Doctor Fraud

'So my lightning and flames have merged into my bloodline, eh? But where do I stand with these statistics? I haven't fought anyone to scale my powers. I am definitely more powerful than a Dou Spirit Practitioner as not only my Dou Qi is very dense, but my Dou Qi reserves far exceed the limit of a Dou Spirit Realm.

Looks like I need to find out.

And this power, It feels like the Phoenix's healing ability can not only heal my wounds, but even regrow some broken limbs. The cohesive interpolation with the Evil God's Fire seed must've not only made me immune to fire, but even gave me powers to heal myself with flames.

I need to find out in which world this power gets suppressed though, as I am sure it will work in the Dou Qi Continent as it is but a precursor for the world of The Great Ruler, but in a world like I Shall Seal the Heavens, or Emperor's Domination, the fires there might actually be a little bit problematic.'

'It also feels like my domain and powers can grow with more bloodlines and treasures I devour. And speaking of domain…..'

Hong Chen spread his spiritual senes and closed his eyes and suddenly he could see everything on the mountain with a bird's eye view. He could see every colour, every shape, and every pattern with as much detail as he wanted and this feeling gave him a sense of God Complex.

Merging the blood of the Evil God and the Phoenix God paved a way for his mysterious Purple Void Lightning and the Bone Chilling Flame to merge with him and give his attributes a qualitative change.

He sensed that from now on, his cultivation will be smooth, no doubt, but increasing his attributes will be much harder.

'A lot more worlds to plunder' He thought as his senses moved and he found the headquarters of the Black Demon Mercenary Group.



The Black Demon Mercenary Group was planning their next loot.

A cadre of the group had recently discovered a young girl coming down from the mountains to gather some herbs and a few of them were planning to sell the kid to the aristocracy.

They were just marking the area on the map when suddenly the entire sky over the camp of the Black Demon Mercenary Group turned purple, with small white stars which cut them off from the outside world completely.

"Wha…What happened!?"

"Hey, Why are their stars in the noon? What happened? And why has the sky turned purple?"

The entire group, of around 150 people were astonished, and started vigilantly searching for the person or thing which caused it.

"You two, come with me to the gate of our camp" Said Black Demon to two of his cadres as he slowly started going towards the exit with a sword in his hand, only to suddenly feel himself lift off the ground, and fly towards the sky at an extremely high speed.


"Hey….is this a joke…."

"Who… that?"

"We are…d-dead…"

When the people from the Black Demon Mercenary Group followed the direction their boss was suddenly flung to, they discovered that a Fire God was hovering above their camp with two extremely long and beautiful wings at his back.

His entire body was covered in white flames as a golden hue was surrounding his being.

Above him in the sky, dark clouds gathered, and purple lighting arcs could be seen humming there.

The entire fighting spirit of the Mercenary group just vanished as they saw their Captain, Black Demon, who was in the 3rd Stage of the True Profound Realm getting choked in the outstretched hand of the man.

They all went to their knees and started asking for mercy with their trembling hands.

"So not only have I gained Telekinesis and Telepathy through my [Absolute Mind Arts], but the power exponentially rises in my Divine Domain.

Also, the power to call a Thunderstorm gets amplified and I can raze the entire field engulfed in my domain with either my fire, thunder or both."

Hong Chen started calculating as he threw the dead body of the Black Demon and slightly raised his hands at the kneeling and whispering mercenaries, after which all of them got lifted up off the ground and started revolving around him.

Hong Chen felt his Dou Qi reserves getting drained rapidly as not only the use of Domain was very costly, but amplifying his Telekinesis powers to lift around 150 people and revolving them around at high speed was draining him very fast.

Without further ado, he slammed his hands together, after which all the Black Demon Mercenaries instantly smashed together in a giant ball of puss, blood, and organs.

At this moment, the clouds in the sky tore open as a torrent of water poured down, and along with it came a Thunderstorm which struck the giant floating ball consisting of the Black Demon Mercenaries and obliterated it into thousands of tiny pieces.

The purple sky at this moment showed signs of cracking, after which it shattered to reveal a flooded camp of the Black Demon Mercenary Group with various parts of organs, flesh and bones floating about.

"Dammit!" cursed Hong Chen as he felt himself falling due to his Dou Qi reserves emptying and he glided down on a giant boulder at the side with the help of his shimmering golden wings still covered with white flames.

