
"Halt, stop the duel – poisonous gas is not allowed!" the teacher cried out in attempt to stop the fight.

"Bullshit!", Malaria responded. "This is my ability, and my power – I even made it myself just yesterday. Gas is also a kind of biological weapon; this is perfectly within the rules!"

Sprinting over to Uchiha Dobito, Malaria grabbed him by the neck, tied his bandana over his mouth and proclaimed to the audience; "Dobito here needs a woman real quick. Any takers? We'll start the bidding at 10,000 ryo!"

The spectators from the senior classes all clamoured in rage and indignation. How could there be such a shameless person in the world!? "Let go off Dobito you shameless bastard!"

Uchiha Dobito was so full of shame and indignation that he awakened his 1-tomoe Sharingan on the spot. He couldn't move properly with the aphrodisiac heating up his loins while Malaria held him by the neck. Dobito tried his best to mumble a surrender through the bandana so he could be taken away from here - but Malaria wouldn't let him.

"Stop jeering, any bids? If not, poor Dobito here will have to lose his first time to a hole in the ground!" Malaria shouted at the indignant audience.

The teacher wanted to interrupt the duel at several intervals but didn't know how to do it. He would have to give the promised 'reward' the Third Hokage submitted to bait Malaria into getting up on stage for nothing at this rate.

If he stops the match without that scoundrel getting hospitalized, he is certain he'll have to cough up all the material costs the lab will consume from his own pocket. He could only hope that Dobito somehow manages to break free from the aphrodisiac and beats Malaria to a pulp.

"Scoundrel, selling people inside Konoha is illegal!"

"How could you do this to Uchiha Dobito? Aren't you afraid of the lashing the Uchiha will force you through?"

"Tomorrow, there won't be any Malaria left in Konoha – just an unrecognizable corpse in a ditch covered in mosquitoes!"

"Oh, so there are no takers?" Malaria groaned as if he was placed in a difficult spot. Rummaging through Dobito's pockets and finding the ninja pouch tied to his waist, he untied it and took it for himself. "I guess I'll have to finish this match then. Hey, Tea-"

"Wait, don't be in such a hurry – can't you see that Dobito is suffering? I bid 10,000 ryo!" A certain blushing and bold blonde girl from the Yamanaka clan cried out.

"You wench, I knew you were trying to take Dobito away from me! I bid 15,000!" Another brunette shouted back. The girl looked suspiciously simliar to a young Tenten. Taking a few extra glances at her, Malaria couldn't help but be curious.

"Ha! You two don't realize Dobito values blood purity a lot. Only I can be the perfect partner for him in this life. 25,000 ryo!" A dark-haired little beauty from the Uchiha clan proclaimed while staring intently at Dobito's bulging tent with her one-tomoe Sharingan activated. 'The hidden dragon seems to be in pain, I must relieve it from its misery.' she thought while wildly blushing.

"One Hundred Thousand Ryo." A deep and husky, yet feminine voice called out another bid. The crowd split, making way for a rotund girl from the Akimichi clan – Akimichi Himawari.

Holding a bag of potato chips in one muscular arm, while gorging herself with the other she walked up to the edge of the stage. The difference between her height and width was difficult to discern.

"That's Akimichi Himawari, granddaughter of the Akimichi Grand Elder's household. Her father is the CEO with control over all the 'Akimichi'-restaurants throughout the entire Land of Fire, while her mother is the head chef for the daimyo!", one of the more sociable students commented.

"Father wants me to get married once I graduate, but I haven't been able to find anyone that agrees." Himawari said as she inspected the prized and very handsome-looking Uchiha Dobito. "Dobito will do just nicely, hihihi~, our children will be very cute. Like little red-eyed piglets." she giggled like a man.

When Uchiha Dobito saw Akimichi Himawari showing up, he started struggling like an animal at death's door. He could live with taking responsibility for a beauty from a different clan, or atleast a decent looking civilian to relieve his raging little brother – but not this walking stack of grease.

Malaria who noticed Dobito's tremendous reluctance to accept this great deal, leaned over and whispered in his ear; 'The Uchiha Patriarch already allowed me to do this to you. Blame your own fortune.'

Immediately Dobito felt like the world was spinning. His face paled while his eyes turned dead without any light. 'T-the p-p-patriarch arranged for this. Why me? This is impossible. I refuse to accept this fate!'

The 'dead' Sharingan in Dobito's eyes spun wildly as if trying to unshackle itself to change his fate. In a moment, it awakened another step further to two-tomoe! "MHMM, HMM, BLARGH, MM!!" he grunted like a caged beast, or fish out of water - saliva dripping through the bandana.

"Excuse me, great meatba.. *AHEM*, beauty from the Akimichi clan. It seems the prize himself is very reluctant to part with me for only a hundred thousand ryo. I'll gladly persuade him to agree, for a million~." Malaria smirked, taking out and waving another 'pink-mix' potion from his pocket.

"Deal." Himawari nodded, putting the 'pink-mix' in her chips bag with one hand, while dragging Dobito away with the other. It was time to cook the rice with some pink seasoning to prepare for the autumn harvest with great effort. "The payment will be sent to you before the end of the day."

Nodding his head in encouragement and waving the couple goodbye, Malaria turned his head to the teacher; "Isn't it time to announce the winner?"

