Did it have to end like this?

I got off his grip, making our bodies breath freely. I was suprised by his words, waiting anxiously what he had to say. He straightened himself, laying his eyes in mine. It was hard for me to read his expressions. I could feel him observing my reaction with furrowed eyebrows.

"I have a meeting to attend right now!" he said with a calm voice as if he knew I was going to explode.

Weren't we supposed to work on the project together? Why did you even came to my house if not to work on the project? His words were sour. A dagger was thrusting my heart. It was hard to believe he was leaving me now, but more unbelievable that we just shared a steamy kiss. My mind was shrieking with abundant of questions but none had the strength to be spoken.

I gazed him silently.

"I'll be back till 8, Emma!"

I spooked at his voice. Why would you come back at 8 now? What the fuck?

"Why do you seem tensed?" He said and came near, his right hand curled my side hair gradually as if he owned my hair. "I haven't forgotten the invite!" Oh! The invite. What in the world were you thinking, Emma? His smooth chest was glowing with the light that was coming from my room. I averted my eyes.


I recalled and swiftly went inside the room, turned off the dryer which was still on because of my carelessness. I drawed his clothes out and gave them to him, "You can change, inside!" I whispered.

He held his clothes and our fingers brushed, I felt the cold creeps over my body. His expressions were cold but enough to make me lose my mind. I took a deep breath and went out. I felt my heart pounding but also relieved that I ran out or God knows what stupidity I would have blurted out again. I should ignore encountering him from close. Why in the hell I asked him to taste me? I clenched my arms tightly.

Suddenly, the door opened. Aston was dressed. If he can nail this casual t-shirt, God knows what other outfit he would slay. Fucking stop drooling over him!

I saw him bringing his hand up, my eyes went to my drenched panties he was holding. What the hell? Did I leave it on the floor? I wanted to smash my head on the wall.

"So wet..."

My breath hitched inside after his words. He clasped it so tight that I could feel his grip over my fanny inducing thunderbolts.

"It needs a shelter." Aston said.

"Why are you even holding it?" I shouted while my whole body was cracking up with embarrassment.

"As I said, it needs a shelter!" He said and suddenly placed my panties in his jeans pocket. I was stunned. Did he just do that? "You-u..." I was out of words. He came near and hissed near my ear, "See you at 8!", distorting my nerves and went down the stairs. Why would you even take it with you? He's a fucking pervert.

I saw him leaving in his Mercedes from my window.

"FUCCKKK!" I shouted, thinking I will forget what happened today. I went downstairs to drink water because my throat felt scorched.


"Here you are bitch!" I shouted at my phone's buzzing sound which was lying on the kitchen's counter. I grabbed it and steadily went to my room.

I lied on the bed, my mind was filled up with countless thoughts, trying to catch up my situation. I wanted to scream for not controlling myself with him. I fiercly held my pillow and put it over my face. After lying like this, I felt calm.

"Emma dear!" I heard a sweet voice, it was no other than my mom's. I arched my back after distressed sleep and grinned at her. "You are home early today!" I said.

"I didn't want to wake you up, I made the dinner. Aston will be here in 15." Mother said.

"What? You should have wake me up. I should change!"

"Sure, I'll set the table." Mother said and went out of my room.

I hurriedly wore a simple violet dress, put on my lipstick and went downstairs. Mother made some spicy dishes. The house was filled with aroma, I couldn't wait to taste them. I saw the clock, it was almost 8.


"Sure! Always at the time!"

"Emma, open the door!" Mom said.

Did you really have to ask me this? I went to the door. I felt my surroundings getting dim and my ears exploding, my breath was becoming abnormal while standing in front of the closed door. "Emma! Why are you making him wait?" Mom said suddenly, standing beside me. I got shocked. She read my nervous vibe and furrowed her eyebrows. She opened the door. I glimpsed outside, it was Luna.

"WOAH!" I was surprised and relieved that it was Luna.

"Hello Aunty, I'm Luna!"

"Hello dear! Come inside Luna." said Mom.

"Everything alright?" I asked Luna while we entered the lounge.

"You forgot your chemistry book on desk, I picked it up, I was just passing by your house, so I thought to give you back!" Luna said.

"Ah! I see, so clumsy I'm." I said.

"Were you guys expecting someone? Was it my wrong timing?" Luna said.

"Sit down Luna dear, I would be glad if you can join us too. Be our guest!" said Mom.

"Yeah sure, our legally invited guest, Aston Drake isn't even on the time here. Duh! YOU DESERVE MY MOM'S MOUTH-WATERING SPICY DINNER" I said.

Luna's eyes widened at my words, I knew she was dying with curiosity.

"Ahahaha! If you both are insisting, I'll stay!" said Luna.

"I'll be back" I said and went to the washroom while mom and Luna sat around the dining table.

One thing I've perceived about Aston is that he is punctual. But not today, did something happen? I checked my phone, hoping to see a text from him. Alas! It was blank. It's 8:15 pm now, maybe he isn't on time because of the traffic. I got out of the washroom and saw Luna and mom laughing and chit-chatting. It felt good seeing them bonding.

"What did I miss?" I said while placing myself on the chair.

"Nothing much, but the secret to the fragnance of the dishes!" Luna said while laughing.

"I know, the secret is inside her hands" I said while pouting to mother.

Mom laughed dearly.


I suddenly checked my phone after hearing the notification sound. Aston texted. I couldn't wait to open the message.

'I can't attend the dinner. Something urgent came up! My sincerest apologies to your mother. I'll make it up to her.'

I gazed up after reading his text, both of them were staring at me blankly.

"Aston says, he can't come due to an urgent matter and mother, he is offering you his sincerest apologies!" I said.

"Sure, he can come anytime. Ask him if he is alright?" Mother said.

I nodded. Ofcouse, he would be alright. He doesn't need another mommy. I glanced at his text again, a part of me wanted to see his sight. My cheeks started burning with the disappointment I was feeling right now.

"Instead Aston, we have another guest to serve!" said Mother gleefully.

"Ahahaha, let's start the dinner, I'm starving!" I said.

We had our main meal and spent quality time with Luna till 2 hours. Luna went home as it was late. I was freaking worn-out. I went to my room, changed into my black silk nightwear. Since my childhood, mother made me wear silk nightsuits and I never stopped wearing one because they literally are the key to a restful sleep. I was finally feeling calm after a frantic day until Aston came to my mind.

"Fuck!" Is he asleep yet? What was so urgent that he didn't come? Is everything alright with him? I should probably ask or I'd have insomnia whole night.


'Is everything alright?'

After sending the text, I impulsively threw my phone alongside.


I felt excitement and nervousness at the same time. I was lying still, my breath was stucked inside me for almost 30 seconds.


My heart started beating fast. I held my phone in awe.

"What do you mean?" I shouted.