Medical Saint

Chu Yuechan was following Hong Chen on foot as he was leisurely walking towards the border of the forest.

'Show me info on [Frozen Cloud Art]'s Evolve'

[Frozen Cloud Arts]

[Frozen Cloud Barrier

Frozen Heaven Coffin - Sealing Skill

Ice Lotus Realm

Realm of Heavenly Snow Invocation

Ice Body Jade Bones

Frozen Snow Dance Steps

Frozen Cloud Ultimate Skill: Ode of the Crescent Moon

Frozen Cloud Forbidden Technique: Zeroth Aurora - Price: Cultivation Sealed for a Month.

Frozen Cloud Domain

Frozen Cloud Wall - Forms a light-blue translucent barrier that suppresses aura. Evolve Cost: 20000 Salvage Shards]

The Frozen Cloud Arts was an all-encompassing art which contained everything a Frozen Cloud Maiden would need in her life. From foot technique to Domain, it had everything, even a sword skill called the Ode of the Crescent Moon which Hong Chen was happy to get.

After cultivating the Frozen Cloud Art, Hong Chen's charm further increased and now his aura became unapproachable. His entire bearing seemed sacred and few would dare come near him to tarnish it.

"So, Are you able to suppress the cold Yin Qi inside of you? Isn't it uncomfortable?" Asked Hong Chen without looking towards Chu Yuechan as he came to a halt near a waterfall and just sat near the edge while dunking his legs in the water.

Chu Yuechan also came to a halt, but she just stood there and answered

"It has become second nature to me to suppress the pain that arises from the Yin Qi. Are you perhaps suffering from it?"

Chu Yuechan thought that Hong Chen might be in pain and asked but Hong Chen just chuckled at her worries.

'Well, I don't seem to have the acupuncture techniques of Yun Che..'

Hong Chen didn't answer her as he was feeling a little uncomfortable with the Yin Qi, as his body was completely a Yang Type body which had not only devoured the Evil God's Fire Seed, but also devoured a Heavenly Flame.

He felt that whenever he wanted to use the Floating Cloud Arts, his body would become uncomfortable all over, and hence he wanted to upgrade the Frozen Cloud Arts to Frozen End Divine Arts sooner.

'But maybe I should wait. If Mu Bingyun can teach me the Frozen End Divine Arts in exchange for curing her of the poison in her body, then I can save a lot of Salvage Shards. And If not, then well….'

"You are in constant pain, huh? No wonder you never smile"

Chu Yuechan ignored his comment and sat on a stone.

She was half-step into the Emperor Profound Realm and could feel that she could soon break through.

Looking at her, Hong Chen was mesmerized.

Although he doesn't let his desire show on his face, but after all he is a teenager entering adulthood. How could he resist the charm of a beauty?

"So who injured the Founder Ancestor of Frozen Cloud Asgard?" Asked Chu Yuechan as she turned to Hong Chen after sitting down on the stone.

"She was heavily injured and poisoned by Huo Rulie, who is the Sect Master of the Golden Crow Sect, with the Horned Dragon's Poison as revenge for Mu Xuanyin, her sister, crippling Huo Rulie's only son.

Mu Bingyun used a dimensional stone to escape and arrived by chance on this Blue Pole Star planet. The severe poison wound caused her to lose her power and memory.

She was then saved by the Eternal Night Queen from Eternal Night Royal Family. The Eternal Night Queen saved her from a Tyrant Profound Beast and helped her regain her strength.

As she regained her memories and strength she created your home, The Frozen Cloud Asgard, for women who had nowhere else to go and eventually left 'Frozen End Divine Arts', a supreme profound art from the Realm of the Gods, with the sect. However, it was impossible for ordinary people to cultivate, thus she created 'Frozen Cloud Arts' within seven days, before returning to the Snow Song Realm. However, the Horned Dragon Poison continues to slowly kill her and even Mu Xuanyin, her sister, can not find a cure."

"The entirety of Realm of Gods doesn't have a cure for her?"

