The Infamous Malaria

After Malaria ascended the arena again, he found another meatball of a person with blonde hair waiting for him, but this one was gazing at him with ice in his eyes. Meanwhile the audience besides the arena were all cheering and shouting passionately.

"Akimichi Boruto, beat up that trash of a human existence!" The spectators were clamoring. This thick fellow was a clansman of that girl Himawari from before. Such peculiar names, could they be connected somehow?

"Somewhere there is a tree working very hard to replace the oxygen he's wasting, trash him for us!" A rare Senju clansman joined in to expedite Malaria's execution. "The First Hokage's forests doesn't have a place for him!"

"Boruto-san, kill this scoundrel and avenge Uchiha Dobito for me!" The Yamanaka girl from before shouted with tears streaming down her face. Witnessing Dobito get sold like cattle to Himawari was a heavy blow.

"The reputation of the Ninja Academy will be ruined by that Malaria! Kill him, Akimichi Boruto!" Tenten's presumed-to-be-mother also added fuel to the fire. She just wanted to join in and perhaps get a quick fling with Dobito but seeing him destroyed like that still lit a flame in her heart.

"He destroyed Dobito's life! He's a monster! Boruto-san, you must destroy him for us!" The Uchiha little lady was shrieking, entirely red in the face. She used her Sharingan and saw how Dobito was being grabbed and molested by Himawari on the way out. She can't forget those images even if she wants to, seared into her mind by her bloodline ability.

"Destroy the shame of the Ninja Academy! Destroy the shame of the Ninja Academy!" A slogan quickly spread with everyone adding in their voices to a cacophony of noise. Even the far away Sarutobi Hiruzen could hear the cheering in his Hokage office.

The teacher was rubbing his face to hide the grin that threatened to spill out. This time, the contender was someone that won't get affected by any sort of poison. The Akimichi were known for their variety of anti-venom diets that harden their immune system to perfection.

Even better, this Boruto guy had plans to ask for Himawari's hand in marriage after graduation. They've always been together since childhood, and he had long developed feelings for her. 'What an envious fate that Uchiha Dobito got, nestling between her folds.' Boruto thought.

In the arena, Malaria observed Akimichi Boruto amidst the jeers and heckling. If he remembered correctly, this guy once bullied his predecessor while pushing comments like; "Mosquitoes have too little meat!"

"Everybody should pay their debts. Today I'm standing on the side of justice!" Malaria proclaimed while the audience turned even more wild, almost frothing at their mouths.

Akimichi Boruto on the other hand was much stronger than Dobito; it was impossible for Malaria to beat the guy with the same method of peculiar gasses.

"Are the both of you ready?" The teacher couldn't have looked more enthusiastic than when he saw Boruto taking a fighting stance with the sign for confrontation ponting at Malaria.

"Wait!" Malaria shouted and pointed at Akimichi Boruto's rotund form. "Look at how unfriendly his face looks, teacher. He obviously hates me. I'm afraid he will try to take this chance to get back at me."

The teacher said coldly with a glint in his eye, "As the examiner, I'm only responsible for the result of the spar. What you said has nothing to do with me or the duel.", his face almost threatened to split into a grin again. 'Hold it, hooold it, soon this little devil will get hospitalized, then I can laugh.' He thought.

Malaria could only sigh. "In that case, let's begin swapping pointers."

The teacher felt great snapping at Malaria, especially after the guy used his own words against him about power and wealth. 'To even think of using aphrodisiacs in a public assessment, such a detestable brat.'

"What a fool!" Akimichi Boruto snorted, not even considering Malaria as a valid threat at all. He just wanted to turn him into a red stain on the ground after giving Himawari that scandalous opportunity.

He did not believe that the mosquito-brat who crawled on the ground before him in the past, after a light slap on the back, could possibly defeat him today.

"Then, let this spar be…"

"Wait, there's a naked kunoichi over there!" Malaria interrupted the teacher and cried out, pointing his finger at a tree behind Akimichi Boruto.

"A naked kunoichi? Where?"

Involuntarily, all the students looked at the tree Malaria was pointing at. All they could see was an embarrassed Hokage Anbu standing in the canopy awkwardly waving his hand, all 'no no no, no such thing here'. Right then, everyone on the scene heard a most miserable groan.


The students' eyes went back to the arena, only to discover Akimichi Boruto rolling around all over the place in misery. He was holding what's presumed to be his genitals with a contorted expression and sweat flowing down his face.

Malaria, on the other hand, was retracting his foot from where Akimichi Boruto's waistline used to be. He had clearly kicked him in the jewels when Boruto turned around to look at that discreditable Anbu.

Then, Malaria walked to the teacher, patted his shoulder, and said with a dignified expression, "Teach, you said that you were only responsible for the result of our spar. I don't think this matter is worthy of your concern. I'm looking forward to the library extension."

'How is it not my concern? This is clearly an ambush! It's not allowed!'

The teacher was overwhelmed with wrath. He swore that he would never associate with Malaria ever again after today, or he would die of heart palpitations. During class in the future, he'll just treat him as air.

In the end, the teacher found it difficult to continue with this farce. He could only wink with his bloodshot eyes at the Anbu to ask Hokage-sama for his opinion.


