I suddenly bited my lips and passed a light smile at him and impulsively walked inside the washroom.

"Whoofff, what the hell! You drive me crazy" I said to myself while looking in the mirror. I saw my face, it was as red as ruby. "Shit" I took deep breaths and started walking spontaneously. Suddenly, toilet door opened, It was bella, Yeon's ex. She kept staring at me. Omg, did she hear me murmuring? I took out my lipstick and freshened it. "Who is making you crazy?" Bella said. Bitch who are you even to ask me that? "That's none of your business" I said. "Talking to yourself can make one a mental" Bella said while chuckling. I looked at her, is she a fucking dimwit? "I like talking to myself as I like taking a wise advice, Huh!" I said to her and walked out of the washroom. "How dare she talk to me after doing all that?" I whispered. As I reached cafe, I saw Luna and Marilyn approaching me. "Hey Emma! Stop" Luna screamed. "Emma, we decided to have lunch outside. Join us!" said Merilyn. "I was thinking to satisfy my hunger right now. Good Idea, Let's go." I said.

"Yo girls, are you leaving me behind?" said someone. I turned my back to see who it was. It's John. Very well that you are alone. I sighed. "Do you wanna intrude girls time?" Merilyn said with raised eyebrows to John. "I would love to" John said with pouted lips. "Are you for real!" said Merilyn. We all started laughing. "Where is Aston?" Merilyn asked John. "He had work, so he went home!" said John.

We all went in Merilyn's car to an open restaurant which was just beside the sea. "The view is so pretty" I said. "Yeah I love coming here. It's my favourite spot." said Merilyn. We ate and John never stopped teasing Merilyn. "Emma! Are you and Aston a thing?" John said. Why would you even ask that. We spend time quality time together, does it mean we are comitted? He makes me feel safe and crazy at the same time. Uh! I myself don't know what we are, "No John! We're just friends" I said abruptly. He kept glaring at me. What are you thinking in your little mind? Did Aston say anything to him? I felt heat from all the thoughts that I was getting. "Why are your cheeks getting red, Emma?" John said while supressing his smile whereas I saw Luna and Merilyn laughing too. "The dish was spicy, maybe it's because of that" I said suddenly. Why does my body acts impulsively with my emotions? It's gonna torment me one day. I started blowing my breath out and checked the time. It was 3:15. "Guys, lets go back, I've some work to do at home. I said "Yeah! I'm too tired, I need a nap" Luna said.

Merilyn dropped me home first. I saw my watch it was almost 3:35 as I walked towards the porch of my house. I glimpsed at the sun and felt wind caressing my face. I stood there when my eyes went to the pool, I should freshen myself or I'll doze off right now. I turned on the water to fill up the pool and went inside my house and wore my yellow triangle bra and laced underwear. I wore the towel over my shoulders, took my phone and setted the alarm till 3:45, I felt thirsty so I went to the kitchen and drank a whole glass of water and headed to the pool.

I took off my towel and placed it on the sun lounger and plunged inside the pool. The cold water gave me goosebumps all over my body. I felt relaxed. I grabbed my transparent float lounger, which was at the corner of the pool and floated myself. I should quickly freshen myself, Aston will be here at 4. As I thought that, It gave me heebie-jeebies. After our intense encounters, I want to hide from him and also be with him at the same time. He is my ideal, physically. His hot body and pumped thighs makes me crazy. I've never felt for someone physically until I started reading novels and began to observe and he was the first. We never talked about our 5 seconds kiss. It's good though, he knew I did it by mistake. Whatever, it was so hot. I thought and took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

"Emma? Emma-aa?" I heard someone shouting when I tried to open my eyes but couldn't as sun rays were blocking my view. What the hell? Did I drift off in sleep? I tried to get off my floating lounger and opened my eyes. Suddenly, I lost my balance and drowned inside the pool. I was striving to dive up, when I felt my back grabbed, trying to pull me up. I saw a firm chest and I suddenly gripped my arms around his neck to save myself from drowning. I looked up and saw, he was Aston. I glanced at his panicked face trying to save me, I felt thrilled. As he finally brought me up. We both were heavily breathing. I was all over him. My arms were wrapped around his neck, my boobs were closely pressed over his chest and even my legs were tied up over his legs thriving to be saved by him. Aston's widened eyes looked at me, so was I. My heart was pounding so fast. "What the hell was that? Aren't you a professional swimmer? How can you do something so stupid and drown yourself?" Aston howled. Why do you seem so worried about me? I kept looking at his anxious face, his lips looked juicy, we just had a little distance between our lips, I wanted to finish it but he was so fierce right now, I thought to explain myself, "I dozed off while floating, Aston" I said. "The water would've filled you up in no time. Don't be this careless again." Aston said while glaring at me.

Why are you coming at me? "It's not like I did this myself. It just happened." I screamed.