First Kill

Elliot was now bleeding. His idea of using only two steel bars to hold up a door weighing several pounds was obviously not one of the best. Coming out from under the door, Elliot saw the hallway that now had half of its ceiling collapsed. He could see three guards buried, and thinking for a moment as he used the rags that covered his crotch as a bandage, he set off to carry out his plan.

The dead, lifeless look in Elliot's one remaining eye was gone, and now only a resolute, determined look remained, burning with boundless stubbornness. So what if there was no one to go back to? His nephew still had his mother. They could manage even without him. Elliot's father was a drunk, unreliable person. His mother disappeared after Elliot was conceived. The only person who cared enough about him, his brother, had died. Elliot had no one else.

But if he had no one, all he had to do was find him! If he had nothing, all he had to do was conquer! Elliot was tired of resigning himself to his fate. Fuck destiny! He will create his destiny from now on! He will be the god of his own world! If the police weren't enough to protect him, he will make his own security.

With an unusual effort, Elliot managed to pull one of the guards out of the rubble. His head had been crushed, and all that remained was a bloody mess. It was horrible to see, but instead of feeling sad and disgusted by this scene, Elliot was jubilant! Even if it wasn't by his own hand, he had been avenged.

Elliot stripped the guard of his vest, clothes, and shoes. Elliot still managed to find a hat from the guards, and quickly wore it. Thinking for a while, Elliot tore off a piece of the other guard's clothing, and put it on his head, to hide the missing eye for him. Grabbing any piece of wood from the rubble, Elliot was now ready to escape this hell. He needed to hold on just a little longer, and soon he would be free!

"H-help me... help, please save me..."

As he prepared to leave, however, Elliot heard a faint voice sounding from the pile of rubble. Approaching with redoubled caution, Elliot saw a fallen guard with half his body buried. This was the guard who was talking about going to the weapons depot earlier. The guard when he saw him took on a supernatural glow as if he saw his savior. Looking at the ID badge on the blue clothes Elliot was wearing, the guard quickly began to speak.

"I see you narrowly survived, Mark. Come on, help me get out of here, I still have the card from the weapons warehouse. Let's get some medical supplies, cartridges for our pistols, and get out of here!"

Elliot looked at him with empty eyes. He slowly, with his free hand, took his pistol out of its holster and pointed it at the head of the guard who was half-buried. Seeing this, the guard's eyes widened and turned pale.

"What are you doing, Mark?! Don't be greedy, you idiot! If we go together, we'll have a better chance of surviving!"

Perhaps because he had no power left in this corridor, the guard still firmly believed that Elliot was his fellow guard. Elliot looked at the gun, and there was the number 16, symbolizing how many bullets were still in the pistol. Elliot pulled the trigger, but no shot was fired. At this moment, Elliot frowned but soon despaired. The guard, taking advantage of Elliot's mistake, drew his gun himself, unlocked it, and fired.

Elliot quickly threw himself to the ground, narrowly avoiding a critical hit. Because it was dark, and the guard had no support from his position, he missed. And because he showed him how to fire the pistol, Elliot quickly did the same, unlocked and then fired his pistol.


Followed by the sound of the shot, a sound like an exploding watermelon was heard, and soon the guard's head was gone. These pistols used by these guards were state-of-the-art, second only to the new modern laser guns.

Running his hand over his ear, Elliot noticed that the guard's shot had ripped off half of his ear. Elliot looked at what was left of the guard with anger and disgust. He had just decided to change his own fate, and yet, a short time later, he had allowed himself to be wounded so needlessly.

Picking up the piece of wood he used as a cane, Elliot set off once more, while with his free hand, he held a rag to his wounded ear. Elliot picked up the pistol of the guard he had killed. He was dead, so he wouldn't need it, would he?

As he walked, Elliot began to think, to try to forget the pain that permeated his entire body and his lung that burned with every little movement he made. He thought that he would feel bad taking someone's life. In his days as an underground fighter, several times the opposing fighter would end up in the hospital, and this made Elliot feel horrible. But this time, he felt nothing. He didn't feel happy or sad. It's like it was just natural. It was natural for Elliot to kill that guard.

Realizing his new mentality, Elliot came to a simple conclusion. Either he had matured since his time as an underground fighter, or he let some part of himself die in this hellish prison. And worst of all, Elliot was leaning more toward the second option.

Soon Elliot was out of the destroyed hallway, and when he found himself undecided about which way to go, he simply didn't care and kept moving forward. At sporadic periods, shaking occurred, and after climbing a few flights of stairs, Elliot could hear explosions and gunshot sounds. Were they being invaded? Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to dress as a guard?

While he still had these doubts in his mind, Elliot arrived in a pure white corridor, or so it should be. There were bullet holes everywhere, with blood and bodies. Elliot carefully crouched down in a corner and looked down the hallway once more to see if there was anyone alive.

