Wingless Chicken

This story begins as most others, a dude gets reincarnated as a member of the Phenex family. Original I know but it's not his fault that the Phenex clan can breed like rabbits due to their enhanced vitality granting them higher fertility. So, he awoke as a four-year-old child with the new name Razer Phenex, yeah, he cringed too when he heard the name, but devils must be extra flashy and at least he shares a name with a red lantern.

He's younger than Riser but older than Ravel so he's kind of ignored by the rest of the family, A Ron Weasley situation really. All his siblings have got massive talents or accolades in some shape or form whilst he has nothing. There was a time however when he gained the spotlight though it came with consequences. When he was six years old (two years older than Ravel) some old Satan faction members tried to kidnap/assassinate the Phenex kids when they're on a play date with some off their mothers' friends. The old pricks spotted the youngest girl so aimed for her first. Razer who noticed this pushed Ravel away and takes a swipe to the back with a cursed dagger that erodes healing. The dagger was one of the DXD version of the 13-month series that were forged using Astralmancy, so it basically struck him with permanent damage.

As a result of his act of bravery Razer no matter what happens will never be able to sprout his wings even if he develops extra pairs. A devil who can't fly? Even Sairaorg Bael can fly! This phrase or some variation of it became a common occurrence in young Razer's new life.

Eventually the other devil heirs learn of this fact and begin publicly insulting him for it whenever they could. Riser eventually joins in with the popular kids by joining in on the taunting. Razer would be sitting home after a long day at Asmodeus Academy for youth enjoying a nice new spell book when Riser would saunter in accompanied with his friends all more than happy to point and laugh at how he can't fly. He would make a Lin Beifong face at this, is he supposed to read from three feet above the cushions or something?

So, eventually he tires of the chirping surrounding him, so he tries to find other methods of flight. His first step was investigating the Phenex family traits, everything a Phoenix can do essentially. He can regenerate, has world class flames, excellent wind abilities, healing tears, a magical voice, a personal method of teleportation, enhanced mental abilities (Phoenix force shoutout) and super strength as a Phoenix can lift extremely heavy loads. Thank you JKR for giving me super strength indirectly!

Razer first attempts to develop his wind abilities to fly by following the "wing road" from air gear and was met with initial success. Except it lacked fire power and was much slower than a regular devils flights. When baby Ravel laps you and starts pulling off stunts you know it's a bad method.

In a surgency of pride he attempted to improve the wind road method by improving his wind control, the best method he could think off was by learning the Naruto wind style Jutsu which had more fire power. Rasen shuriken however was a mere dream at that point as he lacked the energy to produce it.

After admitting that the wing road was doomed for now, he turned to trying to fly using bursts of flames from his feet like fire lord Ozai and Shinra from fire force. The latter was fast in the show but again he found he lacked speed after he learned how to do it. Ravel is really good at flying stunts was all the new tricks he showed her presented.

Next, he attempted to make a fire form like Marco the Phoenix and propel himself with flame construct wings. These matched his needs! He could fly like a regular devil and was way more stylish than them, however they were too energy expensive for him to use in a fight he learned after Ruval the eldest made him spar with his peerage.

In a fit of frustration, he slammed his leg down hard and managed to propel himself greatly into the air. He had an epiphany of Sanji being able to fly with his leg strength alone. He already had strong legs thanks to fully inheriting the Phenex trait unlike Riser who only had the regeneration and great flame control. With a little hair styling he even looked like a kid Sanji minus the swirly brows. The black leg style was the answer to his problems, so he began training himself in Savate and taekwondo. He wishes to master them before he moves into fantasy versions of them.

Following his success in the mundane martial arts he then tries to learn Sahate from Kengan verse and strong fist style of Naruto due to its focus on kicks and high-speed movement. Later he would go into learning ssamsu taekkyeon due to its use of flames in kicks when he gains his own peerage. Razer remakes his own black leg style under the wide eyes of his parents, their youngest son was a martial genius?!?!?

Razer's hobbies then started including cooking much like Sanji as he thought that it would be a good skill to have. When he was researching other forms of magic, he came across flavour magic. "Someone took MSG and converted into an entire spell system?!?". He immediately learned it and went on to create a variant that would allow the consumption of elements but it had to be an instinctive magic of the user like his flames and wind. He makes the dragon slayer eating art for himself as a method of overcoming his lack of massive reserves at a young age. His older brothers were happy to throw fireballs at him or slam him with a miniature hurricane, the pain helped him make the trick fast.

Next, he learned picture magic from his father, it was developed during the Great War to produce black and white images from memory and was a standard issue spell for all officers. It soon fell out of fashion later with the use of recording magic was improved however unlike a recording device or spell it can't be traced.

