My mate Snape

This story begins with the young Severus Snape awakening with a pounding headache. As expected of course considering his father bashed his head in with a brick last night. Severus turned and saw the glassy wide-eyed glare of his father staring right him. Tobias Snape lay there dead on the ground, for you see last night Severus returned after his fifth year of Hogwarts. He had completed a whopping 11 OWLS and destroyed his main friendship in the span off one week. Pretty impressive, I'm sure.

He made the mistake of calling Lily a mudblood, he could make excuses that he was angry because of potter or that it slipped out because he'd been listening to his housemates chant it repeatedly. But she wouldn't care, the fact that it's in his vocabulary and that she's wearing red makes her conditioned to hate green sufficiently ended that relationship.

Snape rubbed his pounding head, after returning home he found his mother a quivering mess on the floor. His sperm donor received some bad news so turned to drinking away his problems. With enough Lager in his system his mother Eileen Snape neé Prince became a problem.

Tobias solves problems by beating them with his old work wrench that he kept from his factory job. Severus watched as his mother went into shock from a hit to the head, she had a stroke due to the damaged blood vessels and died right there in front of him.

Severus temporarily forgot he was a wizard when he tackled his father and began beating him with everything his pale and feeble body had. He grabbed whatever was near and jammed it into Tobias.

The man himself didn't take that lying down however, he picked up a brick that was being used to keep a door open and smashed it into his son's head. When the boy went down, he noticed that he now had some holes in his torso. Tobias in his drunken state couldn't manage to get to the phone. He collapsed and let the blood loss take him into deaths embrace. Severus however underwent several changes, more on the spiritual level. A random soul floating in some form of void slipped into his dying body and attached itself. Merging with him, that Soul gave a nice boost to his magic causing it to heal the dent and repair any brain damage.

Severus awoke a new man with new memories. He was a fictional character apparently; the other soul called him a Simp for Lily based on his previous behaviour, but it also understood on some level that Lily was a coping mechanism for Severus. Severus saw his future; youngest potion master is certainly appealing but slave to a snake wanker most certainly isn't. He saw the path his roommates and upperclassmen were happily marching towards and decided that it wasn't worth it.

Lily and Potter's spawn will handle it, ugh isn't that an image he's going to struggle to remove. Thank Merlin he practiced his Occlumency, the other soul had many ideas from many other fictional stories that could be reproduced with magic.

Severus was undergoing a complete psychological reformation in terms of thought processes. After a few minutes he got to his feet and saw the corpses of his parents. He noted the dried blood on his forehead. He decided to call the police, most would consider that stupid but the whole covering up a murder scenario didn't seem appealing.

Soon some Constables arrived and retrieved the bodies. Severus was escorted down to the police station to give his statements. Essentially his father killed his mother and attacked him, he killed in self-defence. Normally that would result in him being booked and shipped out. But when he was asked where he has been since September and said a boarding school in the highlands that taught advanced chemistry called Hogwarts things changed rapidly.

A ministry official arrived shortly and took his case. A pure-blooded witch was murdered by her muggle husband and her son defended her honour. Nothing wrong with that in the ministry's eyes. Though a half blood he is in Slytherin. He'd fall in with the right crowd.

The older Auror asked who he's friends with, the second the name Lucius Malfoy left his lips everything was resolved in ten minutes.

Severus returned home and found the place clean, his father's body rested in the morgue in Cokeworth about to be cremated. His mother's body however laid wrapped up in white cloth. He was going to bury her in her family's tomb. First Severus gathered all of her things, along with his own. The younger him had experimented with spacial expansions charms. The older students happy to teach him so he could be a glorified pack mule.

His mother's wedding dress and some off her jewellery were hidden away behind some elementary wards that would easily fool his father. His mother and her things were slowly lowered into his trunk which he shrunk and hung around his neck. His last act in the house was to write a letter to Lily explaining for the last time his apologies. He informed her that his parents are dead and that he's leaving Cokeworth. He explained he had no intentions of becoming a death eater like Potter and his friends continue to insinuate even though he watched his mother die at the hands of a muggle. He thanked her for being his friend for as long as she did even though it couldn't have been easy being a "snake charmer" in the house of red.

