Detective Deku

Instead off Izuku joining Alders middle school with his childhood friend Bakugou his mother pulled him out noticing the abuse signs. She signed him up for online classes noticing his tendency to procrastinate in school based on those filled notebooks of his. Principal Nezu had created several online programs for accelerated learning. Within a year and a half, a 14-year-old Midoriya earned his high school diploma online. From there he took online college courses in quirk theory, criminology, parapsychology (the effect of quirks on the psyche) and chemistry 16 years old with four degrees, skilled in three languages and a licensed EMT he applied for a detective apprenticeship whilst moon lighting as a quirk analyst for several underground heroes.

Completing his apprenticeship in 1-year Izuku becomes a licensed detective after solving multiple cases requiring in-depth quirk analysis. The next two years Izuku makes a name for himself as Verdant. He was able to track down and dismantle several criminal organisations such as the 8 precepts of death under overhaul. Deduced the reappearance of the MLA and set the pros on them. Despite being quirkless he's trained his body to superhuman levels (Captain America) using all the resources available to him.

One day he was invited for tea with principal Nezu at UA university. The rat wanted to use him to market the success of his fast-track courses, they were debating two separate theses on a quirk analysis when an alarm sounded. Present mic burst into the room "there's been a murder in 1-A dorms. Izuku and Nezu were escorted into the dorm. 15 students were gathered; All standing around listlessly and panicked.

Izuku turned to Nezu "who is absent and why?"

Nezu pulled out a tablet and brought up files; Shoto Todoroki is absent to visit his mother in a mental institution. He is currently staying at his brother Natsuo's apartment, Tsuyu Asui is home with her family. She stays with them on weekends, animal quirks tend to get a little homesick from time to time so we allow this, Yuga Aoyama is currently abroad with his parents. His mother is a French ambassador he will not be retuning for another week.

Izuku questioned around who was accountable. Nezu pulled up security footage.

Shinsou Hitoshi, Rikidou Satou, Kouta Kouji, Mezou Shouji and Hanta Sero were all accounted for in the living room for a movie night. The hallway cameras showed no one passing through except the victims when they were last alive heading to a bedroom.

Izuku notes none of the women were present at the small gathering. Everyone was in a room. Bakugou recognises Izuku and calls out on why Deku is here. Tenya Iida also recognises him and berates him. Izuku saved his life from stain the following year when he was stationed in Hosu and tracked the serial killer down. Before Iida could be executed Midoriya tased Stain saving his life.

Nezu introduces him as a detective specialising in scenarios like this. Nezu is both upset, angry and excited all at once. His students are dead, and he isn't happy. On the other hand, he's involved in a murder mystery which is a new experience for him. Best to be a glass half full person in situations like these.

Izuku is taken to see the crime scene. Entering a room, they see a large bed that appears to have been crammed into the room. Atop it is two young women freshly dead. Jirou Kyouka lays there naked with her throat slit and eyes dimmed. No sign of a struggle so she didn't see the attacker. Momo Yaoyorozu however is a different story. Scattered under the bed is a dented metal baton and a small, dented shield. The woman's corpse shows a slightly caved in head. The torso sports several hickeys and some bruises

On the heiress hands are semi made metallic claws popped in a similar method to the old comic hero wolverine. The curvature of the head wound shows she was bludgeoned to death. The dented weapon shows she took one hit and dropped them. Hastily tried to make another weapon before she was hit again and died. Falling into her current position.

Izuku notes a drying patch of something on the bed. He sniffs and smells the scent of sexual discharge.

He turns to Nezu "the killer approached from behind. Miss Jirou was mounting miss Yaoyorozu's head receiving oral sex. The killer slit her throat resulting in the second victim pushing her off and hastily attempting to defend herself. Her facial expression is frozen in panic. She lost the fight and was hit with something blunt. Based on the blood splatter pattern the women were sitting here" he gestures to the area of the drying patch.

"The women were facing away from the window. UA also teaches underground heroics, so I assume there are entry ways in the ceiling?"

Nezu nodded to confirm this.

