Shattered Promises and Broken Hearts

Before her beautiful black eyes, it was destruction, and corpses of her fellows and the human-demon hybrids, tears were rolling down her cheeks it was difficult to move even a step with the severe wound in her abdomen, her white and bright yellow uniform was washed with blood. Despite all this Suzan a young lady with a strong personality ran desperately shouting: "Lucas!! where are ya? the enemies have retreated, c'mon it is not 'hide and seek', Lucas!!!".

The enemy's base was about to collapse now, her fellow surviving members told her to stop the search.

"Suzan, get outta there, it's hopeless to find him in all this destruction unless you wanna die too" Captain Seth shouted.

The Captain who was in charge of this sneak attack was himself severely injured but was still trying to save his comrades.

But her heart couldn't agree that Lucas was dead, struggling to speak she said in a shaking voice: "Captain let me defy your orders just this one time, I'll get outta here as soon as I find Lucas".

Captain sighed and told her to hurry up. Suddenly, she saw Lucas' hand holding the pendant that she gave him, under a pile of rubbles, as powerful as she was it wasn't a problem for her to move that rubble away but what was under the rubble made it a thousand times heavier, yet she managed to move it aside. The sight was horrible, her beloved husband lying with his legs detached from his body, and face unrecognizable, she still tried to treat him with the little healing power she had left as all the healers were already dead. "Stop it's useless now I'm gonna die anyway" Lucas mumbled, "listen to me while you still can". She also knew it was useless but she kept trying.

It was hard to imagine that a fine young man of his age would be in such a was just his 25th birthday yesterday when his wife despite all this terrible situation they were in, still gave him a pendant with the grey stone matching his hair color as a gift.

"Listen, Suzan, you saw it all, right? how we tried our best and the result is before your eyes, you're trying to heal your soon-to-be-dead husband haha *blood spout* shows the differences between the enemy's and our strength, we threw our lives away, and yet they's all pointless, it... it's better if we'd just surrender before them, it's my time to leave this world but you and our son....both of you can live on....just give in this thought of saving the damn world, promise me, Suzan, you'll keep our son safe, promise me you'll resign from the 'Angels of the burning Sun'...promise me"

Suzan can't stop her tears as at this point she knew he wouldn't survive. She wanted to tell him that it wasn't pointless, that the outcome might seem horrible now but the path they have chosen was right but she just couldn't say all that, all she mourned was "I promise.....I promise but what about your promise to be with your family and grow old, have a peaceful life.....stay with me please....."

At that very moment, Lucas's breaths stopped. Suzan lost her senses, the ceiling was about to fall on both of them but she just couldn't move, she couldn't even cry at this point, Captain Seth got her out of there in time and with all the survivors they headed to the headquarters. All that Suzan could think of was "Oh the creator of the heavens and the Earth, all this is much too for me to handle now help me please", with this thought she fell unconscious...

3 days later:

"Lucasssss!!!!" she shouted and woke up.

"Calm down Suzan" Sophia tried to relax her.

Sophia Suzan's younger sister just turned 19... a beautiful young lady with deep eyes hiding a thousand mysteries sat beside Suzan's bed.

Suzan looked around it was a hospital room in the headquarters.

Captain Seth entered the room "Ah so you're finally awake after 3 days of rest, hope you're better now?"

"Captain did ya managed to get Lu..." Suzan tried to ask about Lucas although she knew he was dead, she just wanted it all to be a lie, but the Captain broke in "You saw that with your very own eyes...we couldn't save him... I'm sorry I failed as a Captain"

"so that was all real then I wish it was all just a nightmare....we all lost so much..." she looked down as she was falling into the pit of despair...

"look a little alive you still got your son and me of course your little sister don't try to forget about us, alright?" Sophia tried to change the atmosphere, Suzan looked up and smiled "yeah I've reasons to live" she tried to smile forcefully.

"And yeah sister and Captain I saw a vision that it's all quiet and peaceful but then a storm causes the destruction that we've never seen before...." Sophia looked trembling while narrating her vision.