The flowery language he uses always made her laugh at how "dorkish" it was. Finally, he said he wouldn't contact her anymore and that to give his best wishes to her family. They were kind for the most part to him. If you ignore Tunney. He walked out the door after posting the letter the muggle way as he didn't own an Owl. He then placed down stasis wards that would keep the house from degrading and made the location unnoticeable to muggles.

He raised his wand and summoned the Knight bus planning to use some of the money he stole from his ignorant house mates throughout the year. He had upwards of sixty galleons at the end of the year. The old him would have sneered at his housemate's wealth and negligence. The current him was more apathetic. Lily Evans was on a walk around the neighbourhood, she passed Snape's house before freezing and looking again. She recognises that charms had been cast over the house. She wouldn't risk drawing her wand and casting detection spells here. The ministry had already sent two letters when she was in her second year and cast tempus her first morning home out of habit.

Burying her curiosity, she walked home and found her parents in the living room looking sullen. She asked why the long face. Her mother turned to her "Oh it's awful Lily, that young boy Severus just lost his family."

Lily froze as her father spoke up "Aye that bastard Tobias attacked his wife. He then attacked the boy who killed him in self-defence." He was shaking his head at the situation.

She noticed Tuney on the stairs smirking making her frown. She walked towards her "Sev left something for you Lily" her sister chirped out.

"He was here?" She asked wide eyed.

Petunia scoffed "no he sent a letter the proper way. No miserable bird, just through the post. I chucked it on your bed."

Lily ran into her room and spotted it instantly. She tore open the envelope and started reading rapidly. She noticed Snape's flowery speech and dramatic font of writing. She ended up reading it multiple times. At the end she cried silently mourning her past friendship. Her bitterness from the day her owls ended long forgotten. Where could he have gone if not to his death eater buddies? She asked herself.

Meanwhile Severus had slipped into a back alley. He'd entered London and passed through the busiest street he could. Severus Snape was a genius in many subjects. Magical theory, spell craft, dark arts, potions, and wand less magic were the ones the other soul noted.

So, the new Severus attempted it, he used his natural occlumency that had been sharpened in Slytherin to direct his intent to lift some small metal balls and screws he picked up. He managed to make them float with ease.

Next, he tried with twigs and paper but found it much more difficult. Eventually he concluded that he's ferrokinetic in some form. He recalled future Snapes outfit being a heavily buttoned Vicar like outfit under the robes. Hmmm perhaps those buttons were metal, and the cloak had a wire lining it. Was that how he made his robes bellow constantly. Openly flexing that he's a mini magneto.

Smirking Snape walked through the busy street flexing his hand as if gripping things. When he emerged, he entered another ally and counted that he had pulled 8 wallets and three-coin purses into his hands. He opened them up and pulled about 300 pounds from his trip.

Next, he entered a department store and grabbed some new clean clothes. Darker colours of course but some new jeans, a thick flannel shirt, some t shirts, new boxers, and socks wouldn't go amiss.

After he bought stuff in his size he slipped into a cafe for a nice lunch. He had a turkey stuffing sandwich and a Cappuccino. He planned his next moves whilst he ate.

Severus recalled what he knew and the theories and "fan fiction" of the other soul. Skipping past the porn plots and the completely ludicrous things he concluded a trip to Gringotts is next. His wand responds to him as before, so he does not need a new one. Though he did recall the upper years mention some stores in knockturn for traceless wands

But all he needs is one more year until the trace vanishes, so it'd be a waste to buy a pricier wand. Only the first is seven galleons after all.

Snape decided to enter Gringotts and spotted a brochure with a list of banking services. Severus did have a vault, but it was opened under his mother's name when he first visited the alley with her. One of the few good memories he had with her. As he settled into an open chair, he began reading the brochure and noted the goblins offered investment options and bloodline registers. The ministry offers the same however if you use the goblins, it is more discrete. The goblins want bloodlines found so they can reopen old accounts that they can't access. It's why a bloodline test with them is only 10 Galleons.

Severus reread the brochure several times while recalling his goblin lessons under Binns. Although he didn't pay attention to the ghosts' monotone ramblings, he'd still heard them. Reviewing those memories, he'd pieced together what to say to the goblins that wouldn't get him shanked. After arriving at a corner teller that had a much bigger pile of paperwork, he calmly requested a bloodline test at the earliest convenience. The goblin slowed his work speed at the polite tone but nonetheless signalled for him to wait in the corner. Five minutes later he cut his own finger with a mild cutting charm.

