Bestie for life

Riko got down from the cab, feeling relieved that he was finally at his new apartment, he remembered the awkward and embarrassing situation not too long ago. Riko couldn't find a reason why he acted that way with a total stranger, he wasn't the one to be easily flustered easily not even with his closest friends . Riko was confused o why he felt so free with a stranger,or probably it's because he saved my life pondered Riko. Why did I let down my guard,normally I feel uncomfortable being with people that I don't know,there is something about him that makes me want to open myself to him and his eyes they were so intoxicating, wait why am I still thinking about this. Riko shook away all the thoughts invading his head and moved his sight to the apartment that he was going to be living in awhile,he was mesmerized by the sight before him, wait didn't ken say he got me an apartment but this is a whole house said Riko . I knew ken,s parents were rich but this is on another level Riko said to himself. Ken just keeps on surprising me, he really is the best friend anyone could ask for said Riko. Riko suddenly got a call from ken:

Ken-hello,how are you?

Riko-i am great, dude you didn't tell me that you are getting me a house!. I don't know what to say I just can't thank you enough for all you have done for me.

Ken-you don't have to thank me Riko what are friends for?

Riko-i promise to repay you soon,you have always helped me whenever I'm in trouble, sometimes I think I do nothing else than cause problems that you always have to fix simply because you are my friend.

Ken-and I'm not complaining am I, now stop being all sappy it doesn't suit you at all, anyway what do u think about my taste in houses.

Riko-are you kidding right now I love it!.

Ken-you haven't seen the inside yet so how can already decide that you love it, oh that reminds me I called you because I wanted to tell you that the caretaker will be handing over the key to you pretty soon.

Riko-ok,and thanks for everything again I truly appreciate all you have done for me

Ken-seriously we are back to this , if you really want to repay me so much keep yourself safe and please don't get yourself in any trouble I don't want to see you get hurt.

Riko-ok take care of yourself also

Ken- bye talk to you later, if you don't like anything about the house just call me.

Riko-ok send my regards to Becca.


Not long after the call, a middle aged man came and gave the keys to Riko as said by ken. When Riko got into the house he was left speechless, he thought the house exterior was jaw dropping but the interior was on a different level, Riko went around the house, the house had an indoor garden filled with at least ten different types of flowers, a music room with instruments and many more but the most eye catching to Riko is definitely the music room, Riko has huge interest in the music department back when he was in middle school, he even planned on making his way into the music industry but his dreams were cut short by the death of his parents. Now why am I thinking about sad things said Riko, ken even remembered my interest in music that guy is the best.