'The domain is too costly. Apart from amplifying my powers, I can suppress the people who are in the same realm as me. Also the greater the area I cover with my domain, the larger the consumption, obviously. But if I become a Dou God, can I engulf the entire Dou Qi continent?

Also, the illusion power of my domain can only be unlocked at the Major Tier.

I need to fight someone a realm higher than me to see what effects my Domain can bring to them.'

Hong Chen spent an entire week in the mountain ranges to not only get used to his new wings, which could not only let him fly, but were able to throw flames, lightning and wind blades.

His Telekinesis was also a great addition to his small arsenal of spells and with the powers to call upon rain and thunder at will gave his God Complex a very giant leap.

Hong Chen completely stabilized his realm of a 3-Star Dou Spirit Practitioner, and could feel that he would be able to advance again soon.




In order to help Xia Qingyue, Chu Yuechan, the publicly acknowledged Blue Wind Empire's number one beauty and also her generation's unrivaled number one expert who attracted the admiration and love of many famous figures in Blue Wind Empire including the Xiao Sect's current sect master, Heavenly Sword Villa's current villa master, as well as Emperor Cang Wanhe, fought against an Ice Sky Profound Beast, and while it was in its death throes sent out its Poison of Origin, poisoning her.

She was going to the Blue Wind Imperial City to get the Devil's Flaming Blood Crystal from the Black Moon Merchant Guild, and since it was getting late, she camped in the forest, as she knew that even with a veil on her face, if she goes to the Inn, it would be flooded by filth very soon so they could feast their eyes on her.

She has a cold attitude towards everyone except her master, and views the Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace's rules as absolute. Not allowing any man, no matter his status, near her. Despite her coldness though, she is actually kind and fair.

It was the night and due to the poison, she could not travel very far these days and had to camp a lot, which was also the case for her arriving so late in the Blue Wind Imperial City in the canon timeline when Yun Che had solved her poison with his [Sky Poison Pearl].

It had been another 2 weeks after Hong Chen had stabilized his foundation and was now looking at the tent of Chu Yuechan from a mile away with a complicated expression.

He didn't expect to find her here, and wanted to follow the canon timeline where he would buy all the Devil's Flaming Blood Crystal and then she would come to him seeking them.

Now, because he took his time in finding and hunting all the profound beasts to practice his skills and hone his murderous intent in his way to the Blue Wind Imperial City, he has stumbled upon her tent.

'An Opportunity or a Mistake?'

Hong Chen thought a lot before finally approaching the tent, and with his speed, it only took a moment.



Chu Yuechen was preparing to eat the Profound Nourishing Pellets which could instantly help one satiate their hunger and help in cultivation when suddenly she sensed a presence near her camp.

Being Half-Step into the Emperor Profound Realm made sure that no beast would dare approach her in this part of the forest and because of her passive use of her profound senses, when she discovered a presence suddenly come near her tent, her brows wrinkled.



"Who are you?"

Chu Yuechan came out of her tent and stared at Hong Chen, who simply ignored her stare and started setting up a firepit.

"I asked you, who are you?"

Hong Chen finally looked at her after putting a log down near the firepit and sitting on it.

"What does it matter to you?" Came his very cold response after which a wind blew, suddenly unfurling Chu Yuechan's veil.

Hong Chen had never seen anyone as beautiful as her in his life.

Chue Yuechan was 46 years old but her skin had no blemishes or wrinkles at all. It was as if she was so sacred that time didn't dare touch her.

Her features were all absolutely exquisite. Her eyebrows were clear and slender, her skin was pearly, and although her lips and face were as white as paper, this was unable to cover up the cold, arrogant nobility which was bone-deep.

This cold nobility seemed to make her transcend the dust of the world and made it so that anyone who faced her wouldn't dare to profane her in the slightest, only feel ashamed of their own inferiority.

Chu Yuechan was startled when her veil fell, and immediately fixed it, only to get shocked when she saw Hong Chen taking just one look and ignoring her.

It was no coincidence that her veil had fell while talking to Hong Chen. Because he had used a very precise amount of Telekinesis to not her veil, but to the air near him, which travelled to Chu Yuechan without any control from him, and as per his calculations, slightly tucked the thread of her veil.

'Well what do you know, I am good at maths.'

"Do you own this forest?" He said as she was startled to find someone who was not fazed by her beauty at all.

