
'He looks genuine enough and could be telling the truth about my condition worsening while using the profound strength. I can still save myself if he tries something with my own treasures.

Chu Yuechan thought for a long time before nodding towards Hong Chen with a slight red on her face.

"What about your payment?" She asked with uncertainty.

"When did I ever ask for anything? Did you see me asking something from the Profound beast earlier? Woman, I don't take advantage of people stuck in unfortunate circumstances.

I don't require anything from you."

Chue Yuechan was again stunned.

It isn't every day that she is left speechless by someone, and in the last 24 hours, she has been stunned by this handsome man time after time.

She felt that his entire logic was way too noble and she was even worried because she thought this man would definitely be taken advantage of in the future.

"I cannot accept that. I do not want to owe you anything."

Hong Chen looked at her as if he was looking at an idiot.

"You would rather die a painful death than get help from someone for free? Lady, I think you have some screw loose up there."

'YOU HAVE SCREW LOSE!' roared Chu Yuechan in her heart as she saw his condescending gaze.

When has she ever been treated like this?

She was about to educate him on the reality of society and owing things to people when Hong Chen suddenly said something which stupified her again.

"Well, If you really want to give me something, Just tell me one thing. I am really curious about one thing and would like to ask you about it once I cure you. The premise is that you have to give me that information no matter what."

Chu Yuechan thought for a while and then nodded slightly.

It wasn't an excessive demand, and she even felt that it was not even worth the treatment, but seeing the righteous face in front of him, she sighed and accepted the terms.

"Good, then let's go to your tent, as I have already packed mine."

Before Chu Yuechan could say anything, Hong Chen had already started walking into her camp and a visibly tense Chu Yuechan followed behind.




Chu Yuechan was very uncomfortable as she was sitting on her bed with her chest revealed in front of a man who she had only met a day before and on top of that, her profound strength was currently sealed.

"I am going to start. Just look me in the eyes and try to relax. Don't worry, I won't ogle at your body, and to make your nerves relax, I will also look into your eyes to show you that I am indeed not looking anywhere else."

'He is actually so nice. He sensed that I was uncomfortable and directly avoided his eyes from my body.'

Chu Yuechan was a lot more relaxed as Hong Chen came near her and touched her neck while staring her in the eyes.

Who knew, that he had already seen everything with his spiritual senses?

For some reason, Staring at each other's eyes at such a close distance was even more intimate than the thought of Hong Chen staring at her body while he cured her and Chu Yuechan's eyes couldn't stop dropping from time to time.

She suddenly felt a suction force coming from Hong Chen's hand and as Hong Chen traced his hand from her throat to her stomach, while grazing at the side of her palatial bosom, she almost forceful unlocked her profound strength, but looking at Hong Chen's pure and innocent eyes which were filled with genuine concern, she forced the uneasiness down and felt the poison inside of her get sucked inside of Hong Chen's palm.

It took almost 2 hours for Hong Chen to suck out the Ice Origin Poison into the [Sky Poison Pearl], as he deliberately slowed the suction down and produced sweat beads on his forehead for flair.

He made his hands warm and it brought an unfamiliar comfort to Chu Yuechan who was way too close to him and staring him in the eye with concern.

"Huhhhh" Suddenly Hong Chen fell on his back as he exhaled a very icy breath from his mouth.

"What happened!?"

Chu Yuechan almost unconsciously reached out to catch and prevent Hong Chen from falling down but when her fingers came in contact with his, she realised something extremely shocking.

"Your fingers are colder than mine. You look unhealthy…Almost freezing.."

Chu Yuechan mumbled in disbelief as she concluded with wide eyes.

"You…You took the poison yourself…to save me?"

Hong Chen gave her a sad smile as he tried to stand up with shaky legs.

"Don't think much about it."


"I just can't see another living being in pain. This is just who I am…"

Hong Chen exhaled icy breadth and it really looked like he was infected by the Origin Poison of Chu Yuechan, but only he knew that it was because he was using the [Bone Chilling Flame]'s coldness to give this award-worthy performance.

"Let me help you unseal your Profound Strength. You can leave now."

