Does this mean you're going to be writing or updating more stories or naw? BC if you are pls update the Appoplexian story. No exaggeration... one of my top 5 on this entire app. Been reading fir years one of the best stories. So if you're updating/writing stories again pls do that one. ✌✌🤞✌✌🤞✌✌
2 years ago
muy buenas ideas, especial mente la capitulo 3 severus snape xD
Does this mean you're going to be writing or updating more stories or naw? BC if you are pls update the Appoplexian story. No exaggeration... one of my top 5 on this entire app. Been reading fir years one of the best stories. So if you're updating/writing stories again pls do that one. ✌✌🤞✌✌🤞✌✌
muy buenas ideas, especial mente la capitulo 3 severus snape xD ............................................................................