
I got out of the car on the second street to the hotel we were to have the meeting so as to stall time,I wore a face mask to conceal my identity to avoid attracting attention,meeting Jude was already enough hassle for me I won't have the press or fans following me around.

City D is known as the ideal place to find celebrities and crazy fans,it is mostly known for it's acting and music industries. To aspiring artistes city D is heaven.

Though I am not a actor or music artiste I got recognition as the cover of the top business tycoons.

On the road a white haired girl was mindlessly walking on the road without paying attention to the passing cars,I tried to ignore at first but I rushed in to save her when I noticed that she was walking right in front of an oncoming vehicle. I managed to pull her out of harms way in the last second,I lost balance when her body hit mine and we fell. While she was on me I could feel her entire weight pushing down on me. I felt like sometime was amiss about her,that is when I noticed her flat chest,realization dawned on me that the girl was actually a pretty boy. The boy stayed on top of me for a while that I was starting to that he will never get off me. I didn't point it out since I could feel the fear radiating from him. He finally realized the awkward position we were in and clumsily got off me. He thanked me as he got up and on standing face to face with me he suddenly froze,he seemed to be dazed by something. I looked behind to find out what could have caught his attention but found nothing.I traced the direction of his gaze and it fell on me,he was staring straight at me. I touched my face wondering if I had anything on it,but the next words he said surprised me. You are beautiful he said , I was stunned,did he just call me beautiful?:) I have been called different names through out my life but definitely not beautiful.

Although it felt strange to be called that I didn't hate it instead I felt strangely happy that he was dazed because of me. Just to make sure my ears weren't playing tricks on me I asked him to repeat himself.

On asking him to repeat himself ,he(Riko) came out of his trance, I could clearly see he's cheeks getting red, he was embarrassed.

He actually looked pretty cute when he is embarrassed , I suddenly had the strange urge tease him.

My thoughts were short lived by a call from my brother complaining that I was late for the meeting,I didn't want to hear more of his rambling so I cut the call. I couldn't care less if I am late, we can always reschedule.

I pocketed my phone and turned around I could no longer find my cute burning tomato, he must have snuck away while I took the call.

I was disappointed that I didn't get to tease him even a little bit.


Inside the hotel's lounge Jude was surrounded women,looking totally carefree not at all like the ceo like he is. Jude has being sitting in this lounge for over an hour wondering if lex will show up,what's wrong with the ice cube today he is always lecturing me about being punctual and the first time I'm actually early to a meeting he doesn't show up just great Jude thought to himself.

Lex finally arrived at the lounge and he wasn't surprised about the sight of women barely wearing anything on them surrounding Jude , he was already used to such sights. Lex took a sit and told Jude to start the meeting, Jude on the other hand who waited for over an hour couldn't say anything when he noticed that lex was colder than usual , he immediately dismissed the girls and went straight to business.