Chu Yuechan hadn't reacted to Hong Chen as he got up on the bed and touched her dantian just above her navel and her profound strength soon returned to her.

"Huh? Why are you staring at me like that? Didn't you hear me? You are cured and free now. You can leave.."

Chu Yuchan's mind was very complicated at this time. She had always had men pursue her and even send her rare treasures just to talk to her. She knew that if she wanted, any of the men would leave everything to be with her.

But it was all because they were fascinated by her body and face.

She was self-aware of her beauty and hence why she always wore a veil but any of their pursuits never made her feel anything for them. It even made her disgust them more until today, when her Ice-Cold heart suddenly had a trace of warmth.

She saw Hong Chen trying to suppress his condition to not appear weak and instead of taking advantage of his situation to make her feel guilty and using her to take care of him, he simply turned around and left.



Hong Chen went about a mile away with shaky steps when suddenly Chu Yuechan was standing in front of him.

"What? Why are you still here?"

"You didn't take your payment."


"You wanted to ask something from me…What is it?"

"Oh! Yeah..I forgot. Hmm, Well. I have my doubts about your identity. Sooooo.... If my guess is correct, you are the first fairy of Frozen Cloud Asgard? I mean you wear a veil, are in Half-Step Emperor Profound realm and I have already seen Chu Yueli so you can't be her.

So…If my guess is correct, you are Chu Yuechan?"

"It isn't surprising for you to guess my identity, but I am surprised as to how you know my sister Chu Yueli?"

"Nevermind that. I saw her when she came to pick up her disciple Xia Qingyue from the Floating Cloud City.

What I want to ask of you, is your Frozen Cloud Arts."

Chu Yuechan furrowed her brows as she didn't expect such a request from him. Indulging in the Frozen Cloud Arts to people outside of the sect, not to mention to MEN, was a taboo.

"I cannot do that. Kindly ask something else."

Hong Chen's eyes fell as he disappointedly went past her and said

"Just Leave it. You don't owe me anything."

"Why do you want to know the Frozen Cloud Arts? Men can't cultivate it anyway, and if you want to teach it to a female, you can ask me and I promise to even admit her into the Frozen Cloud Asgard myself."

Chu Yuechan was visibly pissed as her fair and just side was not allowing her to go back on her promise.

She had promised him, and he asked her to honour that promise, which she then rejected.

Chue Yuechan fell in her own eyes and interjected Hong Chen again.

"Look Fairy Yuechan. I don't know what kind of indoctrination you have gone through but it is a white lie that Men can't cultivate your Frozen Cloud Arts.

I know for a fact that I can cultivate it and suppress this poison completely. I also know that the rumour that love between males and females will obstruct Frozen Cloud Art's cultivation is false. The secret that the Frozen Cloud Art could be inherited through virgin vital yin is the main reason why no male disciples are taken.

You have no idea what is happening in your own sect. Do you know that your Sect Founder, Ancestor Mu Bingyun is also poisoned?

Let me tell you something. It is not very bright of me to reveal this but I am not from the Blue Pole Star. I am from the Realm of Gods.

You have probably heard of the place, right?

Well, now if you can tell me the Frozen Cloud Arts, then it would be great but if you won't then you can leave."

The reason Hong Chen had sprouted so much bull$hit in front of Chu Yuechan was to get the Frozen End Divine Arts.

Hong Chen had seen in the Divination that he could die from ice, and he knew that Chu Yuechan was not the murderer due to her personality.

He had doubts in his heart, but if he could learn Frozen Cloud Arts and evolve it to the Frozen Cloud Divine Arts, he could not only have confidence in surviving from the Ice attribute attacks, but his experiment of evolving it further to allow him to freeze time was something he really wanted to try.

Not to mention it would help him devour the Ice Phoenix's Bloodline to promote himself again.

Any sane man would never claim to be from the Realm of Gods while exposing scandalous secrets about their founder, but Hong Chen did it just because it was something he would never do.

He wouldn't have done it if he hadn't seen his death in the Divination, but since he was seeing it no matter what he tried, he decided to f#ck the canon six ways to sunday.

