Fat guy in DXD

A/N: this is more of an idea that I wrote rather than a short story, it's why he hasn't got a name.////

The mc was reincarnated as a low-class devil orphan and abandoned in one of the many cities of sins in the underworld. For the first nine years of his life, he grew up as a street rat that scavenged for magic travelling from city to city. Why magic you say? One thing that the underworld has is free water and cheap human food, devils prefer demonic beast meat and vegetables grown from supernatural areas so basic foods from the human world are dirt cheap. Demonic food is more nutritious and helps develop demonic power which is why its far more costly.

He as a low class didn't have huge reserves like the clan devils. I say clan devils because the extra clan devils are from new bloodlines. The clan devils all have personal circles that conserve mana for them, as he doesn't know any runic scripts and wouldn't know how to tailor one for himself with his specific energy signature in mind he chose to scavenge and use other magic systems. Every city had its own occult market but the traveling between cities could be deadly, low class cannot teleport without an expensive permit in the underworld so the MC recreated apparition from Harry Potter to not be detected. Flying across the underworld would have been suicide otherwise.

After solving his transport issue he found his way into the markets and began collecting magic sneakily, he came across several roadblocks such as his lack of resources and energy reserves to use some of the magic he found. So, he attempted to create his own method of artificially raising his reserves. He discovered that spells and abilities related to Sin were actually very cheap to use but often underpowered and overlooked due to bloodlines. The mc started with gluttony. Essentially, he ate and converted food to demonic power, as his body couldn't store it in his reserves, he converted it to fat instead.

He worked hard doing odd jobs in cities to earn money for good food made from demonic beasts and magical tomes to further his studies. All the while training his body ghetto style. He used debris in abandoned areas as weights and sprinted around the parks in the high-end districts during the mornings when most devils sleep. They are nocturnal after all.

Through training his body, he unlocked Touki. Around that time the Nekoshou massacre happened, and the cats' villages goods were sold in the black markets. He gained books on senjutsu, and Touki He found the devil cat technique which allowed someone to convert demonic power to Ki and use it to power senjutsu and Touki. The issue was the strain on the body He trained and learned to convert is fat to power like fat gum and from there figures out how to convert fat to Ki.

At 11 he was earning a fortune in underground fighting rings which became his main source of income as he improved his skills. His reserves showed as low class from devil spells, so he was entered in low divisions initially. He kept his fat energy reserve trick under wraps and simply displayed high level Touki to progress rapidly. Eventually the promoter of the fight grew jealous of the "fat brat" who was earning far to much from the ring so arranged him to fight an ultimate class great king faction member. So essentially it was a high medium class who was drugged up to the beginning of ultimate class.

The mc got his ass beat in the beginning of the fight but won on a ring out. He used FAT SPEAR. The same technique used to defeat Rappa. He marched home littered with injuries after that as he lacked any form of healing spells besides using Touki to accelerate his natural healing. On the way to his hidden home, he was attacked by a peerage. That ultimate class he crushed was the ace of an Eligos clan member who took offence to his existence. As he was being beaten within an inch of his life suddenly the street turned purple. His eyes were swollen shut as he had no fat left to absorb the attacks. He felt a soft touch on his face which began to heal him.

He opened his eyes to see a stunning brunette smiling kindly at him. Venelana Gremory had saved his life. She had been a fan of his since she saw his early fights. She decided to add him to her peerage as she was impressed when he took down that ultimate class

Venelana didn't exactly have the best home life. She was married to Zeoticus Gremory against her will due to the family heads orders. She was used as a favour to keep Runeas Gremory out of the civil war that was brewing.

Zeoticus wanted a broodmare to produce a strong offspring and enhance the bloodline. The Gremory bloodline gifted them a lot, but Zeoticus only got camel manipulation and an affinity with rituals which he neglected as he despised studying. So, she an ultimate class woman with a premium bloodline was forced to wed a low tier high class pig who she considered moronically suicidal, damn Gremory luck kept saving his ass.

