meet cute

Meanwhile in city D:

Riko got off the buss feeling like he spen It eternity travelling all the way to city D. Riko was never fond of long journeys and he was surprised that he didn't fall over after getting out of the bus.

Riko was mesmerized by the view of the city , unlike in town A where there was hills and mountains,the city was filled with tall buildings and skyscrapers though Riko had never been to the city he followed the passengers waiting while waiting for Ken to message him.Riko finally received the message from Ken which contained his apartment's address,Riko was so thankful for having a friend like Ken.

Riko while staring at his phone's screen forgot that he was still on the road,he failed to notice a fast approaching car, the car was seconds away from hitting him when he was pulled out of the way.He fell right on the strangers body on losing balance.

Riko was scared out of his mind when he realized that he could have just died if not for the person who saved him, he remembers that he was still on his saviour's body.

Riko awkwardly scurried up from the stranger's body, on getting up he apologized for using him as a cushion and also thanked his saviour for his help.Riko finally caught a glimpse of his saviour's face,he was totally short of words on sight of his saviour,his saviour hair was black and his eyes as blue as the ocean though the stranger's face couldn't be totally seen it was evident that he is a handsome man, Riko was slowly hypnotized by his saviour's eyes,Riko got lost in the depth of his eyes. Can you repeat yourself? I think I didn't hear you properly questioned the stranger, I took Riko a few seconds to assess the question.He was pulled out of his trance and realization dawned on him that he just called the man beautiful,his cheeks turned tomato red and his white skin made it more obvious.Riko wished the ground would open up and swallow him at this moment but he was saved from all that embarrassment when the stranger got a call giving Riko enough time to sneak away since he didn't want to face his saviour for much longer.

The plane touching down in country S:

Lex POV-the minute I get off the plane I can already spot seven bodyguards around the limo that is to take me to city D for the meeting with my childhood friend, Jude Stevenson.

Though we've being friends for fourteen years now I can't seem to get used to him and his annoying behavior. Just the thought of talking to him irked me.

Everytime we met he always made it his mission to annoy and irritate me and though I hate to admit it he is good at it.My thoughts were interrupted by the bodyguards' greeting,I bowed my head a little as a response. In the car I resumed my line of thoughts on Jude, I mentally prepared myself to talk to Jude.