Save Violet !!!

Violet's body shook violently as cursed energy began to overflow from her, cascading out of her like an unstoppable tide. Her eyes, usually so carefully hidden away, flew wide and wild, face twisted in agony.

"Cursed energy is overloaded in her," Sir Jason put in worriedly. "Maybe because the cursed stone is near and it gave rise to some curse she has."

"Should we find that cursed stone and destroy it then?" Ken asked, looking around for the source of Violet's pain.

Zack was also worried, and he replied, "Wouldn't it be dangerous to destroy it if it has some connection with her heart?"

"Or maybe it's her eyes that are cursed," Sir Jason mused, "that's why she never opens them. But it's not something we can find out as we are not curse specialists."

The group fell silent, overwhelmed by the magnitude of the task before them. It was clear that the only way to save Violet was to find the cursed stone, but the dangers that awaited them were still unknown.

"Well, there's only one way to find out," Zack declared, making up his mind. "We must go find the cursed stone and destroy it. No matter how dangerous it is, it's the only option we have if we want to save her."

With a determined nod, the group set off, determined to find the cursed stone and put an end to the misery that had befallen their friend.

Sir Jason moved closer to the devil, his expression a mix of determination and concern. "We know the cursed stone is near, but we cannot feel any connection with it," he said thoughtfully. "Only Violet can."

Violet was still unconscious, her body lifeless in Zack and Ken's arms. Sir Jason turned back to the devil, his voice cold and hard. "This devil we caught... can he sense the cursed stone?"

The devil tilted his head slightly, glancing up at Sir Jason with a smirk. "Yes," he said, his voice like a snake's hiss. "I can sense the cursed stone."

Sir Jason stepped back, his face grave. "Take Violet and find the cursed stone," he told Zack and Ken. "I'll stay here with the devil."

Zack and Ken nodded, gradually lowering Violet to the ground before the two of them rushed out of the room. Sir Jason watched them go, his face expressionless. Then, he turned back to the devil.

"Now," he said grimly. "We have some work to do."

"Ah excuse us, Sir Jason." Ken and Zack stepped back, looking at each other in confusion.

"I said go and find the cursed stone. I'll interrogate this devil," Sir Jason replied, a hint of frustration in his voice.

"Exactly, Sir. How are we supposed to find that cursed stone without you asking the devil where it is?" Zack said.

Sir Jason chuckled softly. "Haha, sorry. I was acting a little too cool. Wait, I'll make this devil open his mouth."

"Hurry it up, sir. Violet is still in bad condition," Ken said anxiously.

The devil laughed, still in the trap net, and said, "Do you idiots think I will tell you where the stone is?"

The devil, a powerful creature feared by many, refused to open his mouth and give them the answers they needed. Saluting his own brilliance, Sir Jason smiled mischievously as he knew he had the means to make the devil talk.

He placed his hand on the devil's forehead, and his expression softened. His voice was gentle but firm, and his words were clear and commanding. "Now tell me everything you know about the location of the cursed stone."

The devil hesitated for a moment but then spoke. He revealed that the cursed stone was hidden somewhere with the artifacts that had the sigma symbol. His words surprised both Zack and Ken, who looked at Sir Jason with newfound admiration.

"I didn't know Sir Jason could use such interrogation techniques. He's full of surprises," said Ken.

Sir Jason smiled, pleased with his success. They had finally gotten the clue they needed to find the cursed stone. Now all that remained was to locate the artifact with the sigma symbol.

The situation was dire. Violet, pale and unconscious, Sir Jason knew they had to act quickly if they were to have any hope of saving her.

"Zack, you have some rudimentary knowledge of healing, I studied your profile," Sir Jason said and Zack was instructed to do whatever he could to ease Violet's suffering. As Zack busied himself with his task, he noticed something remarkable. To his surprise, Violet seemed to be doing some kind of healing on herself, unconsciously attempting to draw energy into her body. Zack quickly joined her in her efforts, doing what little he could to aid her.

Meanwhile, Sir Jason and Ken looked around the room in search of the cursed stone, the only thing that could save Violet from her mysterious affliction. They were convinced that if they could find the stone and destroy it, Violet would be healed. With a sense of urgency, they embarked to find it.

"Here it is!" Ken yelled, triumphant, as he found the stone.

Sir Jason took the stone and examined it briefly, his face betraying no emotion. "Zack, if you notice any changes in Violet's condition, I'm going to perform a fake destruction, just in case," Sir Jason said, referring to their ailing companion. "If the change is better, then destroying the stone would be best to save her. On the contrary, if it's worse, then it's best we keep it."

Zack nodded in agreement and watched as Sir Jason performed a fake destruction, his face grave. "Her cursed energy just reduced," Zack said, relieved. "It was a betterment."

"Great," Sir Jason said, before finally destroying the stone. "Let's finish this then.", upon its destruction, Violet seemed to awaken from her trance, and the color slowly returned to her cheeks. Miraculously, she had been restored to full health and she opened her eyes. Violet slowly opened her eyes and Zack found himself captivated. The most beautiful eyes he had ever seen before, a deep ocean blue, staring back at him from beneath heavy lids. She was finally awake, her eyes a window to a world of possibilities. But still, there was something missing. Though her eyelids fluttered and her gaze briefly met his, Violet's eyes lacked the spark of recognition. She could not see him; the world was still a blur.Zack was immensely relieved when Violet's eyes fluttered open. She smiled weakly at her friends, and they were all overjoyed to see her. "Thank you all. You care for me so much," Violet said, her voice barely a whisper. "I wish I had vision so I could see you." It was out of character for her, the usually stoic girl, to be so full of emotion. But the group understood, and Sir Jason looked away, his cheeks growing slightly pink. "We'll find a way for you to regain your sight," he said firmly. Ken laid a hand on her shoulder and smiled. "We'll make sure of it," he said. Violet smiled back, her eyes sparkling with unshed tears. "Thank you," she said, her voice trembling with emotion. The others glanced at each other, feeling awkward but still strangely touched. It was a moment that none of them would forget.