"So, the killer either entered through the window, or dropped down from the ceiling quietly. The girls distracted in passion didn't notice until it was too later."

"The murderer left in the same method he entered and covered their tracks."

"Any chance it was a warp quirk?"

Nezu scoffed "after the LOV incidents last year we invested heavily in spacial fluctuation detection gear. They're mounted throughout the campus and would alert every teacher instantly".

"Are the teachers accounted for?" Izuku asked.

Nezu stared at him for a moment before he answered "I was with you; Vlad king was on patrol with older students. 13 and power loader were in the labs testing a new suit for 13. Cementoss was escorting recovery girl to a clinic so she could heal some hero".

"Snipe was in the gun range, lunch rush in the kitchen doing meal prep for tomorrow. Hound dog was in a therapy session with a 1-B student".

"And Eraserhead?" Izuku questioned

"I know your trying to be thorough detective, but he would never do that to his students. Nonetheless he was in the teacher apartments having a night in with present mic and midnight. I know not what they're doing but I know there was wine, and leather involved. I didn't delve further than that."

Izuku nodded, in the past he would have blushed a storm but his experiences on the job hardened him in many ways. In his CQC instructors' words "he ain't no soyboy anymo'!"

Izuku then continued "check the cameras for the surroundings of the buildings. Swap visuals to whatever you have."

The footpaths surrounding the buildings were checked for the last three hours. No one was seen. Unfortunately, the camera angle doesn't show the upper walls of the building so it can be determined if someone scaled from another window up to the girls' rooms. Izuku mentally ran over the methods that the students could kill the girls.

First is Bakugou his old bully. He doesn't believe Bakugou would do it. If he was going to kill someone it would be with his quirk. No traces of nitro-glycerine were detected by hound dog in the vicinity. Bakugou is fit enough to scale a building and strong enough to hit them in the head strong enough to dent. The bastard could also be stealthy when he wanted too. He recalls seeing Bakugou's hero costume. Those grenade bracers of his could have been used to smack down on the second victim.

Second, he reviewed Tenya Iida, strong enough to scale the wall but not the right size to sneak through the ceiling vantage point. Could kick strong enough to dent a head inwards. If the room wasn't soundproof a neighbour would have been able to tell if engines were purring. Alas hound dog didn't smell engine fumes or oranges. He considered Iida because he was willing to try and kill Stain in the past. Was this a major relapse?

Mina Ashido has a dancing background which showcases her flexibility and nimbleness. The wall showed no signs of any damage, so a tool or melting wasn't used. She also isn't strong enough to dent the skull that way. Mina also was the one to discover the bodies.

Needs to question her later.

Uraraka Ochako with her zero-gravity quirk could have floated up to the wall and just hovered in silently from either entry point. She was trained by gun head so can handle a knife and with her quirk she could have swung something heavy and released on impact. Makes her a suspect

Mashirao Ojiro is from a martial arts background. That tail of his could smash concrete so he could have bludgeoned Yaoyorozu with it. Though on the big side like Iida he could have entered either way.

Denki Kaminari was noted to be close to the victims. Possibly romantic feelings? Could have seen the two together and lashed out? Nezu notes that Denki has a similar gauntlet to Bakugou which could have been used to bludgeon someone to death.

Eijirou Kirishima could have accomplished this. With his quirk he could slash a throat and bludgeon someone. He's strong enough to climb up a wall as well considering he clawed his way out of a 10-story tall robot without issue.

Fumikage Tokoyami is a similar case. His symbiotic partner could have slashed and bashed before retreating up into the ceiling. Tokoyami trained under hawks who is quite proficient in stealth.

Tooru Hagakure is a stealth expert. Physically she couldn't scale the wall without tools. She could have entered the room with the girls naked and no one would notice. One slash and then Yaoyorozu panics when she sees no one is there. Hagakure releases a flash bang to blind before she smashes something into the girl's head. Question is if she's strong enough, could have faked her physical stats from the tests and no one could tell. Need to know her whereabouts.

