Chapter 8

I was standing in front of the mirror this morning, trying to decide what to wear for the day. I looked at the reflection of myself in the mirror and noticed something was different about my appearance. I was a little taller, a little thinner and my hair looked longer. I began to wonder who this person was that stared back at me. Who was this new person that looked so different? I made the decision to try on some of my old clothes, but they all looked wrong on me. I tried on my old jeans, but they didn't fit right and they were too short. I tried on my old t-shirt, but it just looked wrong. Finally, I decided to put on a new shirt that I had just bought. It was a t-shirt that had a black background with red hearts all over it. This shirt just seemed to fit me perfectly, so I put it on and went about my day feeling a little more confident about myself.

The house is quiet, you've just woken up from a long day at work, and your head is pounding. You slowly make your way to the bathroom, and as you reach the doorway you see a chilling reflection in the mirror. The reflection is that of a dark-haired girl with blood-red eyes. She's wearing a long black dress with a twisted red ribbon in her hair and she's holding a sharp blade in one hand. As you look closer, you see that she's looking at you with a wicked grin. Suddenly, she lunges at you, blade outstretched. Your scream echoes through the room as you stumble backwards, tripping over the toilet and falling on your back.

A devil was in the mirror, the reflection of the man who had been looking at himself in the mirror for a very long time. He was finally going to break his own heart, and he knew it. He had been looking at himself for such a long time that he couldn't even remember what he used to look like. He had grown old and his hair was thinning and he had wrinkles, but he was still the same man who used to look into the mirror and see himself as the handsome man he once was. He was still the man who would have to die, and he knew it.

This past winter I was looking in the mirror and noticed a black spot on my eye. I looked closer and realized that it was a black eye that I had received the night before. It was right before New Years Eve and I had gone out to a party. I had a lot of fun, but also drank too much alcohol, which is not a good thing when you have a black eye. I felt really bad about myself, but it was a great lesson learned. This past summer I went to the beach with my friends and someone thought it would be funny to put some sand in my eye while we were playing in the water. Luckily I saw them do it and got some water in my eye. I didn't let that stop me from having fun, but it was still a great reminder that you need to be careful when you're around water.

I was sitting on my couch, watching TV when I heard a crash from the kitchen. I ran to the kitchen and found my wife standing in front of the broken cabinet door. She was crying and I was trying to console her. "It's ok" I said, "we'll get it fixed."

"No," she said, "it's not ok. This is just like the other times. The other times it was just small things, but this time it's everything."

She had a point. The other times it was just small things that were broken but this time it was our entire life. We were going to be homeless, we had no money, no food, no job and no friends.

I went over to where she was standing and tried to hug her but she pulled away.

"I can't hug you" she said through tears, "I'm so sorry."

For years I have been a huge believer in the saying "the devil is in the details." I used to believe that when it came to my health, I needed to be a perfectionist. I would scrutinize my diet, exercise regimen, and everything else in my life. However, it has been a long time since I have made any changes to my health because I have realized that the devil is in the mirror, not in the details. The devil is in the mirror because I am always looking for flaws and trying to find ways to change what isn't perfect. If I would stop looking for things that need changing, then maybe I would be able to start living my best life.

We all have that moment in life where we are going about our day, minding our own business, when suddenly, a dark figure appears in the mirror. The figure looks back and makes you feel uneasy. You don't know what to do, you don't know what to say, you just know that something isn't right.

When I look in the mirror, I see a reflection of my past. I see how much I have changed in the last three years. As I age, I am able to recognize the person I was and the person I want to be. My body has changed and so has my personality. It is hard to admit when you are not happy with yourself, but it is important to be real with yourself. Everyone has a different opinion on what they think they should be. You should never compare yourself to someone else because everyone is different and you are perfect just the way you are.