Cursed Fate

Zack, Violet, Ken, and Sir Jason were now heading back to the headquarters after their successful mission. It was then that Violet finally opened up about her curse. Since childhood, Violet had kept her eyes closed as it was the only way for her to access her special power. Although this had helped her on multiple occasions, it had also put a strain on her emotional health over the years. "I'm able to open my eyes, but I can't see. I'm blind from a curse," she began, her voice soft yet quavering with emotion. "But when I close my eyes, I can see people's aura. That's why I've kept my eyes closed since I was a child—to train in swordsmanship without sight."

The others were in awe, admiring Violet's courage and determination in spite of her disability. Even Zack, who was usually stoic and composed, was taken aback by this revelation.

"It must have been so difficult for you," he said, with a hint of admiration in his voice.

Violet nodded, her expression unreadable. "Yes, it has been. But I wouldn't have it any other way."

The group decided to discuss Violet's curse later when they reached their destination. However, they were all reminded of how powerful they could be when they worked together towards a common goal. They knew that their combined strength was the only way they could defeat evil entities such as the devil they had just caught. The group was determined to get to the bottom of Violet's curse and find a way to end it together.

Zack, Violet and Ken had just completed their first mission, and they were exhausted.

As they walked back to their headquarters, Sir Jason turned to the three of them. "I will take the devil to the interrogation room for extracting data. You have done well today now go and rest in your rooms."

At this point, Ken spoke up. "What about you Sir, I think you need rest too."

Sir Jason smiled, but his eyes remained tired but still calculating. "No, I'm fine. It was your first mission, not mine, no breaks for you guys either next time haha." With that, he left.

The three of them watched in silence as Sir Jason's back disappeared into the shadows. A chill ran through each of them, and they knew that with each passing mission, they were inching ever closer to the darkest depths of the mission but Zack was even more determined as it was his life goal to eliminate the devils.

They then went to their rooms, the dimly lit, cramped rooms were now sparsely furnished, but they noticed a cell phone on the side table.

Violet, who had no one to talk to, had merely put the phone down on the side table and gone to lie down on the bed, closing her eyes, she was exhausted from the day's events, so she lay in her bed, surrounded by the darkness that was her world. It had always been this way for her - a lonely, isolated existence, plagued by the curse that no one could explain. She had done her best to fight against it, to prove to everyone that she wasn't incapable, but she still couldn't help feeling a sense of emptiness.

Ken, on the other hand, had quickly contacted his father, informing him of the details of their entrance exam and the mission ahead. Zack had also used the phone to call his mother, informing her of the news that Ken was part of their team, as well as the new addition of Violet and Sir Jason, then Zack told her about Violet that she was blind because of a curse and Zack felt compelled to help her. He knew his mother, being a strong-willed and independent woman, would understand his desire to help someone in need.

"Yes, you should help your teammates," Suzan agreed. "By the way, does my stoic son finally have a crush on someone?"

Zack was surprised by her question. "What are you saying, Mom? But, she has beautiful eyes," he replied.

The conversation ended abruptly as he was not allowed to talk on the phone for more than fifteen minutes. 

Zack lay in bed, his mind racing with the thought of taking down those cursed demons that threatened to enslave humanity. But as he lay there, his thoughts drifted to Violet - her fierce will and her mysterious past. He had never before encountered a woman like her - so brave and determined, despite the affliction of being cursed and blinded. He wanted to know more about her, how was it that she had been cursed and blinded, yet still managed to fight so bravely? He wanted to know more about her, but the exhaustion of the day eventually caught up with him, and he fell into a deep, peaceful sleep.

The four of them met in the meeting room the next day. Zack and Ken were already seated, their faces expectant and anxious. Sir Jason nodded his greeting to all before turning his attention to Violet, who had just taken her seat. He cleared his throat and began.

"Now then Violet, just to let you know we all have been worried about you all night, and we want to find a way for your curse to end." 

Zack and Ken nodded in agreement, their expressions encouraging. 

Sir Jason continued, "So please tell us all about this curse - like how you became blind since childhood."

Violet looked from face to face with her eyes closed and hesitated a little, but then she slowly began to explain, trusting in her team and knowing she was in safe hands.

"My parents brought me to a seer when I was young," she began, her voice barely a whisper. "I remember it like it was yesterday - the seer told my parents that I was cursed with blindness. He said that a dark cloud would surround me my entire life, and that I would never be able to see the colors of the world. My parents were devastated, as time passed, my parents tried to seek help from many sources, but nothing could change the fate of my sight. I was eventually sent to a school for the blind, where I learned to read and write Braille, and also where I learned to live with my disability. As I grew older, I learned to accept and appreciate the gift of my blindness - it gave me the ability to experience things deeper than sight, my father was a swordsman he taught me everything he knew, my mother had extraordinary aura, one like the bright blue sky, one day when I was out training in the woods alone, it was about four years ago... some people, no not people devils attacked my house, they took my mother, when I arrived it was too late, they had transported to some other dimension, my father was already at his last breaths...the devils killed him as he tried to save his wife, his last words were 'save your mother and the world from those devils, Violet' , I had no idea what to do" Tears sprang to her eyes and she paused, collecting herself before continuing.

"I went to that seer told him everything, he guided me to hone my skills and join the Angels of the burning Sun, so I did, about my curse he told me it is very valuable for the devils or their demise" she stopped.

"So I decided... I will be their demise" her voice was much more firm and vengeful.