Lastly Minoru Mineta who is a sexual deviant. Nezu states that his physically mutations resulted in an enhanced libido. We're worried about letting him loose in public and he chooses villainy. Midnight was worried he'd become the "grapist" at one point

Mineta could easily enter in both ways however I don't think he could defeat Yaoyorozu. Perhaps he used a support item.

Izuku turns to Nezu "I need to know if anyone has their support items on them."

Nezu scratches his chin before typing on his tablet "all the students have their costumes but not their enhancement items. Oh? Bakugou checked his out earlier in the afternoon."

Of course, he did thinks Izuku. He still needs to establish motive. You don't just decide to kill two girls for no reason. Well unless you're a psycho.

"Any chance it was Himiko Toga?"

"She's in Tartarus, UA also has a DNA based scanner on the key cards they use to enter buildings. The card is checked for fingerprints and updates the users' geographical records. All the cards in this building are those of students. Only the personal one of the students can open their room. 1-A is all accounted for."

Izuku scowls. "Time to interview witnesses then. You want to liaise with the departments? "

Nezu chuckles "any other time I'd be delighted to. I'm assigning midnight to assist you. She is trained to investigate crime scenes and isn't as involved as Aizawa who may take this personally."

Izuku then meets midnight and has an internal fanboy moment before shaking her hand. She's not flirting like her rep states she would. Probably because two of her students were dead. They got down to business and asked for students to be brought to them one by one.

First Iida was brought before them, the speedster stated that he went to his room to study, polish his numerous glasses, video chat his brother and lock Mineta in for the night.

"Wait you lock him in?" Izuku questions.

"Indeed detective, Mineta's behaviour can be quite reprehensible. I have encountered him attempting to sneak into the female areas such as the bathrooms and bedrooms in the past. So, at night I place a chair by his door and wait till he attempts to leave and struggle to get out. Once satisfied I continue my routine." Iida gestures wildly with Karate chop action.

Iida was noted to have been chatting with his brother for 47 minutes whilst also messaging several people. His parents, pro hero Manuel, someone named "explosive reprobate" that wasn't Bakugou and Sero in the living room informing him he locked Mineta up for the night. Iida was clean as a whistle.

Uraraka entered next "oh well I went to my room early to chat with my parents. I texted Hado senpai for a while then had a visitor" she said with her cheeks reddening.

"Who visited you Uraraka? What did they want and how long was it for?"

"Oh, it was Bakugou-kun, we studied some chemistry stuff together. I struggled with some problems. And he demanded I spar with him later as payment. He enjoyed the fight at the sports festival last year and likes how I've improved…. I think. So we went at it for an hour (blush increasing) and then he went back to his room saying something about Kirishima. After that I tidied up, ate some mochi I had stashed away and watched some stuff online".

After she left midnight turned to him with full seriousness "she's banging Bakugou". That left him lost for words for a minute Midnight continued "those innuendos she said sounded rehearsed. Like someone told her to say that instead of sex. She also has a bad relationship with Bakugou outside of heroics. So, they're probably hate fucking and keeping quiet about it" she concluded with a huff.

Izuku rubbed his face and just decided to not say anything. Ojiro came next, immediately Izuku noticed the bandaged and bloodied knuckles. Ojiro caught his gaze "oh this? I over did it with the Makiwara when I was training. Going through the kata and stuff."

Ojiro has a reputation as a martial arts fanatic. When questioned about his activities he blushed "well I trained for abit then did my homework. Hagakure paid me a visit and helped me stretch out. We were talking for a while. Halfway through Ashido was knocking at my door. Tooru got of- she went and opened the door and spoke with her. Ashido left stomping down the hallway. After that we just kept talking until, we were brought down here."

Cut to an invisible set of clothes gesturing wildly "tonight? I went round to my boyfriend's then rocked his world. Mina showed up halfway through and demanded to know what was up. She sounded upset so I opened the door partially. Told her to remember the sisterhood and leave me with Ojiro cause we were busy. She got more upset then stomped off. After that I went back at it with Ojiro before we were called down."

Midnight was like a statue in her chair when the girl left before she squealed "OMG!?? My students were getting busy, and I didn't know."