Razer learns it because he thinks he can reproduce manga from memory. His Phenex trait granted him a perfect memory and stronger mind to deal with pain of constant regeneration, so he made a mind palace to store his memories. Devils are masters at the mind arts, even Rias could brainwash a whole town if she wanted with a few spells.

When he found success in his project, he started to recreate manga that would have one of his peerage members in it. A little memory manipulation allowed him to change character appearances somewhat or remove some text in the speech bubbles. So, when he found someone in DXD verse who didn't belong he would release a new manga.

He began releasing his stories under the pen name tori-kun and when he had to make public appearances, he would wear a witch doctor mask painted in a Marco the phoenix visage. This was used as inspiration from Paru Itagaki the author of Beastars.

Later when his parents noticed he was achieving success and coming into his own unlike two of his older siblings who chose to loaf around with their harem they chose to give him a peerage set. He began frantically planning team dynamics that could fit any situation he may face, he also decided that his peerage would dress based on his fetish, Maids. Something he shared with the other Phenex clan members, even mama Phenex it turned out. Dear old dad would get henpecked if he said otherwise. Razer didn't know how to process his parents being into designing made outfits, having the staff model then sharing them in the bedroom. He just said kinky and moved on with his life.

When he gathered his peerage only one member refused to wear maid dress, The only exception being the first member. Buddha-chan. A girl who forsook her old name and took the name of Buddha. She has a sacred gear that matches the Record of Ragnarök versions weapon during his fight against Zerofuku.

His peerage includes:

· Erina Nakiri: knight. Food Wars

· Lucia desire: bishop. Shinmai maou

· Tarte Tuatha Dé: pawn. The worlds finest assassin.

· Ryuu lion: knight. Danmachi

· Buddha chan: rook Shumatsu no Valkyrie

· Tohru Damocles: rook. Kobayashi-san's maid

· Yuri Alpha: pawn Overlord

· Lupusregina Beta: pawn

· Narberal Gamma: pawn

· CZ2128 Delta/ ceze: pawn

· Solution Epsilon: pawn

· Entoma Vasilissa Zeta: pawn

· Hildegard Beelzebub: pawn Beelzebub

· Virgo Celeste: bishop Fairy Tail

· Sakuya Izayoi: Queen Touhou project

How he meets his peerage members: Lucia is from shinmai maou no testament, she was assigned to Razer after his parents caught him continuously sneaking into the kitchen to cook. Initially they didn't approve of him cooking but as he showcased his talent, they slowly accepted it, plus he makes a mean schwarzwaelder kirschtorte. She joined his peerage under his parents orders much like Ravel did to babysit Riser. Risers' peerage contains some other maids who were placed there because of his hedonistic tendencies.

Buddha-chan he met on a trip to Chengdu to pick up some Chinese spices and speak to his editor about producing mandarin translations for China. He found her at a small candy store that sold the lollies he likes, his mother wouldn't allow him to smoke in the manor so he found an alternative. He felt her sacred gear and followed her for a while until he watched her get harassed by cultivators who she beat with some difficulty. When the mighty elder patriarch arrives and demands her to Kowtow Razer sends him flying with a kick. She joined him after he explained about the rest of the supernatural world outside China.

Erina Nakiri he met at the washoku world challenge that he attended, she saw him using flavour magic to improve his dishes and demanded to know how to perform the spells. As a member of the Nakiri family she was informed of the supernatural. A magic that can solve the curse of god tongue was what she needed. He offered her a position in his peerage granted she was as strong physically and as she was a chef. She challenged him to a shokugeki instead. She wins he gives the flavour grimoire and if he wins, she joins the peerage. Naturally he won by going full Hell's Kitchen on her ass, Sanji's Sea food risotto won him the challenge and her knighthood.

Tarte tuatha dé he meets her when she's starving on the streets. He went to visit the Cadbury factory in England to sample the world's best chocolate and compare it to his own. When he found her, he noticed her magic was above average for a human, so he offered her food and shelter. She became a loving assassin under his mother's tutelage, she is skilled at magic, weapons, and poison.

Ryuu lion he meets on a trip to Alfheim to collect fruits, vegetables, herbs, and the elves tobacco for his cigarettes. As a kid he was always sucking lollies to 4kids Sanji but when he turned 15, he started smoking instead, he circles air around his lunges to prevent tar build up. Anyway, she spotted him and attacked him in the forest. Midway through the battle the folkvangar appeared and demanded both submit and join their goddess Freya who spotted them from afar with her scrying. Ryuu politely declined, Razer took a drag of his cig and told them to go fuck themselves. Together the duo defeated the folkvangar, so Freya sent Thor's moron sons Magni and Modi who were simps for her. They got trashed as well so Freya swore vengeance against the pair for their actions and said she would have Thor crush them himself. Ryuu joined Razer after he said if she became a devil, she'd gain some diplomatic protection. Odin wouldn't fight Serafall over this.

