Chapter: 13

In all honesty, Gin didn't find any other reason to stay by Aizen's side. He had already done everything that he needed to do here and the only thing left to do was a deal with Ichigo. This was also the reason why he kidnapped Orihime himself, just to fasten up everything a little.

With how things were going, he knew that it would take at least a month or so before Aizen really started to become active once again, which he found not so welcoming. He wanted something exciting, and staying within Hueco Mundo all day long wasn't something that fell within the definition of exciting within Gin's dictionary.

Though he indeed found his time spent with Tier not boring, she was fun to tease. But, as they say, there is a limit to everything. Even if he found it fun to spend his time with Tier, it also had a limit and Gin had already reached his. He wanted to spice things up. And Orihime was the main key to his excitement.

Nothing seemed to really faze away the smile on Gin's face as he stood in front of Aizen's throne with everyone looking down at the human girl beside him. There seemed to be a consensus silence in the hall as everyone waited for Aizen to speak.

"Ulquiorra, can you please show us what happened in the Human World?"

"As you wish, Lord Aizen." Bowing, he said. Straightening his back, Gin stared at how Ulquiorra's hand reached for his eye as he seamlessly plucked it out and broke it. It was as if it was made up of fragile material. The broken eye turned into tiny dust particles that flew all around the hall showing everyone everything that has transpired within the Human World.

Different reactions rose within everyone's mind, but the most prominent sight had to be how Gin killed one of the Arrancars and acted as if he just squashed a bug by mistake.

"... What is the meaning of this, Gin?" Though highly interested in the power used by Gin, which was also copied by Urahara, Aizen was more interested as to why he brought Orihime with him and why he killed an Arrancar. Yes, he didn't care. Nonetheless, he was interested in listening to his answer.

"I don't understand, Captain Aizen, what might you be asking?"

"Why did you kill Nakeem, that is what he is asking." Tosen added. "He was your ally. So why did you kill him? Did you not feel ashamed?"

"Ah, you mean him!" Gin smiled. "Yes. I killed him. So what? You already know everything that happened in the Human World, and as you can see, it was he who was in my way and not me trying to kill him willingly. It was a battlefield, mistakes happen."

"Are you saying a captain mistakenly killed one of his own?"

"I'm sure Captain Mayuri will understand me." Gin replied, making Tosen scoff with clear distaste.

"I see. If that's the case, I can understand." Aizen nodded, not bothered by the death of one of his subordinates. "Then, can you explain why you brought this girl with you?"

"I thought Captain Aizen would be interested in her ability. Are you not?"

"... Indeed. I am interested in her ability. I see. Thank you, Gin. I appreciate your work."

"The pleasure is all mine." Bowing, his lips curled up. He didn't need someone else to tell him that Aizen completely didn't believe him any longer. The only reason Aizen was keeping him by his side was that he found it amusing to see him trying to avenge Rangiku, and wanted to squash his hope. But it didn't matter, really. Since Gin was also staying by his side because he wanted to use him. It was a give-and-take deal… with Gin coming out at the top.


Ichigo wasn't having the best day of his life.

Orihime has been kidnapped, and that too right in front of their eyes and they couldn't do anything! It infuriated him, not at Gin, Aizen or even Arrancar, but at himself! He was mad at the fact that he was so weak that he couldn't do anything. He was furious at himself that he could only watch dumbly as Gin took Orihime with him.

"Ichigo, I'm asking you! Where is Orihime?!" The furious shout of his friend brought him out of his daydreaming, causing him to look towards her with an unreadable expression.

What should he say to her? That he couldn't protect Orihime? He wasn't strong enough and she was kidnapped right in front of his eyes and all he could do was stand still and watch?!

He couldn't! He couldn't say it!

"... You don't have to worry." He weakly said. Turning around, he continued. "It has nothing to do with you. Just wait and I'll bring her back."

"Nothing… to… do… with me?" Tatsuki dumbly stared at his back; like an unstoppable tidal wave, anger rising within her heart. "Nothing to do with me!?"

