Let the Whole City Burn in Chaos!** (Not Edited)


This chapter contains explicit sex scenes, if you feel uncomfortable you can skip it. Starting with this chapter, all R18 chapters will have a signpost.


Leaving the building, Mk was completely drenched in sweat. Bruja pretended to be fine, but was almost having a mental breakdown. Elliot was walking calmly in front of both of them, as if he had just had a nice lunch with his co-workers. Elliot stopped for a moment and took a breath of air, and looked out at the busy and colorful streets. It was close to lunchtime, so there were a lot of people on the streets.

"Why the hell didn't you just give them the fucking map? Did you want to kill us?" Mk asked angrily.

"He's right Elli, that was beyond risky, that was pure insanity. Not to mention the mayor, but you know it's the people inside that room that move this city, right?" Bruja gave voice to his concerns.

Both were beyond worried, they were desperate! They didn't want to die, everyone has their own reason and choice to live, but a normal person in front of death, will always choose life.

Elliot laughed lightly as he stretched his stiff limbs. Although he was out of shape, his muscles were still well defined. Through the tailored suit, it was possible to see the muscles in his arms and back.

"What the hell are you laughing at, you son of a bitch! Our lives were at stake, you know! And it's not because you have a hot chick somewhere with a gun that we're going to stay alive in a situation like this!" Mk shouted.

"They wouldn't kill us even if they wanted to. You're too stressed Mk. Here, take these credits and go have a drink. Bruja, I'm sorry for not explaining earlier, but I'll give a good explanation later. Now, I have to reward our genius sniper who saved our asses." Elliot said.

After saying this, he walked slowly away. Soon a car pulled up beside him and he left. Mk and Bruja still wanted an explanation. After all, their lives were at risk in there. We only have one life, and it was not meant to be gambled with like that!

"I know very well what reward you are talking about, you dog shit." After muttering those words, Mk walked to his car.

Bruja had a look in her eyes that seemed to hold a thousand meanings, but there was no one to recognize that look. She got into Mk's car and they both drove to Elliot's house, which has become a sort of command center for any operation they will be doing.

Meanwhile, from inside the car, Elliot looked at the system screen, and wondered when he would gain more status points. Elliot planned to create a weapon just for him, but to do so, he would need to have more strength, and he would need status points if he wanted to become stronger quickly.

"Maybe I'm getting unaccustomed to it, huh." Elliot muttered to himself.

"Have you spoken to me, sir?" The driver asked.

This was one of the common soldiers or bandits in this town. As long as there was enough money, they would do the job, and for that practicality, all of Elliot's subordinates were people like that.

"No, Jimmy. Keep up your good work."

As he sank deep into his thoughts, Elliot stopped noticing the passage of time, and before he noticed, he reached his destination. Getting down from the car, Elliot adjusted his clothes and slowly made his way. He was standing in front of a three-star hotel. The hotel was tall, with a marble front, showing the economic power of the hotel owners.

The lobby of the hotel was pure white, with a large central golden chandelier, giving the lobby an air of sophistication. Elliot went to the front desk, where there were three receptionists. Approaching one of the receptionists, Elliot smiled and said:

"Someone is waiting for me in room 312."

"One moment please sir." The receptionist replied with a professional smile.

Elliot took his time looking at the people in the lobby, while once again thinking deeply. After a moment, the receptionist said that Elliot could go upstairs, and so he did.

Arriving at the room, Elliot didn't knock and walked in at once. The room in the bedroom was a mess, with military clothes and equipment everywhere. On the couch, an incredibly beautiful woman with short hair in her what looked like she was approaching her thirties was sitting. She was 6.1 feet (185.93 cm) tall, even though she was sitting down, her height was visible. Because she was wearing only military pants and a bra, her sunburned dark skin was a sight to behold. The two breasts inside her bra looked reluctant and were struggling to get out of there. Her strong muscular arms had tattoos of symbols and designs that Elliot did not recognize. Her thick, long legs were by far the most beautiful Elliot had ever seen in his life. As soon as she noticed Elliot, she stood up and walked towards him.

