Chapter 348: Hiashi got his balls kicked literally

Chapter 348: Hiashi got his balls kicked literally

He talked all the nonsense that he wanted to speak and even vented out some of the frustration during this time because of the village management and other clans.

At the same time he got to the topic of third Hokage paying the pension.

"Did third Hokage pay you the pension for your parents?"

He asked looking at Suzaku.

Suzaku responded.

"Yes patriarch, I got it just now"

 "He has delayed it for so long.

Any way he should pay you pension for all this time too.

You see he has not paid the pension of your parents for the past 5 years or the child care money for the first 2 years.

All of this has to be paid to you.

Unlike the clan that takes care of you with the money directly, the village would pay the money.

So you will get all that money too.

I will specifically apply for the money from the Hokage in your name later.

So don't worry about that.

Take this scroll.

This contains the basic techniques of our clan that you should learn at your age.

After you learn these techniques, we will test you.

If you learnt them properly then we will give you the next set of the techniques.

Learn well and if you have any doubt come and meet with Fugaku my son.

He has already learnt these techniques and he can help you in this practice.

If you need anything, come to me and I will help you.

Our clan is like a family, so don't fear or shy away from asking for help…."

After saying few more righteous and cozy words Suzaku was sent back to his dormitory.

Suzaku really got some good benefits right now.

For the 7 years with the same amount can become a good lump of money.

It can be comparable to the amount of the fortune that his fake parents left for him.

Other than that this scroll is also valuable.

The things he got from the Uchiha clan before are not complete at least not as complete as the Senju clan's information.

The reason for this is it was easy to get the information from the dead Senju clan through various means.

As for the Uchiha clan everything that is important was destroyed by Itachi and other people before players could get anything.

So the amount of information that they got is pitifully low.

Suzaku returned back to the house.

After that he checked the scroll that contains the information about the fire style basic techniques.

All of them are basics and Suzaku has a copy of this already.

But the auxiliary information was present in the scroll that is not present in the information he has.

The information is about how to control the fire quality and quantity. 

Also it is about the change in temperature and ferocity of the fire during the fire style techniques.

These things Suzaku did not have them.

He only has the technique of fire release.

He started to study the thing peacefully.


Another year passed by and this is year 45.

During this time Suzaku got all the money that the head of the Uchiha clan spoke off.

Third Hokage played the bloody price for giving the money.

All the money was directly deposited into the bank account and the pass book was given to Suzaku.

During that time third Hokage would speak to Suzaku from time to time and even gave him some special auxiliary technique scrolls on chakra control and other normal techniques.

Suzaku also went to speak with Fugaku.

Since it was told by his father, Fugaku did not have a choice but to help Suzaku in the practice.

He is unwilling but he cannot refuse if he wants to become the head of the clan.

Now many factions of the Uchiha clan are paying attention to Suzaku.

They want to see if he will be successfully able to become their agent on the third Hokage's side.

If possible they are happy.

On the other hand third Hokage is also like that.

He is watching Suzaku to see if he would become the agent under him to watch the Uchiha clan's moves.

During this time Suzaku did not stop from flirting…cough…cough… socializing with Mikoto or Himeko.

Both Fugaku and Hiashi are gnashing their teeth looking at the situation.

They cannot do anything because the situation has changed.

Too many people are paying attention on Suzaku right now.

It is not because he is a genius but he has something to do with both the third Hokage and the Uchiha clan at the same time.

As for the internal matter they would not speak even if they know about this.

So things are too complicated for them to do anything.

Hiashi did try to fight with Suzaku in order to gain attention from Himeko.

That day when the fight started Himeko and many people are there watching.

The fight was approved by their teacher as it was settling grievances.

Any way he can intervene and stop something bad from happening.

Unfortunately Suzaku made the accidental move and his leg accidentally kicked the balls of Hiashi.

Actually all of Suzaku's previous moves were countered by Hiashi because of the 360 degrees view of the Hyuga clan eyes.

Unfortunately sometimes even if you see the thing you cannot stop that thing from happening.

This is one such thing.

Originally Suzaku's kick is meant for the face of Hiashi.

But Hiashi moved forward because of a move wanting to hit Suzaku with the gentle fist that he learnt recently.

This widened his legs and moved his hand like a sword move.

While kicking, Suzaku also dodged the hand that is coming to his heart area.

At that moment the unexpected happened.

The falling Suzaku kicked his leg so hard that his feet landed on the balls of Hiashi and he was lifted from the ground by 3 inches before falling down holding his crotch.


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