She shouted. Forcefully grabbing Ichigo's shoulder and jerking him around. She pushed him against the window in the hallway, her fist clenched tightly, she punched with all the strength she could muster within her small body.

A loud sound reverberated within the school halls, causing everyone to turn around and look towards the duo with horror-filled eyes. The window was broken by Ichigo's face, the sheer pressure of the punch.


"You—!?" Ichigo's eyes widened, surprised by the revelation that Tatsuki could see spirits. Yet, he closed his eyes and calmed down before stating. "So what? Do you think that makes you special? There are many people out there that can also see spirits. It still doesn't change the fact that it has nothing to do with you."

He knew more about the Arrancars than her. And he knew that if he got involved, as a normal human, she would die. He didn't want that. That's why he tried his best to not get her into the mess he was.

"You bastard!" She shouted and raised her hand to punch him, but was stopped by Keigo.

"Tatsuki! Calm down!" He hurriedly hugged her under her armpits and pulled her back so as to not let her hit Ichigo anymore.

"Lemme go, Keigo! Imma punch his stupid face! Who does he think he is?!"

Ignoring them, Ichigo dusted his clothes and started to walk away from them. "You don't need to worry about Orihime. I'll make sure nothing happens to her."

"... Idiot…" Tatsuki gritted her teeth as she fell to the ground, tears welling up in her eyes. "I've seen you through so many hard times. I've helped you so many times. You don't...You don't hide things from someone like that."

"... I'm sorry."

"What did you say?"

"Soul Society will not be sending anyone to Hueco Mundo. Also, it has also declined from helping you in this matter." Toshiro answered, making Ichigo's eyes widen.

"You… Why?" Ichigo asked, desperately.

"You need to understand, Kurosaki." Toshiro calmly explained. "You are an important if not the most important person in this fight. We cannot have you go into the castle of the enemy directly when we don't know anything about them. Captain-Commander has strictly prohibited anyone from helping you and also not allowing you to go to Hueco Mundo."

"Tell me, Toshiro." Ichigo looked towards Toshiro with a calm gaze and inquired. "If Hinamori-san were to be kidnapped by Aizen, would you not go help her?"

Toshiro opened his mouth, wanting to refute but no word seemed to come out of it.

"Thought so."

"Where are you going, Kurosaki?"

"Does that matter?" Ichigo stopped by the door and looked back at him. "Since no one is going to help me, I'll do it myself then!"

"You… Are you mad?! Do you think you can survive all alone if you go alone to save her?!"

"Heh." He snickered. "I remember hearing the same thing when I had decided to save Rukia. And look at me."

"That and this are not the same things—"

"They are!" Ichigo shouted, shutting Toshiro. "Thanks for everything. Goodbye."

Seeing him leaving, Toshiro punched the table in anger.

"Dammit!" It couldn't be getting more annoying.


Despair. That was the best word to describe the scene below.

Sword clashing, guns shooting bullets, people using their weird abilities called Devil Fruit and Haki; it was utter mayhem and chaos. Every minute, every second, a person was dying.

Despair, what an apt word to describe it. Howls of pain, the shout for help. Yet, who will help them?

"Kill them! Kill them all!"

"Ace! We will save you! Just wait! We will not let these marines do anything to you! Ace!"

"Don't let them reach the execution stand! Stop them! Stop these filthy pirates! Kill them all!"

It always has been like this. In a war, upper brass never fought. They observe and order. Wait for the perfect opportunity to strike. A chance to win, where once they strike, everything breaks apart. That's why, in this current war below, Whitebeard stood at the deck of his ship and observed everything.

Sengoku stood on the other side with Garp by his side and three Admirals sitting below. Making sure no big shot makes a move, and if they did, they will interrupt them themselves.

This was a war! And in a war, there was no such thing as mercy. Especially, when the fight was between good and evil. It was meant to be brutal.