Once he became her husband he attempted to control as much of her life as she could. She couldn't visit the Bael clan, she couldn't visit most of her friends, she couldn't interact with certain men, she couldn't sleep with the maids without Zeoticus being present. When Sirzechs was eventually conceived Zeoticus backed off to raise his heir. He fucked that up somehow, personally she thought as Sirzechs was a pushover when it came to politics and was a beta in bed or so she deduced.

As Sirzechs prospered Zeoticus rid his coattails to gain prestige for the family. She took to investing and studying the Gremory library to pass the time away from the idiots' eyes. The paltry sum Zeoticus assigned her yearly for her "luxuries" or clothes as she would say was invested in extra devil clan projects. As devils like Mephistopheles prospered, she jabbed herself a profit. But when Sirzechs cemented his position and the great king faction slipped in legislation that prevented Satan's from being heirs the pressure returned for her to bare another. The spotlight was back on her to spawn another baby. She used several fertility rituals to get the job done and conceive Rias.

But during this time one of Zeoticus friends let loose that she was handy with cash. The prick tracked her spending after she bought some rare grimoires on Sumerian magic. Zeoticus as a result of this further restricted her spending. The maids bought her clothes, and she wasn't allowed to meet with anyone for a while. She discreetly contacted her investment agent and had him run things for a while.

In her downtime she turned to food which caused her bust and hip line to expand. She delved into Gluttony for a while sampling the finest cuisine she could. Something Zeoticus cared nothing about, so she was free to snack. When Rias left for the human world Zeoticus pranced around for a suitor for her and met the Phenex prick. Her husband became her lazy daughters problem now, she slipped away and began racking up more cash for herself and refunding her hobbies.

Venelana left and started exploring her old hobbies now that her metaphorical leash had loosened. She came across a fat child who purchased some of the copied Nekoshou collection. She remembered his appearance as she never really saw a fat devil before…. Come to think of it could devils even get fat? She questioned herself and failed to recall any besides herself who only appeared more sensual the more she ate.

Later she heard of a senjutsu user who looked promising in the underground fights from one of her investment agents. So, she met with her son's friend Ajuka, on the day her husband returned from a bender with some disgusting lords and got herself some evil pieces. She has a mutation knight and regular everything else, slightly disappointing but she took what she could get.

Two years later she started following the fat devils rise to glory and witnessed him using Gluttony to overcome his disadvantages. She had seen Sairaorg do something similar, but he wasn't a low class devil. He still had a bloodline that would enhance him somehow along with the Vapula bloodline.

She followed him after an impressive victory with hopes of recruiting him and found him being beaten. She lost her temper a little so destroyed them all easily. It felt cathartic to kill something for the first time in centuries. In the end she offered to reincarnate the mc as her Queen. He agreed and accepted the piece. After that he took her to some of the places with the nicest munchie food he could think of.

The underworld is a mishmash of cultures so they could get basically anything. As they ate and talked they bonded over their shared interest in food and lesser known magics. When he said he wanted to develop senjutsu as well as sin powers she readily accepted as she found it interesting. When she brought him home things were frigid to say the least. Zeoticus was disgusted that she chose a fat low class as a Queen not that he could tell the mc was easily a high class thanks to his storage trick that doesn't appear under basic observation spells and Zeoticus inability to observe life force.

Rias was jealous about the fat kid that her mom preferred to spend time with, so she resented the mc more overtime. This little tantrum of hers confused her mother, her daughter despised spending time with her as she would rather laze in her room than have tea with her. Rias spent her childhood attempting to avoid her citing that she didn't want an impromptu etiquette lesson. Even after the mc arrived the amount of time they spent together did not change. She could only sigh and shake her head, she felt sorry for the mc as Rias and her peerage snubbed him any chance they could, not that it accomplished any form of harm towards him.

Sirzechs was flabbergasted for a bit as he didn't know his mother had evil pieces but chose to befriend the mc. He Showed off his Satan ranger collection, the series he made in an attempt to compete with Serafall's magical girl show but it wasn't as popular, knowing this the mc ranted off some power ranger plots and monsters that could be used and emphasized the importance of a catchy theme song. The shows rating improved from there and Sirzechs subtly supported the mc in the family.

