Let's head out

After a few hours.

Sir Jason entered the meet-up room where Zack, Ken, and Violet were reading the thick-sized manuals which were lying on the table along with the weapons.

"Hey guys, how am I looking?"

Upon hearing the footsteps and Sir Jason's voice Ken and Zack looked up, it was Sir Jason but with a weird get-up and artificial nose, they tried their best but could not control their laugh.

"Hahahaha...What is with this weird disguise Sir Jason?" Ken said while laughing uncontrollably.

"What am I not looking fine to you?" Sir Jason said with a worried face.

"No Sir you are looking like a weirdo hahaha," Zack said with a poker face and laughed afterward.

"Stop laughing idiots, I am not the only one who is going to travel in disguise, go to your rooms there are your getups as well, these dresses are specially designed to hide our weapons as well they are not as durable as the Angels of the burning Sun's uniform but we can not afford to show ourselves as the soldiers now plus this is a secret mission, not a war" Sir Jason felt a little embarrassed about his appearance.

Zack and Ken laughed again.

"You guys are really hopeless are not you," Sir Jason said hopelessly and left the room.

"You do not ever laugh do you miss Violet," Ken asked.

"Umm I do not really know" she replied as if she really does not know how to laugh.

"We do not laugh and have fun with everyone either, most of the people even consider us weirdos but we are a team it is fine to laugh with us once in a while," said Zack.

Ken looked at Zack as he was surprised that Zack said this "it was nice to hear that from you Zack...man you rarely speak to anyone except for me like this, can I finally say that you have successfully made a friend beside me" Ken spoke.

"Yeah, I realized teammates should be friends that's what mom told me too, anything bad with that" Zack asked with a smile.

"Nah man nothing wrong in fact it is great I thought you had zero ability to make friends haha" Ken laughed at Zack.

"Look who is talking you had not any friends either and you were not as lively as you are looking nowadays, what is with that by the way," Zack asked.

"yeah I have noticed too I feel much freedom and flexibility after gaining my powers, maybe an advantage of my power or maybe it is just that now I can fully be myself" Ken gave a shy smile.

"I see, I think you are right about that" Zack said.

"Violet you can start by smiling a little bit I guess" Ken advised.

"Yes, I will" Violet smiled a little.

Zack also smiled even though Violet could not see the smiles of her newfound friends.

"I wonder when we will get our uniforms," Ken asked.

"We will soon I guess but first we have to complete this mission" Zack replied.

"Yep, of course, I guess it is time that we should get ready for our first mission let's go guys," Ken said enthusiastically.

They put on their wristwatches and headed to their rooms.

Zack was formally dressed and given glasses to wear, Ken was given a Chinese attire to wear, Violet was given informal wearing the complete opposite of what she wore before, and also she had to wear sunglasses.

Zack and Ken came out of their rooms.

Ken looked at Zack and complimented "Whoa man you are looking like a rich businessman and here I am haha...".

"Yeah thanks for the compliment...you Ken, you are looking like a Chinese priest haha" Zack cackled.

"Now that is cruel, why have you got a good outfit," Ken said with discomposure.

"I wonder what Violet has got" asked Zack intriguingly.

"Are not you taking much interest in the girl?" said Ken sarcastically hitting his elbow to Zack.

"What are you talking about idiot?" said Zack giving a clueless glance but his face turned red.

"Wait a minute, are you blushing?" Ken looked at Zack's face.

"I am not blushing you fool it's this outfit it is kind of suffocating, I am not used to wearing such clothes" Zack opened the upper button of his coat.

"This is you acting all innocent all of a sudden," said Ken.

"what are you saying... I am innocent there is no need for me to do an act for that matter, ..." replied Zack.

The door of Violet's room opened.

She wore high heels, and a red topcoat plus the sunglasses only added to her charm.

She was looking like a completely different person but with the same calm aura and expression.

"Is that really you Violet?" Ken was surprised.

"She is looking sassy," Zack thought gazing at her.

"Zack you can gaze at her later, tell me isn't she looking different" Ken asked.

"Yeah but kind of the same as before..." Zack replied.

"What is the same... maybe the aura" Ken mumbled.

Zack remained quiet.

They went downstairs where Sir Jason was waiting for them.

"Exceptional, perfect disguises, do you guys know I personally designed them," Sir Jason said.

"He designed them but he was working on the weapons all night, when did he design them? In addition, my dress is not really that great" Ken whispered.

"Yeah exactly plus doesn't the organization has someone else to do this stuff?" Zack whispered back.

"I can hear you boys, you know that?" Sir Jason interrupted "and whether you like it or not is not the issue, if the enemy has its allies waiting in or outside the forest and if they doubt us of being the organization's member by looking at our appearances they'll inform our targets and they will flee before we know, do you guys now see how sensitive is this matter, and how carefully I chose all of this" Sir Jason was giving almost an emotional expression.

"Yes sir we get it you are awesome" both Zack and Ken uttered to make Sir Jason feel better.

The team then went out of the headquarters and moved toward the airport.