Magic Tutor - Makrov Ludwig

Two days later Karna was in his room training with Mana. For some reason, Ron had forbidden everyone to spread the news that Karna formed his Mana Core. Karna read some books about 'Mage Knights' and he understood that he would get a great advantage if he used Mana with Sword. But he just did not like Swordsmanship. As usual, Karna was sitting crossed-legged with his eyes closed. that's when the sound of Knocking came.

Karna opened his eyes, he knew that it was Lara because no one beside her came into his room. He had a very good impression of Lara. She had a lovable and cute personality, she was beautiful and she took care of him. She had all the curves in the right places. Karna was a male after all, And he had decided to live this new life to its fullest. That's why he had no norms for having relationships, but he wanted to focus on increasing his strength first. With these silly thoughts, he replied in a daze,

"Ya, come in"

Lara pushed the door and came inside. she wore the Maid's uniform as always. Her hair was done in a twin ponytail today which gave her the look of a Little sister you couldn't help but want to protect. Seeing this Karna smiled,

Suddenly seeing Karna smiling at her, Lara blushed. keeping her head down she said,

"Young Lord, Master has brought back Mr. Ludwig. He is waiting for you in the training room."

"Mr. Ludwig?" Karna spurted out without thinking.

"Huh? You don't remember? Mage Makrov Ludwig is Zarx Family's Mage. I have heard that he is a 5th mid-ranked Mage. I don't know anything more."

"Ah, I remember now. Thank you, Lara!" Karna said with a charming smile.

Although Karna had to 'Play the Part', he showed himself freely in front of Lara. He did not want to become someone else. Lara was clever and dumb at the same time, she had suspected something but she also made delusional answers in her mind to that suspicion herself. She was a very unique person.

A few moments later Karna and Lara arrived outside the training room. Lara left, and Karna knocked on the door.

"Come in, Young Lord! You do not need to be courteous."

Karna pushed the door and went inside. The room was quite large, some training dummies were placed in a line, and various weapons were hung on the weapon stand. Sword, Bow, Spear, Axe, A huge hammer, Long sword, dagger, knives, throwing knives, Javelins, you name it!

In the middle of the room stood a middle-aged man with black hair and a beard in a Mage's robe. He looked mysterious. The man was on the skinny side, he had a dagger hung on his waist, He had a tired pair of eyes... yes, there were black circles below his eyes.

This is Makrov Ludwig. He was a Magic Academy Graduate. After spending some time in magic research he ran out of money and participated in a war as a freelance mage to earn a high nobility title and get more money. That's where he met Ron. He was the son of a baron who died of an unknown illness, his mother loved his father too much and could not bare the shock and also died. Makrov despised high nobles because they looked down on lower nobility and gave him a lot of trouble seeing that he was alone, Markov survived in the world because he was a Genius in magic, he believed that he could have saved his father if he knew more about magic, he believed that magic was the answer to everything and that's why he only focused on research.

Even though he was young, Ron had saved Makrov's life on the battlefield 30 years ago. The Zarx Family was still very rich back then and Ron had offered Makrov an enormous amount of funding for his research on the condition that he serves the Zarx Family. Although Makrov despised high nobility he did not see any arrogance or contempt in how Ron treated people around him, plus he needed money for his research. so he left the fiefdom for good and accepted Ron's offer. As time passed by he accepted the Zarx Family as his own.

Markov had a good impression of Rudra, He would sometimes see Rudra train on his own day and night. Because he was also called 'genius' he knew the loneliness a 'genius' has to suffer. After receiving the news that Rudra had formed his Mana Core he was very happy and elated. He was, even more, happier when Ron asked him to teach Rudra.

Karna bowed toward Markov knowing he would be his teacher. Seeing 'Rudra' act in humility Markov nodded in satisfaction. he said,

"First of all, Congratulations on forming your Mana Core!"

"Thank you"

"Before we start, I want to ask you. What do you think magic is?"

Karna gave it a thought, and a few moments later he spoke,

"I think Magic is one of Nature's Fundamental Forces."

Markov looked at Karna with surprise, he had seen people answer as 'Magic is a mysterious force' Bla Bla Bla.... But this was new to him.

"You are right. Magic is this world's one Fundamental Rule. I believe that you can do anything with magic, Go beyond this world, and change the rules of this world, But the important thing is that magic can be used to improve life on a fundamental level. Magic Is not a tool for slaughter, if you ever forget this and use magic in the wrong way... then I will personally end you!" Markov said with a stern face. It looked like he would really kill Karna if he misused magic."

Karna nodded with a serious face and said,

"I understand Teacher, I will only use magic to live life to my fullest! But I will also use it if someone wants to disturb my life or my loved one's life."

"Naturally, An axe can be used for smashing someone's head or for farming. it depends on the person. But you must have a bottom line no matter what." Markov said softening his face a little.


Seeing Karna not showing any sign of dissatisfaction on his face, Makrov approved of him even more.