
"You've been driving for 7 hours continuously sister, my joints are stiffed, and look at you, you don't look tired at all..... whoa some real stamina the Angels of the burning Sun elite soldiers have there for sure" Sophia finally spoke after being quiet for hours.

"Thanks for the compliment but don't worry we'll leave this car very soon" Suzan replied.

"What do you mean by leaving the car.....besides, I can't see any population thus so far" Sophia looked confused.

Suzan didn't reply. After a few more minutes of driving she stopped the car in front of a river and told Sophia to get herself and Zack out of the car, Sophia did so and Suzan also left the car.

"Hey sister you're not planning on leaving this car here, are you?" Sophia inquired.

"Nah, I'm just going to destroy it," Suzan said calmly.

"Are you serious??? did you even forget that it's Lucas' last memory...?" Sophia reacted.

"No I remember it all.. that's the more reason to destroy it here, the only sign of Lucas I want to take with me is Zack, I wanna leave everything else behind, we'll just build everything from scratch" Suzan replied with a smile.

"I got it, alright....but wait a minute... everything from scratch?? that means you didn't even arrange a home for us???"

Sophia asked anxiously.

"Your assessment is correct so far haha" Suzan grinned.

"Natural element manipulation: Fire blossom blast"

*Car is ripped into pieces and fire is dancing around".

Suzan used her natural element manipulation Fire style.

Sophia looked a little afraid as she wasn't a fighter, Zack whom Sophia was holding woke up with the sound of the blast, and with his deep blue eyes resembling his dad's, began to stare at the dancing fire in the sky.

"Sister you woke Zac...." Before Sophia was able to complete her sentence, Zack began to giggle with joy.

This came shocking to Sophia and Suzan, as no normal child would've done that in this horrible situation.

"My child sure likes destruction haha" Suzan laughed.

"This isn't something to laugh about sister" Sophia claimed.

"Hell yea it is, I'm starting to see the destruction of those devils right from this moment," said Suzan with confidence.

"hope it's true sister because all the visions I can see right now are of our destruction haha" Sophia expressed her fears.

"it'll not kill ya if you just have a good and hopeful vision once in a while" Suzan sighed.

"It's not like I can control them ahhhh," Sophia said hopelessly.

Sophia started to look in the eyes of Zack, she could see the fire of his mother's will and the shine of a brighter future, a hope she never saw before, a sight defying all the visions she had before, she was shocked with her lips open wide, all she could say was "yes sister I can see it all now, but I hope I can see it when the time comes for it".

"What are you mumbling about Sophia," Suzan asked as she wanted her sister to talk a little louder.

"It's nothing sister" Sophia replied with a broad smile.

"Now it's time to cross the river, my comrades," Suzan said in a commanding voice.

"What are you kidding me ?? you want me to swim in this ice-cold water?" Sophia asked while dipping one of her hands in the river and holding Zack in the other.

"What is that supposed to mean, can't you even do that? you've to become strong too y'know....if you don't have the aura and elements manipulation techniques then you must build physical strength!" Suzan acted like a mentor.

"Easy for you to say who can just walk on water...." Sophia said in a low voice.

"So are trying to say that I should carry Zack in one hand and one grown-ass lady in the other haha" Suzan laughed.

"Stop making fun of me sister, if only I could walk on water just like you ahh" Sophia desired while putting one of her feet on the water.....

"Whatt" shouted Sophia, "look sister I...I can, I can stand on water dammit!!!"

"You're not kidding, are ya? you could do aura manipulation??....try standing with both of your feet on water....try it" said Suzan.

Sophia carefully stepped on the river, "how is it possible how am I able to pull it off, it's making no sense at all" Sophia couldn't understand.

Suzan stepped on the river too, and asked Sophia to hand over Zack, Sophia gave Zack to Suzan...


the moment Sophia let go of Zack, she fell into the river..."ehhhh co...cold, so I've to swim after all...but what happened just now I cannot understand....mind explaining to me??" Sophia asked submerged in water.

"Sophia I wanna confirm something, get out of the river and hold Zack again," Suzan said intriguingly.

Sophia did so. "Now try walking on water again" Suzan ordered.

"Ahh, this time you want Zack to fall along with me haha.... but still Roger that!!" Sophia replied.

"Impossible.... it's a.... miracle". Suzan looked astonished seeing Sophia standing on the flowing water along with Zack.

"Heck yeah, it is impossible....what is happening, sister??" Sophia was even more surprised.

Suzan explained: "Walking on water or fire is a type of Aura manipulation, in fire's case we manipulate our aura's temperature to nearly that of the fire but in case of walking on water we need to decrease the density of our lower aura to almost less than 1000kg/m³ so that our lower half acts as a boat that can float on water, it's a basic technique that requires a lot of practice and concentration....but to manipulate someone else's aura along with your own, it's a high-level technique and Zack just did it!!!!!.....doing this at the age of only 10 months, is similar to doing it unconsciously and that's absolutely a miracle".

"ah I'm trying to understand haha, whatever it is, Zack saved me from swimming, he'll save the world one day, no doubt..... but I'm still all wet and this cold weather..." Sophia uttered.

"Don't forget what Captain Seth said that you need to build physical strength 'Sophia the foreseer' don't forget that you can see the future and you're an asset to us, the enemy might come to capture you, of course, your sister and I'll save ya but still you need to be prepared both physically and mentally" Suzan reminded Sophia of Captain Seth's words.

"yeah I remember but now that we've left the organization isn't it unlikely?" Sophia asked.

"Ahh you mindless idiot, it's even more likely now as you won't have enough protection and they'll try to turn you to their side.. even by using force" Suzan tried to explain.

"Sisterrrrrrr, stop scaring me will ya, I'll build up my stamina and strength for sure heck no I'm not gonna get kidnapped by those rascals" Sophia showed some determination.

"You're looking determined that's unusual, I mean you always seem depressed, I guess because seeing things before they happen is not as easy as it looks like, am I right?"

Suzan asked Sophia.

"yup it's painful, knowing the future, it's like a nightmare.....watching all the pain you'll have to suffer.....it's like being killed once and then you're given a new life and then you're stabbed again.... that's how it had been for me all these years....but sister after the ABS's(Angels of the burning Sun) sneak attack, I came to understand one thing, I realized that all of you were suffering, you all knew what the outcome of the attack could be, but you still put your lives on the line in the hope of a brighter future....all my life I thought that this power is a curse but now I've realized it's a blessing, I'm not shown these visions to mourn but to do something, yea I'll help you guys save the world... I'm also meant to do something, I'll change my suffering in my strength, seeing how much pain you and Sir Seth are going through but still staying strong and fighting that's all the motivation I need" Sophia talked her feelings to Suzan.

"Glad to see my sister is all grown up...it's strange how life always takes so much from us but still leaves us with reasons to go on, to test whether we're cowards or warriors.....and it's even more strange how cowards like us are turned into warriors". Suzan gasped.

"Now that we've chosen the path of struggle and become warriors we'll win this at all costs," Sophia said with certainty.

"It'd be a miracle though....and I do believe in them, after seeing Zack today..... my believe is even more consolidated," Suzan said looking at the sky.

"You're right, our very existence is a miracle itself...." Sophia mumbled...

as they continued their journey toward their soon-to-be residence.....

The Sun of their 2nd day walking towards their destination was about to set .... "Sisterrrrrr when we'll arrive dammit"

Sophia asked.

"Just a little more....." Suzan replied, "we're near our new home....."