Izuku deadpanned "they may have double teamed a murder"

She retorted "of shush you! The only throng they could have double teamed was Ashido! I need to know if she joined in or not."

"Later we have the next person arriving".

Tokoyami entered and the questioning began. "Well firstly I stuck around with the guys downstairs. They voted on some movies I didn't like so I grabbed some apples and retired to the room. Did my homework then read some poetry" "he means he read some edgy fanfic of cooed at how awesome it was!" "Silence dark shadow!!"

"Did you both do anything else?" asked the detective.

"We went for a bath, Fumi was scrubbing away his shame for being a weeb and I had fun popping bath bubbles". Tokoyami should not have been able to glow red like that, but it was mildly hilarious.

Next Denki Kaminari entered looking distraught. He sat down and fidgeted "hey can I ask you guys where Jirou and Yaomomo are? No one will tell me. They just say they're probably talking with you guys. Did something happen to them?"

Izuku couldn't tell if this was an act or not. Was he generally worried or was he trying to set himself up as a vulnerable friend act to cover up a killing?

"There was abit of an altercation involving them. They're being looked after by medical professionals now. We want to know your classes activities to make sure none of them were involved or if they may know something."

Izuku answered politically, didn't reveal they're dead. He's not socially apt enough to drop those two girls he knew and possibly liked are no longer with us.

Kaminari fidgeted "oh so they're ok. Well, I'll tell you whatever you want."

"Did you meet either of the girls tonight? What were you doing tonight?"

"Well downstairs at dinner I was asking if she had any replacement guitar string lying around. Mine snapped when I was practising earlier. Some of the guys were messing around with it the other day. I think dark shadows claws weakened the strings. So, she gave me a box then brushed me off to talk to Yaomomo. She was really excited about something and had a blush she gets when she's excited."

The interviewers looked at each other while Denki continued "so after that I hanged out with Mina. She was a bit mopey and gets glancing to Kirishima. She wouldn't talk about it. We went to our rooms where we split. She went to talk to Uraraka about something while I did my homework. English is like really hard for me. I was doing these exercises that Yaomomo gave me to make things easier before I was called down with the others."!

Izuku spoke up "thank you for the information, Kaminari. You've been very helpful."

Next Mineta came in. The gremlins eyes never strayed from midnight. She asked him what he did tonight. "Not much, had dinner with the guys. Then learned that they wanted to watch some horror comedy movie. Wasn't my thing, had no good actresses so I went to my room. Did some homework before starting some research on local heroes and heroines. Then megane taichou locked me in my room for no good reason. So, I just took a nap before taking a quick shower and then came down with the rest when Nezu buzzed us".

He left happy with himself while midnight turned to Izuku "power loader saw that he was visiting some 25+ websites for a long time. Complaining about the number of viruses that attempted to get on the servers." "Don't you mean 18 or 21+?" "I said what I said".

Kirishima came in next; he was similar to Kaminari but was forth coming with information. "Oh well I ate some grub with the guys then went to my room to finish my history assignment. Bakubro came back from tutoring Uraraka in a good mood and helped me out with my stuff. Then we trained together for abit. I think Mina came by for abit, but I was distracted. We were together until you guys called us down."

Then the one Izuku least wanted to speak to came in. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING HERE DEKU?!?" He screeched.

Izuku sighed "I'm doing my job Bakugou. I'm a detective and I'm on a case."


Midnight looked like she was going to kick him in the head. "Speaking of useless waste tell me why you're fucking Uraraka Ochako and not being so open about it."

Bakugou fizzled out on the spot and glared at him before kissing his teeth "round face snitched. Typical bimbo!"

Izuku calmly retorted "I'd say your the bimbo. Two of your classmates, Cammie from Shiketsu, you even had a go with Pixiebob before she dismissed you."

That followed an apocalyptic screech from Bakugou. Basically, about Deku stalking him and how he shouldn't get cocky and how Bakugou would destroy him if he told anybody.

"I told your mom when we were having coffee last week. She's going to wring your neck next time she sees you."

Bakugou glared at him with the coldness of Cocytus. "What did you do tonight Bakugou?" Asked midnight.