He wasn't going to use a goblin dagger to do it. What if it had absorbed a poison at one point. As soon as they learned he had money and croaked in the bank they'd have a rite to the vault. The Goblin chuckled at him when it noticed the glare at the offered blade. The bloodline registry showcased that he was heir apparent to the house of prince and a distant descendant of the house of dawn on his father's side.

He asked the goblin what the house of dawn was famous for. The goblin shuffled over to some papers and began checking. "That family was a branch of the house of Dayne who served the house Martel in Chile. They have a locked account with the gnomes off about 832,000 galleons. They were noted to have a passive trait of a good scent that they used to ensnare weak witches to continue the bloodline. They were exterminated for trying to seduce a squib daughter of the Parkinson's four hundred years ago."

"Could I claim heirship of both houses and unite their accounts under myself? Discreetly of course. Wouldn't want the house Martel cleaning house with their old servants long lost, would we?"

The goblin growled out a laugh "you half-blood Slytherins are always good for business. We can certainly assist with that, any chance to snub a gnome is a good one. You will report to greenedge the Prince family accountant. He would be most excited to get back to work".

With that Severus met with his family accountant, the goblin was giddy at the merger of the house of dawn into the Prince family holdings. All the dawn family's property were liquidated ages ago by the Dayne family who planned to use their branch family to launder a stash.

The Prince family had a steady income from their patents. The Prince family had many crafters in their line. Potion masters, Alchemists, Artificers, and herbologists to name a few. His great grandfather created the printing press used by the daily prophet today and sold one to the Lovegood's who were family allies. He had access to the family manor which contained the crypt. He headed there after requesting several investment ideas of his accountant who was jubilant to have more work. More work equals more profit for a goblin.

The Prince manor was named "The Arsenal" by the founder. It was equipped with several different laboratories each managed with custom runic systems connected to the leylines under the manor, so all equipment and ingredients were fresh. Three house elves live on the property with the head elf being Twixie. Severus met the elves who did a little dance at the young master's return. When he entered the manor, he expected to be greeted with aisles of paintings. When he asked the head elf, she told him they be in the gallery. The princes had a rotational device that summoned up a specific portrait regarding a certain subject. His grandparents are under the 20th century line and are listed under the investment advice section.

He ignored this for later and asked for the elves to sort his things. He ventured to the library that contained tomes that would be outlawed in today's society. In the corner he saw a glass case which contained several pairs of reading glasses. He summoned Twixie and asked for information. An ancestor created a pair of glasses which enhances reading speed and visual based memory retention. The later models were creations off other members of the Prince family. However, the older models require someone to be proficient in occlumency to handle the mental strain. 64 times reading speed is the strongest, Severus intended to work his way up and abuse this to master any subject he required.

The other soul would have rejoiced at finding "Gale force reading glasses" but Severus just smiled. A limitation of the glasses is that they only work on the property due to the power requirements of the glasses. Severus planned to take a pair into the study. Would make the lordships paperwork go by much faster. After he settled in, he floated his mother's corpse into the family crypts. He carved out her name and how she was a fantastic mother to him on her tombstone. He left the husbands section next to her blank however.

Over the next two weeks Severus began using the library to speed up his studies. He was already beyond NEWT level in several subjects and was debating taking them early.

To pass the time he worked on projects. First, he found the healing section of the library and found charms that would heal his damaged Nose and hair. The potion fumes over the years did no favours to him. Next, he found that some members of the Prince family were ferrokinetic and developed certain practices for the skill. A specific outfit schematic was posted in several books so the user could show "unaided flight".

After his brief stint as a fashionista which he turned over to the elves he researched more on health. He found a potions regime to get his body up to peak levels. Certain potions to promote muscular growth in certain muscle groups and a potion that would help him develop a tan. Instead, Severus decided to created lotions from potions instead. That way he won't have to ingest God awful potions at all hours of the day

He began with creating a base lotion using enhanced roses to make enhanced rose water and then mixed it with coconut oil.