"It isn't so much as there is 'No' cure, but the cure is very rare and costly. Few who could save her are either friends of the Golden Crow Sect or are afraid of the wrath of the Golden Crow Bloodline."

Chu Yuechan looked at Hong Chen and thought of something in her heart, after which she wanted to ask something but before she could ask, she stopped herself.

Hong Chen obviously knew what she wanted to say and said kindly with a smile

"Yes, I can save her. But can I enter the Frozen Cloud Arts as a male and even reason with the guards at the door to let me enter? Is it so simple to meet your ancestor? Even you guys don't know when she will visit next. And even if I could get to her, My cultivation is all but destroyed. She had killed so many spies from the Realm of Gods, why would she think that I am any different from those? Even my spies were killed when they were investigating the information I just told you."

Chu Yuechan's eyes fell down as she realized the truth in Hong Chen's words.

She knew that as soon as Hong Chen would arrive at the Doors of her sect, the guards would instantly freeze him in prison and throw him away.

Why would anyone go through such humiliation just to cure a stranger?

Thinking of something, she asked

"Do you…know Sect Ancestor?"

"I mean I know of her, and her sister, but I have not met them. My story is also a little similar only. I am also escaping a tragedy. I didn't know that Mu Bingyun had come to this bleak world. I only realised this after coming here and investigating her background.

Anyway, enough relaxing. Blue Wind Imperial City is near, I will quickly go there and do my thing, after which we will go somewhere."

Chu Yuechan nodded as she got up and started following Hong Chen, who continued his small talks every so often, to which she would either nod, or say a few words.

According to Chu Yuechan, Hong Chen was some genius doctor of the God Realm who had offended someone very powerful there, and hence his cultivation was destroyed to only Earth Profound Realm, which is also why he could cultivate so fast.

She had a sense of respect, gratitude and a slight fear of Hong Chen due to his performance and it was due to this that she was starting to open up to him little by little.

The curiosity of knowing the unknown, of exploring the uncharted and unravelling a mystery is where everyone becomes vulnerable and Chu Yuechan was no different.



'Can I save the Emperor by killing the parasite ' Soul Devouring Life Binding Parasite' on his heart with my fire? I don't have the Profound Handle of Yun Che and I also don't have the Burning Soul Flower….But the thing is I don't want to save that git.

Not to mention his death is necessary to my plans of making Cang Yue the Empress early, but he also had his eyes on Chu Yuechan.

No one has ideas for my women and get's away with it….'

Hong Chen doubted that he could cure the Emperor. Not to mention he didn't have expertise like Yun Che in medicine, but he also didn't have the Profound Handle.

He needed to kill someone from the Yun Clan with the awakened Profound Handle to absorb that from their bloodline which was too much of a hassle for him right now.

He could however get the 'Burning Soul Flower' very easily with the help of [Apparation] and an evolved [Cloak of Invisibility].

With thoughts still looming in his head, he quickly made his way to the Blue Wind Imperial City and soon saw the magnificent city wall and guards.

"Please Stop. Kindly register your name here and your purpose of visit." asked the guard politely to which Hong Chen obliged and stepped inside the Imperial Capital of the Blue Wind Empire.

The guards couldn't even detect Chu Yuechan and she just disappeared from sight but Hong Chen could still feel her around as she was not actively hiding from Hong Chen; And even if she was hiding, Hong Chen's mental prowess had become so terrifying that no one under Tyrant Profound Realm could really hide from him.

'*You are a celebrity here, right?*' Asked Hong Chen telepathically to Chu Yuechan as he smiled and started walking towards the market to stroll around before going to meet Cang Yue.

This wasn't the first time he was using telepathy to communicate with Chu Yuechan, as when they were travelling together, whenever Chu Yuechan would not reply to him because of her internal struggle with how to handle the truth of Frozen Cloud Asgard's arts, he would startle her with his voice in her mind.

At first, she was very vigilant, but after a few instances, she became rather comfortable in talking with him through thought projection as she knew that he must have some crazy abilities from the Realm of Gods and he was not trying to harm her in any way.