Grayfia chose to observe the newcomer and see what earned him a spot as a Queen. When she saw his training regime and the new duos notes she struggled to hide her surprise. Eventually she came around to the MC and joined him with Venelana in there many meal samplings opening herself up to better cuisines.

6 years later the mc had managed to become an ultimate class and developed the SDS states which allow him to best use his powers. His power revolved around the concept of transforming the body to better suit the scenario he was facing. This power structure allowed him to stabilise and enhance different subjects, once he completed his move set he spent his time mastering the new forms. He began attempting to swap between forms rapidly, learning how to stay in each form for as long as he wished, cut down on energy expenditure and continue to integrate new powers into the states.

Gate of gluttony- the first gate or the base form of the mc is extremely fat. The excess energy reserves are stored as fat just like his beginner method but far more refined, he has developed the same abilities as fat gum from his progress in this form. So, he can absorb damage of any type and redirect it in exchange for calories. He can convert the fat into demonic power that are above his high medium class reserves or into a massive amount of Ki that resembles Issac Netero powering up. Despite his size he moves extremely fast and hits incredibly hard. In terms of body, he's ultimate class easily. It would be unwise to try and tank his punches. This form as his base means as he trains this form the power multiplies in the others.

Gate of Greed- the second gate is a slightly slimmed down mc who resembles a slightly overweight man. In this form he gives up the defensive properties of his fat to increase his self-healing to Draconic levels. Due to integrating various forms of magic this form also gained enhanced telekinesis and some form of energy absorption like Bandit Ban from the SDS. When not in his base gluttony form, he can often be found in his greed form.

Gate of lust- the third gate is the MC's attempt at the Akimichi butterfly mode that Choji uses. He loses all the excess weight and slims down appearing like a super model with massive senjutsu based wings. This form is best used for finishers or acts of extreme senjutsu. This form is highly energy intensive but enhances all senjutsu or Touki moves to sage level temporarily. A single Touki infused punch with all his reserves levelled a mountain pass in the human world. Somewhere in the Middle East.

It should be noted that Venelana doesn't like the form much as she prefers him chubby. Most older devil women have something off a chubby fetish. All devil males are incredibly attractive to human women with 6 packs being the standard for the species. So, for older devil females' pretty boys won't cut it for them so they seek out things that aren't the norm. Big muscular guys, Shota, cosplay, other species, and other such things are common trends older devil women chase after. Venelana ended up being a chubby chaser mainly because she hates her pretty boy husband and loves someone who shares her passion for food. Which was a result of her asshole husband, she also likes to cuddle so often uses the mc as a bean bag or hug pillow.

Gate of wrath- the fourth gate is like the inner gate's technique from Naruto interns of appearances. The Mc will bulk and turn red with a tan with a higher body temperature. This form uses energy to reinforce and enhance the body without any energy manipulation externally. The longer he is in the state the stronger he gets like the Hulk. It is also powered by rage which can make the transformation happen faster as he reaches the gate of death level. In this form he can match all Might Guy's feats. This form is a result of his martial arts experience. Initially the form resembles rock lee opening the third gate. The mc will eventually use this form against team Vali.

When he achieved fully transformation, he was a match for the entire team Vali. Vali was defeated in balance breaker before he could use juggernaut drive with a high-speed kick to the jaw. Bikou tore out most of his hair to make hundreds of clones to fight the mc only for his reserves to run dry, the monkey was horrified to see his staff bent in some areas from blocking the wrath gates attacks. Arthur dawned Pridwen! his ancestors armour that had been undamaged from Arthurian times when the mc cracked Caliburn with a full powered axe kick.

Le Fay was annoyed that her hat was incinerated and none of her spells could hit the mc due to his speed. Gogmagogs was left in a state of self-repairing from the damage he received during the battle. Kuroka was cradling and healing a blackened arm from where she blocked "Night Guy", only surviving due to a lifesaving substitution. The two new members that Bikou recruited were unconscious in the corner like Vali.