Elliot knew the blue clothes of the guards, but the camouflage clothing and the black clothes of the other men, Elliot had never seen in his life. Presumably, these are the invaders. Looking once more at the white corridor, Elliot saw a body wearing black clothes next to him. Elliot pulled this body out of the hallway, and tried to find something that would identify this dead man, but found nothing.

In the man's waistband, however, he found a .357 Magnum revolver. Elliot's father had used one of these when he was a child, so Elliot knew how to use it. But this one seemed to have undergone modifications, as the barrel was longer and was incredibly heavy for Elliot. Elliot searched the dead man's body for the silver Magnum ammunition, and after finding everything he wanted, he found a cereal bar in the man's clothes. Although it was soiled with blood, Elliot still ate it, with great enthusiasm. This would help to satisfy his hunger.

Getting up, Elliot soon made his way out of the white corridor. He remembered this place. It's where the prison infirmary is. Entering the infirmary, Elliot looked everywhere to see if he could find any trace of Doctor Jeanne, but to his great joy, she was not here. Putting two and two together, Elliot assumed that today was her day off, or she had escaped before it all began.

With a more relieved heart, Elliot went on his way. He spent some time lost and walked through the same places several times.

"This place is a damn maze!" Elliot couldn't help but curse in a low voice.

After a few more minutes, Elliot heard more gunshots, and soon he was headed in that direction. He knew it was dangerous, but danger goes hand in hand with opportunity. Arriving on the scene, he saw from afar two groups fighting. He could not see clearly, after all, only one eye was left for him, and this same eye had some vision problems, after so many years of continuous beatings.

Looking closely, Elliot noticed the guards fighting with some other group. Elliot waited patiently, to find out which side would be the winner. The other group looked heavily armed but still lost to the guards. At this moment, a plan formed in Elliot's mind, and soon he put it into action.

Putting the Magnum behind his back, Elliot let go of the stick he was using as a cane and pulled out the pistol that all the guards were using. The place where the guards were fighting was like an office, but they were completely destroyed. There were holes in all the walls, and the desks were overturned and used as barricades or a point to protect themselves from gunfire. A part of the ceiling had collapsed, and now you could see what looked like an old-style mansion.

The room was dark, and all the light there was came from the lights in the mansion. Elliot strode into the room limping, gritting his teeth at the pain he felt whenever his foot hit the floor and he shifted his weight from one leg to the other. He fired the pistol randomly, to pretend to be one of the guards. Elliot didn't know about the workings of this prison, but he knew that there were many guards, and not everyone knew each other.

Just as Elliot expected, as soon as the guards saw him, they stood on guard, but when they saw his uniform, they soon let their guard down, believing that Elliot was one of them. In the end, Elliot's bet proved correct, and the guards won this clash.

"Where are you from, fellow guard? I'm sure I've never seen you before." One guard spoke up, he seemed to be the leader of this group.

"Maybe it's because it's dark, and he also has a lot of bandages." A female guard came to his defense.

"I came from the deepest area. The earthquakes made the corridors collapse. I was lucky enough to be one of the few to survive. " Elliot said in a neutral and emotionless tone.

The guards showed their sympathy with their looks at Elliot, but in his eyes, he didn't see them as humans or as fellow-armsmen. Before he saw them as demons, but now he saw them only as insects, ready to be stepped on and crushed.

Elliot looked around and noticed that there were only 6 guards left unharmed, while two others were wounded. Making plans in his mind and trying to guess if they would work out or not. He slowly approached the injured guards who were being cared for by the others and pulled bandages from his vest pocket.

"I ended up going through the infirmary and got a first aid kit. Allow me to help with their care." Elliot said as he approached an injured guard.

The remaining six guards nodded in agreement and soon began talking.

"That invasion was not the one passed on to us by the upper echelon. They knew the government would make a move, but they didn't expect it would be today. The informant said we still had at least a week to move." The lead guard said.

"Maybe there are infiltrators among the upper echelon? And who are those who wear those black clothes? Despite their poor and laughable training, their outfits are too good to be a simple mercenary group." The female guard said in a serious voice.

"Maybe a group of someone who is stuck here? That's not the important part. The important part is how they got that information!" The head guard replied while everyone else nodded in agreement.

"What should we do now?" Another guard asked.

Seeing that the matter would not bring any more information to him, Elliot looked at the guard he was treating and chuckled lightly at him. The guard didn't understand why he was laughing, but soon he turned pale.

Before he could say anything, Elliot pulled out his Magnum, and shot the talking guards!







Because they had been caught off guard and were so close together, Elliot needed only one bullet each. Looking at the wounded guard on the ground with a pale face and a look of disbelief, Elliot thought it was one of the most beautiful sights in the world. If he were an artist, he would make a painting of that look. Elliot pointed to the forehead of the wounded guard, who looked at him with a pleading look. Elliot's reply came next.






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Chapters in pa treon: 04 (With one more chapter today)

A chapter every day, before nightfall.