From there he began to mix certain potions into the rose mixture with the enchanted roses acting as a binding agent. The lotions only have the effect of reaching skin deep so he created a stronger variant that would affect his muscles. He created these after reviewing Chinese medicinal bath notes he found in the healing section. The notes about the collections of "impurities" were noted to be resolvable with a cleansing ritual once a month that takes five minutes to complete. Finally, he worked on making aerosol versions of potions after he found success with the muscle and tanning lotions.

He created a healing spray in three weeks. The canister was multi-faceted. The first nozzle sprays a blood replenisher and blood sealing potion condition to stop cursed wounds. The second nozzle sprays a skin sealer and blemish concealer mix that would prevent grotesque scars from appearing. Last is a disinfectant spray to prevent infection. At the end of July Severus' health regime has resulted in him appearing to resemble Gaoh Ryuki. Those lotions were more effective than he anticipated. He needed to consume a much greater calorie and protein amount even with nutrient potion supplements. The results spoke for themselves as he stared at himself in the mirror.

He stood jacked at 5'10 with a little more growing to do. The future version stood at 6'1 but that was with poor health conditions after he neglected dealing with the toxic potion build up in his hair and nose. Perhaps he'd stand at 6'2 or more, Tobias for all his faults was a well-built man.

After he dressed in some much comfier robes, he entered the parlour to review a new book. Alas he was accosted by Twixie waving around his Hogwarts letter.

After he thanked her for retrieving it, he asked her to feed the delivery owl before opening his results in his Owls.

· Transfiguration- O

· Potions- O+


· Magical theory- O+

· Astronomy-O

· Charms-O+

· Herbology-O

· History of magic- EE

· Arithmancy- O

· Ancient studies- O

· Muggle studies- O

· Ancient Runes- O


Twelve owls with fantastic results. The fact that he went beyond in three subjects impressed himself. For a moment he wondered how Lily had done before he squashed that thought.

He decided that he would apply for taking his Newts early in five subjects.

Magical theory, potions, DADA, Arithmancy and Ancient Runes. The first three are a walk in the park for Severus especially after his metamorphosis into the Prince heir. He noticed that the results didn't include his changed surname that he had changed at Gringotts. The last two subjects are much more course intensive, but Severus was ahead of the class. He'd created his own spells after all.

On second thought he decided to also complete muggle studies and ancient studies now as well. That would free him up for his transfiguration, herbology, astronomy, charms, and alchemy throughout the next two years. In his downtime he can work on a self-mastery in potions rather than work under Belby as the original intended. If he showcased the aerosol potions, he could attain a mastery no problem. Hmm perhaps he could create bomb versions and produce the potions used to put creatures to sleep. With the war coming a fast method to take out werewolves, vampires and giants nonlethally would earn him a fortune. If he approaches Slughorn and dumbledore he could earn their backing to pursue self-mastery in potions and defence in his last two years.

After that he could procure the potions or defence position. He'd destroy the diadem this year so he can have a better shot at the position long term. Why become a professor? Slughorn had the right idea with his connections and Hogwarts is a much safer area to be in during the war than at a manor which any he attacked. Sure no one knows he's moved here but better safe than sorry.

Her details in fine print on her stamped signature. Three hours later I received an incredulous reply from her asking about completing seven newts. She invited him to attempt them within the next two weeks as she gathers the material a normally a self-taught/home schooled wizard would take one or two newts at this period of time.

In the second week of August Severus Prince completed his newts with outstanding's in all seven chosen subjects dazzling the WEA (wizarding education authority). When Griselda Marchbanks asks him for his future plans and if he was attending the WOMBAT's next, he explained his plans to pursue self-mastery in two subjects alongside completing five other newts. She laughed in his face and said it's been a century since someone was so Brazen to her face.

Severus requested that the information be kept anonymous as he didn't want to be dragged into the political sphere at the current time. Marchbanks agreed and glared at her subordinates in warning. After the exams Griselda asked if she could continue to mail Severus to discuss amendments to the curriculum. She noted how muggle studies, ancient studies and potions were as easy as breathing to him.

When he informed her that muggle studies were vastly out of date, potions don't have strict enough safety guidelines and he uses the scientific principals when crafting a potion she was shocked at his terminology. As for ancient studies he simply informed her that muggle society has just as much knowledge in that regard as Magicals do and they have taken ancient studies to create a culture. He then showed her a marvel comic with a drawing of Thor. Safe to say the next generation are going to hate his guts for making the exams harder. Severus will just grin in their face.

