'Do you miss tasting me?' Aston typed.

Yeah I get it, you probably are fine. Why are you reminding me our encounter again?

I couldn't stop glaring at my phone. My mind was working hard to find the comeback. Earlier, my body and soul betrayed me. I couldn't believe myself for acting impulsively. I took deep breaths, allowing myself to be calm.

I started typing...

'It was a mistake!'

I turned off my phone after sending the text and lied straight on bed. My body felt numb but my heart and mind, both were rushing fast as if they had to kick off someone in an olympics.

The hush was engraving, it entrapped me in a hunch I haven't felt before and kept striking me as if I'm consistently trying to run away from a situation when I don't want to. I want the opposite of it but I'm not allowing myself to embrace it. Seeing mother alone all my life, throwing tantrums and crying while drinking throughout the nights and wishing for father, the only man she adored, to come back somehow. That was the one loss I felt, because I didn't know what to do, I couldn't bring father back. It layered my thoughts with angst thinking how she made it this far? The loss of a loved one are just not the words, they comprise whole world in them, which crubmles.

Another loss I felt was not to remember how father was like. I was just five back then. My essence just recalls a warmth of him being in my life but I've been deprived of a father's love entire my life.

In no time, a tear rolled down my face. I couldn't move but feel the dampness of it, upon which grounds did I become teary? The thought of being mournful made me pity myself and I started crying more. I continued crying for a minute until I realized, I got a running nose. I cleared my tears and went to wash my face.

I saw myself in the mirror, my face was as pale as a ghost. I scrunched my eyebrows.

"Stop it, Emma!" I shouted and pointed at myself in the mirror.

"You can't do anything for the time that is lost but what is to come!"

"If you want Aston, then why shut him off?"

I stated and pouted.

"If I want you, I'll get you, Aston!" I whispered and felt my blood sizzling over my veins. I smirked and went back to my room.

"Stop, bitch! You just messed with my dream."

I said with disappointment to my alarm clock. As I opened my eyes, the sunrays caused stinging in my eyes. I stretched my back to tighten my muscles and got ready for my university. At last, I put on my mandatory nude lipstick.

I had my breakfast. Mom and I drifted apart our ways in the street. I walked in my sneakers. Inhaling the nature was like a drug to my soul. Walking in the middle of the trees always energized me. The sunlight sparkled the trees and leaves were dancing down the road. It was my favorite season on the way, Autumn.

As I entered the university, I saw John.

"Hey Emma! You look cool today"

"Thanks John, you are slaying in the purple too"

"Thanks, mi amor! I gotta attend the class, see you later" John said and went ahead.

"Sure, John!" I said while smiling, suddenly John turned around,

"Aston may not come today, he'll miss to see your cool outfit!" John said with a smirking face. The buzz I had grew dim inside me.

"Why is he not coming?" I asked with curiosity.

"Family business!" John said.

"Got ya!" I said and made my way to the class. I tried not letting that upset me. I saw Luna and sat beside her.

She hugged me tight.

"Whatsup Luna? You'll squash me"

"I confessed to Merilyn yesterday! We are together now!" Luna stated with contentment.

"I'm so happy for you, that's amazing!" I said. They were finally a couple. Atleast, she knew what she wants.

"Yeah, but unfortunately, our first day as today, we won't be together because she had to leave the city for some days." Luna said.

"Why?" I asked with curiosity, eager to know if Aston and Merilyn had the same reason for taking off today.

"Didn't Aston tell you? They just got to know their father have a cancer. They went to see him." Luna said.

Aston didn't say a word about his father. He's secretive except the night he took me along the bridge. He got two versions of him.

"No, Aston didn't say. I hope their father gets well." I said to Luna.

I turned on my phone after the last night. I forgot how rude I was to him yesterday. He just left me on read.

"Great!" I said and realized I was a little too loud than I thought.

"What's great? Who annonyed you baby, is it Aston?" Luna asked me.

"No one, Luna! Let's focus on the lecture."

I took almost all the lectures. They were boring and alot tiring. I assumed, I needed to blow off some steam so, I went for a swim.

As I held the railing after swimming, I saw a guy on the other side of the pool trying to get ahold of my towel which I placed on the seating. Before, I could speak, he swiflty got out and wrapped my towel around his boxers.

"Are you dumb, crazy or blind?" I shouted, the swimming room echoed my words three times.

The guy turned around, appalled, indicating his fingers at himself,

"Me?" The guy said surprisingly, acting totally unsure of his actions.

Did he just do that unknowingly or is he nuts?

I bolted towards him, my wet feets made splashing sound, which was creepy but really not something to take account for right now.

I snatched my towel off his waist.

"Wha-aat are you doin-gg?" the guy said shockingly.

"Just took what was mine! Yours is their" I said while pointing the towel on the lounger that was quite far at the corner of the room.

The guy seem puzzled and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't notice. Though, you didn't need to snatch it off my body"

"Not like you were naked!" I said and went out of the swimming room entirely soaked.

I came back home after a hectic and crazy day and went for a nap. Mom woke me up and took me out for shopping.

"Are you not feeling well today?" Mother asked.

"Well, I'm a bit tired mother."

"Is it because Aston didn't show up?" mother asked.

I stared at her, she always perceives when I'm feeling down. Not like I'm together with Aston, but she thinks so.

"I'm not dating Aston, mother!"

"I did not say that, dear" said mother.

"Well, it's just that.. I'm confused. He didn't show up at university too. His father has cancer nor he talked about that. I'm a bit worried about him."

"Oh! He may have his reasons if he didn't talk about it to you, yet. He'll open up when he is comfortable to talk about that situation, it's already a shock to him, dear. Don't worry"

"Yes, you are right."

He may need some space. I really needed a pep talk.

"I am perfectly fine now, you are my emotional boost mother." I said because she always enlightens me. We went to a cafe to fill our appetite.

It's finally monday, the day for my project's presentation. Last three days went like lightning. No word from Aston, nor he could be seen in the university since then. I wore a black pencil skirt with white tube top and put on my nude lipstick. I can't get the thought out of my head, if he is still not coming today. Do I have to present our project alone? The tension I was feeling was extreme.

I reached the university.

"Emma-a! You look so pretty today." said someone.

I raised my eyes, it was Merilyn.

"Thankyou Merilyn. I heard about your father. I hope he gets well soon"

"Thankyou, we are trying our best to get him treated" said Merilyn with sorrowful expressions.

"Emma! Here you are, the presentation will start soon. Let's go." said Luna trying to catch her breath.

"See you later, Merilyn" Luna and I said.

If Merilyn came, then Aston should be here.

We almost reached the auditorium, as we reached the entrance, I could see the crowd. My eyes were constantly in search for a glimpse of Aston.

"Did Aston not arrive yet?" said Luna.

"I don't see him!" I said apprehensively.

"He'll be here, don't tense." said Luna to comfort me. He is unpredictable. This is not fair, Aston. How can you leave me here.

"I'll be back, save a seat for me." I said and hurriedly went outside. I steadily went to the washroom. The anxiety was killing me. It was not like I was bad at public speeching, but the thought of it doing alone, above all, it's a statistical project. MATHS!! I'm not good at it. Although, I revised his and my part of the project, but it's confusing me. I'll fuck it all up. I should've not accepted him as partner, he is not reliable.

My eyes were going to burst out tears.

"FUCK!" Stay inside you bloody tears." I tried cleaning my eyelids which became a little watery.

"Don't mess up my makeup! Don't give me more headache, I already have Aston at the top!"

"Am I - - on the top?" someone said.