To the headquarters

All of the candidates went to the waiting area, they were stable enough to not be shifted to the infirmary.

They were offered water and some energy-boosting drinks.

After a while of rest, Sir Alex came with his subordinates.

"Now I'll announce the names of the candidates who have passed the entrance exam and also the team and unit they are assigned to".

Some of the candidates looked pretty nervous, Ken looked at Eliza's team "I hope they will pass, they are so good and helpful and it's also nice that they know how to not leave an injured friend behind unlike this arrogant girl in my team" he thought.

"A total of 9 candidates have been passed

Their names are

Zack Everest

Violet Colbert

Rachel Frank

Henry Howard

Sarah Palin

Ken Daniel

Joseph Smith

Eliza Gabriel

Leo Lucile

We have observed your fighting styles and abilities and judged which of you should be put on the same team and which unit you're best suited for.

The first team

Sarah Palin, Leo Lucile, and Joseph Smith you three are assigned to the Sunrise unit."

"yes sir," the team said unanimously.

Sir Alex continued

"Rachel Frank, Henry Howard, and Eliza Gabriel you three are assigned to the Mystic unit".

They nodded, " ah I can't believe I passed " Eliza almost cried.

Sir Alex went on to announce the third team

" Zack Everest, Violet Colbert, and Ken Daniel you three are assigned to the Burning unit also known as the Headquarters ".

"wow the headquarters," thought Ken "glad I'm on the same team as Zack,"

Zack smiled " Headquarters, where mom and dad worked...Ken is on my team that's great, and that mysterious girl too".

Sir Alex now addressed the candidates who had failed the Entrance Exam "Those of you who have not passed are not allowed to leave".

Candidates started to mumble as they could not possibly understand what was the point of staying there any longer.

" Silence you imbeciles " the room became dead quiet by his commanding voice.

"Listen you brats, you all refused to go when I had given you the opportunity, that means you have some serious determination, and I'd be a fool if I let that determination go to waste just because some of you are not strong enough and the others are amateurs will stay here in the shadow unit under my watchful eye and I will teach you brats what it takes to be a warrior of the Angels of the Burning Sun, as for everyone else you can leave for your respective units because we have no time to waste"

Sir Alex finished and left.

"Hope you'll learn something that could help you understand what a team is," Ken said to Eliza who was standing beside him.

"Shut Up, that's none of your business," she said and left.

"Guess I should stop criticizing people haha" Ken smiled and meet up with his team.

"hey Zack we're on the same team" Ken was very delighted. "hmm, now I can easily protect you," said Zack.

"What was that again...haha but you're kinda right and I'll protect you too" replied Zack.

Violet stood there silently Zack looked at her and then at Ken.

"You too miss, we'll protect you too and work hard as a team," said Ken.

"Does it seem to you like she needs our protection?" Zack said.

"Doesn't seem so but we should say stuff like this y'know" Ken laughed.

"Thank You, both of you," said Violet.

"Nah no need to thank us...what was your name again?" asked Ken.

"It's Violet" she replied.

"Guys we should now leave" Zack put in.

"Yes we should...let me say my gratitude to everyone who helped us," said Ken.

"You're right, let's do it" replied Zack.

They thanked their fellows and then headed out after asking for directions.

" I want to tell mom and aunt that I passed but we were not allowed to bring cell phones with us," said Zack.

"yep I guess we will be allowed to contact home from the headquarters, I can't wait to inform dad," Ken said anxiously.

"Violet, don't you have to inform anyone?" Zack asked.

"No" she replied.

"I see," said Zack "I wonder when she'll open her eyes," he thought.

"How come the headquarter is in one of the busiest cities?" asked Ken.

"See the map closely...there's a gigantic mountain in the corner of the city, headquarter is beyond that mountain, hidden from the population but still in the ideal location for keeping in contact with all the other units" Zack explained.

Ken: "Makes sense...I think we're close to the mountain"

They reached the headquarters in about an hour. They were allowed to enter after showing the magnetic chip-embedded cards to the security officers outside.

It was a humongous building and all of the staff were wearing bright yellow and white uniforms.

A good-looking man of about 21 years of age approached the team "Hey I am Jason, I'll be the leader of your squad, follow me please".

They followed him.

" Sir, we want to contact our family and inform them that we passed, can you help with it?" asked Zack.

"Oh yeah about that, you'll have to wait for this, the common communication line is only used for official purposes, you guys will be provided a separate cell phone that you can use to contact your family or friends but for that, you'll have to wait maybe three or four that suitable for you?" Sir Jason answered back.

"What could we possibly complain about haha, guess we have no other choice but to wait" Ken sighed.

"Don't worry Ken they probably already know that we are fine" Zack guessed.

"Yeah...they must have anticipated that we passed otherwise we would have been at home till now...still, I wanna talk to Dad..." Ken mumbled.

" Let me show you your rooms " he showed them their place, three rooms in a row.

"Here, the room in front is mine, and up here the third floor, it's divided into two sections, one of which will be our meet-up area to discuss further the assignments given to us by the organization" he began again "rest until tomorrow while you still can...see ya later guys" he left.

"Thanks, Sir," they said together.

"Rest huh guess we should consider it," Ken said as he was much fatigued.

"hmm, you're right about that," Zack agreed "See you guys tomorrow,".

" Good Night," said, Ken and Violet.