Forming a Mana Core

Karna diligently began to form his Mana Core, he didn't have anything to do in the first place so he focused on training day and night.

The High-Grade Mana Affinity Manual was very remarkable. Karna was absorbing Mana like picking up stones from the road. His speed was 5 times of a normal person.

On the 16th day when Karna was in meditation, suddenly he absorbed a large amount of Mana. All the Mana went through his body and gradually mixed in the Circular Mass of energy in his dantian. This cycle continued for a while and then Karna finally began to consolidate the Core.

Karna carefully guided all the mana and began compressing as much as possible. He groaned in pain but persisted with determination. It felt as if he was being crushed by a mountain. With Karna's efforts, the Mana began shrinking into a small orb. Sweat poured out of Karna's body like a waterfall, blue veins could be seen on his hands, and his eyes were read. Suddenly,


A massive shockwave was released from Karna's body, the mansion's windows cracked, and the ground trembled.

Ron was meeting with some merchants along with Sebastian when suddenly the ground began trembling and shortly after a massive shockwave went through the mansion. Ron's expression sank. he said,

"Sebastian! did you notice? the origin point was Rudra's room! You go and check on Aisha and then come to Rudra's room. Go!"

Sebastian quickly left.

"Mr. Derrick. Something has happened. I apologize for the inconvenience. Please wait In the guest room until we figure out what's the matter." Ron said politely.

"Don't worry, umm... I'm rather curious.. can I go with you? if something is wrong then perhaps my guards can lend some help?"

"This...Haa, Fine. But please be careful."

Soon after, Ron along with the merchant, Aisha with Sebastian, and the Guards arrived at Rudra's room. The whole mansion went on alert.

Rudra looked exhausted as if he ran the whole world without stopping once. His clothes were drenched with sweat, his red hair was messy. He totally looked like a beggar.

Ron and Aisha hurriedly came to check,

"Rudra!...Rudra! Wake up." Ron slapped Rudra trying to wake him up. He sent his Spiritual force to examine his body and his expression changed.

"This... How is this possible? A MANA CORE!? How did he form a Mana Core all of a sudden?" Ron said with wide eyes.

Everyone was surprised. Mages were few on the continent. Although they were a bit stronger than warriors but they were very few. And that's why mages were highly respected in any kingdom. Warriors did not like them because of this, they felt unfair. And mages looked down on warriors because of their superiority completely forgetting their few numbers. And now an anomaly had appeared, Rudra who was already a genius in the sword now also had magic. That means he had the option to become a 'Mana Warriors

Warriors who could use Mana to strengthen their sword strikes were called 'Mana Warriors'. They had a great advantage over normal warriors because of their strong strikes. But at the same time, their weakness was that they had low stamina because of having to use Mana And Sword Skills at the same time. Most importantly, Their mental strength would not last long because of so much consumption. Although it seems simple but there are many calculations involved when using Mana with the Sword, any wrong move would get one killed.

Almost everyone thought that Rudra had great potential but no one knew at that time that Rudra would become a one-of-a-kind Monster who would somehow bypass all natural rules.

"My Lord, This is good news for us! We must invite the best mentor for the Young Lord for him to learn magic!" Sebastian said with a smile.

"It seems that The Zarx's are hidden dragons and crouching Tigers! Haha, Lord Zarx... I agree to your proposal! consider it as a investment in the Young Lord." Mr. Derrick said rubbing his hands.

"Good!... But I have a little request... please do not reveal to anyone that Rudra has a Mana Core."

"As you wish." Mr.Derrick said with a smile.

"Yes, we will see to that later. Lara... is it? Take care of him for now, he seems to have passed out because of exhaustion. We should speak somewhere else."

Ron And Sebastian went back to the office,

Mr. Derrick went back to the hotel with his bodyguards. Aisha was worried but reluctantly went back to her chambers.

"Sebastian, What do you think?"

"I don't know how this happened. It's very strange. but it's good for us anyways. However...." Sebastian Hesitated

"What is it?"

"The rule by the first Patriarch... People have begun noticing our strength. Naturally, The emperor must know as well. And if The Young Lord is too outstanding then...."

"Bullshit! why must we hide our strength? Honestly, the first patriarch was too paranoid. And it's only one youngster. How much can a threat can one young boy be? you're thinking too much."

"Lord, You know as well that we have flourished only because of this stance. And there are many examples in history of Families Being wiped out because they shone too brightly. Unless we have enough power to rebe-"

"Stop! Walls have ears. Some things should not be said." Ron Said narrowing his eyes.

"Forgive me" Sebastian bowed.

"Forget it, I know what you mean. You should not speak carelessly. By the way, I was doubtful about the upcoming 'celebration' because of Rudra's illness. Afterall, rumors spread that he became useless after the illness. Hehe, this should be fun."

"The rumors were spread by the Son of Duke Carlstaine," Sebastian said.

"Oh? You did not disappoint me. Forget it, Young generation should solve their own issues. We can only watch the show. However...." A murderous look flashed by Ron's eyes. ".... If they go too far then I will not watch by"

In the evening Karna woke up. He could feel his Mana core and Mana inside his body. He tried moving the Mana around but it merely twitched. Karna also felt that his vitality had increased. He felt fresh and closer to nature. he was excited about the future.

Suddenly Lara knocked on the door and came in.

"Lord Ron wants to speak to you."

"Yes, let's go."

Karna stood before Ron after a few moments.

"So? how did it happen?"

"I don't know, Maybe it formed naturally."

"You rascal, You think I don't know you're hiding something from me?"

Karna's eyes widened, his soul almost left out of his body. He did not speak.

"Fine Fine! I won't force you to tell me, but don't ignore your swordsmanship. I will invite a mentor for you."

Karna's heart was filled with guilt but he also felt touched because of his father's consideration. He nodded.