I suddenly closed my eyes at the flash of light that was bursting out of the car that just came beside us. "What-the"! I said and covered my eyes to get rid of the flash and suddenly noticed the car. "Shit!"

"It's mom! I'll go now" I said and hurriedly got out and pulled my bag from the car and suddenly dropped my stuff as I forgot to close the zip of my bag. "Fuck!" I bent down and started picking my stuff up, Aston got out of the car and aided me in picking my stuff,


I looked up, "Mom! You came late today?"

"I got off to buy some accessories, dear" Mom said. Aston and I got up after picking the stuff that I dropped and straightened ourselves. "Hello, I'm Emma's friend, Aston! It's nice to meet you, maam!" Aston said with a slight smile and brought his hand forward. My heart was still beating fast as I looked at him. I felt butterflies in my stomach. How is he so dignified and hot at the same time?

"I'm Emma's mother, 'Shean'. It's great to finally meet one of her friend, Aston!" Mother said with her loving smile and shaked Aston's hand. "Come inside, I'll make you something" mother said. What? No mom, why are you inviting him? I already spent my whole day with him and we were going to have a moment and you interrupted us, well it's not like I didn't want to taste him right now. Just don't say yes, Aston! I beg you. Aston suddenly glimpsed at me. "Ms. Shean, I would really like to but I have some work to attend tardily. I'll take my leave then!" Aston said. I sighed with relief. Mom and Aston both looked at me. "WHAT?" I said.

"Sure, but you have to come tomorrow for dinner, Aston! It was good to see you!" Mom said cheerfully to Aston.

"Alright then, it was good to meet you too, Goodbye Ms. Shean" Aston said with a broad smile and turned towards me with his expressionless face. "Bye Emma!" I felt his voice seducing me. Why is his voice making me crazy? I wanted you to go but I also don't want you to leave. I nodded and said, "Bye, Aston!"

He drove away. Mom stared at me and teased a smiled at me, she sure is thinking wrong right now. "What mom? We are just friends and assigned as partners for our project, so I was working with him on it." I said to mom.

"He seemes genuine and kind. I like him." Mom said.

"Well, he is a bit of kind." I said. So is pervert, I thought. We went inside the house. I wore my nightsuit, lied on bed and dozed off in no time.

I felt galvanizing when I turned off my alarm today. I stretched my body after getting up from the bed. I changed into a maroon skirt which was above my knees and a black, off sleeved blouse with it. I chosed to wear my black wedge heels. My defined legs looked hot in high heels. I put on my red tint on lips and cheeks and headed on my way to the university.

I reached my class and sat in the middle row. There were not many students in the class yet and in 5 minutes, our lecture will start. I saw Luna entering, she waved at me and then sat beside me. "I fucking hate early morning classes" Luna whimpered. "So do I Luna" I said. "Doesn't seem so, you are glowing right now and I'm drowsy." Luna said and glared at me. I laughed. "I feel boosted for no reason today, Luna-a" I said. Luna laughed and glanced at me from head to toe. "Damn, it appears to be as you look so sexy today, Emma!" Luna said. I smiled at her, "Thankyou my girl!" I said. "Pleasure is always mine, did you start working on the project with John" Luna asked.

"Yeah I did, but just not with John..." I said.

"What do you mean?" Luna said with her close set eyes wide open.

"Aston exchanged places with John.." I said.

"He is fucking down for you. This has assured me. I swear." Luna screamed. Can that be the case? No, it can't be. I pondered.

"Slow down, Luna-a-a. It's not like that. He knows I'm bad at maths, so he may wanted to help." I said and pressed my lips together.

"Yeah sure, he wanted to help because he likes yo-u-u-u!" Luna teased me. I rolled my eyes and we both chuckled. I saw the teacher entering the class and we started taking our lecture.

After taking the lecture, I went to the library and sat at the end and Luna went to her extra curricular class. Aston said we will study for the project at his house today too but mom invited him for the dinner, so does it changes our plan for study? I wondered. I should consult him. "Hey, we still up for project at your house?" I texted Aston. After five minutes, notification popped up. I opened it, "I was thinking it to be at your place as your mom invited me for dinner." Aston texted.

Well, he is right. "Okay, at 4, come at my place :)" I texted Aston. He replied suddenly, "Okay *winked emoji*". I looked for my steamy novel and started reading it. After an hour, I stood up and was heated. I headed towards the washroom, when I saw Aston entering the hallway, he was wearing light blue t-shirt with black jeans. His pumped biceps were lookig so hot. He suddenly looked up, we had an eye contact. I got reminded of our kiss in the pool. I started feeling horny. Why did this have to come in my mind right now? I firmly took my steps to reach the washroom. As I reached the washroom's door, Aston reached me, "You look hot" he whispered in my ear. I felt shivers all over my body as he buzzed in my ear. I looked at him, he was so close to me. I didn't know why but I wanted to feel him right now. I wanted him to grab me and play with me. I suddenly bited my lips and passed a light smile at him.