"What? No, I do not own this forest but why do you feel the need to set your tent so close to mine? It would disturb the profound energy here if we both cultivate and effect the rate of my cultivation." replied Chu Yuechan while Hong Chen took out a fish he had killed earlier from his spatial ring and started cooking it over the fire.

"Don't worry. I will not be cultivating tonight. You can hog all the profound energy here.

I am just going to sit here and enjoy my delicious fish."

Chu Yuechan as irritated but intrigued.

There was a man who looked like the example of the perfection of creation, and he was not even intimidated by her aura.

She couldn't guess his age while he was seasoning his fish very poorly and rotating it over the firepit.

The most intriguing thing about this was that he had accidentally seen her face and wasn't enchanted in the least.

It is no secret that after seeing her face, even girls starts to swing the other way and this man simply shifted his gaze to a fish which was definitely overcooked.

She could see that from experience that he had definitely burnt the fish and now she just wanted to see his face when he takes a bite from it.

Hong Chen on the other hand, who was now apparently a god of fire, if the words of the mercenaries he massacred were to be believed, was staring at the fish in his hand which was definitely not smelling appetising.

'Damm! Having been fed with a golden spoon since the day I was born, when have I ever cooked food for myself? I should've at least practised before!

Although I know how to control the fire, but for how much long should I cook it!? Those novels in the memory of that earthly soul showed that showing off your cooking skill is one way to attract a cold beauty's attention but…..what the f#ck is this!?'

It isn't everyday that Hong Chan makes a mistake, and when he thought about his situation now, he definitely thought that he had made a mistake coming here to pretend.

'No! I can still salvage this. I need to act like I have never before.'

Chu Yuechan saw as Hong Chen tried to not breathe in the smell of the fish meat and looked at her, after which he immediately took a bite at the fish and tried to explain to her while saying

"It's delicious, okay! It's delicious."

A very rare smile came across her face. Seeing Hong Chen's miserable face as he tried and failed to make a face that said the fish was good, and was swallowing every bite down made her laugh which was a feat in itself as she NEVER smiled or laughed.

'Phew…This situation is salvaged'

Seeing Chu Yuechan silently giggling, Hong Chen gave her an embarrassed look after which he said

"Laugh..Laugh all you want, Woman! At least I don't have an Ice Poison eating me away" Said Hong Chen, after which in the stunned eyes of Chu Yuechan, he went inside of his camp.

Hong Chen didn't even fully came inside of his camp when suddenly Chu Yuechan, with blinding speed rushed to him and stood in front of him with inquisitive eyes.

"How do you know about the Ice Poison?" came her cold voice as her momentum was starting to leak from her control.

"Lady, If a Divine Doctor, such as myself can't see your cultivation or the poison in you with one look, then I should just dunk my head in a puddle of water till I choke on it and die.

Also, Why do you think I camped near you? It's because I can see that you are Half-Step into the Emperor Profound Realm and no beasts would come here, making it the safest to camp for the night."

Now Chu Yuechan was really hooked.

The previous stupid shenanigans were done to gain her attention just so he could do this.

Chu Yuechan is an extremely talented individual and on top of that very beautiful. She had no bloodline for him to salvage and the only one she gets in the canon is when she is forced to dual-cultivate in the trials of the Primordial Azure Dragon with Yun Che.

He can use her to gain access to the Frozen Cloud Asgard and the Frozen Cloud Arts for which he had a plan in mind since a long time, and he was also interested in that Dual-Cultivation technique.

Ever since that night with Cang Yue, Hong Chen discovered that he liked $ex very much and if he could find a way to get stronger from it, then it would be quite worthwhile.

Under Chu Yuechan's stunned gaze, he sat on a chair in his camp and started speaking

"Actually you can not cure it that easily, you know.

You don't have a normal poison infecting you, but the Poison of Origin.

I can cure it, of course but for it, I will have to touch you at places you wouldn't let anyone even see, and judging by the veil on your face at this dark at night, I can safely deduce that you are someone who doesn't even let men near them.

So, in conclusion, it is quite wasteful for you to interrogate me. You don't have very long to live so you could try to cure it by your own, but if my experience says anything, then it is that instead of me, there is literally no one in the entire Blue Wind Empire who could cure you."

Listening to Hong Chen's claims, Chu Yuechan obviously didn't believe it, but it did make her think about several things, for example, how long does she have before the poison kills her? Is going to the famous doctors in the empire really a good choice? As they were all enchanted by her and would definitely try to take advantage of her.

