Merilyn turned around, the tension between her and Luna was massive. All our eyes turned grey, afraid of what was about to happen. It was piercing silence seeing them both furiously staring at eachother and just then my eyes went to Aston. I got goosebumbs seeing his hot figure standing in worry. Suddenly, our eyes met and the air got stuffy to breath in. Luna suddenly started making her way out of here which made me break my eye contact with Aston and wake me back up in this complex reality.

"Stop Luna! Ww.. we need to talk" said Merilyn as if she was about to cry.

"What's there to talk about? Huh, tell me Merilyn?" Luna screamed.

"I.. I" Merilyn's words were breaking, she seem confused and hurt.

Luna laughed. She really got nuts. She vanished in no time. I ran behind her, thinking I will bring peace among them or we'll have to deal with the four years of awkwardness.

"Stop Luna!"

"Don't follow me! I'm not in the mood to get sympathies right now" said Luna.

I held her arm, ceasing her steps. She faced me, the little balls of ice started melting down her face.

"Oh, Luna!" I hugged her.

"Why none of my relationships work out well. I'm so tired of this bullshit. My heart aches so much, I won't be able to find my partner ever. I want to make a family but it keeps getting void inside me with every of my flings." said Luna.

"I understand you! Don't say bad shit! You'll be able to find someone who would love to make a family with you. But you know, it takes time and not every person is meant for you." I patted her back while comforting her.

We went to swimming room after we just took our lecture, sitting beside the pool with our legs inside it, slowly splashing the water with the little movements and it's crippling sound felt tranquil.

"Mmm, what do you think, shall I talk to Merilyn?" After minutes of silence Luna finally found an ease in speaking her heart.

"Yes, I'm sure you'll get to know her reason."

"Shall I talk it out with her now?" said Luna nervously. I held her hand.

"Whenever you feel ease! You can do it now too." Her smile ensured me she was calm now. She went out.

I was all alone in the pool. The water was cold but my body adapted its coolness. I realized my shorts were getting wet so I rolled them a little more high till my thighs. I didn't want to get up and be away from water. Water always soothes my soul, as if painting my stress away.

I heard someone walking, dabbing their feets strongly over the floor which startled me when I was immersely dipped into my thoughts. I raised my eyes. His eyes always injecting me with flow, that my blood gets abnormal. Aston was wearing towel over his waist with a bare smooth chest, slowly coming towards me. I took a deep breath as he sat beside me leaving only an inch of space between us. I could get a whiff of his strong evil-ish perfume which was not bad instead was welcoming my nerves of his presence.

"How is Luna?" asked Aston.

"Better, I guess..."

"More calm than before, she has let her guard down for now and went to sort it out with Merilyn."

"Great" said Aston. After a minute of hush, I tried making conversation.

"You talked to John?" I asked and looked at him. He was sitting much close to me, I could see his sleek jaw. His face was glowy and skin free from any perceptible projections. I wonder how much he takes care of his skin or just simply wash it by water. Suddenly, he faced me. His aura seem so relaxed that it was striding me to wrap it around me. I averted my eyes away from him.

"I didn't need to!" said Aston.

"What do you mean? You guys fought too?" Oh, I'm so dumb. I realized Merilyn is his sister. He must be angry over John. He was quiet. I looked at him to acknowledge his expressions. He was still so fucking calm, staring at the ripples of water. Have I got blind in percieving expressions or is he too good at hiding them?

"I always knew John liked Merilyn and so did her" said Aston.

"But John never made a move because of me. That little punk was scared of me." said Aston while pressing his lips tightly against eachother.

"It doesn't look like you are angry now. Are you okay with him and Merilyn? Suppose, if they are a thing!" Aston looked at me and laughed slightly. Were my words sarcastic?

"I'm not that selfish brother from the TV shows that you watch!" said Aston.

His words ignited a rush of fury inside me.

"But you sure are the selfish pervert from those TV shows I watch!" I said and smirked back at him. Aston raised his brows.

"How can you call me a pervert when my hands haven't grabbed you yet?" said Aston. I felt my vagina drenching already. Are you saying you want to hold me right now? I hurriedly tried getting up when I slipped my feet.


He elongated his one arm to which I hanged on by my waist, stopping me to fall inside the pool when I felt his other arm gripped below my hips. I ran out of breath in fear of falling. In no time, he pulled me, I wrapped my arms around his neck for I thought he was going to push me inside the pool. After opening my eyes, I realized, I was sitting just above him. My body felt electriying.

He kept looking at me with his evil eyes. His lips at rest, immobile to say a word, exceeding my heart rate. He tightened his grip over my waist, bringing me more closer to him and only thing that spared our lips to connect were our hot breaths. My huge boobs were resting over his manly chest.

"Don't you dare run from me next time!" said Aston, with each of his word, his boner poked me with pressure over my vagina. I couldn't help but moan with the steamy pleasure I felt.

"Only..y.." I glided slightly over to tease him, however he always teases me but it was also bestowing me with a hot base to hold on to, so I moaned again. I realized his towel was no longer adding friction but only his silk boxers.

His boiled breath was getting heavy as I could sense it expanding over my lips with every tiny bit of my movement, wanting to feel him more.

"If you stop being a pervert" I sighed beside his neck, then I heard someone coughing. It was probably not Aston but some other guy. Is he sick? Why is he still not letting me go? I shrinked my eyes and luckily managed to get against Aston's grip.

When I stood up, I couldn't see the face of the guy that just entered as I could only see his back while he was setting his towel over the bar. Who are you? You just witnessed my steamy encounter, Hell no! What if rumour flies in.

"Are you sure you don't want to continue?" said Aston and my eyes went to his hard-on while he was wrapping his towel over his waist. Fuck! It burnt flames inside me.

"Ww-e never started!" I said and ran out when I saw the random guy's face.

Shit! I wanted to bury my face in the ground. Did this asshole have to be here just now?