Bakugou then ranted explosively "had dinner with the extras. Round face begged me for a pounding, so I delivered. Then I went back to my room and got it on with weird hair. Basically, fucked him into a coma. Then racoon eyes turned up and tried to mouth off to me cause I'd gotten with weird hair. Told her to fuck off or id give her a glow up. Went for another round with weird hair when he woke up then got saddled next to the other extras. There happy?!"

"Yeah, thanks Bakugou, mind telling me why you had your gauntlets in your room?"

"Fuck you, Deku! How'd you know I had them?!"


"Tch I was refilling them, all that fucking worked up a sweat. You probably wouldn't know a thing about that Deku!"

"Well, my girlfriend certainly seems satisfied. Thanks for the info, Bakugou your free to go."

The explosive Pomeranian left giving him the finger and threatening him not to tell anyone and that if he actually told him mom, he was gonna die.

Midnight sighed "that boy needs therapy. If he isn't the guy, he's meeting hound dog."

Lastly the woman of hour came in. Mina Ashido, the woman who found the bodies entered. She looked far paler than the photos Izuku had seen. Rather than asked her how she cells and cause a breakdown he asked her to narrate her night.

"Well during the day, I got a text from a girl named Cammie. Lot of emoji speak but basically, she was pissed that Bakugou was two timing her and wanted to let me know. So, I tried to find out who it was, didn't think it'd be Kiri. I kind of have a thing for him so I was shaken up. Denki tried to cheer me up, but he was more interested in Kyouka."

"He has a thing for her then?" Izuku asked

"Oh yeah, he and her along with Yaomomo were close. They went through the USJ together. Denki was always close to Kyouka. Was way into her until the culture festival. After Kyouka rocked the stadium Yaomomo confessed, and they got together. Denki saw and was heartbroken. Ever since they kind of distanced him. He's hiding it but he's real depressed over it. Spent some time pouring his heart out on that guitar of his. I saw him talk to Kyouka tonight about strings. He mentioned how he couldn't wait to change them, that Kyouka had the best taste. I felt bad."

"Yeah, real bummer" Izuku said trying to be sympathetic

"Anyway, back to tonight, I uh heard Bakugou say he was going to Uraraka. So, I went there to confront him after I parted ways with Denki. Found Uraraka sweating like a pig in her room. Told me he'd went to his room and said he was meeting Kirishima. I found him leaving Kiri's room (they're neighbours) and saw Kiri passed out on the sheets. I got pissed and yelled at him for the shit he's pulling. Kiri was KO'd so he didn't hear any of it."

Midnights glasses were shining, and she gestured for her to continue. Izuku was discreetly taking notes. "He said some hurtful things and I got real pissed so I stormed off. Heard Bakugou yell about his room key before he went back to Kirishima".

"I wanted to vent so went to see Tooru, Uraraka was tired, and Tsu wasn't here after all. She was in Ojiro's and basically gave me the boot cause she was getting freaky. I got really annoyed that everyone around me was getting it on. Do I decided to go see the other girls? If they were doing the same, I swore I would jump Denki's bones tonight to get us both to relax. Instead, I found…. them like that. I panicked and grabbed my phone before dialling Aizawa's number. Heard sex noises in the background (midnight blushed) but ignored it and yelled he needed to get here now. That the girls were bleeding badly. After that hound dog took me aside and the rest is as you know."

Izuku was quiet before he said "it was very brave of you to tell us this. I know that can't have been easy. Your classmates don't know what happened and Denki is in a bit of stress because he hasn't seen the girls. If you want to remain with hound dog or join them it's up to you."

She nodded before asking "did you catch who did it?" Izuku nodded but didn't verbally confirm anything. He instead told her "Keep quiet about it. Aizawa and Nezu want to inform you all personally".

She left without a fuss while midnight looked at him. "Why did you lie?" "Kept her from freaking out and jumping to conclusions. Last thing we want is a super powered meltdown and she accuses classmates. Wouldn't want a battle royal to start."

Izuku kept writing notes until Nezu came "found anything?" He questioned. Izuku simply told him that "we need to check the students' rooms."