After returning to the arsenal, he began duelling and defence training for the remainder of the break alongside his enhanced literature studies. At the current moment in time, he could use 8X speed with no issues. Severus made plans for the year; he was on the fence about pursuing an Animagus transformation but decided to wait until he achieved his Newt. With the right studying routine, he could complete the other five newts in his sixth year and finish his mastery in his seventh. Until September he spent the time making more lotion and aerosol version of potions. He packed his new trunk that he took from the Prince manor with samples that he plans to show his professor.

On September first Severus Prince arrived at platform 9 3/4 thirty minutes before leaving time. He was dressed in black jeans and a black pair of Dr Martens boots. He wore a white shirt covered with a grey sweatshirt whilst having his hair swept back. He noticed several girls in his year and above watching him board the train. He made his way past the nervous firsties towards the back where his year would he. Found a quiet compartment and then used some minor transfiguration and colour charms to make it seem like the compartment was in a bad condition from the outside.

When he entered, he locked the door, applied some basic ignorance charms so people wouldn't come near then propped his feet up and started reading some of the alchemy assigned reading books. For an hour he went undisturbed until someone began hammering on the glass of his compartment. He flicked his wrist and used a spell that made the glass one way. Outside he saw Regulus Black, Barty Crouch jr, Narcissa black and someone else out of the corner. He sighed before unlocking the door.

Before the others could sweep in Bellatrix black stormed in "The whole train we've searched looking for you! Hiding away in the wrecked room, smart idea but you should have told someone!"

Severus didn't know how to react, he never interacted with Bellatrix as she's the year above. He only began interacting with Narcissa after she saw Barty and Regulus joining him in the library to study. They asked him questions that weren't too annoying, so he allowed them to join him. They're much better than the rest of his housemates.

"Hello, miss Black, may I know why you're looking for me? "

"I'm not looking for you personally, they're looking for you because the Evans mudblood is looking for you are making Cousin Sirius and his little gang look for you. Figured I'd find you first, nice hiding spot by the way."

Taken aback by how different she is from the other souls' memories regarding the future her and his own lack of interactions with her thus far.

"Thank you miss Black, would you all like to accompany me?"

"Please and thank you" Barty said before tossing an expanding trunk onto the stands.

Narcissa sat down gracefully and stared him down from head to toe. "Your appearance has greatly changed Snape. I approve."

Regulus did the same before saying "I like the boots".

He nodded "they're called Dr Martens, part of a major fashion trend along the muggles. Some are rather outlandish, but I like this style of boot. After applying the right charms it's become much better. Contours perfectly to the foot."

He said in a calm manner. Barty looked confused about the word Contour. Bellatrix spoke up "your skins also far better than in the past, that some mudblood trick to?"

He rose a finger and rubbed his cheek "hmm not necessarily, I used the muggle invention of lotions which they apply on their skins to create a potion equivalent. Ensuring that the potion fluid gained gelatinous traits and still could be adhered to the skin whilst granting the same effects was tricky."

"Are you planning on selling these… potion lotions?" Asked Narcissa with a scary glint in her eye.

"Once I complete my mastery yes. Mastery level patents are much more beneficial than the basics after all."

Barty laughed "hah! Looks like you'll be waiting years for that Narcissa!" Causing the black girls to turn their eyes on him making him quiet down.

"Two years at most" Severus said making the canon turn silent.

Regulus then spoke "I'm sorry but did you just imply you'll be gaining a mastery in two years? You haven't completed your Newts yet Severus." Causing the Prince heir to snort.

Narcissa's eyes widened "you have haven't you. How many? Was it just potions or did you take anything else?" She asked rapidly.

Bellatrix blinked at him, even she couldn't attempt that. Maybe in charms and DADA but Newt level potions is horrifyingly difficult.

"I accomplished seven Newts all with outstanding's." Severus remarked calmly.

"Hippogriff shit" Barty said loudly.

Severus sighed before flicking his wand into his hand. Bellatrix and Regulus noted that it came from a duellists holster. Much more expensive than someone like Snape could afford.

From the trunk his certifications floated and revolved around the room. Potions, magical theory, ancient studies, muggle studies, DADA, ancient runes and arithmancy all with an outstanding grade were rubbed in their faces.