Even if it wasn't intentional, her gait, the way her hips went from side to side was mesmerizing to Elliot, he couldn't stop looking. She stopped facing, toward Elliot, and because she was a little taller, she had to look down a little.

"You're late." She said in an authoritative voice full of annoyance.

"And you look so beautiful when I last saw you, Margot." Elliot said with a small smile as he watched her with his dead eyes.

"That was this morning." Margot frowned slightly.

"For me, it was forever ago." Elliot laughed lightly.


With a click of her tongue, Margot threw herself into Elliot's arms, who promptly held her. Margot smelled his body, like a hound sniffing its target. After smelling his neck, Margot put her hand on the back of Elliot's neck and pulled him into a kiss.

Elliot put a hand on Margot's ass, which was round and plump, and responded to her kiss. It was a searing kiss, and soon their tongues began a struggle for dominance. Elliot became aroused and squeezed Margot's ass and pulled her closer to his own body, and she gladly accepted.

The kissing continued for a while, and Margot feeling that she couldn't wait any longer, began to undress Elliot's body. She took off her jacket, and taking her hands off the back of Elliot's neck, she unbuttoned his vest, removed his tie and button-down shirt.

Elliot didn't waste any time either, and with his free hand, he unhooked his cane and removed Margot's bra. Because he was standing without his cane, Elliot felt a twinge in his leg, but he couldn't care less.

Margot and Elliot separated for a moment to breathe. Both were panting, but desire burned in their eyes. Elliot delighted in the sight of those tanned, G cup breasts. Their nipples were hard, and seeing that scene, Elliot couldn't hold back any longer. Elliot lifted Margot onto his lap, who wrapped her legs around Elliot's waist and they both went towards the bed.

Because of the extra weight, Elliot moved slowly, but that wasn't bad for both of them. Elliot began to suck on Margot's left nipple, playing with them with his tongue and sometimes biting lightly. Margot held the back of Elliot's neck and her head was turned back as she enjoyed the pleasure she was feeling.

Upon reaching the bed, Margot separated from Elliot and threw him onto the bed. She then climbed on top of him, slowly crawling over Elliot. She undid Elliot's belt, and unbuttoned his pants with her mouth, while her hands removed Elliot's shoes and socks. Pulling down Elliot's panties, Elliot's cock rose toward the heavens, as it pulsed wildly.

"I see that little boy missed me." Margot said in a whispery voice.

"Little boy? A little boy can make you moan for hours without rest?" Elliot replied.

They both smiled and soon, Elliot's cock was in Margot's mouth. Half of it was in his mouth and the other half Margot held in her hand as she moved it. Margot's warm mouth felt like it was made of velvet, her saliva dripping down Elliot's cock. Elliot held Margot's head with one hand, while the other was on his back.

Margot's tongue wrapped around Elliot's cock and moved in the opposite direction of the movements of his head, giving Elliot a heavenly sensation. Margot began to increase the pace, and just when Elliot thought she would get there, Margot stopped and looked at Elliot.

"Not yet my honey. I did a great job today. My reward should be better than that." Margot said in a whispered voice.

Elliot laughed lightly. He, still lying down, lifted Margot's body around his waist, and moved Margot's ass so that it was in front of his face. Margot was a little startled, but when she understood what Elliot was doing, she laughed sensuously.

Elliot was too excited to take Margot's pants off, so he just ripped them off. What greeted him was a pair of black lace panties. Elliot moved it to the side and had the sight of paradise. Margot's plump lips were already soaked, showing her arousal. She opened and closed her cave, as if inviting him in. Unceremoniously, Elliot slipped his mouth between the plump lips in front of her.

Elliot kissed Margot's entire region, taking care not to forget any part.

Margot began to moan, and soon she was back to sucking Elliot. Elliot put Margot's clit on his lips, and kissed, licked, nibbled and sucked it. Elliot then stuck his middle and index finger inside Margot, and with slow movements, began to move them. After a while, Elliot increased the pace, and with that he found the G-spot and intensified the pleasure Margot was feeling. With only a few minutes in the 69 position, Margot's body shook slightly and she had a minor orgasm.