He believes that Iida, Mina, Bakugou and Mineta are the only confirmed safe ones.

Why is Mineta safe? No motive, the gremlin is more likely to watch two girls go at it than attack them not to mention how Yaoyorozu died makes it difficult for him. Iida, Bakugou and Mina have Alibi's.

He believes Ojiro and Hagakure are less likely but are still plausible. He needs motives now.

Denki could be a mental break because of jealousy and lust, it wouldn't be the first he's seen. In terms of known motive, he's the only one that's blatantly obvious.

Kirishima, Uraraka, Ashido, Ojiro, Hagakure, and Tokoyami have no known motive.

When they got to the foyer none of the students were there. He turned to Aizawa and Mic who stood there waiting. "Where are the students?"

"In their rooms. They saw Ashido and told her to go to her bedroom. The others complained so I let them go."

"All together?" Mic spoke up "Kaminari, Uraraka and Tokoyami escorted Ashido. Bakugou and Kirishima went together. Ojiro and Hagakure went together."

"Did you warden off the crime scene?" He asked to which they nodded.

Nezu clapped "alright detective whose rooms do you want to see?"

He sighed "start with Uraraka I guess?" The five of them all went up to the mochi lovers room. Knocked to which she let them in. She had a very basic room with little personalisation. Midnight distracted her whilst he and Eraserhead searched. Worst things they found were a dirty hamper and a smelly hero suit that needs a clean.

Next, they went to the tail and invisible couple. Spotless, though Hagakure needs a little less pink in her life. After that they went to Bakugou's room. The bomb boy didn't want to let him in until he said it was a police investigation. The roomed smelled like Caramel, Bakugou's scent. Just like his mother oddly enough.

"Bakugou where are the gauntlets? " asked Aizawa. Bakugou gestured with his chin to the closet. Izuku pulled on some gloves ignoring Bakugou's scowl before opening the door. At first glance nothing looked wrong. So, he picked them and noticed something that made his neck hair rise.

"Bakugou did you not slot one of the canisters back in?"

"What are you talking about Deku of course I—- where is it?!?! Weird Hair did you touch my stuff?!?!"

"Nope Bakubro why? Is it important?"

Izuku then had a thought about Mina who was near the room. "We need to check Ashido's room next".

So, the teachers left the two males debating on the whereabouts of the sweat canister. They knocked and opened the door only to find Mina crying and cradling Kaminari who was in a similar state.

"I'm sorry I had to tell him! He kept asking getting worried. I needed to let it out!" She said whilst gushing tears. Midnight approached her and talked them down whilst the others checked her stuff. No sweat canister Izuku asked "where did Tokoyami go?"

"Back to his room" Denki said in a heartbroken tone. He nodded and marched over there followed by Aizawa and Nezu. They knocked but no answer. So, they used the master key to open the door and enter.

The room was dark and shiny silver objects were scattered throughout the room. Tokoyami has more crow traits than it seems. He saw a plate of gourmet cheese on the desk by his bedside. It has been partially devoured. Nezu sniffed "does anyone else smell iron".

Aizawa grunted and held up a leather sheathe with a silver sword, a replica of some anime. He pulled it open and saw blood trickling down it. The murder weapon of Jirou Kyouka.

"We need to find him now! Nezu check the cameras!?!"

"They're offline? The door system is still functioning. It says Kaminari's room just opened."

They all took off back down the hallway. They saw the door of the room slam shut. Nezu tried to open it with the key, but it wouldn't budged. Izuku pulled his gun and shot into the door handle before kicking it. The door flung open and showed the fresh horror within.

Inside they saw Tokoyami with his eyes rolled into the back of his head with a heavy duty torch pointing right at him.

Izuku caught sight of a lace dangling from the window heading up he rushed towards the window only to stop. He saw the missing canister on the windowsill. It was primed. "Get back!!" He yelled be for it ignited and blew a hole in the wall.

Izuku was blown back and landed on Kaminari's guitar. With a groan he slowly got up. "Found the canister". The others however were checking Tokoyami. No pulse.