Chu Yuechan's face had long since gone cold as no expression could be seen on it.

No one could guess what was going through her mind as Hong Chen again ignored her after his monologue and went past her.

"Senior. I will only show you the First Stage of the Frozen Cloud Arts."

A smile almost leaked on Hong Chen's face as he heard her and turned to look at Chu Yuechan with a raised eyebrow.

A tear escaped Chu Yuechan's cold face as without even commenting on the other things Hong Chen said, or verifying the authenticity of that information, she, very slowly showed Hong Chen the First Stage, Frozen Cloud Barrier of the Frozen Cloud Arts.

Hong Chen immediately copied her breathing pattern and hand movements before replicating it and looking at his status.



[Name: Hong Chen

Age: 15 (+10 months)

Physical Attribute: 502

Mental Attribute: 516

Bloodline: The Eternal Divine

Domain: Divine Domain (1/10000 Minor)

Cultivation: 3-Star Dou Spirit / Earth Profound Realm

Professions: Inscriptions(1345/5000 Major)

Skills: Three Nuclei Empyrean Mantra(945/5000 Minor), Oscillating Thunder(844/4000 Major), Crazy Lion Roar(Evolve: 9500 Salvage Shards), Absolute Mind Arts(Evolve: 20000 Salvage Shards), Apparition(Evolve: 15000 Salvage Shards), Star God's Broken Shadow (1790/3000 Minor), Frozen Cloud Arts (1/3000 Minor)

Treasures: Salvation, Sky Poison Pearl(Evolve: Locked), The Mirror of Samsara(unrefined)

Special Skills: Evil God's Secret Arts (141/4000 Minor), World Ode of the Phoenix (1/4000 Minor)

Equipment: Cloak of Invisibility(Evolve: 13000 Salvage Shards), 1 x Skill Scroll [A Million Lightning Blades] (Power: 1 Star Dou Ancestor), [Gu Prontiff Shard], Mirror of Erised

Salvage Shards: 38722]

Looking at the [Frozen Cloud Arts] in his status, Hong Chen smiled internally and directly upgraded it to Peak Perfection.

[[Frozen Cloud Arts] has reached Peak Perfection, Cost: 12000 Salvage Shards]

[[Frozen Cloud Domain] is merged into [The Divine Domain]]

Suddenly, under the unbelievable eyes of Chu Yuechan, a cold breadth was released from Hong Chen which instantly froze everything surrounding them as far as eyes could see.

Hong Chen's cultivation also broke through to the 4-Star Dou Spirit Peak and then he opened his eyes to see Chu Yuechan slumped on the ground with tears in her eyes.

Hong Chen had collapsed her worldview completely.

It was utterly evident from his demonstration just now that with just one look, Hong Chen had mastered the Frozen Cloud Arts to its eighth stage, which was the Frozen Snow Dance Steps, directly acquiring the Frozen Cloud Domain which was the hardest thing to acquire.

This level of genius was unheard of on Blue Pole Star and she could only believe in Hong Chen's words of him being from the Realm of Gods. But if she believed that, she also has to believe that her Sect Master has been lying to her and every other girl in the Frozen Cloud Asgard for years.

It was not something one can accept instantly. If you believe someone's word like the word of god and follow it all your life religiously only to discover that they were a liar, you will be hurt and you will be hurt bad.




Jasmine finally woke up inside of the [Sky Poison Pearl] and had fallen into a deep thought. She remembered Hong Chen offending the Divine Beast just for her. No one had ever done anything like that for her, not even her brother.

She felt extremely guilty for implicating Hong Chen like that in the battle of Gods. Jasmine knew that Hong Chen will come face to face with Gods from the Divine Realm if he keeps helping her and for the second time in her life, she felt the urge to protect someone at the cost of her own life.

The [Absolute God Slaying Poison] in her had rebounded quite violently when she used her recovered Divine Origin to kill the Sacred Fire Beast and the pain of it was enough to make anyone else commit suicide.

