Absorbing Mana For The First Time

A month passed by

In this period, Karna only focused on practicing according to the manual. After bathing and breakfast, he would instruct the servants to not disturb him and then he focused on sensing Mana. He got no results for 20 days but on the 21st day, he finally sensed Mana in the surroundings.

Karna suddenly sensed warm energy tingling his body on that day, his eyes were closed and yet he could 'see' the existence of Mana. It was a one-of-a-kind experience. Karna quickly tried to absurd the Mana but he lost the connection with Nature.

And a month passed by just like that, Karna was currently in his 'Samadhi' State of meditation, he was trying to sense Mana around him, but no matter how much he tried he could not absorb it in his body. Karna opened his eyes. He began to think.

'It's really hard to be self-taught, but I cannot ask my father for a mentor. Rudra was a warrior, suddenly if I tell him that I want to be a mage then he will definitely think of me as a retard. First I must form a Mana core and then I can at least give an excuse that I have some talent in magic. If he thinks that my mana core is formed naturally then he will allow me to learn magic. Afterall, it's not bad to be a warrior and a mage at the same time.'

'But before this, I have to solve this problem of Mana absorption. Otherwise, I can't do anything at all.'

'There must be something that I don't know... what could it be? Mana...' Karna thought for a while and after some time his eyes shone.

'That's right! this whole process depends on forming a connection with nature. I can sense mana as it is but how can I absorb it without any absolute connection? But how do I form a connection?'

Karna felt as if his brains were about to blow from overload. He was trying his best not to rage quit, only his past regrets gave him enough resolve to continue. But even so, he was getting frustrated.

Suddenly his gaze turned toward the Spatial Ring. He thought,

'Wait! Connection... how is it that I can form a connection with the ring and bring out items? Spiritual Force! that's right! So, this is why every Mage has more Spiritual Force than a warrior!'

Karna felt enlightened. A theory gradually formed in his head. A Mage needs spiritual force to form a connection to nature. Without a 'Will,' there is no 'Connection' and Spiritual Force can employ the will to form the connection.

Karna quickly closed his eyes and regulated his breathing in a specific manner. He was sitting on a mat. He bent his index finger towards himself and rested his thumb on the index finger's top while both his arms were placed on his lap. This gesture was similar to the 'Yoga' Meditation position from the earth.

After some time he lost all senses from his surrounding, he could not see, hear, or touch. It felt like he was a soul in the endless void. But as time flew by he gradually sensed warm energy around him. Karna sent a weave of Spiritual force outside with his 'Will' and probed the surrounding energy. The energy particles twitched as if they were disturbed but then suddenly shot forward and entered his body. He could feel a worm sensation enter and circulate all around his body as if deciding a place to build their home. Finally, the energy particles gathered in his dantian.

After absorbing as much Mana as possible Karna opened his eyes, his body was drenched in sweat. After wiping his with a towel he thought,

'Finally! it worked! Now I have to create an affinity with the Mana inside me and form a Mana Core after accumulating enough, Once the Mana Core is formed it will automatically create a connection with nature, and then I can absurd Mana much easier.'

Karna felt a surge of happiness from deep inside his heart. He was happy to be alive and well! He was happy to try new things! he was happy to fail and try again! He couldn't resist and burst out laughing.

While he was laughing like a lunatic he heard the sound of knocking.

"Young Lord?"

"Yes, Come in"

Lara came in, She did not hear Karna's lunatic laughter because of the 'Soundless Magic Formation'. Otherwise, her image of Rudra would have sunk to the bottom.

"Forgive me for the disturbance, Lord Ron is looking for you" Lara said.

"Huh? okay, let's go."

Karna guessed why he was looking for him. He sighed.

Both of them arrived at the Lord's office. Karna knocked on the door.

"Come in." A reply came.

Karna pushed the door and went inside, Ron was sitting on the chair while a pile of papers was placed on the glass table In front of him. He had a 'Chromo bird's feather' in his hand, its tip was soaked with ink.

Chromo was a magical beast in this world that was rather similar to peacocks.

"Father, you were looking for me?"

Ron pointed at the side of the room, there was a large table placed on which bunch some items were placed. Karna looked confused,

"Rudra, you aren't as sharp as before these days, what's the matter? are you feeling sick? I heard that you haven't even done any training in the past month.

Karna was speeches, he was so focused on magic that he forgot that he was in someone else's body and that he must act like Rudra. But he knew he had to answer. he said,

"There's just something on my mind. Don't worry father, I'm perfectly fine." Karna stopped, suddenly he thought of something and quickly said.

".... it's just"


"I want to go outside a bit, I have been at home for a long while now."

Ron thought for a moment and raised his head. a strange, cunning look appeared in his eyes for a moment before disappearing. A smile that looked like a retired old man's emerged on Ron's face.

If Rudra saw this he would have yelled 'This old man is up to no good!'

"Oh? That's good! always being cooped up at home isn't good... hehe, In two months there will be a 'celebration' at Marquis Miller's mansion, you can come along."

"Fine!" Karna said joyfully.

'hehe, it's good that he's dull right now... otherwise, it would have been impossible to do this considering his personality. You're trapped, brat! Whahaha. I'm only doing this for your own good.' Ron thought sneakily.

Karna felt shivers down his spine for some reason, but he ignored them.

Ron changed the topic as if he was afraid that Karna would suddenly refuse to go with him to the 'Celebration'.

"You see that? Word has gone out that you woke up. Many acquaintances and Nobles have sent you gifts. One even came from the imperial family." Ron said pointing at the large table.

Karna nodded, he stored all those items In his spatial ring, the one given by The Zarx Family of course.

Suddenly Ron's face became serious. he said In a stern tone.

"Rudra, how did you fall unconscious on that day? did someone poison you? I was waiting for you to completely recover before asking."

Karna had somewhat expected this question. He was not scheming by nature but he was not an idiot. From the gossip of servants and giving some thought, he had figured out that the previous owner of the body died in some strange circumstance. Naturally, he had thought of an answer beforehand.

"Father, I don't remember much. I was hunting Magical Beasts when I suddenly felt dizzy and passed out. After that, I directly woke up a month ago.

Ron fell into contemplation, a few moments later he sighed,

"Forget it, be careful from now on. And...."

Ron stopped abruptly and clapped.

Suddenly a man with a black robe and mask appeared.

"His name is Alpha, he's a 5th-rank warrior and has some 3-4 ranked warriors under him. From now on he will protect you from the shadows. And you are not allowed to say no. Understand?"

"Yes, Father," Karna said as if he was unwilling but had no choice. Ron nodded in satisfaction, "You can go now" he said.

Karna couldn't be more happier. He had to act on Rudra's persona otherwise Ron would get suspicious. In truth, he knew that Rudra at least was a Genius warrior. Karna would die instantly if he faced any danger. Although he wanted to rely on himself as much as possible he still needed more time.

Karna left with a smile on his face.