The flashlight was heavy duty, no idea where it came from, but it looks like it was lit to burn dark shadow away. Tokoyami was strangled to death. The garrotte was guitar strings. The ones Kyouka gave to Kaminari.

Izuku began inspecting the body whilst Nezu made the call for reinforcements. They have a serial killer. The neck was littered with cuts and signs of heavy pressure on the thyroid. Fingers are slightly damaged from scratching at the wire. Izuku saw slight drag marks on the ground. Like Tokoyami was lifted slightly. He also spotted a red and yellow smudge. He kneeled and smelled it. Aged cheese of some kind, note to self-attend cheese and win sampling classes.

Tokoyami smeared it with his heel. Before he could raise a point, he looked up and saw the students had gathered at the door of the room. It had been blasted off the hinges. They were shocked to see Tokoyami's corpse. Aizawa was trying to corral them all out.

Izuku counted the students. All accounted for. Midnight never left Ashido and Kaminari So, they're out of the suspects list.

3 hours past, other officers are littering the scene. Izuku was speaking with the homicide divisions chief. He gave a list of suspects, but the media had arrived. So, they can't be discreet about this anymore. Three hero students are dead with one being the Yaoyorozu heiress. Her parents are on the war path over here to find her killer. If things don't go well every person in that building at 6pm may be getting jail time.

The students panicked and the teachers struggled to manage the situation. Other classes came at the sound of the explosion. Izuku just kept thinking back to the room. One canister of Bakugou's shouldn't have made that big an explosion. It had been tampered with. Not to mention the cheese.

He saw a purple haired student by himself in the corner drinking coffee watching his class. He walked over "excuse me, Shinsou correct? I have a question for you."

The Purple Aizawa clone looked at him tiredly and said "ask away, not sure I'll be much help".

"Was there anyone in your class that liked cheese?"

Shinsou rose an eyebrow "who doesn't like cheese? "

"The killer apparently, anyway, do you know who would carry cheese on them?"

Shinsou frowned "Sato is a baker so he may carry some. Tokoyami was always snacking on something, and I saw him with cheese a lot. Yaoyorozu liked cheese a lot too, needed it for her Quirk."

Was Tokoyami in the room of the first murder? Did he swipe some cheese of all things? That doesn't add up at all. "Aoyama also loves it but he ain't here. He's big into European stuff."

"He also into lights?" Izuku asked jokingly

Shinsou replied seriously "yeah actually, is obsessed with 'sparkling' whatever that means."

"Uh well he sits next to Ojiro, Mina, and Kaminari so they talk sometimes. He talks a lot with Yaoyorozu and he kinda got close to Uraraka after they had their exams together. They took down 13."

He thanked Shinsou and grabbed Nezu, literally just hoisted the furry chimera onto his shoulders and walked up to Aoyama's room. Coincidentally it's across from Tokoyami. He asked Nezu to open it up. The place is littered with sparkly and shiny things. There was even a gem encrusted armour that shines!

He went around opening the closest looking for clues and boy did he get them. Inside Aoyama's bed stand was a mini fridge loaded with cheeses. Nezu happily helped himself to some, but Izuku wasn't in the mood. Instead, he checked the diary hidden above the mini fridge.

Inside Aoyama recorded his days in UA since the application tests. It was all recorded in French. Fortunately, it's one of the languages Izuku is fluent in. Lucky him, should really encourage the rest of the detective force to pick up a language.

Aoyama recorded his diet, how he manages his stomach pains, good suppliers for cheese and wine that Nezu subtly copied down. The interesting things were the business deals he mentioned that his parents informed him off.

The Yaoyorozu corporations had been expanding into new markets. Recently into the construction market and they've done so with fervour. Later Aoyama mentions having to comfort a distraught mademoiselle whose parents business collapsed as a result of the Yaoyorozu.

Nezu began checking the female students' files for their parents then checking for their employment history. Izuku kept reading and discovered that the girl in question was being subtly tainted constantly by "the voice of Celine Dion" whoever that is.