The more time passed, the more brutal it became. At this point, no one knew why they were even fighting. The only thing they knew was that they had to fight, and kill the opposition. It was pure madness!

'I cannot win.' Despite him becoming younger by 20 years, his body still would be injured every time he used his fruit. Whitebeard was the strongest man, no doubt, but even he knew his limits; fighting alone against Sengoku, Garp, and three Admirals wasn't possible for him.

That is why his plan was simple; to crave a path for others to reach Ace!

And that he did successfully. Luffy, brother of Ace, saved him. Yes, it might be because Garp didn't fight back due to the guilt, but it still doesn't change the fact that Ace was saved.

Yet, fate seemed to play weirdly.

After saving Ace, the biggest difficult part was to bring him back alive. His crew has stopped the advance of Aokiji and Kizaru, and with him busy stopping Sengoku and Garp, Akainu slipped away.

No need to be told that Luffy wasn't strong enough to be a part of this war, no one was except for Whitebeard and his Captains!

And fate can't always be protecting him.

Akainu appeared behind Luffy, his first covered in magma as he shouted.

"Don't think I'll let you run away, Strawhat!"

The current Luffy was running on drugs. In fact, he shouldn't have been able to do anything after escaping from Impel Down due to the effects of drugs dying. But he asked Ivanko to further drug him so he could save Ace. He was using his life force in exchange for all the strength he currently had, and it finally took off!

The moment Akainu appeared behind him and punched, all strength seemed to leave his body as he fell onto his knees and could only stare at Ace with wide eyes as Akainu's fist made its way towards his back!


The loud shout Luffy was enough to bring everyone's attention towards them, prompting them to stop whatever they were doing and try to run towards them to save Ace; but why will their opponent let them do whatever they want?

They could all helplessly look at Akainu's fist approaching Ace unprotected back, and then—BOOM!

The ground cracked and dust rose, it didn't take a smart man to know that it wasn't due to the contact between Ace and Akainu's fist. It would not create a blast.

This was due to the collision of two powers! Hope seemed to ignite within their hearts as everyone stopped what they were doing, all looking towards the dust cloud with bated breath.

"This…!" Whitebeard's eyes opened wide as he felt a familiar aura before bursting into laughter, confusing everyone.

"How scarily hot. I'm not a fan of hot temperatures though. I like the cold more."

Hearing the nonchalant mocking tone coming from the dust, everyone's eyes widened as they stared at the silver-haired man with his eyes in the shape of a slit and a smirk over his face. He stood between Ace and Akainu with a sword in his hand that he gripped vertically downward, stopping Akainu's fist with it.

"The only thing I like hot is my food and women, though cold ones have their own charm to them."

"Who are you?" Akainu asked, anger bubbling within him at the fact that his first was stopped and he couldn't kill Ace.

Hearing the question, Gin's lips curled up.

[Shoot to kill: Shinso]

Pulling his sword back he slashed upwards. Too close to dodge! The best Akainu could do was clad his arm with Haki where he knew a slash would happen.

And before anyone could understand what happened, Akainu's hand was cut open by the Island behind him.

"W-What happened?!" Of course, those without strong Observation Haki would not be able to tell what happened. Only the strong were privy to what just transpired at it, shocking them knowing how deadly that attack really was.

"Gurarara! Merchant! I own you one!"

"Oh. I'm glad then." Retreating his sword, Gin smirked as he placed it on Ace's neck. "A life for a life, I see it as a fair trade, don't you think so too, Mister Whitebeard?"

"..." Whitebeard's smile receded as he stared down at Gin with an expressionless gaze. "Very well, I shall give you my life for saving the life of my son."

"Father!" Everyone shouted in horror as Sengoku and Garp's eyes widened. Never in their wildest dream would have they thought of Whitebeard saying something like that.

"..." Gin silently stared at Whitebeard's face before he took his blade back. "Of course, I am joking."

He sheathed his sword, ignoring the angry glare of Akainu and bowed.