They spent some time in this position, but soon Margot was riding Elliot like a wild bull. With slow movements while looking him in the eyes, she put Elliot's instrument inside her wet cavern. It took all of Elliot's self-control not to cum as soon as he entered.

Elliot's cock was received in a warm, wet embrace, and as soon as Margot started to move, she gave Elliot's cock a little squeeze, making him forget about the rest of the world. Before long, the only noise that could be heard from room 312 was the female and male moans and the sound of pounding flesh.

Some time passed, and soon Elliot was on top of Margot, and he was moving vigorously,

Clap, clap

Clap, clap

"Ahm, so baby, don't stop...I want my reward inside me." Margot's voice was like the best stimulant Elliot could ask for, and soon he increased the pace.

Elliot laid his body on Morgana's body, and kissed her neck while his hands roamed over her breasts. One of his hands lifted one of Margot's legs, and after holding it for a few seconds, he opened his hand and slid it over the tanned, sweaty skin, and stopped at Margot's ass, where he squeezed until his hand left marks.

"Your reward is coming, my little bunny. Don't let anything slip away." Elliot whispered in Margot's ear, causing her to shiver.

With one last thrust, Elliot came inside Margot, and as if only expecting this, Margot's body shook from head to toe, she leaned over, so she could hug all of Elliot's cock and teased.



Elliot's body went weak and he collapsed onto Margot's body. They were both panting, and liquids were still coming out of Margot's insides and falling onto the bed.

"I have to say, you are getting better every day." Margot said as she smoothed Elliot's tousled hair.

Elliot laughed and just a little later, they started. After a few rounds, they were both lying on their backs naked and covered in sweat. Margot, who was lying on top of Elliot's stomach, saw his leg. Much of the musculature of his thigh was damaged, making it different from his healthy leg. Her leg had several scars, and even after 1 year of surgery, it still had an unhealthy purple coloration. Margot felt a pang in her heart seeing the state of Elliot's leg, and also anger.

"Does it still hurt?" Margot asked as she stroked his leg gently with her fingertips.

Just as Elliot was about to answer, Margot turned her dark eyes on him and said:

"Don't you dare lie to me."

Elliot opened his eyes in surprise, but sighed and nodded.

"Sorry, it's not intentional, I just got used to answering that it doesn't hurt anymore. Yes, it still hurts like hell. But don't worry, it's bearable." Elliot said looking into Margot's eyes with a smile.

Margot stood up in irritation. Elliot didn't hear the first sentence as his eyes were on Margot's mountains, which were rising and falling along with Margot's irregular breathing.

'I'm a fucking lucky man.' He thought.

'How can you be so calm about it? They destroyed your leg, Elliot! They destroyed it beyond the point that modern medicine can fix it! And worse, you still won't let me get even with those fucking bastards!" Margot then cursed and cursed whoever did this, and then cursed Elliot for being a coward.

"That won't work, Margot, you just came home. What you should do now is get used to your new reality." Elliot said in a serious tone.

"So you're not going to take revenge? You have forgiven them, and you will let them go free?" Margot asked as she stroked the wounds on Elliot's legs.

With that question, Elliot's ever-dead eyes changed. They were filled with pure madness and insanity, death wish and cried out for carnage. A twisted smile hung over his face, and his current posture changed from that of the always elegant, to that of someone willing to do anything for his goals and ambitions.

"Forget? Forgive? What is that, from eating? No, I haven't forgiven or forgotten. I have some unfinished business before I resolve my grudges. But even if I need to burn this entire city with its citizens inside, I'll gladly do it as long as I get my revenge. Millions of lives will be lost? What does this have to do with me. Let the whole city burn in chaos and let the perpetrators of my suffering suffer torture, but they will not go free!" Elliot said with madness in his tone.

Margot was surprised to see this. She had seen people like this in war. People who have lost faith in humanity, and only one goal keeps them alive. To others, this might sound frightening, but Margot was never a normal woman, and after the war, she became even more abnormal. Feeling a tingling sensation down there, she threw herself into Elliot's arms, and soon they were off and running again with another love session.