Sarutobi Hiruzen rubbed his tired eyes. From the described 'two spars', he could tell that Malaria was quite flexible with his methods and could beat opponents many times stronger than himself with shrewd and wicked ways.

In general, he was quite happy with that realization. But wasn't it humiliating that all his methods are targeting the genitals of his opponents in one way or the other? What happened to the mosquitoes!?

"Hokage-sama, how should we handle that devilish brat?" the Anbu that saw everything on the scene felt quite perturbed. He has several good friends in the Aburame clan and couldn't help but fear for his friend's future wellbeing. 'That brat will surely strike back with a vengeance.'

Hiruzen replied softly, "Malaria's methods were indeed foul, but his opponent was not wary at all. Also, the teacher kept giving Malaria misinformation to work with. Where's the seal of confrontation and the preparations for the spar? This matter isn't entirely Malaria's fault."

"That's true. Hokage-sama can rest assured, I'll find a better teacher for that class later." The Anbu nodded in a hurry to please Hiruzen for his decision. He could tell that the Hokage was being biased towards Malaria for some reason.

The issue was that his bias was founded on entirely unreasonable grounds. Jiraiya used to act very similar to how Malaria was doing right now, and he couldn't help but feel a smidgen of guilt.

Besides, if Malaria was hospitalized right now, Hiruzen would have to find another way to give the child that laboratory to raise his spirits and ignite the Will of Fire. Even though that final part is impossible.

"Indeed. We must learn from this lesson and hire professional examiners in the future." Sarutobi nodded. "The teacher can remain in his class, but the assessment needs a new examiner that can keep up with Malaria's mischievousness."

"The examiner shouldn't talk until the end of the spar, leading to misleading information and strange occurrences happening in the middle of battle." The Anbu nodded his head in agreement.

'This won't do. I need to find a proper examiner for Malaria to stand openly in battle before the public.' Hiruzen pondered while stroking his beard and puffing his pipe.


Very soon, the teacher received the Hokage's reply asking him to stand down and let another examiner take his place. Announcing Malaria's victory, the teacher did as he was told and scrammed the hell away from the sparring area.

After the teacher announced that Malaria would have a third match because Akimichi Boruto couldn't complete this round of sparring, all the students clamoured some more.

"Are you kidding me? A backstabber has won several battles against students 6 years his senior?" One student was genuinely outraged by watching all of this occur in front of his eyes.

"This assessment is definitely rigged!" Another shouted in protest.

"Malaria-kun must have bribed the teacher with his 'pink-mix'!" That sociable fellow who knew Akimichi Himawari's background exhorted.

"Damn, how did you find that out, bro?" a curious student on the side asked.

"What else could Malaria-kun possibly offer except the 'pink-mix'?" The sociable one crossed his arms over his chest, nodding his head as if it's the only possibly truth of the matter.

"Fair enough. No wonder Malaria-kun had such luxurious prizes for each of his spars when everything was supposedly set up and ready for him to get abused." The curious student nodded with lights shining in his eyes, as if he got the gist of the situation.

"I didn't know that the first year's teacher was such a person." The Yamanaka girl sniffled with tears remaining at the corner of her eyes.

"He's practically a pervert. Together with Malaria-kun, they're going to ruin the reputation of Konoha's Ninja Academy." The Uchiha little beauty proclaimed with indignation.

The teacher almost burst a vein on his forehead in outrage. Those students are truly too imaginative, who the hell wants to be associated with that little fiend? And taking bribes of aphrodisiacs on his second day on the job? What!?

In the meantime, the other teachers of the senior classes all looked at the first year's teacher thoughtfully. Even the Anbu's gaze turned weird.

They wondered if the reason for Malaria being so unhinged could have something to do with his bad teaching. Even though he's only been on the job for two days, he must've contacted each student before enrolment the foregoing days. That brat did turn crazy just three days prior after all.

Malaria nodded in satisfaction after being deemed the winner of another spar. However, it seemed that he had to concoct and give a few bottles of 'pink-mix' to his teacher the next day. Just in case the man started despising him after taking care of him so well.

The teacher truly felt like crying. His lifelong reputation as a studious and warm-hearted man had been destroyed by Malaria in just one afternoon.

In the fighting area, ignoring all criticism, Malaria was thinking about his new laboratory in joy. The second he gets off school today he'll immediately rush over and start looking through the research material to find how to synthesize such cells like Plasmodium.

The Ninja Academy soon decided that the assessment would have to continue tomorrow. They needed a new proper examiner, and there truly are too many students that didn't get a chance to showcase their abilities today.

Now that the sparring matches were over for the day, Malaria left the academy and went over to the Poison Shop once again. He needed to buy some more herbs and mushrooms to concoct some more 'pink-mix' for self-defensive purposes.

Of course, he didn't forget his teachers portion that needed to be prepared. He had to send them over as soon as possible if he did not want to lose the man's favour.

'From one orphan to another, you have my gratitude. With my gift you won't have to feel lonely at night.' Malaria thought.


[ A/N: After writing today's chapter, I feel like giving the teacher a proper name. Any recommendations? Comment on this paragraph! ]