"Oh, it's totally fine. I've let him off. He is human like us. We make sinful mistakes!", said Emma.

He came close to me while glaring me in the eyes. *I spooked*

He whispered in my ears, "Yes dear, we are sinners!". I felt villainous vibe from him. I forced a smile, turned away and held 2 glasses of red wine and said, "It was nice meeting you!" and went back on my table.

"What took you so long, Emma?", said her mother worriedly. "The waiter first didn't listen to my order then that asshole owner came, blurted some rough words to the waiter and then the manager himself started flirting with me, I got an unusual vibe from him, so left I him unspeakable", said Emma.

Mother stared at me and got serious and started drinking, she mouthed the whole wine in a sip. "SLOW DOWN, MOM, you'll choke!"

She kept quite while I finished the wine. She stood up and said, "Let's go home, Emma, I'm tired" I blankly looked at her and said "Okay, mom as you wish!"

We went home, I changed into my red silk shirt and pajamas and lied on bed.

I woke up while my alarm was buzzing, I didn't know when I dozed off yesterday.

I wore a skin shirt and black jeans, made a high pony tale, putted on my nude skin lipstick and black sneakers.

I left my house and started walking towards my university, after 2 minutes of walk, a black Mercedes-Benz AMG GT stopped beside me. I looked at it while it's front side window was running down. "Hey, Emma! Wanna ride? I'm headed to university too.", said Aston.

I skipped a heartbeat.

His grey eyes were sparkling because of the sun rays. His messy brown hairs were laid out over his eyes. I sighed and supressed my smile while biting my lips, "Hey Aston, sure, imma leap in your car!"

I sat in his car, I could smell his alluring tangy cologne. I took a deep breath. "Did my cologne seduced you?", Aston said.

"It's not that easy to seduce me, Aston!"

He bitted his lower lip while looking forward and when he was about to speak, *rumbling sound* I pressed my lips together and tightened my palms, 'did my stomach had to make this stupid sound now'.

"Umm, I'll take it as you didn't have a breakfast yet?", said Aston. "Well, mom and I celebrated last night for her new job which ended with our wine, she was asleep, I didn't want to wake her up to make me breakfast. So, I just rushed here", he suddenly took a side turn and I fell towards him, our elbows brushed and I felt his smooth warm skin touching mine. *get outta your imagination*

He looked at me with his eyes widened.

I abruptly sat straight when he broke the silence. "I'm sorry for that but we will have a breakfast first to finish that rumbling sound, and no doesn't exist in my dictionary", Aston said while smiling and we both started laughing.


I was heading towards the university, when I saw a curvy girl walking, she had an hour glass figure, mid-back length medium brown hair and was almost a 5'2. I glared at her and realized it was Emma, as I've already noted her before. I thought I should give her a ride. I wanted to know more of her. I sprayed my cologne on myself and then I stopped my car beside her, she halted and turned towards my car. I immediately turned down my side window and impulsively asked her, "Hey, Emma! Wanna ride? I'm headed to university too." She was in a deep thinking looking at me, her stare was making me crazy. I could see her glossy long neck as her hair was tied up in a pony tail. She bited her lips making me irresistible and suddenly she said, "Hey Aston, sure, imma leap in your car!". I felt accomplished and heated at the same time, so I swiftly increased the AC. She sat, I started driving, I took a glance at her, saw her taking a deep breath, I realized I overdid my cologne, so not to feel my blunder I said, "Did my cologne seduced you?"

"It's not that easy to seduce me, Aston!" she replied rapidly, as if she owned the answer, so, she knows her seductions. What seduces you Emma? I would love to seduce you now. I bited my lower lip spontaneously. I wanted to look at her right now but I couldn't, I didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable. So, Imma ask her about her class and suddenly I heard a rumbling sound. I looked at her hand, she tightened them, she was for sure feeling embarrassed right now. How do I tell you not to feel embarrass Emmaa! You must not have had a breakfast, "Umm, I'll take it as you didn't have a breakfast yet?"

"Well, mom and I celebrated last night for her new job which ended with our wine, she was asleep, I didn't want to wake her up to make me breakfast. So, I just rushed here", she said. Oh, I know a restaurant near, I should take her for breakfast there. So, I suddenly took a side turn and Emma fell on me, well I didn't do it intentionally Emma. I hope you know that. I looked at her and she sat back straight quickly. I should apologize for my second blunder...