I looked at her and she sat back straight quickly. I should apologize for my second blunder...

"I'm sorry for that but we will have a breakfast first to finish that rumbling sound, and no doesn't exist in my dictionary", I said while smiling and we both started laughing.

Well, I won't lie that touch felt warm.

We reached the restaurant I had in mind, I didn't know why it was closed today. So, I kept on driving and saw a cafe. It was that bastard's cafe. I hoped, he was not inside.


We were now in a street which had a park facing two eatries, I was looking at Aston while he was gazing at a cafe with rage in his eyes. I got confused. "Everything fine Aston? We can eat at the university if you are not at ease here!"

He was engulfed in his thought and didn't hear me. I tapped on his shoulder.

He looked at me, I repeated my words.

"Emma everything's cool! Lets scoot inside"

He said with his smiley face.

He gets dimples whenever he smiles and it makes me affable.

I ordered chocolate waffles and he ordered a black coffee. *BUZZ* Both of our phones got a notification at the same time.

We looked at eachother and held our phones.

"I got added in a group named, 'CANDYY'. Are you too?"

"Yeah, students like to mess up with freshers every year". We kept getting messages, I read some. "I can't take it, I'm muting em"

"They are just tittle-tattling", he said and placed his phone on the table.

Our order came, I started eating while he drank his black coffee.

He was looking at me, 'Have I smudged my face with chocolate? Why are you staring it me?' I thought. I looked at him and he suddenly lowered his gaze and held his phone.


I kept eating, he was staring at his phone, his eyes widened, he stood up and said, "I'll be right back" and went straight to the gents washroom.

'What was that?'

I finished eating when someone entered the cafe. He was wearing a grey suit with a black tie. He took off his sunglasses and wandered around the cafe until he saw me and started walking towards me.

'OH! He is that bastard owner of Sorellina Restaurant' I recalled. I averted my eyes towards the window that was beside me.

"Here we meet again, dear! Are we fated?" Joe Batters said.

I rolled my eyes towards him, "I'm sure it's coincidentally!"

He sat infront of me without even asking.

"Doesn't coincidences turns out to be someones fate?", Joe said.

I knew I deep down believed that coincidence and fate had a strong connection. Coincidences somehow happens and builds a fate. But I just didn't want to agree with him.

I smirked and said, "Time will tell Mr. Batters!"

He glared at me, "Do you need my company, Miss..?", he said while raising his eyebrows.

"It's Emma!" I saw Aston coming here. "I already have a company, we're about to step out."

I stood up after saying that. Aston came and stood beside me. He glimpsed at Joe and started gazing at him while standing still.

Both were looking at eachother.

I felt an exceptional amount of tension between them.

I could see fury in Aston's eyes as if he was about to beat the fuck out of the Joe.

Then Joe rectified his collars even when they were in line with his dress shirt and licked his lower lip. I felt creepy.

He then stood up.

Looked at me and said, "Fate will win, see you Emma!"