Mission Complete

Violet was about to save herself with her sword but before she could do so Zack suddenly spoke "No Violet don't" he spoke in a manner as if he sensed she intended to destroy the devils.

Zack attacked the devil's arm with the weapon Sir Jason had given him and saved Violet.

"We have to fight them but keep them alive," said Zack.

Violet accepted Zack's advice and slowly withdrew her sword from her sheath. The devil—greedy and rage-filled—was still sprawled on the ground in front of her, his black eyes boring into her with vicious intensity. Taking a deep breath, she raised her weapon, just as Zack had done moments before, and the devil's hand flew to his chest, gripping what remained of his tattered shirt. Thin rivulets of blood ran down his forearm, seeping into the dirt beneath him.

Violet had just raised her sword above her head when a loud thud echoed through the night, followed by a satisfying groan. In a matter of seconds, the devil lay motionless on the ground, knocked out cold.

For a moment, there was only silence. Then, Violet stepped forward and spoke, her voice soft but firm. 

"Thanks for saving me back there," Violet said, grateful.

"No need. You were going to save yourself anyway," Zack replied. "But try not to kill them. They are valuable sources of information."

Violet nodded, understanding. Sheathing her sword, she reached down and grabbed the devil by the collar of his shirt, dragging him away from the clearing. Zack followed, still watching her with respect and admiration in his eyes.

Violet had saved herself and accepted Zack's advice, proving that she was capable and courageous. She had become a hero in her own right.

Zack and his friends had been caught off-guard by the sudden appearance of the mysterious black-clad man. They had thought they were dealing with a couple of weaklings, but now they faced a far more formidable foe.

The captain of the devil's crew stood tall and imposing in the middle of the alley, his eyes blazing with an unfathomable intensity that sent chills to the atmosphere. His voice was cold and emotionless when he spoke, betraying no hint of fear or remorse.

"You brats are quite skilled," he said, with a smirk. "But just a warning: I'm not the same as the weaklings you just knocked out. Haha!"

He was not kidding; he really was strong, unlike the two they had just fought. Not to mention merciless too; he had seen his comrades getting almost killed and yet he was so calm.

He was a dangerous adversary, and Zack knew it. He took a deep breath, trying to steel himself for what was to come. He was ready to fight and do whatever it took to protect Violet and the world as it was the first time he was facing real foes.

The devil spoke a spell, and as the last syllable passed his lips, the air around him seemed to shimmer, like a mirage. He raised his arms, and from his outstretched fingers, ten replicas of himself materialized and spread around him.

Each one was exact in every detail, from their menacing horns to the sharp claws that curled from their hands. But one subtle difference set them apart: each of the ten had a different symbol emblazoned on the back of their cloaks. Five had symbols of the four elements – fire, water, earth, and air – while the other five bore symbols that represented the forces of light and darkness.

All of the devils stood silently, their eyes fixed on the devil speaking the spell.

The devil had cast a powerful summoning spell, calling upon the forces of Light and Darkness to do his bidding. He had conjured up ten minions, each representing one of the ten different aspects of his will. And the fight begins.

Zack and Violet were fighting well, but the sheer number of devils meant that they were quickly becoming overwhelmed. 

The scene was chaotic, with Zack and Violet trading blows with their opponents. As one of the devils lunged toward Violet, Zack shouted out a warning: "Violet, watch out!" He was already fighting off five of the devils by himself, and it seemed like he would not be able to save her in time.

"Violet, watch out!" 

At that same moment, Sir Jason and Ken suddenly burst into the scene. With a few swift attacks, they quickly dispatched the devils that were attacking Zack and Violet. Sir Jason glared at the defeated foes, his fists dripping with the blood of their slain comrades. "What do you devils think you're doing to my team?" he thundered, raising his sword menacingly over the defeated devils. They cowered beneath him, unable to answer his question. He looked at Zack and Violet, his gaze a mix of pride and concern. 

"You two are alright, right? Now let's take care of these devils together and make sure they don't get what they want from here."

"So finally we can fight seriously under your command up until now we were holding back not to kill them," said Zack.

"Yeah now you can kill them just don't kill the one who is casting the spell, he's our treasure of information" Sir Jason put in.

"Sir Jason and I have set up a barrier so he can't escape," Ken said while fighting the devil.

"When you learned that... amazing" Zack was surprised.

"Sir Jason taught me just now haha, he's the best" Ken replied.

Violet battled fiercely, her movements becoming more and more intense with each strike. She was faster than she had ever been, her body responding with a kind of superhuman agility. She felt as though some dormant power had been awakened within her, as though a cursed energy was flowing through her muscles, propelling her strikes with an otherworldly precision. 

Using a combination of Violet's agile sword prowess, Ken's newfound powers, Zack's strength, and courage, and Sir Jason's quick thinking and expansive knowledge, the teammates were able to defeat the ten devils. As the demons lay defeated, Sir Jason noticed a small lever on the ground nearby and realized it was part of a clever trap device. With a quick motion, he pulled the lever and the four of them felt the ground rumble beneath their feet as a large net sprang up from the dirt, catching the main devil and trapping him within!

The group had finally caught their quarry and with it, their mission was complete. They had succeeded in their quest and were ready to return to the headquarters triumphant. But before that could happen Violet fell unconscious.