Tohru the dragon he found on the outskirts of familiar forest. She'd been attacked by the hero faction who wanted her heart for the dragon gate ritual they were planning. They weren't the main members, but they did have Jason's next incarnation. Razer beat them all and turned to the dragon who was pierced with a dragon slayer holy blade. Razer risked burning his hands off when he yanked the blade from her. She swore loyalty and claimed him to be her mate which then followed her taking a similar path to the Kobayashi version. She took the surname Damocles and apprenticed herself under Razer to learn how to be a chef.

The Pleiades he found in an isolated village deep in the mountains of Belarus. He was searching for the resident evil village hoping to find a Vampire giantess. Funny thing was he found the exact village, but all the mutants were already dead. The Pleiades slaughtered them to claim the place as their own. They had grown bored in their solitude however, so when Razer arrived and entertained them, they chose to follow him. Some because it was fun, some out of boredom and some because his food was tasty.

Virgo he actually managed to summon via a ritual, one day Razer began wondering why astrology was very well studied yet only used for rituals. He found out about the embodiment ritual and used it to summon the virgin, Virgo. He offered her a place under himself, and she readily accepted to become a made as long as she is punished. Ropes of solid flames can often be seen tied around her body.

Hildegard would be his version of Ingvild leviathan, A half devil with a shadow sacred gear. She is not as strong as Ingvild but she has the same potential in his eyes. He found her in a magical coma in a compound deep in Ose territory. When he managed to jolt her awake, she joined him without a second thought as he didn't really care that she was a half devil or a Beelzebub descendant.

Lastly Sakuya Izayoi, He met her at a Greek auction for a Hephaestus and Hestia blessed cooking set. They both had enough to outbid each other endlessly so decided to fight for it. The Greeks in the audience cheered for a show of gladiatorial combat so it was allowed. He won due to his ability to outlast her attacks and develop enhanced reaction time during the fight. With his victory she became his maid as soon as he brought her home the entire family froze in shock as they assumed he somehow seduced Grayfia Lucifuge into his bedroom.

Throuhgout the years he began to release Manga to tease the world when offended by any party. After he becomes loaded due to his continued success he purchases the rights to Drag so ball and reproduces his dragon ball but adds some TFS stuff like the perfect cell song. Beerus becomes a nekomata and inspires Rias to train her POD to match his style and Whis was changed to look like Michael from the heaven faction which was seen as funny by the wider supernatural world, the archangel laughed himself and stated he was flattered.

Blood lad- He chose to release this series to trigger drag-so ball fans who insulted him online. When Staz got decked when powering the Kamehameha several hardcore Otaku spit blood.

Shinmai maou no testament- this was released to trigger devils and the hero faction simply by emphasizing certain parts of the story like the politics. The fact that Mio Naruse resembled Rias somewhat gained the Gremory's attention. Rias herself began trying to learn gravity magic whilst Sirzechs became a manga fan as a result.

Toriko- several food, hunting, agriculture, and alcohol gods were enraptured with this series earning Razer quite a few zeroes in the bank account.

Food wars, Kobayashi dragon maid, Overlord, Beelzebub, Record of Ragnarök, the world's finest assassin, Danmachi and Fairy Tail he released as he gained peerage members. The girls were flattered that he created detailed plots surrounding them so fast after meeting them. He didn't correct them and accepted the praise. Hades actually was a major fan of Overlord due to the resemblance of Ainz to himself. Several gods were offended by Danmachi genderbending them, the biggest being Loki but some Goddess' like Hestia and Demeter were flattered by how they were drawn.

Jjba- how could he not release this masterpiece, he began selling it when he learned Rias got her bishop sealed. This manga actually helped Gasper a fair bit, jjba inspired him to try and control his time powers resulting in Balor manifesting as an independent type sacred gear with stand like properties. All sacred gear users began attempting to create a stand based subspecies.

Naruto- the Shinto despise the Uchiha but Amaterasu loves Itachi, Kiba is obsessed with the revenge stuff surrounding Sasuke, Sairaorg joins the youth cult and attempts to make a Touki based 8 gates technique.

Record of Ragnarök- the Norse love it and the Greeks hate it. Their versions either lose or are weird twisted versions that piss them off. Poseidon flew into a rage when the chad version of him died, Zeus was pissed that he was old, Hades was jealous of the manga version of his looks and Aphrodite was pissed at the hair style of her counter parts though the breasts were accurate but with magic she can support them herself.

Knights and magic- this was released to please the Agares clan, in school Razer befriended Seekvaria Agares. When he learned that her and her father were advid gundam fans which was the same in this world he released this series along with Gurren Lagann which he changed Nia's face to semble Seekvaria's and Yoko's to resemble Rias.