'*I'd rather not carry that burden*' She responded as she knew that she couldn't even rent an Inn in this city as everyone knew her as the Most Beautiful Woman of the entire Blue Wind Empire and the city would literally become crowded the very instant she makes her presence known.

The same was true for Hong Chen currently as many powers were searching for him, especially after when the Frozen Cloud Asgard got involved and all kinds of speculations were in the air.

Hong Chen started walking in random direction while strolling around the market, or so Chu Yuechan thought as he inspected several trinkets and weapons.

'*Are you a swordsman?*' Asked Chu Yuechan as she saw Hong Chen inspect several weapons from different merchants, and in most cases, they were swords.

'*Not necessarily. I am just trying to refine a spiritual weapon as my old sword got lost in the Realm of Gods. If I really can't find it, then I'll have to make one myself, which will waste a lot of materials.*'

Chu Yuechan nodded in understanding as instantly believed Hong Chen, and although she was surprised to learn that he could make spiritual weapons, but in the past few days, she has become numb to the surprises he brought to her.

According to her, the common sense of Blue Pole Star doesn't apply to someone from the Realm of Gods.

Hong Chen's main agenda was not the Blue Wind Ranking Tournament, or Cang Yue, or anything related to saving her father. His main agenda was devouring the bloodline of the Premordial Azure Dragon. The literal God sovereign of all beasts.

He was a little scared in his heart as that was the entity which existed since the inception of time. Primordial literally means 'before or since time' and it was evident of the Dragon God's power who saw the birth of Primal Chaos.

Although Hong Chen was confident in his strength, but since he lacked proper battle experience and was from a different world, he had his reservations about passing the trial before his time in this world gets over.

He had to kill over a hundred thousand profound beassts within an year and kill stone dragon warriors wave after wave.

Not only that, but the last Test of Character of the trial which was similar to the Phoenix trial was still a headache as Hong Chen was thinking if he should evolve his [Absolute Mind Arts] to absolutely make sure he fools the trial or not.

The quality of the Dragon God's Trial was way higher than the trial of the Phoenix God as the Dragon God would not only give his last true inheriter all of the Bloodline of the Primordial Azure Dragon, but also the Dragon God Marrow, Dragon God Soul through his soul essence, Dragon Soul Domain, Origin energy, True Dragon Body and a Virgin Dragon Seed.

He had no ideas about trying to kill the guardian soul for more blood as this is the last trial in the entire Primal Chaos for the Primordial Azure Dragon and the true inheritor will automatically receive everything and he had no reason to bait Jasmine again who was passing out every so often in the [Sky Poison Pearl] while trying to use it's essence to separate the [Absolute God Slaying Poison] from her Divine Origin.




Cang Yue was handling some paperwork in the Blue Wind Profound Palace to streamline Hong Chen's admission when suddenly a guard knocked the door to her office.


At Cang Yue's order, an elder wearing the Imperial Family's Clothes entered respectfuly and said

"Reporting to Princess, Hong Chen has been spotted in the city. He entered the city half an hour ago and has been roaming the market ever since. His appearance is causing a stir in the city."

Cang Yue's face lit up at the news!

'He is here…'

A girl's first love is always special, and to someone like Cang Yue, who had already given her everything to Hong Chen in her heart, she couldn't sleep ever since they separated.

"Why haven't you sent the Imperial Guards to escort him here?" She questioned as she started speed walking outside of the office.

"Well….Princess, The information you gave us about him seems to be inaccurate. You told us that he was in the Spirit Profound Realm…but well, He seems to be in the Earth profound Realm."

Cang Yue's steps halted and her brows suddenly wrinkled.

'Was Chen'er purposely hiding his cultivation in the New Moon Profound Palace? Or is it some treasure….'

Seeing the Princess suddenly stop in her tracks, the Elder further said

"Princess, he doesn't seem to be an ordinary practitioner. Geniuses never reveal their cultivation like this. They always pretend to be a pig to eat the tiger, or simply chose to hide their cultivation for fear of assasination from other forces.

