"Do you have an appetite?" He said and suddenly his stomach growled.

I couldn't stop giggling, I suddenly saw Aston he was looking at me with furrowed eyebrows, I at once supressed my smile. "I'm sorry, I don't have much appetite but you sure are losing it!" I said to him.

He laughed, "Okay, let's get to eat something first." Aston said and sped up the car. We stopped near a cafe. I told him to get me anything light because I felt tiring enough to get up. He went in and had a takeway order. We finally reached his place. As he opened the gate. I couldn't stop wandering my eyes over his house. It was a two storey luxurious villa with it's black paint finish and flat tile roofing. The glass wall windows were reflecting the sunset. It was a fucking jaw dropping sight.

"Lets go inside!" Aston said. I was jolted by his sudden voice. I came back to my senses. He stopped the car in the parking. I came out of the car. "Aston, I'm in love!" I said to him. He came towards me. "Mmhmm with?" He said with his stern voice while gazing me in the eyes. I felt his breath fondling my face. I inhaled his fragnance. I came more close to him and whispered in his ear, "Your house!" Fuck! I didn't notice, I was so close that my lips touched his ears while whispering. Instantly, I heard his light leisure moan and his hot breath over my neck. Shit, did I just make him moan? What do I do now? I couldn't move due to my careless mistake. I dont know what you are thinking right now Aston, I didn't do it intentionally nor I meant to seduce you. "I'm glad you like it", He said while standing still as we were before. My chest was just an inch away from his. Co'mon Emma, get away. I slowly moved back. I felt embarrassing, so I didn't look at him, I averted my eyes and saw a granite walled tunnel. I wonder if there's an indoor swimming pool. I would love to explore it. "I'll give you a tour of my house, Emma. But I'll faint before it." Aston said. "Why would you faint?", I said shockingly. He pointed his eyes towards the paper bags that he was holding. "Oh, I totally forgot! Let's eat first" I said while chuckling. Aston leaded me inside.

His living room was spacious and had an open concept kitchen. His interior was all black. I was loving it. It was fucking dreamy for me. I've always loved black interiors. I sat on the couch. He brought some plates and we started eating.

As I was eating, I couldn't stop gazing at him. He looked so hot and cute even while eating. "Is there something on my face?" Suddenly, Aston said. When did he notice me looking at him? "Yeah, your face!" I abruptly said. He was puzzled by my words. "I know my face is irresistible" Aston said proudly and continued eating. It sure is, Aston. Your firm body is quite ravishing. Well, don't get at me. "Here's only one human being I can take a notice of so.." I said with my raised eyebrows. Aston was going to say something but I realized the house was empty so I asked him, "Where is everyone? Your parents? Siblings?"

"I live alone, Emma" Aston said.

What? So, we are alone in the house. I felt goosebumps all over my body. "I won't scare you Emma. Or are you a scaredy cat?" Aston said. How can you even scare me Aston? I rolled my eyes. "The cat may scare you, Mr. Aston!" I said.

He smiled broadly and bited his lips. Fucking, don't do that, Aston! "I would love to see the cat haunt me, Miss Emma!" Aston said. I started getting different contexts of his words. Omg, you pervert! Are you talking about my cat or me as a cat? I started feeling my environment heated. I took a deep breath, "Where's the washroom? I want to wash my hands." I said.

He pointed at right and said, "Here is.." I stood up and started taking my steps, "But it has water issue, due to the work going on in the side street." Aston said. I turned around and glared at him, so are you gonna lick my hands to clean them off? "So? What now?", I asked him. "Come with me and bring your stuff" Aston said and stood up. He went to the stairs, they were switchback U-shaped black shiny stairs, I wore my bag and followed his steps. We reached an open room upstairs. It had a glass wall, beautiful! The room was quite dark. I felt a fuzzy vibe from it. Aston turned on a dull yellow bulb. I observed the room. It had three rooms on one side attached to it. I saw a 2 seat roll arm dark grey sofa, a table above a white rug, led TV and 2 cupboards at front and some aesthetic paintings on the wall, It looked adorbs. I wonder if he chosed them on his own. "Do you like them?", suddenly Aston said. I was freaked out. "Yeah, your taste in selection is not bad" I said and smirked at him. He smiled and moved his torso towards me, "My fingers works pretty well and fast, Emma!" Aston said. I was stunned by his words. What do mean by that, you pervert. "You mean, you made these?" I said and glared at him.

"Yeah!" Aston said.

"Damnn, sure those fingers work pretty hard! They are so great, Aston", I said. He smiled at me, "Don't you wanna wash your hands?" Aston said while pointing towards a room. "Oh, it really slipped my mind." I said while chuckling. I entered the room and I was surprised again. It was an exquisite bedroom. I am sure this is his room. I couldn't stop dribbling over his aesthetic. Yes, it surely had blank interior too. But the design he had above his king bed with yellow lights shinning was so endearing. He had a glass wall at one side which was covered with white curtains and other side had a bathroom entrance. Beside the bed was his big ass closet. "This is your bedroom?" I said to him. He nodded. "Is that the way to the washroom?" I asked while pointing at left. He nodded again. I went inside. I saw myself in the mirror, "Whoof, stop drooling yourself at his luxuries" I said while tapping my face from both sides. Well, his house is pretty. Shit, we came here for project and haven't done anything yet. I washed my hands, freshened my lipstick and went out. I suddenly saw Aston's shredded back while he was changing into a white shirt beside his closet, Hell nahh! So hot. He suddenly turned around and looked at me.