What do you see when you look in the mirror?
A devil.
A monster.
A face that is ugly, grotesque, and revolting.
It is not a pretty sight.
One day I was about to take a shower when I noticed a reflection of myself in the mirror. I looked awful. My skin was grey, my eyes were red, and my hair was greasy. I couldn't believe how much weight I had gained over the last few months. I knew I needed to do something to lose the weight. As soon as I stepped out of the shower, I decided that today was going to be the day that I started my new diet and exercise routine.
It was only a dream, but I couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. I looked at the reflection of myself in the mirror and saw the devil staring back at me. My skin was pale and my eyes were bloodshot red. I looked like death.
The devil is in the mirror when you look in the mirror and don't like what you see. You need to learn to love yourself and your body because it's the only one you're going to have. When I first saw my body in a bikini I was very uncomfortable with it and I didn't feel sexy. But as time went on I realized that I needed to love myself and not compare myself to others.
I was in my bedroom, looking in the mirror. I could see the reflection of myself, but something wasn't right. There was a dark figure behind me, and it wasn't a reflection of anything. I'm not even sure what happened next because I felt like I was dreaming. It all happened so fast, and then I woke up. I couldn't believe what I had seen and I didn't know what to think.
There is a devil in the mirror, and it is me. I was feeling proud of myself for being such a good mom, wife, and daughter. I had a healthy lifestyle and I was really looking forward to the future. Then, one day I noticed my skin was becoming more and more wrinkled and I had a few gray hairs. I asked my husband if he thought I looked old, but he said he loved me no matter what. So, I did what any woman would do, I looked in the mirror again. And there it was, the devil in the mirror.
I saw a reflection of a stranger in the mirror. My skin was pale, my eyes were sunken, my hair was a tangle of knots. I looked like I had been dead for weeks and my hands were shaking as I reached out to touch the stranger. The stranger in the mirror seemed so much more alive than I was, and I felt like my body was falling apart. I walked closer to the stranger and saw that their arms were covered in bruises, their lips were swollen, and they had a black eye. The stranger looked up at me, their eyes pleading with mine. I turned away from them and ran to the window, looking for anything that would stop this nightmare from happening.