We believe that the reason Hong Chen has revealed his cultivation so rampantly is because he either wants others to make a move on him first and his cultivation is actually even higher, which in itself is terrifying to think about, or it is that he has some other plans."

While the Elder from the Imperial Family was talking with Cang Yue, a similar conversation was happening in the Emperor's chamber, where the current Emperor was lying on his back, listening to conjectures, and the background of her daughter's boyfriend, Hong Chen.

"Wasteland of Death? What a Joke. I don't believe he is from there. He must have some purpose in coming here.

Let's meet him and find out directly, shall we?"

The ancestors of the Imperial Family hiding in the Emperor's Chamber also nodded in agreement. They all were thinking of the purpose of Hong Chen, who was already in either the Spirit Profound Realm or the Earth Profound Realm if the latest news was to be believed. It was unprecedented and they had to make sure.

Emperor Cang Wanhe also wanted to meet the person his daughter chose to be with for the rest of her life and as a dutiful father, he needed to test his new son-in-law.




Hong Chen inspected a spear but put it down with visible disgust for it's quality and under the watchful eyes of the crowd which had gathered around him, he started to walk towards the next shop when suddenly an entourage of caravan surrounded by the Imperial Guards rushed at his place.

Almost 30 Guards with the cultivation base of high Spirit Profound Realm were guarding the the carriages in the middle while an Earth Profound Realm cavalierly on the front lead the way towards Hong Chen.

The commotion it created quickly attracted attention and the people started discussing

"See! I told you this person was someone influential! See, The Imperial Family sent such an extravagant entourage to receive him!"

"But who is he?"

"Damm, What is with his face? Because of people like these is why there are such unrealistic expectations for men by the ladies."

"Right on brother. He looks like a god!"

The cavalry soon came in front of the shop where Hong Chen was playing with a Voilet-colored dagger in his hand.

After carefully inspecting it, he put it back and went outside to find the Imperial Guards waiting for him.

"Let's Go." Hong Chen said before the guards could even explain the purpose of their visit, and under the shocked eyes of everyone, he went inside the most luxurious looking carriage and sat inside, as a maid in it bowed to him and poured a tea for him.

"Sir…What shoul-" A guard questioned the leader but was interrupted instantly.

"Let's go. The Emperor wants to meet him. We were already ordered to ask him to come with us. If he is so relaxed, then he must already know where he is going."

The guards were confused as Hong Chen, who was a new face in the city was already having an audience with the emperor, and his attitude just now, of how he ignored so many warriors and just casually dismissed whatever they were going to say made them a little uncomfortable in front of so many commoners and aristocrats who were gossiping while watching them.

"ABOUT TURN!" The Earth Prodound Realm Cavalry yelled, and soon the Entorurage turned around and started rushing towards the centre of the city.




'The tea is pretty good.'

It didn't take long before his entourage arrived at the Imperial Palace and as Hong Chen stepped down from his carriage, he saw Cang Yue in her royal blue attire with a golden tiara on her head, walking towards him with a smile.

"Brother Chen, Welcome to the Imperial Palace. I hope your journey was pleasant."

"It was. If I hadn't promised you that I'll come to you soon, I actually would've arrived here at a later date."

Hong Chen was greeted by some Elders who were all in Earth Profound Realm and he could also detect fluctuations of Sky Profound Realm experts hidden inside the depths of the Palace.

Chu Yuechan had already stopped following Hong Chen when he entered the carriage to the Imperial palace and was standing high up in the sky, still thinking about her future.

Now that Hong Chen had made these revelations about her Frozen Cloud Arts, her future would surely get affected. She needs to plan accordingly and she hoped Hong Chen could show her the path she now should take.



Under the calculating gazes of several ministers, Hong Chen arrived at the chamber of the Emperor while Cang Yue filled him in about her father's deteriorating health and his wish to meet Hong Chen.


"Welcome Young Man, Pardon me for not getting up to receive you." Said Cang Wanhe as Hong Chen saw a sick old man reclining on his bed, while an Imperial Advisor and a Maid were at his side.