Gate of envy- the fifth gate is similar in appearance to the gate of greed except slightly skinnier and his hair floats upwards slightly. This form specialises in copying and reproducing lesser versions of techniques used against him or it recreates ones it's seen

When it first was used it reproduced Bungee gum and texture surprise. Later it went on to develop illusion abilities and finally it reproduced Judge Q's joker Chareyeok.

This one is the most hated form amongst the populace due to how hard it is to fight. It pushes the boundary of devil imagination to the extreme and bends the laws of reality according to Ajuka after he reviewed several fights of this state.

Gate of pride- the sixth gate and the maximum the mc ever displayed in public. This one is vastly different than the others. The gate of pride transforms the mc five separate times depending on what element he uses. This gate is the result of all the demonic power being utilised at once similar to how the gate of lust uses all the senjutsu at a rapid pace.

As a result, the bodily transformation is the greatest. The five forms are as follows:

The first is the wind form which resembles Yuno Grinberryall's spirit drive forms. It manipulated the wind every way the mc knows how and creates wind weapons to fight. Greatly different from the fist fighter method the other gates use. All the forms produce a weapon of some kind that was created by Venelana using her vast knowledge of rituals and taking from Zeoticus hidden Vaults. The wind form produces its own spirit of zephyr for the mc to use.

The second is the water form which resembles a blue haired Poseidon from record of Ragnarök. It spawns with a trident and fights with a mixture of Poseidon's techniques and Noelle silva's. Interestingly enough this form can breathe underwater and is capable of withstanding pressures from the bottom of the underworlds oceanic pit.

The third form is earth and spawns with Gideon, the Warhammer used by Diane in SDS. This form recreates all the spells Diane uses along with gravity manipulation. This form resembles Dogramag from Fairy tail. The bulky tan look resembles the gate of wrath so startled people when he transforms into this state.

The fourth form is fire and resembles Escanor. It's abilities match Escanor and also resemble fire fist Ace and Natsu Dragneel with how he fights. The ability to consume flames is present and was stated to be a gluttony spell that Venelana discovered. It of course spawns with Rhitta the divine maiden axe.

The fifth form is the body form and resembles a super Saiyan. It is a balance between the gate of wrath and lust. It spawns with a pair of gloves resembling the X gloves from hitman reborn. This form is often insulted as a copyright due to the Vegeta resemblance. Sairaorg loves to use this form as a sparring partner as it packs the strength of the other forms and the martial learning ability of envy.

The gate of sloth- the seventh and final gate is the strongest in the mc's arsenal. It is essentially a super devil transformation that reproduces the effect of ultra-instinct. This form wastes no energy and decimates the enemy with the most efficiency. It is compared to Ajuka Beelzebub in how pragmatic the fighting is. The mc would use this against a juggernaut drive or Sairaorg leather Rex. Only Venelana has ever seen this form and she doesn't like to think about it. Sloth was the most underutilised Sin on record from the duo's findings. She soon discovered why, Lucifer himself recorded an ability resembling Dino from tensura; Slothful king Belphegor!

Venelana stated that she believes not even Sirzechs at his best could beat her Queen if he becomes slothful. This statement confused people as they thought she was saying the mc doesn't need to try to defeat Sirzechs. Grayfia and later Yasaka confirm that the gate of sloth is the strongest when they watched the mc train in the dimensional gap in the form using a crystal ball Venelana provided, they can't enter or survive in the gap but the sloth form can.

In terms of relationships the mc obviously gets with Venelana. This mc prefers mature women so Yasaka is included at one point or another, the mc would also flirt with the god of Milf's Hera at one point after he fights Heracles. Venelana would begin to research Lucifers notes about the slothful king and meets with Roygun after her fall from grace. She would join Venelana's peerage as the mc can't have his own. Venelana doesn't mind as she prefers females to males for the most part after so long with Zeoticus, the mc being the only exception. The mc could demonstrate the gate of lust by reviving Misla Bael instead of Issei and earn her affections because of it.