Why are you coming at me? "It's not like I did this myself. It just happened." I screamed.

"I'm just saying be careful next time" He said and I felt his fingers tingling over my forehead putting my hair aside which just came on my forehead when I screamed. Why did I scream at him? Sutpid me. I nodded at him. He calmly stared me. His grey eyes were shining brightly, arresting me in. I felt my surrounding as quiet as graveyard. I could listen to the chirping of birds as if they were just beside me and the swish sound of wind felt so restful. I quavered. I was still clasping over Aston. I didn't want to release him.

Suddenly, I felt Aston's hand moving up my back, his fingers tracing my bra. He slided his hand up till my back of the neck giving me shivers. I moaned and arched my back while looking in his eyes. I just realized, I pressed my boobs extensively over him. Aston slightly groaned. His breath sound felt music to my ears. He moved his grip of hand in front of my neck, slided his thumb over my chin and slowly trailed his hand down my neck, "Ahh!" I moaned with pleasure. His hand reached my collarbones. I felt something poking my vagina. I moaned and my heart rate got fast. Damn, is he hard right now? Did I make him hard? He continued trailing down his hand and reached my boobs. I felt his palm over my erect nipple, he lightly tapped with his fingers over it and slided his hand down till my stomach. I exhaled deeply. I felt heat bursting out of my body.


Aston's hand stopped and he splashed the water with his other hand. "It's urgent, I have to take it!" Aston said, so I left his grip. He got out of the pool, his light blue shirt and black jeans were all soaked and I could see his shredded back above the shirt. He really left me wet and horny as fuck right now. I held the hand railing and got out of the pool. I saw him picking up the call, standing beside the sun lounger, facing me. The water was dripping from my body. Aston gazed at me and I could feel his eyes checking me out from head to toe. My bra and panties were clinged over my body. Fuck! He can see my genitals clearly. I suddenly covered my boobs with my hands and approached my towel. Aston was just standing beside me. I wrapped the towel over my shoulders. It covered my upper body. Only if I knew I would doze off and Aston would come. I would've brought a large towel. I looked for my phone and couldn't find it. This says alot why I dozed off and my alarm didn't wake me up. Where did i put it?

The sun was setting down and the wind started blowing hard. I shaked with cold, so I took my steps towards the porch and stood there, waiting for him to get off his call. Why is it taking him so long? Whose call could it be? Did something bad happen in his family? Or is it some girl? I rolled my eyes because of my overthinking, I glanced at Aston. He must be feeling cold right now. I hurried inside the house and took my other towel for him. As I reached the door, I saw Aston coming towards the porch. I stood by the door and offered him the towel. He took it and ruffled his hair with it. Why are you not covering yourself? "Wrap it around or you'll get cold" I said to him. "Hardly, my immune system is strong! But you brought it for me so why not!" Aston said. "Whatever suits you!" I said and rolled my eyes. He suddenly wrapped the towel over his shoulders. "Come inside" I said and turned around. Aston followed my steps. "This is our living room, beside is the mom's room." I told him. "Okay, I got you! Where is your room?" Aston said. I stopped my steps, turned my back and glanced at him. Why are you so eager to know my room? Good that I cleaned it though. "Its upstairs, Aston!" I said. Aston nodded. "I'm sorry, you got dampened because of me.. I'll dry out your clothes, follow me!" I said awkwardly. He came forward, standing close to me. "You would've gotten a swollen body by staying in water for long. I didn't want to mess up your soft body, so.." Aston said and took a glimpse at my boobs. I felt heat entering my body after his words. I suddenly turned around, "Sure, I owe you this one!" I took my steps towards the stairs, I averted my eyes to see him. He was coming behind me. I took a deep breath and reached my room.

I opened the door and went inside. I saw Aston wandering his eyes over my room and suddenly his eyes stopped at me. I got puzzled. "Um-m, take off your clothes and give me" I said abruptly. Did I just ask him to get naked infront of me? WTF! He suddenly took off his shirt. I couldn't stop staring at his smooth and broad chest. "Here you go!" Aston said and put forward his shirt, I grasped it. I was freaking out from inside. He made me vulnerable. Suddenly, I heard a buzz sound. I came back to my senses and saw him taking his pants zip down, "What are you doing?" I yelled. "You asked me to take off my clothes! Didn't you?" Aston said. "I never meant it to be infront of me. I'll go out, you change yourself!" I said to him and swiftly trod on my way, as I reached the door, he grabbed my hand, stopping my steps. My heart skipped a beat. His hands were so warm as if they were giving a shelter to my cold hands. I gradually turned around. His cold eyes were gazing at me. I had no idea of what's going inside his big ass brain. I couldn't stop laying my eyes in his. My heart started beating fast. He came near me leaving a little space between us. What are you doing, Aston? I'm losing it..