She looked around the [Sky Poison Pearl] to look at the various different equipments, gadgets, cupboards, clothes and food that Hong Chen had left here for her. It made her feel cared for which was a very new and sweet feeling to her.

'He doesn't have a Body Cultivation technique…Great Way of the Buddha should be perfect for him to raise his physique to the level of a Star God…..But why does he not trust me with his past? What has he gone through to be so untrustworthy of everyone?'




Xia Qingyue was devastated. She just received the news from Chu Yueli that her brother Xia Yuanba was nowhere to be found.

After his disappearance was reported to the Xia Patriarch by the New Moon Profound Palace, he frantically searched for his beloved son, but no matter how he tried, he could not find him.

Finally, he used the token given to him by Chu Yueli to contact his daughter and told her recently widowed daughter that she may have lost her brother as well.

Xia Qingyue was diligently cultivating for the Blue Wind Ranking Tournament when she heard this news, after which she immediately urged her master Chu Yueli to take her to her father, and started to desperately search for her kid brother.

She reached the New Moon Profound Palace and upon investigating, found that her lovely brother was getting bullied regularly.

They extensively searched the premises and the surrounding of the New Moon Profound Palace for his trace but they couldn't find anything.

"Se..Senior…Brother Hong Chen might..might know something. He volunteered in the infirmary a lot…and considering your brother was bullied…bullied a lot. He might have..talked to him."

Murong Ye was the first to throw Hong Chen under the bus when he saw an investigation force from one of the four great sects, Frozen Cloud Asgard barge into their New Moon Profound Palace like they owned the place in search of an unknown student.

Chu Yueli remembered the name and instantly thought about the person she met in the Floating Cloud City on the wedding day of Xia Qingyue.

She immediately asked for his information and when she saw his records, she instantly subdued one of the spies who was still lurking in the New Moon Profound Palace, who confirmed with a terrified expression that he was indeed here to know about Hong Chen from the Burning Heaven Clan and he had indeed seen Xia Yuanba meet with Hong Chen few days before he was discovered missing.

"Even Emperor Profound Realm experts are not safe there, You really think he went to the Wastelands of Death with the cultivation of a Spirit Profound Realm?"




It was the night and Hong Chen had set up his camp around Chu Yuechan, who was still sitting on the ground with both hands on her head.

"I understand how you feel. You feel betrayed, but you shouldn't feel like that.

What Mu Bingyun did was not only to protect the arts, but also to protect all of you. The foundation of Frozen Cloud Asgard is built upon a battle of Gods. You can not comprehend the level of power and destruction that eventually made her fall from the Realm of Gods.

You are a good person, Yuechan. You are young and impressionable and just starting out in the ways of cultivation. It will take you thousands of years if not more to reach that level of power and understanding to step into the Snow Song Realm in the Realm of Gods and know about the reality of Mu Bingyun and her elder Sister Mu Xuanyin.

Don't fall into this abyss of depression. Find your resolve, find your light and move forward."

Chu Yuechan lifted her red eyes towards Hong Chen, who was sitting in front of her and seemed almost intangible. His entire persona seemed like he was really a god who has descended from the heavens and Chu Yuechan couldn't help but repeat his words in her head.

Her doubts about whether Hong Chen was telling the truth had already vanished when she saw Hong Chen effortlessly use the Frozen Arts Domain to freeze everything in sight.

Even she hadn't reached that level of mastery in the Frozen Cloud Arts and it really broadened her horizon and gave her a new perspective to her thinking.

"Who…are…you?" She asked with a choked voice.

Hong Chen chuckled at her question and responded

"I seem to be getting asked this question a lot"

Hong Chen looked at Chu Yuechan with warmth in his eyes and continued

"If you are interested in knowing me or what I am about to do, you can follow me for a month. I can clear some of your doubts and who knows, you may benefit from it anyway."

Chu Yuechan didn't want to return to the Frozen Cloud Asgard now when she knew that her entire foundation was based upon a lie from her master. She had to come to terms with it and she also wanted to know Hong Chen.

Without thinking much, she nodded at Hong Chen who finally could see devouring the Dragon God's Bloodline, Body and Soul Domain turn to reality soon.