He searched the name and found an old Canadian singer. So, Jirou Kyouka was harassing a student. The jibes were about how her family was struggling and how she may need to dropout. The fact that she knew this info meant that Yaoyorozu Momo must have told her and not thought anything off it.

"Uraraka construction recently closed due to financial issues. They were absorbed by the Yaoyorozu conglomerate and the previous owners let go." Nezu chimed in finally getting the information.

Suddenly Izuku pieced the situation together. A girl who joined the hero course for her licence that would allow her to use a quirk to assist her family and gain lots of money. Her plan is ruined by a classmate making a comment to her parents. Classmates' girlfriend rubs it in her face. The class goes through trial after trial against villains mentally wearing her down.

Aoyama considered her a friend so perhaps informed her of how to enter his room when she wanted a shoulder to cry on. She uses that to get into Tokoyami's who is connected via a vent in the ceiling. Dark shadow slipped through to nab cheese when the lights were off, and it wasn't sparkling. She saw both rooms when they toured them as mentioned in one of the student files. She saw Tokoyami had blades during her visit so made use of it.

She is in a sexual relationship with Bakugou, he lost his room key according to Mina, so she presumably took it when he visited her. Saw Mina and used her to distract Bakugou. She took the gauntlet and the blade. Presumably the light comes from Aoyama's room but it could just be some rescue gear she pinched from somewhere.

Her construction background meant she knows a little about demolition, she could have tampered with the canister to increase its power. With her quirk she could enter through any vantage point. Gun head taught her how to use knives and she was noted to have fought Toga Himiko who is a specialist.

She snook in and slashed her bully's throat. Possibly to make a point about her talking shit. She's skilled in CQC enough to hit Yaoyorozu with a blunt weapon, presumably the gauntlet. Then she makes her escape and destroys any evidence in Aoyama's room. Which is possibly where she stashed the weapons the first time and then replanted them after people returned to their rooms. Tokoyami spots her slipping out of his and follows her.

She escorted Ashido and Kaminari, probably nabbed his room key during that. Slips into his room where Tokoyami confronts her about her presence in his room. Territorial traits of a bird kicking in? She'd been to Aoyama's so stole a light flicked it on. Used the distraction to tackle and strangle him with whatever she could find. Guitar string, maybe she knew it belonged to Jirou so had it beforehand?

She goes to leave after killing him, opens the door and hears us. Slams the door and primes the bomb, possibly had stashed it in Aoyama's room. Dove out the window and floated into her own or someone else's then slips back in during the chaos.

Izuku turns to Nezu "time to make an arrest." He scowls before climbing back up Izuku's shoulder. "Indeed, as sorry for her as I am I can't forgive her actions no matter the circumstances".

When they arrive outside, they see the class scattered prattling away to each other. Nezu slips away to inform his people whilst Izuku makes his approach. He always carries quirk suppressant cuffs in his coat. He sneaks behind her whilst she talks to Iida. The boy notices him coming and spots the scowl.

Wonders what's going on, it happens so fast. He grabs the girls arm and clicks the first into place. She spins to face him in terror, and he slips the other one on when she raises her hand either in a panic or a reflexive action to strike.

She slumps slightly noticing the change. "Uraraka Ochako you are under arrest for the murder of Jiro Kyouka, Yaoyorozu Momo and Tokoyami Fumikage. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can be used against you in court. You have the right to talk to a lawyer for advice before we ask you any questions. You have the right to have a lawyer with you during questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be appointed for you before any questioning if you wish. If you decide to answer questions now without a lawyer present, you have the right to stop answering at any time."

Everyone was in shock as Izuku laid out the Miranda rights. Iida was the worst of all, almost as if he couldn't recognise the woman in front of him as her face began to change from shock into anger.

"What the hell are you on about?!? I have done nothing wrong!!!"

She began to scream as Izuku dragged her over to a detainment vehicle. At that moment the families of the deceased arrived to see their child's killer beings escorted into what amounts to a moving cell.

The other lawmen move around to make sure things follow procedure. Izuku doesn't have a habit of shooting the gun.

The case of the 1st UA University murder is solved. As for the others? Well, that's in another file.