I was running my finger to find my name on the sheet and stopped suddenly..

It upsetted me seeing my partner was John instead of Aston. "Hey, Emma so we are partners, I'm glad", John said with his hand high-up for a high five. I chuckled and gave him a high five back. "Let's start working on it today. Where should we go to?" John said while wondering. "Meet me in the library at 4." I said and smiled at John.

I saw Aston standing behind John gazing at me quietly. Why do I feel like he's acting distant, as we never had a chance to even talk after our kiss. If you want to ignore, I'll ignore you more. I rolled my eyes and went back to my seat.

"Who did you get? I got Sam. He is a nerd, good for me" Luna said to me while grinning proudly.

"I got John" I said.

"He is cool but I don't know if he is good at stats" Luna said being happily disgusted.

"Don't drive me crazy, Luna-aa! I am already bad at maths" I said in anger while being heartbroken from inside. Luna laughed.

I wandered my eyes around the classroom to see Aston but I couldn't find him. Maybe he went out. Ah why do I feel so stressed? I should drink something cold and have my pep talk with myself, "Luna, I'll go and buy a drink." I said.

"I'll come too, I wanted to tell you something", Luna said.

We went to the cafeteria and I bought mint margarita. We sat. "I applied for community service, are you in?" Luna said to me.

"Sure! I would love to" I said. I always liked helping needy. It makes me peaceful and grateful at the same time. I signed up for community service and I went to the library while Luna went home.

It was 4 past 5. I was waiting for John. Maybe he is not punctual enough. I waited for 10 more minutes. I was vexed at him. "How are you so irresponsible John?" I screamed and went out of the building. I looked around for John, but couldn't find him. Suddenly, someone tapped my shoulder. I freaked out and turned my back.

I was stunned, it was Aston, wearing his grey shirt and his cold grey eyes were staring at me. He looked so cute.

"Come with me, Emma!" Aston said.

I impulsively started following his steps not having a clue about where he was taking me. I saw his car, he opened the door for me, indicating me to sit in. I came out of my thoughts. "Where do you want to take me, Aston?" I mumbled.

He slowly came near me, our left shoulder brushed and it gave me shivers. I felt his hot breath over my ear, "To finish our task!" Aston whispered. I was dazed by his sudden move. What task are you talking about? Omg, is he talking about our partial kiss? Is that the task? "What t-t-as-k?" I asked him.

He positioned himslef, gazed at me and said, "Stats project."

What were you thinking, Emma? "But you are not m-my" I said and he cutted me off. "I am your partner now!"

I felt butterflies in my stomach and serene at the same time. So, you changed places with John, that's why he didn't show up earlier. I sat in his car. He started the engine, I was hustling to take out my seat belt when Aston suddenly noticed me. He passed me a warm smile and instantly grabbed my back. What just happened? I got goosbumps all over my body, my heart rate was increasing. Suddenly he brought his hand back, I felt his palm sliding my back, I arched my back with pleasure, I looked at him. "You were sitting on the seat belt, now hook it up, Emma! Or do you want me to?" He said.

I was surprised, he suddenly started coming forward to hook it up so, I at once said, "I can do it myself, Aston!" and smirked at him. We drove off the university. The drive was filled with tranquility, the heat that arose in me before went away. I wandered outside the car. I was not familiar with the places in Boston yet. He drove straight and I didn't know where we were going. His fragrance really does magic to my body. I want to keep sniffing it as much as I can.

"Have you read the guidelines of project?" Aston broke the silence. "Yeah, I read half of them while waiting for John" I said and glared at him. You made me wait for him. That was so stupid. Couldn't you yourself come at the library? Huh. "You can read them after we reach our place. You'll have plenty of time there." Aston said.

"Where are we going by the way?" I said. "My place" Aston said while looking at me. I was shocked. Is he really taking me to his house? It's not right to be at his place. Will his family be there? Ofcourse we will not be alone. Emmaa, stop overthinking! You are going to study for a project. It's only work. I should be fine with it. I took a deep breath and nodded at him.

"Do you have an appetite?" He said and suddenly his stomach growled.