Regulus then looked back to him "why return to Hogwarts then Severus. At this point you could attend the WOMBAT's and get a nice job in the ministry."

Severus scoffed "as if I'd ever work for those politicking parasites. I'm returning to complete Charms, Transfiguration, Herbology, astronomy, and alchemy. Plus, Hogwarts would be a safe place to pursue a mastery without outside interference"

Whilst the younger three were getting over their shock and processing that their friend? Schoolmate was a genius Bellatrix gave him a wolf stare. "That sounds like you're not planning to join up after school."

The room descended into an icy atmosphere. Severus gave her a cold stare back. The other three had their eyes flicking between the pair subtly moving to their wands. Bellatrix already had hers in her hand. Severus narrowed his eyes "as if I'd ever join that liar. It'd be a sure-fire way to get myself killed."

Bellatrix's stare increased in intensity, before something bad could happen Narcissa spoke out "Liar? Explain".

Severus turned his gaze on her "why should I? Aren't I entitled to a political opinion?" After that Bellatrix dashed forward and placed her wand at his throat.

A spell on the tip of her tongue ready to ruin Severus until she felt a twinge on the back of her neck. The others had pulled up protegos and watched the knife floating behind Bellatrix ready to sever her spine.

"Explain" was all Bellatrix said before both people withdrew their wands. The knife clattered to the floor and the other three released a breath.

Severus then began flame writing in the air. "TOM MARVOLO RIDDLE" before flicking it. The letter reformed into "I AM LORD VOLDEMORT" he then rearranged them and pointed at Marvolo

"The new dark lord on the block is a half-blood impersonating a pure blood. He's a bastard of the gaunt line, it's why he's a parseltongue."

Barty shouted, "he's one of those insane psychos?!?" After that he explained to the others about the crazy Gaunts and how they all died out.

"Not died out, Tommy boy took them out so he could get the house ring. He's a bastard son of a muggle. He's been using the old families to get to their resources. His parseltongue and fear tactics keep them in line until it's too late."

Regulus frowned "what do you mean too late?" He was curious about this; his parents have been harping on about joining this group. His three cousins were engaged to members of it also.

"The second you join he grants a dark mark, what it more accurately is called is a slave brand. He can find you; he can torture you and he can kill you at his leisure. The second that marks is bonded to you all your assets are his. The thing may even warp the mind to make you more subservient to him. Would explain why all the members of his little cabal are murderers and rapists, the thing warps the mind."

Bellatrix stared at him unblinking "a half blood is after the black family resources? The audacity?!?!" She howled looking ready to tear someone apart.

Narcissa however looked panicked "aunty and uncle are driving our family into his hands. Andy jumped ship at least. After Hogwarts we'll be forced to join. Lucius bragged to me that he was marked!"

Severus gave her a slightly sympathetic stare "yeah, he wants black breeding stock. You marry a marked one you'll be passed around like a cheap whore."

She looked like she was about to cry until Regulus stood up "I'm messaging grandfather. He'll know what to do! "

Barty sat quietly pondering his next actions, he was going to join like the rest of Slytherin. The promise of power and position has been preached to them since second year.

Bellatrix turned to Severus and demanded to know what else he was aware of. "His title means flight from death in French, he's also been noted to use Inferius. I think he's after some form of immortality or has achieved some form of it. He's using the pure blood doctrine to gather sympathisers in every department in the ministry. With the old families his slaves his financial backing alone would let him steam roll the wizengamot."

"Then why hasn't he?" Asked Regulus as Narcissa continued to look worried.

"The ICW obviously, after Grindelwald any would be dark lord that rises above domestic terrorism gets the boot dropped on them. All Riddle has accomplished this far is swayed the dark faction of the wizengamot and some grey faction to his side along with some political assassinations. Not something the ICW would rate very highly."

Barty spoke out "but what if he began branching out and gathering pure blood sympathisers world-wide. Most European countries have a faction like that."

Severus continued speaking "well then it would become a world war obviously. If Europe falls under his banner the other continents will jump at us. Magical Russia may even agree to an alliance under him with how they operate. The Americas would attack, China would go berserk the second their borders are breached, the African tribes would unite and attack the outsiders, not sure how Oceania would react seeing as they're already a very independent community. Then there's the closed communities to consider."

"Could we please stop talking about this" Narcissa asked meekly.