"Whoa Sophia your visions never fail to surprise me" Captain commended Sophia's visions, and continued about the ongoing circumstances

"it exactly syncs with our current condition, we've managed to do the enemy a great deal of damage so that they cannot attack us for 14 years at the very least, so we can live in peace till then,....our organization and plans all are confidential and kept in secrecy, as our worthless government is too scared to go against them and approve our plans and organization, so neither the government nor the people would know about all this and they will think of this break of the enemy as a permanent tranquillity....but this temporary peace doesn't mean that it's all over in real when they'll attack us again after this long period...." Captain exhaled

"they won't be the same in power and technology, the "Devils of the red Moon" will be even deadlier than before" he clenched his fists "we have to be prepared or else humankind will fall into the hands of those devilish bastards and we won't let that happen at any cost".

Suzan looked lost all of a sudden, "Promise me... Suzan...promise me...." the last words of Lucas were echoing in her mind.

"I wanna resign from my duties as a member of the 'Angels of the burning Sun' "

Sophia and Captain Seth looked shocked.

"Is that you talking Suzan, you... one of the most strongest and devoted members of the organization who was ready to throw her life away to be the savior of humanity!!!??" Sophia reacted...

"It's okay Sophia, it's her choice we shouldn't question it" added Captain Seth, deep down he couldn't believe it himself but he didn't want to question her now and put pressure on Suzan.

"Thanks, Captain," said Suzan "it's a promise I've to keep...Sophia, we'll leave the HQs tomorrow and this city too."

"Alright then, what I can do if my sister has decided", said Sophia surrendering to her sister.

"Is Zack alright? did you give him milk on time?" Suzan asked worriedly.

"yea yeah you as you told me a thousand times before leaving how important it is to take care of infants, I took care of your son as much as I could...but now that you've taken retirement at the age of 23 haha, you'll take care of him yourself" Sophia tried to act as she forgot all about motivating her sister to save humanity, she didn't want to push her as she loved her sister more than anything.

"Thanks, Sophia" Suzan smiled...

*The next day*

"Knock Knock"

"You can come in....." said Captain Seth

The door opens and Suzan walked in holding Zack in her arms with care.

Captain: "Oh it's you, Suzan, it's time to say goodbye I guess"

Suzan: "Yes sir! it was an honor to have worked with ya and be a part of the Angels of the burning Sun, thank you so much sir for always supporting me.."

Captain: "haha it's still hard to believe that you're giving in though....."

Suzan: "Who said that.... Captain?", she almost grinned.

Captain: "What are you planning Suzan?" he looked surprised.

Suzan: " Sir I'm just leaving the organization not the will of an Angel of the burning Sun, I'll rise this child to be the demise of 'Devils of the red Moon'.....avenge Lucas' death.... and fulfill my duties as an unofficial soldier of this organization..." she was looking at Zack with hope in her eyes.

Captain: "Ah I knew it you just can't stay still could ya haha... but what about that promise you were talking about?" he looked a little confused.

Suzan: "that promise right.... at first I thought of keeping it and giving in completely but just the thought of that kept killing me from inside all I do realize that I can't abandon my goals, although I still respect his last words, therefore, I'm leaving this organization haha, it's full of his memories...but I will still save the world...Lucas and my child will... Zack will also become an Angel of the burning Sun... I'll stay in contact with ya Captain, and hope you'll support me.."

Captain: " of course hahahaha that's not a problem at all, best of luck Suzan and you too Zack, I'm looking forward to what the child of the two chosen ones will come out to be."

Suzan: "I'll take my leave then Captain, goodbye"

Suzan left the HQ building with Sophia and Zack with a last gaze on the place and said to her baby: "Look son, this is where you'll come one day, so better be prepared it'll not be easy".

"It's not like he's listening haha," said Sophia.

Suzan looked at the sky and said: " I'm sorry Lucas I couldn't fulfill your last wish....this is where I'm breaching the promises I made with ya... I'm sorry....."

With this promises were shattered and a new story was just about to begin...