silent stare. Seeing him looking towards her, she seemed to be lost on what to say. There were so many questions in her mind for which she needed answers, yet she didn't know what to start with.

"... Let's go." Turning around, Gin muttered softly and left. From the corner of his eyes, his gaze landed on the orange-haired woman. His eyes glowed azure slightly as her shadow flickered before she vanished—at the exact moment when the space closed, startling everyone.

But they couldn't do anything and only stared stunned as the space cracked closed. Leaving them speechless as to what just happened.

It was going to be a long day, especially for Ichigo who was battered with wounds adding the fact that Orihime got kidnapped right in front of their eyes and they couldn't do anything to stop it.


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AN: I only had planned for Yoruichi, Rangiku, and MAYBE, big maybe, for Soifon. But do you guys really want me to enter Unohana into the mix?