"Your Majesty is joking with junior."

Hong Chen smiled and went up to the bed as he could feel several hidden auras around the chamber observing his every small movement.

If not for Hong Chen's insanely high mental attribute and quite sensitive Spiritual Sense, he wouldn't have noticed it.

"You know, My daughter only talks about you whenever she visits me. It makes me wonder what kind of person you actually are. When she told me that you were from the Wastelands of Death, I couldn't stop laughing."

Cang Wanhe's statement was clear. In the beginning only he has told Hong Chen that he doesn't believe the rumor that he is from the Wastelands of Death.

Before meeting him, a lot of his advisors and experts had made several observations about Hong Chen, like he must have gotten some treasure, or inheritance of a powerful expert; to how he could also be someone from a different continent entirely, such as The Azure Cloud Continent.

Not everyone knew about the Azure Cloud Continent and the Illusory Demon Realm, but they did have ancient scrolls mentioning the power of the 3 Major sects of the Azure Cloud Continent which can crush the Blue Wind Empire with relative ease.

With all kinds of doubts, everyone was curious to know who and what Hong Chen was and to respond to Cang Wanhe's claim, Hong Chen smiled.

"Juinor is just a Doctor who was chased out of his home. If I must tell you about my origin, then yes, you are correct. I am not from the Wastelands of Death."

There were no surprises on anyone's faces when Hong Chen said this.

Even Cang Yue had doubts in her heart and when Hong Chen himself confirmed it, their curiosity was piqued.

"Before I reveal my origin, Can I take a look at Empeor's health? As you know that I am a doctor, and what I am seeing right now is very distressing."

"Aah…I appreciate the gesture, but Doctor Gu Qiuhong said that my hidden ailments have accumulated due to the overwork and have damaged my veins, Child. There is no need to pay such attention to a dying old man like me."

"DAD! Don't say that!" Cang Yue instantly became upset at Cang Wanhe for saying that he was dying.

Having lost her mother at a young age, seeing her brothers scheme against each other for the throne, she had never received the familial love, and her only lifeline in her family, her father was going to die. It really distressed her otherwise happy mood.

"Emperor. If even an Emperor Profound Realm expert like you can die from overwork, then we all really should just stop this cultivation nonsense and enjoy what little we have. I don't doubt Medical Saint Gu Qiuhong's skills, but from where I come from, even an apprentice doctor can tell at glance that your life force is being sucked away by a foreign parasite. Your body is exuding 2 different types of spiritual fluctuations."

Obviously, what Hong Chen said was nonsense, He had no Idea of the intricacies of the 'Soul Devouring Life Binding Parasite' other than what was present in the memories of the earthly soul, but his words did make the impact he was going for.

"Junior Hong Chen, I am in Sky Profound Realm and even I cannot detect any hidden aura in His Majesty's body. What-"

The advisor who was quite all this time spoke with wrinkled brows as he sized up Hong Chen.

It was evident that Hong Chen was not only slandering Gu Qiuhong, but was also implying an assasination attempt on the Emperor's life. This is no small matter.

Hong Chen really wanted to open up Cang Wanhe's body and show them the parasite, but he didn't know where to locate the parasite in the heart, and he was also sure that he would not be allowed to cut the chest of the Emperor like Yun Che, who was not under investigation for hiding his background and mysteriously rising in strength at that time.

"Can all the Emperor Profound Realm experts, who are hiding in the shadows come here? I believe I can prove my point very clearly."

Cang Yue was watching all of this spectacle with simple shock. She had seen first hand that Hong Chen's diagnosis was never wrong and he could treat even the unknown and most venomous bites with relative ease.

She had full confidence in his capabilities and because of that, her heart tightened at every word Hong Chen said.

"Boy….You are playing with fire."

Cang Wanhe straightened from his previously reclined posture as Hong Chen asked his hidden bodyguards to come.

Although it was common sense for an Emperor to have such experts as his guards, but still, no simple person would think that he was surrounded by Emperor Pofound Realm experts and would just casually ask them to come out.