One piece- He released this purely to hint that he fights like Sanji and showcase that his Marco mask has an origin. The Forneus clan loved the series about pirates and all the big brains in DXD loved the mystery elements.

Trinity seven- The magical phenomena and the themea magic was adored by several magician groups. George Faust, Lavinia, and le fay pendragon turn up to the days of release for new volumes of this series.

Shimoneta- This was released purely to please the cultured men; he did change Anna's face to Grayfia's but the publisher stated this needed to be changed as he was held a frozen knife point. Several underground copies of the original did manage to circulate spawning a bidding war. Euclid Lucifuge and Sirzechs spent a fortune to gather all they could and began cyber bullying each other anonymously to get each other's copies without realising the others' identity.

Re creators- Razer released this to piss of Serafall when they kill the magical girl. At a public signing she appeared and Rko's Razer through the signing desk for his transgressions against magical girls. In retaliation he releases "Is this a zombie?" and Puella Magi Madoka Magica. She publicly attempts to bash his brains in with her magical staff at the next signing.

God of high school-He released this to make fun of Sun Wukong and Bikou along with several minor gods who are featured in the series. The descendants and next incarnations of several people laughed at their Chareyeok's

Konosuba- another banger he released but he changed Kazuma's face to resemble Issei along with increasing the abuse towards Kazuma in the series.

Fate series and seven deadly sins back to back was released after Razer met some fae and the pendragon families. The only critique was that the Pendragons received some backlash as a former matriarch was actually named Artoria but she wasn't around during the age of Arthur.

Gintama he released as was.

Heavens lost property was released but he changed the angeloids to resemble several famous fallen angels. Grigori grunts bought as much as they could to laugh at their supervisors.

The disastrous life of Saiki K he released as was because he liked it.

Mob psycho 100 and One punch man were released but he changed saitama'a serious face to Sirzechs as a joke. It mamnaged to raise satan approval ratings a decent bit upon release.

The world god only knows and Bleach back-to-back after the death gods start being annoying towards his family and their medical products. Azazel was actually inspired by the Zanpakuto along with several supernatural blacksmiths.

Soul eater and fire force were later released to take the piss out of death but people actually enjoyed the characters. The pendragons however were offended by Arthur of fire force for a time.

Hajime no ippo, Baki, Kengan, Ruroni Kenshin and Kenichi the mightiest disciple- these were released with mentions towards Sairaorg in them to gain followers for his Rating game debut

Hunter x Hunterwas released as was and became a major hit world-wide, battle maniacs like crom cruach actually liked Hisoka's character a lot.

Prison school but Razer changed the dudes to look like the fallen generals with Azazel being takehito Morokuzu. Heaven almost fell apart when the fart scene happens due to laughter.

Daily life of highschool boys had all the faces look like supernatural leaders.

Haven't you heard? I'm sakamoto but he made it Vali instead which all his former enemies and friends bought to take the piss out of him.

Haikyu and MHA + vigilantes was a good success and Sairaorg actually sponsored a commercial for their release.

Demon slayer but he made the mobs look like the hero faction.

Full metal alchemist brotherhood- Rias cries at the Nina tucker scene and the family discovers the artist so they research him and discover tori kun

Magi + Sinbad was another major hit among the supernatural, the metal vessels and their full forms inspired a lot of people.

Campione and Noragami were released after a conference off the gods that Razer saw footage of. Some memory editing resulted in a lot more accurate gods.

Nurahiyon and ushio to tora to annoy the Yokai factions after he met Kuroka one time.

Hellsing and the monagatari series were released to annoy the vampires more than blood lad did after they began slandering him online.

Lastly D gray man, iruma kun and blue exorcist to make fun of the church for shits and giggles.

Another notable thing about Razer was actually when he was on a date with Seekvaria after school. He informed her of his identity as Tori-kun making her struggle to hide her squeals. When she tried to congratulate him he had a glass of soda poured over his head. When he turned around and saw Rias Gremory he questioned what this was about. She mistook him for Riser and began to slander him before storming off. Before she could leave however he shouted "Oi bitch!! Did all the essential fat of your eyes end up in your tits or what?!?!? I'm Razer Phenex you moron!! Riser's my older brother!"

This rant was recorded and posted all over devil net and several people began roasting Rias as a Karen as a result.

Later when plot begin at a major signing all the major charcters were in attendance in disguise. Serafall dashed onto the stage and ripped his mask off revealing him to be Razer shocking the underworld. Riser had a heart attack because all the fire type moves he developed were stolen from his brothers work. When Razer got pissed because of Serafall he shouted "I literally dropped several bints throughout my work".

People then released a collage of how his peerage match certain charcter and how he looks like an uncurly Sanji. He got pissed because the tag of uncurly Sanji was spammed in his profiles.