"It is nice to meet you, everyone. I am Ichimaru Gin, a Merchant." Everyone seemed to be in a weird consensus as they all stopped and listened to Gin. It can't be helped. After all, another unknown combatant that could fight and even injure an Admiral so easily wasn't something anyone from the Marine side wanted.

"A Merchant, not a pirate?" Sengoku asked.

"Yes. A Merchant." Gin replied before looking towards Whitebeard. "And I have come up with a trade, Mister Whitebeard. I wonder if you are willing to hear it."

"As I said, I owe you one. Ask. As long as it doesn't harm my family, I'll agree to it."

"Ma~ You shouldn't agree to Merchant without hearing the details, Mister Whitebeard. Though, I am not so heartless to take advantage of a dying man."

He chuckled at something that pretty much everyone will decline back in his world.

"I have taken quite a fancy to your powers. In return for saving Ace's life, I think it's a fair trade, no? And since I'm in a good mood, I'll stop this war and let every one of the kids here retreat safely."

He didn't talk about Whitebeard retreating, because Gin was fully aware that it wasn't something that was possible.

Whitebeard's dream was to die a warrior's death. And now that he was given one, why would he not take it? Will he go back and wait just like before his death to arrive? Obviously not! And for a pirate at Whitebeard's level, a retreat was never an option.

That's why it didn't take long for Whitebeard to answer back.

"Gurarara! Very well then! Let alone my fruit, I shall give you all of my powers! But you will have to wait until I'm done fighting!"

"Thanks for your patronage, dear customer."

It was indeed more than what Gin had in his mind, but no one will say no to extra benefits after all.

While Gin and Whitebeard were talking about trade with each other, everyone else but Whitebeard's main crew was confused. The trade itself sounded nonsensical!

How can one trade their powers? That was just bullshit!

"Since the deal has been made, I shall take everyone here but Whitebeard with me then."

"As if I'll allow that!"

"Sigh… kids these days." Akainu, who had built up his momentum once again and was about to attack Gin, stopped on his track. Not only he, but every single person stopped. It didn't matter if you were strong or weak, in face of the pressure that had descended upon the Island, none of it mattered!

Except for the three Admirals and people at their levels, Sengoku and Garp, everyone fell like dominos!

And even then, everyone at the Admiral level was kneeling trying their best to grasp whatever air they could!

"As they say," Gin walked towards Akainu and placed his hand around the shoulder like some old buddy and smirked, saying in a mocking tone. "But did I ask though?"

Seeing him not answering, staring at the ground with a horrified gaze and sweating buckets, Gin gently patted his cheek.

"That's what I thought. Be a good kid and don't interfere with adults. Death comes unannounced after all."

Done mocking Akainu, he walked away as the shadow beneath him became erect, expanding all over the Island in a blink of an eye. All one could see was unreachable darkness beneath them as before they could understand what was happening, every single pirate vanished from marineford as if it never existed!

"There, my part of the deal is done. As a gift, I even took care of all the cannon fodders for you." Gin said before walking to a broken boulder and sitting on it. "You might as well entertain me with your last battle, Mister Whitebeard."

"Gurarara! I knew you were strong but this is just absurd!" Whitebeard laughed, looking at Gin with greed and lust for battle. But even he knew his limits, and that display of Conqueror Haki was enough for him to know that Gin was a monster in human clothing.

"Now then, Sengoku, Garp! Come! Let's fight to our heart's content! Gurarara!"

Did Blackbeard really think that he could defeat him? Gin could only laugh at the foolishness of this person. The result was almost inevitable. Even with beaten-up Whitebeard, the result couldn't have been much different as Gin watched Blackbeard getting his ass beaten to a pulp.

All he could do was cry out loud about how painful it was.


"Well, that closes it." Gin chuckled hearing the most iconic line of One Piece as he felt Whitebeard's power filling up his body. He looked to the side, where Shanks stood with his crew and then towards people of world government. The thought of playing with them crossed Gin's mind but he decided to go against it.