"Don't worry yourself too much. Worst case you empty your trust vaults and hide in another country. Dumbledore is on Riddles case already. I heard he's got his own group together. Something about a Phoenix or other."

Bellatrix began to calm down "cissy message father and warn him, Reggie message grandfather and I'll do the same. If aunt and uncle refuse to see reason purge them from the family. Not a word of this leaves this cabin!" She then turned to Severus.

"I didn't know what to expect of you Snape, thought you were just a potions nerd obsessed with a mudblood. Turns out you're with hanging around."

"Does that mean I'm going to be graced with your company again" he said in usual drawl. The others in the cabin managed some smiles. That sounds like the Snape they remember.

"Naturally you should feel honoured to be acquainted with a black lady." She sends in a pompous tone.

"I've met Sirius Black, that's more than enough black lady for me." He said in an even duller tone making Barty and Regulus burst out laughing whilst Narcissa hid a giggle behind her sleeve.

The group continued to talk until they broke off at the last hour. Narcissa went to the other Slytherin girls, planned to leak what she learned subtly. Regulus and Barty re-joined the quidditch team and Bellatrix skulked off to threaten the ones she knew would be marked. Severus pondered about how he may have changed the black and crouch families' fates.

He dressed himself and exited the train when it came to a stop. From the station he could the silhouette of the ancient castle. The other soul brought Severus a new sense of appreciation for the castle. More so than the refuge it was from his old family. Severus couldn't help but be reminded of them when he spotted the Thestral pulled carriage.

He watched the skeletal horse for a few moments before hopping into a carriage. When he sat down, he looked up to see a wispy couple of Ravenclaws. The male of the pair was wearing 3-D glasses. He looked at him before saying "hello heir Prince."

Severus wondered if he could see the house ring on his finger, it's camouflaged right now. He responded "greetings heir Lovegood, nice evening we're having".

As if to say fuck you a sudden storm began. Rain began pouring and thunder echoed out. Xenophilus Lovegood stared out the window before responding "quite nice indeed".

His girlfriend however continued to stare at him. "Prince? I thought you were Lily's ex friend Snape."

"I am, had a bloodline test and claimed it."

She looked him over "well it's certainly done wonders for you."

"Now now Pandora, let's allow Prince to enjoy the weather. It'll be a restless night."

From there they sat in silence until they arrived at the entrance to Hogwarts. Severus rose his wand and made a solid air umbrella then walked calmly towards the great hall. When others saw him, they copied, it looked stylish, and it was better than getting soaked. The younger years barr the first years had already found their spots. Severus felt some eyes on him, he even heard a "that's snivellus?!?" Exclaimed from the Gryffindor table but elected to ignore it.

He sat beside Narcissa and her friend Ophelia Greengrass. They whispered into each other's ears until he arrived. He made small talk with the girls and ignored the looks of his trollish year mates. Eventually the sorting began followed by the feast. Severus discreetly checked for potions and charms with his wand and found the carrots had been tampered with. He found three plates of carrots and greens near him as if to ensure he would eat them.

A quick switching spell and he swapped plates with Cyprus bronze. He watched the seventh years hair stretch and begin to flutter like bat wings making him yell and the surroundings begin to laugh. The marauders in Gryffindor being the loudest. Pretentious pricks he mumbled to himself before professor Slughorn arrived and undid the mess.

Before he left, he turned to me "Severus my boy, the headmaster would like to speak with you after the feast. Have miss black escort you. I'll join you shortly."

Severus nodded but said nothing, he tucked into his dinner and brushed off any subtle probes from his year mates about the headmasters' intentions. After dinner the headmaster made his announcements, something about faith in the people around us or something.

Narcissa escorted Severus to the griffin door, the sheer favouritism of this man. When he takes over it's going to be a massive donkey door instead. Just so everyone knows I think they're an ass. After walking up the spiral staircase, the password was jelly giraffes. He spotted an empty perch and the sorting hat having a snooze. Strange magical contraptions hovered in the empty areas of the room.

"Ah Severus my boy welcome! I merely wished to speak with you about your class assignments this year" chortled a jolly old man. From behind a wall Dumbledore, Slughorn and McGonagall appeared.