They were hidden for a reason.

Hong Chen ignored Cang Wanhe's comment as he slowly made his way to him, after which without even asking for permission, he touched Cang Wanhe's wrist and closed his eyes.

All the powers who were hiding in the shadows followed each and every minute movement of Hong Chen as they saw him taking his pulse and then nodding to himself.

"Yes, I was correct. The reason I asked Ancestors who are guarding you to come out, is because they can prove my point without much hassle.

Emperor, Your pulse's rhythm pattern is extremely similar to a parasite known as the [Soul Devouring Life Binding Parasite]. This is a type of parasite that is planted inside the body and relies on the heart's blood to mature. After maturing, it lives near the heart's veins and lives by consuming a person's vitality. This type of parasite is very small, but it requires an incomparable amount of vitality to grow; nearly half of the hosts' vitality could be consumed by it.

Once this Soul Devouring Life Binding Parasite has entered the body, it would be extremely difficult to discover. The victim's body would weaken, deteriorate very quickly, and will certainly die within five years. The Soul Devouring Life Binding Parasite would also simultaneously die with the host, become a pool of watery blood in the person's body, and not leave behind any trace of its existence.

Like the name suggest after the parasite drinks the blood of its host, it turns the host's life into its own, and thus shares life and death with its host.

There are only a few remedies of such a parasite, and I can prove it's existence by simply making a small incision on your chest, but I don't think anyone will allow me to do that, and hence the Powerful Profound Sense of several Emperor Profound Realm experts can sense it's existence if they focus it on your heart andprove it's existence for me."

This time, there was a visible fluctuation in the void near Hong Chen, and as if tearing it open, out came 3 experts from it whose cultivation could not be seen.

The advisor and Cang Yue, who were silent instantly bowed their heads; while the 3 experts ignored everything and all of them focused their Profound Senses on the Emperor.



"Hong Chen is right, Wanhe. There is indeed a leech sucking your life force-"

Before one of the experts who came out of the void could complete his sentence, Hong Chen instantly cut him off

"Don't you kill it! If the parasite dies, then the Emperor dies. It has bound itself with Emperor's soul!

Tell me, Emperor, did you have an open heart surgery in the past few years?"

Hong Chen's interruption shocked everyone.

"Gu Qiuhong! That Gu Qiuhong did an open heart surgery on papa but…DAMM I am going to kill him!"

Cang Yue's voice was laced with venom as her eyes became red and tears streamed down.

Once even her Ancestor's, whose cultivation was shrouded in mystery, confirmed the existence of the parasite, then where was the room for doubt?

Hong Chen instantly came to Cang Yue with a worried face as he wiped her tears and hugged her.

"Don't worry Yue'er. Everything will be alright."

To be honest, He really didn't want to waste his time curing the Emperor only to let him die later but he has to give his performance and that he did as now everyone's eyes were on him.

"I know what everyone is thinking. If I can tell about the existence of such a parasite with a glance, then I must know the cure as well. And that is true! I do know the cure, there are a few ways even. But all of those require many high-level medicinal plants; some of which the Emperor can obviously provide, and for others, I would have to go out and collect myself; but that leads us to your first question.

Who am I?"

Hong Chen unwrapped his hands from around Cang Yue while giving her a quick peck on her rosy lips, before turning towards everyone and summoning his dazzling golden white Phoenix Wings burning with a very mysterious golden white flame, which quickly engulfed Hong Chen's entire being in the white flames shimmering with a golden hue.

"Divine Phoenix Exmpire!"

"A Spy? An Assassin? Damm!"

The maid couldn't handle the aura and simply fainted as a few experts came out of the shadow and instantly surrounded Hong Chen.

"Really guys? Why would I want to assassinate a dying man? Why would an assassin reveal his strength to his target's guards?

Think people, THINK"

The 3 Ancestors who came out of the Void all released their pressure on Hong Chen and Hong Chen himself lifted off of the ground and started hovering in the air little by little with a smile on his face.