
A week passed, and nothing much happened. Elliot was still exercising daily, completing his missions and gaining experience every day. Mk and Bruja appeared very little these days, both were very busy with the next auction that was approaching every day. Margot spent the entire day with her brother and mother, reaffirming the family ties that had been lost.

Stella started living with Elliot, but her day was so full that Elliot only saw her at night. Elliot spent his days alone, reading and playing with Tin. Elliot wanted to train Tin to be a hunting dog, but apparently Tin only knew how to hunt his own tail and sleep most of the day.

The only thing Elliot did that week was to go to a gunsmith, to order a new gun. Elliot had several ideas of weapons that he would like to use, and when Stella and Bruja introduced him to a gunsmith, Elliot told him all his ideas. The gunsmith said that it would be possible to create such a weapon, but he would need two weeks. Elliot was anxious, but did not want to rush things.

Today was a different day, however. Elliot was wearing a black suit with thin white stripes all over the suit. He was not wearing a vest today, summer was coming, and H-town was known for its heat in the summer. The leather gloves were not being worn either. Elliot wore them only once, to hide the bruises on the Alice girl's parents.

Tin seemed to complement Elliot's whole costume, and he was sitting next to Elliot like a good boy. Elliot was at City Hall, and everyone who passed by looked at the strange duo of human and dog.

A beautiful secretary, holding what looked like a tablet, but was completely made of glass. She was first surprised to see what looked like a real dog, but soon her professional smile returned to her face, and she approached Elliot with calculated steps.

"Mister Amom, Mister Mayor is waiting for you in his office. Please come with me." She said.

Elliot smiled cordially and stood up with Tin following him. The secretary was about to tell Elliot to leave the dog here, but when she looked into Elliot's eyes, she could feel boundless danger emanating from Elliot's body. The effect of the Title Elliot received was active, and the secretary having seen all kinds of criminals in this office when they asked for a meeting with the mayor, knew she couldn't provoke Elliot.

In the secretary's eyes, she was like an ordinary human in front of a demon the size of a building. Just one look from the demon would get her killed. The secretary shook her head slightly. She was not paid to try to kill herself. If he wants to take the dog, let him.

Elliot didn't understand anything. The secretary was walking and suddenly stopped and started to stare at him. She looked at him for a second, shook her head, smiled, and started walking again. Maybe he got better looking? Elliot didn't know that because he didn't see his secretary as an ally, the system automatically assigned his secretary as potential prey...

Seeing Elliot enter his office with a dog, it took all the mayor's self-control not to strangle Elliot on the spot. Elliot, seeing the mayor losing control before he could even say anything, had to hold back his laughter.

In a negotiation, the one who is the most calm and composed wins. Elliot was calm as a lake in winter, and had not a care in the world. Elliot really took a risk bringing Tin, but in the end it was worth it. And truth be told, Elliot would not leave Tin home alone, he would be very lonely....

"Mister mayor! Long time no see!" Elliot said with fake enthusiasm.

"Stop the nonsense boy, and get to the point. But before that, get that damn dog out of my office!" The mayor was brief in his words.

"Why should I put him out? He's pretty clean, you know? He took a bath today, cost me 100 Brezik credits!" Elliot said as if he was being wronged.

The mayor found it bizarre how although Elliot's tone of voice changed, his expression didn't change. It was as if he was wearing a wax mask, where his voice and face don't match one bit.

"Get to the point kid!" The mayor said once again, but now with more anger.

Elliot had to restrain the urge he had to laugh. Elliot looked into the mayor's eyes, and even under his control, a small, imperceptible smile rose at the corner of his lips.

"I want to register a subordinate family in the global records." Elliot said.

In the modern world, there are two registries that only people in power can register something or delete. The national registry, where mayors, deputies, senators and governors can record historical moments, something that should be carried into the future or families that legally have surnames.

And the global registers, where everything about every nation is recorded, and a part of these records are made available to the common people. Families of renown have their names in the global family registries, and no matter where that family goes, they will not lose the rights and privileges that their surname has. The Amom family is on that registry, and so even if Elliot goes to Amerid now, he will have a way to buy a house and have good health insurance, even if he is not a citizen of Amerid.

"HAAHAHAHAHAHA! You are really hilarious boy. Do you think I would use the right I earn only 1 time in a year, to register a subordinate family?" The mayor laughed until tears fell from his eyes.

"Yes, I do." Elliot said without any expression.

"And what gives you all that courage, cripple?" The mayor was beginning to lose patience.