Just after he said it, he realized; 'Oh right, I almost forgot.' In a hurry, Malaria turns around to the corner Dobito and Himawari just disappeared around, bowing with the seal of reconciliation pointing forward with a relieved smile on his lips.

"Now it's all good, we can still be friends after a gruelling match. I learned a lot today." Malaria smirked as the teacher was working hard on grinding his teeth to dust. In a moment, Malaria walked down and took his seat next to the astounded and blushing Kakashi amidst jeers and heckling.

"Since Malaria defeated his opponent easily, he'll have to fight another match so I can examine his abilities properly!" The teacher 'smiled' with throbbing veins all over his forehead. "But before that, next duel; Hatake Kakashi versus Uchiha Obito!"

Obito walked up to the ring feeling extremely confident with Nohara Rin cheering him on from behind, while he looked somewhat funny with one ear twice the size of the other. He couldn't tell that Rin's eyes were locked on Kakashi on the other side, even though her words were targeted at him.

After the duel began Kakashi used only two moves to incapacitate Obito and won the match - Body Flicker Technique into a chop at the neck.

"Winner, Hatake Kakashi! Now, do the seal of reconciliation. Later in the afternoon I'll have finished writing some methods for you two to improve yourselves further." The teacher nodded, not at all surprised that Obito got destroyed by a wave of the hand from Kakashi.

"Bastard Kakashi, it was a close fight, but I won't lose next time!" Obito proclaimed, still full of confidence. Turning around to walk down the stage, he saw Rin staring with stars in her eyes at his opponent. Feeling a sour taste in his heart, he could only ignore it and sit back down beside her while scratching his ear.

"Damnable Teacher, why do I have to fight again but Kakashi gets a free pass!?", Malaria stood up from the spectator seats radiating indignation. "I believe you're rigging this examination for things like petty revenge. We must stand up against such authoritarian ways! Everyone, who's with me!?" He raised his fist in the air, waiting for the other students to join in on his revolt.

To think that Malaria could defeat Uchiha Dobito with an aphrodisiac, shamelessly stole his kunai pouch and sold him to Akimichi Himawari for a million ryo. No normal person could ever do such a heinous thing.

"Damn, where did that Malaria even get the drug?" one student couldn't help but ask. "I'm told that Aphrodisiacs aren't allowed to be sold to minors. Even then, every bottle costs over 50,000 Ryo."

"I think Malaria-kun made it himself, I heard him say so earlier." Another answered the enquiry. "That's right, only such scoundrels could make such drugs." A third agreed. "The girls in our year group will be washing their faces with tears after knowing that Akimichi Himawari took Uchiha Dobito away."

"Malaria-kun even took away his ninja-pouch, there's a scroll in there with a few Fūma Shuriken sealed inside. I've seen Dobito practice with them, and those are worth several hundred thousand ryo each."

"I doubt the Uchiha clan will let him get away with this." A student on the side couldn't help but comment. "They're bound to be furious, and it could even lead to a clan-war between the Akimichi and Uchiha inside of Konoha."

"I don't think so, do you think the Akimichi Grand Elder will let Uchiha Dobito get away after he sleeps with Akimichi Himawari? No chance." Another replied.

"That's right. I've heard that Himawari's father has been dying to find a match for his daughter from either the Yamanaka- or Nara clans, but they've always been able to dodge the bullet. If this marriage doesn't go through, I'm afraid the Uchiha clan will have to starve in the coming months."

"Malaria-kun is truly a scoundrel! He has not only sold Uchiha Dobito's body but also destroyed his life." The spectating students were all in agreement, this truly was a heinous move on Malaria's part.

Nobody responded to Malaria's attempt at riling them up, and even snickered at his endeavour of trying to weasel out of getting beaten up. Everyone on the scene wanted to see Malaria turn black and blue, spew out his innards - with a few shuriken and kunai sticking out of his body.

"Mosquito brat, what are you talking about - Kakashi is a talented genius while you're an unscrupulous scoundrel. Sit down and wait for your turn. We want to see you get beat up!" The girls in the audience clamoured for justice on behalf of Uchiha Dobito.

Whoever turns up to be his opponent later will surely feel his charm skyrocket by a thousand percent, even if only for duration of the fight.

"Damn, weren't you ladies very enthusiastic before?" Malaria cursed, "At any rate, I won't do any fighting without another reward! You already owe me a chemistry lab stocked to the brim with herbs and materials." He pointed his finger at the teacher.

Feeling lightheaded from all the blood pumping in rage through his system, the teacher could only acquiesce: "What do you want? I'll have you know that you can't get carried away with your request."

Just thinking about the million ryo Malaria obtained just like that almost made the teacher black out in anger. That's over a full years worth of his monthly salary! And it's not even counting what the little devil could earn if he tries to sell Dobito's Fūma Shuriken to a weapons shop.

"I want a library's worth of books and materials pertaining to herbs and fungi." Malaria proclaimed with a stoic expression. "I can't do research without any prior knowledge from the wise predecessors, now can I?"

The teacher couldn't help but glance towards a certain tree on the edge of the training area. After receiving a nodding reply from a Hokage Anbu that was seething with rage comparable to himself standing in the canopy, the teacher sighed with relief.

"Deal! But first we have another set of matches to get through."

After another few uninteresting matches where the second-year students fought with first years, while fifth years fought fourth years, etc. It was finally time for the second round where Malaria is supposed to be beaten up.

At least, that's what everyone on the premisses hopes will happen.