
Noelle ran to her desk after hearing Chris's opinion. Meanwhile, other agents kept trying to get permission from Adam. It was still early in the morning so many judges were not in their chambers. She first tried calling their place of work, but no one was available. Then she started calling the judges at their home.

One by one every judge started refusing her plea. No one was ready to give her the warrant to draw the blood as she had no grounds for it. They all said one thing, even if he was drugged, he can give the details about the girl after coming back to his senses, there was no need to draw his blood.

Well, they were not wrong. Yet she put forward the point that if they know what is in his blood, they can give a counter-drug and his condition could improve. That would save so much valuable time. But the judges were not happy with her disturbing them in their home.

She was frustrated and irritated after calling so many people and not getting her way. But to her relief, an agent came running to her and informed her that Adam has agreed to a blood test. She immediately called her forensic team and told her to get a sample of blood.

Within minutes, his blood was taken, and the forensic team ran to test it. It would take hours to get the result. She tried giving liquids to Adam to get rid of his drunk condition and after drinking coffee, two whole bottles of water, and eating a big sandwich, Adam was slowly returning back to his senses.

After a bathroom visit, Noelle left Adam to rest for a bit before she would start her interrogation. While she was waiting, Harris returned and barged into Noelle's cabin. He loosened his tie and sat with a thud on a chair. His face screamed disappointment.

"What happened?" inquired Noelle.

"You were right, she gave the wrong address," huffed Harris.

"She is smart," Noelle noted.

"Why do you say that, just because the boss said it?" asked Harris.

"She drugged Adam. I think he was roofied. He won't remember her or last night," explained Noelle.

"If he saw her before getting roofied, he would remember that," contrasted Harris.

"I hope so. We have to find out who she was. We cannot jeopardize Archer's mission," said Noelle.

"I know. When will you start the interrogation?"

"I am waiting for forensic results. They knew they were looking for a roofie, so the result would be any minute now," stated Noelle.

True to her word, the phone rang, and a member of the forensic team told her what she expected, what everyone expected. Rohypnol was in Adam's system. They also send her a soft copy of the report.

"Shit!" exclaimed Noelle after reading the report.

"What? What?" asked Harris, eagerly.

"He has Rohypnol in his system," sighed Noelle.

"Oh, that's bad. It is the best drug on the market," Harris expressed his concern.

"Well, let's hope he remembers something," hoped Noelle.

She took a deep breath and stood up from her seat. She gave a concerned look to Harris and walked up to the interrogation room. She opened the door and saw that Adam had his head resting on the table enclosed within his arms. Noelle slowly approached him not to alarm him and placed her hand over his shoulder.

He lifted his head and looked at her with squinted eyes. His head was throbbing with an extreme hangover.

"Mr Gamble, I am agent Noelle Taylor, FBI. You are at the federal Plaza. Can we talk?" she asked politely.

"Oh, my head," groaned Adam.

She moved to the chair before him and said, "I know but this won't take long."

Defeated, Adam grumbled, "okay, what do you want to know?" his eyes suddenly widened. "Wait! You said Federal Plaza? As in I am in the FBI field office?"

"Yes," replied Noelle nonchalantly.

Adam pushed his chair back and stood up with a jerk. But his mind and body were not in coordination. The moment he stood up, his legs started giving up and he has to sit back in his chair. "What? I did nothing. Why am I here? I am not a terrorist," he grumbled again but one can hear the fear in his voice.

"Calm down, Mr Adam. We just want to ask you a few questions and you can be on your way," explained Noelle.

"About what?" Adam rubbed his temple to ease his pain but alas! nothing worked. This head kept throbbing.

"About the girl, you met last night," said Noelle.

"What?" Adam was confused.

"There was a girl with you in your hotel room last night," explained Noelle.

"A girl! I am sorry I don't remember anything," he moved his hand all over his face rubbing it hard to get his senses back but the mild intoxication and the throbbing pain was not allowing him to think. How he was having this conversation, only God knew.

"What is the last thing you remember?" Noelle tried a different tactic.

Adam thought hard and replied, "um… I come to New York for frequent meetings with my clients and last night I had one of those meetings. I finished the meeting and was drinking in a bar." He closed his eyes and concentrated, "there was someone, it's faded there was someone in a golden dress, I don't remember."

"Do you remember going back to the hotel?" she inquired.

"Sorry I don't. I am very sorry," replied Adam.

"Don't be sorry, it's not your fault. You were drugged," stated Noelle.

"Excuse me!" Adam was shocked.

"Our lab people found a large amount of Flunitrazepam in your blood," informed Noelle.


"It's a central nervous system depressant. It is also known as Rohypnol," explained Noelle.

"What the hell? I was roofied? Oh, shit was I rap…" Adam could not even finish his thought. He was shocked to his core.

But Noelle interrupted, fast, "No, no, she didn't touch you. Your clothes were intact when we found you. You were not assaulted."

"Thank God! And my money, my credit cards?" he asked.

"Everything was safe. It is presently with our forensic team, we will return them to you soon," said Noelle.


"We just want to know everything about that girl," emphasized Noelle.

"I am sorry all I can recall is that she was gorgeous and was wearing something golden. I have no recollection of going to the hotel or even coming here," said Adam.

"Okay, Mr Adam, we will make arrangements for you to go back to the hotel but you cannot leave New York until further notice," informed Noelle.

"I am sorry, I have a job in Vermont, I cannot stay in New York forever," said Adam.

"Fine, you can go back but you have to be here whenever we call you. And if your memory gets back, call us. Here, this is my card. Your room is still under our forensics team, so please wait here. When our team will be done, we will drop you at the hotel," Noelle advised him and stood up.

"Thank you," said Adam and again rested his head on the table.

Noelle came out of the interrogation room, disappointed. She exhaled loudly and moved to her seat.

While the FBI was conducting their investigation, NYPD was doing their own. The IT department was getting ready to listen and record every conversation they could. They set up the surveillance so that a copy of recorded files would automatically get transferred to Journee's phone.

Journee was busy doing her paperwork when she suddenly facepalmed. The loud slap was heard by almost everyone.

"Why are you hitting yourself?" Jack immediately looked at her and asked.

Henry too came running towards them. "What happened?" he asked.

"I told IT about the camera but forgot that I took a few pictures of Zion with a girl. I should get it printed so that we can add it to our files." She then looked at Henry and said, "Also, you have to do some research to find out who she is."

"Show me the photo," Henry demanded.

Journee opened her phone and gave it to Henry. "Here."

Henry opened her gallery and there appeared a few photos of Zion and a beautiful girl in compromising situations. Jack was hanging by his shoulder and looking at the photos.

Jack looked at the photos and could not stop smiling. He sat back in his seat with style. With a smirk on his face, he said, "he does not have to research. I can tell you who she is."

"Really! How surprising?" taunted Journee.

"Frankly, I am appalled that you have no idea who she is," said Jack.

"I don't ogle at girls like you," mocked Journee.

"Right! You ogle at boys," Jack mocked back.

"I ogle at men, moron." She stood slightly from her seat, extended herself and hit Jack on his head. "Now tell me who she is." She sat back in her chair.

Jack rubbed his head to ease his pain. "She is candy, the famous bikini model," he replied.

"Candy? What kind of lame-ass name is that?" asked Journee.