"Have you ever heard of something called... underworld prison?" Elliot said as he stroked Tin's belly.

The mayor's complexion paled in the same instant. The mayor knew that that was a miserable place, and that he should never, ever, think of getting involved. Second generation criminals like the mayor knew of some rumors of the real owners of this world, but in the end they were just that, rumors. But the underworld prison was different. That place was home to all kinds of people. Genocidal, kidnappers, politicians, terrorists, and even worse. And they all had something in common: they had offended someone who should not be offended, and they would spend the rest of their lives in torture and pain.

"Don't mention that name here, ever again!" The mayor said as he stood up, clearly agitated.

"Get out of my office, now!"

"What if I tell you that someone wants you to visit that place? You and some members of your family..." Elliot said without even looking at the mayor, while still stroking Tin's belly.

The mayor stopped in his tracks. The mayor looked like he could sweat out a lake of sweat at that moment. He turned rigidly to look at Elliot, who was sitting in his chair without a care in the world, while playing with Tin who was lying on the floor with his tongue out.

"Wh-who?! Who hates my family that much? I'm sure we never provoked anyone on that side!" The mayor shouted in despair.

He knew that when the prison guardians were given a mission to take someone out, there was nothing and no one to stop them.

Elliot really wanted to laugh at this moment. This was the first time he had talked to anyone about the place he had spent 6 years. And the mere mention of this place almost made a grown man of power and authority wet his pants... it's really hilarious.

"You do know that if I say who, I would just be killing myself and anyone related to me, right? I can't say who, but I can say when..." Elliot said as he straightened up in his chair.

The mayor had a deep scowl on his face, but he forced himself to calm down, and sat down in his chair once more. He waited for Elliot to speak, but saw that Elliot was only smiling slightly.

Gritting his teeth, the mayor turned on the chip in his head, and carried out Elliot's request.


Elliot was in a well-known restaurant in H-town. Around him were his subordinates, all having lunch, but paying attention to any movement around them.

At the table with Elliot, Bruja, with dark circles under his eyes and a tired look, was greedily eating his meal. Margot was at the table and couldn't take her eyes off the documents in Gustav's hands, who was sitting next to Elliot.

"Elli, are you serious? The Labolas family registry is in the global records?! This is not a joke, is it? If it's a joke, I'll rip your dick off!" Margot said.

Elliot sighed. Margot had asked this question at least 15 times since they had started eating lunch. Even Elliot, who was training his mental strength to be as patient as possible, was at the end of his patience. Gustav, noticing this, smoothed things over.

"Big sister, you've asked this before. Here, this is the mayor's signature, there is no way to forge it. We are officially a global family!" Gustav said.

Margot was on the verge of tears, but she hugged her brother before anyone could see her fragile side. Elliot just watched this scene silently. Everyone was already eating, but Elliot hadn't started yet. He was waiting for his sister, who was once again late.

"Sorry I'm late. An old man wouldn't leave the store, so I had to stay late." Stella came in a little breathless.

Everyone started eating, and Bruja went for her second round. She wouldn't be the one paying the bill, so why should she bother how much she was eating? Elliot ordered a typical Brezik dish. It was a pasta made from corn, steamed. It was commonly supplemented with butter and some meat.

Everyone chatted and laughed, talking about their days and what they still had to do. Elliot was the quiet one, always observing everything and everyone around him. Stella was also a great observer, but she was too comfortable among these people, so she didn't even try to study them.

Looking at Tin, who had already filled his stomach, and Jimmy, who had also finished his meal, Elliot asked Jimmy to take Tin for a walk, to help his digestion. When they had finished, everyone started saying how they would spend their money after the robbery that would happen in 3 weeks.

"I'm going to find the best hospital in the whole world to take care of my brother! And with the rest, I will buy a mansion!" Bruja said excitedly.

"I will buy a house and help with my mother's treatment." Margot said succinctly, with Gustav agreeing.

"I will buy a house for my mother, and open a boxing gym. In the same way that boxing has helped me, I will make boxing help others." Mk said.

Elliot had finished his meal, and was about to get up. Although he enjoyed being in the presence of these people, Elliot still had things to do. Because he had wriggled in his chair, the cane, which was leaning against Elliot's lap was almost falling off. Elliot reflexively reached out and picked up the cane before it fell to the floor.


While still down, Elliot heard a sound like that of a watermelon being punctured, and exploded afterwards. Elliot stood up, and in the chair opposite him, he saw Mk... or what was left of him. Mk's head was blown off, and his body was slowly falling to the ground.

Mk was dead.