He sat in his throne of a chair and stared at Severus with twinkly eyes whilst the professors flanked him. Slughorn was happy to see him while McGonagall greeted him with pursed lips. Tch~ lion loving bitch. She's probably pissed the marauders didn't get me in a prank or something.

"What specifically do you wish to speak about professor?" Severus asked.

"Oh, many things my boy, like why you chose to take your Newts so soon after your Owls. Why didn't you take the ones you've returned to attend. What your future aspirations are. Think of this as an impromptu careers meeting." He finishes with his eyes sparkling.

"Well, I plan to become a master potioneer and a defensive master, so I decided to take the Newts for those early. The others I took because they were either easy for me or they would be very coursework intensive this year, so I'd have less time."

McGonagall then spoke "are you implying Transfiguration isn't intense?"

"Not at all professors. Ancient runes and Arithmancy have far more theoretical than practical aspects at the Newt stage which is why I chose to accomplish them first. I'd chosen to return and complete the others like transfiguration because I believed I'd need an expert's assistance in them."

She was staring at him with such an intensity he would struggle not to call it a glare. Slughorn then spoke "I understand completely Mr Snape, herbology and astronomy can be so difficult without the right guiding hand."

"Actually, professor it's Prince now. I'd taken a bloodline test and became the heir. The resources available to me allowed me to practice my potions skills enough to take the Newt".

Slughorn processed that fast and associated Prince's with the famous crafters. Suddenly Severus innate skills made much more sense. A genetic disposition with craft. Severus Snape no Severus Prince would make a fine place among his collection.

Dumbledore then spoke "congratulations my boy! I'm sure your parents are proud".

"Thank you, sir," Severus replied not revealing his parents' misfortune.

"Well Mr Prince I'll have to inform you of the alchemical schedule. You see I will be unavailable this year therefore Professor McGonagall has been selected to teach the class."

The woman made her displeasure at that fact known with a snort. "The numbers for alchemy continue to dwindle. In your year alone only four members have applied. The three other girls will be joining you in McGonagall's guided lessons."

"I see. That's fine professor. Whilst I'm here with you both I was wondering if I could earn your signatures as a sponsor."

Slughorn and Dumbledore looked interested whilst McGonagall looked annoyed. She knows He doesn't care about her opinion at all.

Severus continued "I'm attempting for a self-mastery in potions next year and defence against the dark arts in a few years' time. I have already developed new potions and techniques that would change the world. Some of which would come in handy for a man of your stature quite soon."

"Oh, do tell Mr Prince" Dumbledore spoke with more authority in his tone.

Severus reached into his pockets and pulled other three things. A canister resembling a grenade, a canister resembling deodorant and a tube of paste.

Showing the tube first "this is lotion potions. Essentially, I've created a method of external application of potions without the need to drink. Just rub on and it'll take effect. Unfortunately, some potions would still require ingestion like skelegrow but with this we could have an accountable number of new ways to take potions. For example, instead of lugging around glass bottle that easily break the lotions Are much more easily transported."

Dumbledore scratched his beard "interesting".

The next he showed was the deodorant can "this is a similar concept. Sprayable potions, I've developed a faster method of dealing shut wounds and repairing skin with this one alone. Simply spray the wound, twist, spray again, twist and give a final spray to finish the healing process."

Dumbledore stared much harder at that along with McGonagall.

Last Severus present the grenade "this is an offensive version of the second type. This grenade potion contains a gas version of the paralytic potion given to werewolves. Simply toss this in a room with them and they'll be out like a light. Best part is the right combinations are non-lethal. I've also developed them for vampires and giant. I've even started working on an acromantula version."

The room was silent until Dumbledore spoke "Mr Prince I will endorse your mastery, however in exchange when you patent these, I would like you to sell them to me at a discounted rate along with any other products you make for a period of time."

"How much of a discount headmaster?"

"20-30% which is being more than fair". Dumbledore stated Slughorn nodded along "too right Albus I've seen master scalp disciples for 65% or higher and attempted patent theft."

McGonagall just kept staring at Severus. The man himself just reached forward "deal headmaster, once I get my mastery at the end of next year I'll patent and begin production immediately. Professor Slughorn I may pop into you from time to time to discuss the subject."

Slughorn was more than happy to accommodate that. Severus made to leave "good night professors. Good luck with Tom". Before the gargoyle sealed the room and he disillusioned himself. He has work to do after all.