Seeing Chu Yuechan calculating in her mind, Hong Chen shook his head and said

"I have to sleep. Will you please get out?"

Chu Yuechan looked at the first person in the world to ask her to step out of his camp, and after thinking about something, she went outside.

"I haven't really slept in the past few weeks" murmured Hong Chen as he took out a mini bed from his spatial ring and laid down, before closing his eyes and sleeping.



Hong Chen woke up in a cold sweat as he remembered what he saw in his Divination. It had become much worse; and yesterday night, when he tried to use his [Absolute Mind Arts] to try to peer into the future, he actually saw himself get torn open by a spatial rift, which quickly froze him and threw him at the feet of someone.

'Even after changing my plan for so many times, if my future is still like this, then I should do something which I will never even think of doing'

Hong Chen got up and walked out of his camp to shockingly find a large Ice beast of the Sky Profound Level writhing in pain.

The beast looked like a giant lion and manticore hybrid with ice crystals all over and it was literally crying in pain.

"He is about to die" Hong Chan said as he could see the poison eating away the life force of the beast.

"Yes. I have infected him with my blood. Now It has the same poison as me. If you can save him then I will believe you that you can indeed save me."

"Woman, who wants to save you?"

Chu Yuechan was suddenly stupified at Hong Chen's response.

"Why would I care if you believe me or not? I cure people who come to me for treatment without questioning my capabilities. Now I WILL save this poor child of nature but now I know that I judged you wrongly. I thought you were a good-hearted woman suffering a very cruel fate, yet you are just like other people."

Hong Chen showed disgust on his face as he looked at her and then slowly walked towards the beast who was looking at Hong Chen with tears.

"Don't worry, O' Child of Mother Nature, I, Hong Chen, shall cure you."

Hong Chen then went towards the beast's neck and started running the [Sky Poison Pearl] as he traced a line from his neck to his stomach and then under the crazy eyes of Chu Yuechan, the beast suddenly jumped up on his feet and dashed away.

Chu Yuechan was too stunned to speak.

After curing the beast, Hong Chen went back to his camp and started disassembling it and when Chu Yuechan saw it, she was finally struck with the reality that not every guy wants to do things for her, or is obligated to save her.

"I can pay you anything!" She said as he stopped in his movements, sighed, and looked at her.

"Listen, What is your name again? Nevermind. See, It's not that I don't want to save you, but I can only save you by touching you.

And I don't think you will like that honestly, so…" Shrugged Hong Chen as he again turned around and disassembled everything after which he put the kit into his spatial ring.

"I'll tell you what. I am going to the Blue Wind Imperial City to cure the Emperor anyway, why don't you come there with me aswell, try other doctors and then decide?"

Chu Yuechan was already going to the Blue Wind Imperial City to get the Devil's Flaming Blood Crystal to help cure her, but now after seeing Hong Chen's performance of curing that profound beast she had found last night and infected, and his confidence, made her realize that he might be saying the truth and he really was her only hope.

'Still, Who is this person? Is he an immortal who has lived for many years? But then why is he only in the Earth Profound Realm? Those filths from the empire will also definitely ask to touch me for not only checking my condition but even for my cure.

Even if they have a way, they might take advantage of me, but this man seems genuine. He is also unfazed by my appearance…I should test him.'

Chu Yuechan suddenly removed her veil voluntarily and looked at Hong Chen, who only smiled at her and waited for her response, without getting stunned or perverse.

"What part…do you need to touch?" Asked Chu Yuechan after judging Hong Chen's temperament with an embarrassed face.

"Your neck, chest and stomach. To cleanse your dantian completely, I need to touch these three places."

Chu Yuechan had already guessed it after seeing the similar treatment done on the beast and her entire face had become rosy with shame as she was considering whether to do it or not.

"Also, I need to block your profound strength first as judging by the fluctuations in your aura, it is evident that it has spread into your bone marrow. If you use even a tiny amount of your profound strength, then it will act up."

No way Hong Chen was going to touch her without blocking her cultivation. She was someone who hated men. She had never in her life been touched by a man and no matter how dazzling Hong Chen was, the lifetime's worth of hate doesn't go away that quickly.

He didn't want to end up like Yun Che, who when curing her, touched her bosom, and was struck by her so hard, that he flew through his own house and kept flying until the next chapter.