He wasn't a native of this world. He didn't want to create mayhem just to leave. If he wanted to create mayhem and see it happening, he would do it once he spent enough money to open permanent residence in the world.

Instead, he looked towards Blackbeard as a smirk formed over his face; something that was definitely noticed by everyone present.

"I just happened to want to test my new powers, please don't mind me." Armament Haki roared around his body, lightning cracking furiously as Gin pulled his sword out.

"Shit! Run!" Blackbeard shouted, already knowing better than anyone not to fight with Gin. The display of Conqueror Haki from him was enough indication that Gin was even worse of an opponent than Whitebeard.

Raising his sword in the sky, Gin swung; a white halo appeared around his sword as it stuck particularly nothing before the world cracked. Hundreds of cracks appeared, extended further and further away from his sword. As if a brittle glass, the space shattered!


Everyone stared with wide eyes as the world cried; everything was destroyed! The Island, the space, the sea, and everything in between, nothing was left but an unended trench as the sea roared to fill the gap created by Gin, a gap from which one could see the sea bed that was cut in two.

"Hm. Not bad." Gin nodded as he sheathed his sword, Blackbeard's fate was unknown. He looked towards Sengoku, Garp, the Admirals and Shanks before giving a courtesy bow. "Well, then. If fate allows us, let's meet again."

And just like that, Gin left a legend in the One Piece world as the strongest man!


In a dense forest, hundreds of clones fought a ninja wearing Konoha protectors.

Suddenly, in front of Naruto, protected by Iruka, a silver-haired man appeared, startling everyone. He looked down at them while Iraku, on instinct, attacked which was all for nought as Gin flicked Iraku's forehead, a while halo forming and—BOOM!—the space cracked as Iraku blinked away so fast into the forest that it was impossible to see him, breaking every tree that appeared in his trajectory with his health status being unknown.

"Who are you?!" Mizuki asked, readying to deal with this unknown entity that appeared out of nowhere. But seeing how he beat Iruka with a finger flick, he was having second thoughts about facing this person.

"You are not needed." Gin muttered, his gaze still on Naruto as he pointed his index and middle finger, clasped together, towards Mizuki.

[Hadō #33. Sōkatsui]

Blue flames roared, like a hungry beast, as it consumed everything within a mile leaving behind nothing but utter destruction! Mizuki and everything in one mile within the direction Gin pointed his finger was burnt to ashes, even the rocks were melted into molten lava!

Taking his fingers back, Gin opened his palm and pointed towards terrified Naruto.


"Ah… Ah… Ah…" Too stunned to say anything, Naruto could only utter gibberish staring at the monster standing in front of him.

"Hmm. Did I break him?" Gin chuckled softly. "That's gotta suck for him."

Ignoring terrified Naruto, Gin took the scroll out of his hand and started to read through its content. He was planning to go on a little trip to other worlds and for that, he needed a scapegoat that would stay beside Aizen. And what was the best way to do this by learning Shadow Clone Technique?

"Ah… I don't understand shit. Hahahaha…" Of course, he won't. After all, the written technique was based on Chakra circulation and stuff within the human body, and he wasn't even a human, making it impossible for him to even understand what was written within the scroll.

"Well, luckily, we have you." Throwing the scroll aside as if a piece of trash, Gin raised his hand as a contract appeared within his hand. He lowered himself, placing one knee on the ground to appear at Naruto's level as he picked Naruto's hand without his consent and placed it on the inkpad before placing it on the contract.

"This shall do." Gin smirked as the knowledge of how to use Shadow Clone based on his power system appeared within his mind, making him nod with satisfaction.

As for Kurama, he wasn't really interested nor did he have any idea how it would react once brought outside of this world. After all, he was nought but a concept and manifestation of a mass of energy after.

"Good luck, kid." Waving his hand at the terrified kid, Gin vanished.

Now the only thing left for him to do was a deal with Ichigo before he could finally go and have some fun in other worlds.


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