First Mission

The next day, at 5 am.

Zack's team was still asleep as they were much fatigued by yesterday's test, including Zack himself when the alarms in their rooms started to ring. All of them woke up and went to freshen up themselves and got ready. They were called outside at 5:45 and given breakfast by a bot who also conveyed the message to be in the meet-up room at 6:15.

"Angels of the burning Sun have some high-level technology I really didn't expect like how even in the test our opponents were robots, how are they so advanced in AI and stuff, the world outside the organization couldn't even imagine" Ken mumbled after he finished his breakfast.

"Stop your mumbling once in a while, have at least your breakfast with peace" Zack replied.

"You just can't bear my observation skills could ya haha" Ken kept quiet after that.

Violet stood up exactly at 6:15, without asking the time, Ken looked at his wristwatch and said: "it's time let's go, Zack".

Zack wondered how she knew the exact time was she counting the minutes, she was just becoming more of a mystery to Zack and he couldn't help but wonder.

They went to the meet-up room, Sir Jason was already sitting there.

"Morning guys, hopefully, all of you rested well". Sir Jason greeted them.

"Good morning Sir," the team.

"I have been given the details for our first mission, it's already been 14 years since we faced the enemy but now the enemy has started to make their move...up until now they were hidden in some dimension we couldn't locate but lately there were some infiltrations detected at some sacred places maybe to steal information about the techniques which can grant immense power or they might be finding some secret item to use it in their benefit...either way it can result in the destruction of humanity". Sir Jason explained the situation.

The team was listening carefully.

Sir Jason continued

"Our tracker team has traced their movements and has anticipated two of the enemy's next potential target locations, one of which we are assigned to investigate".

"Sacred places, I have read about them in dad's research papers...these are the areas where the 'Ancestor of the Power' traveled and left great sources of power there, throughout his life and also left some doorways to other dimensions too... I always thought it was a myth and sacred places are just some old ruins and leftover underground facilities of old-timers but what if it's actually real" Ken mumbled.

"give a break to that mumbling of yours, it doesn't really matter if it's a myth or reality the fact that the enemy is visiting these places is a clue and that's what we need to investigate, about that story of the Ancestor of Power, I didn't believe it either when mom gave me a little overview about the places" Zack interrupted Ken's mumbling.

"Yeah, who would believe a cliché story like that one but about the place having great sources of power is certain" Sir Jason put in and further explained the mission:

"The place we are assigned to investigate is 'the ruins of Zeble'...we are not allowed to use any vehicle or speed boost techniques because there is a good chance that the enemy might detect us that way and that would be dangerous for us as we don't yet know the extent of the enemy's power."

"How long it will take us to reach there?" Zack asked.

"the place is beyond the forest of Askara in the north of Askara countryside, we shall travel to Askara countryside by plane from there we shall take the route of the forest, without any speed boost it will take us around 4 days to reach the ruins of Zeble, our mission is to investigate their motives and if we get noticed and attacked only then we can attack but on the contrary if their power level is low and we might be able to take them down then we are ordered to bring them with us, that said only if they are less in numbers" Sir Jason explained while he drew a rough map of this plan on a piece of paper which was on the table in front of him. The team listened carefully.

"What if we are not able to handle them on our own will there be any reinforcements?" Ken asked.

"I am afraid there won't be any reinforcements, as in that area there are not any units of the organization and even if we shall send a message to the headquarters asking for help how will they make it in time even if they use a speed boost, but if we foresee our deaths this is our obligation to record our reports in that time and let the organization know by using these transponder watches (Sir Jason was wearing one and other three were on the table, they looked like ordinary watches) they also have trackers in them, the organization will be tracking our location, there's a chance they might come to save us if anything goes south but we should be prepared for death and go on with the assumption that no-one will come for our rescue, we are after all soldiers ourselves who are not afraid of death" Sir Jason handed over the transponder watches to the team.

"Violet, don't you have any questions?" Sir Jason asked.

"No Sir" Violet replied evenly.

"That's all clear now, we will leave today at noon, and about your cell phones if we came back alive from this mission that we will, then you guys will be given your cells, and yes I forgot to tell you there's an option of contacting your team members in the transponder's watch, I will make the arrangements for our departure till then you guys should check out the weapons that I have chosen for you after studying the report that the Shadow Unit sent us," Sir Jason said while leaving the room.

"Wow weapons, I think I have not used one ever, won't it slow us down using weapons on our first mission without any training but there's a possibility they are exactly according to our abilities and might be useful..." Ken began to mumble.

"We are not gonna find out until we try Ken and don't make me repeat myself a hundred times that you don't need to mumble," Zack said while giving Ken his weapon.

"What is it a hammer" Ken became upset upon seeing his hammer-like weapon.

"Well suits you, I will hit your head with it when you mumble haha" Zack laughed.

Zack also took Violet's weapon to take a look "seems like a sword, well suits her but she already has her sword so what's the point".

"Here's your weapon Violet" Zack gave the weapon to Violet.

"Thanks," said Violet, taking her weapon and putting it with her previous sword.

"Zack, you got a revolver life's so unfair, I also want that" Ken mourned childishly.

"that is fate brother" Zack smiled while looking at the revolver.