A Full Moon Night

Day 13 month 11 year 2256, New Rose City.

As hectic as the suburbs of a large city like New Rose can be, no one else was on the street. Ezekiel, the leader of Paola's pursuers, was standing outside Betrin's house, looking for a way to get inside and accomplish his mission.

Looking out the window, he saw the arrangement of the furniture, what they were, the doors, the rooms in the house, he observed everything minutely, without missing a single detail. Even a small flaw in a wallpaper did not go unnoticed.

He took his time to memorize every detail of that house. He didn't know why, but he felt incredibly uneasy ever since that man arrived with the girl. From the moment he seemed to be able to see Ezekiel, he could no longer calm down, even if he tried.

{Detected neural system overload}

{In order to keep the user safe, the neural capsule will forcefully eject the user}