Chapter 349: Hiashi cannot be completely cured

Chapter 349: Hiashi cannot be completely cured

At that moment the unexpected happened.

The falling Suzaku kicked his leg so hard that his feet landed on the balls of Hiashi and he was lifted from the ground by 3 inches before falling down holding his crotch.

That is how powerful the kick is.

Well it can still heal but the pain and trauma would not go away that easily.

Hiashi was rolling in pain on the ground holding his crotch.

The people that are looking at the fight did not expect such a thing to happen.

The teachers immediately came to take Hiashi to the medics.

Everyone that saw this entire fight through that it was an accident.

They saw that Suzaku slipped while dodging the attack of Hiashi.

The attack of Hiashi was actually vicious because it was aimed at the heart of Suzaku.

All the teachers saw that.

Actually Suzaku let them become the witness of the current incident and chose this time to attack perfectly.

Fortunately for Hiashi, Tsunade is still in the village and did not have the blood phobia yet.

So he was healed but the incident is big and it has already spread throughout the village.

The people that got the news felt a sharp pain in their balls imagining the incident where Hiashi actually flew three inches up into the air before falling.

Also the news about the entire thing being an accident was also spread.

Even if the Hyuga clan people wanted to make a fuss they could not.

The reason is that Suzaku now has two bakers that are the third Hokage and the head of the Uchiha clan.

So he is not worried if something happens then the blame would fall on the Hyuga clan.

Also Suzaku has to be careful because he can enjoy the things as long as he is alive.

No one would come forward for a dead genius.

Most probably Suzaku would be followed by Anbu in the next few days when he is out of the clan and goes around for his protection.

In the clan he is already protected by the Uchiha people.

This is in response to the possible retaliation against the Hyuga clan.

Since the entire thing is an accident Hyuga clan could not even ask for compensation.

Tsunade that is treating Hiashi has a different thought of this matter.

She can clearly see that the attack was intentional and the damage is also very specific.

She even thought that the one that kicked Hiashi is good at human anatomy to the level of nerves and vines.

She can repair the damage but she could not be able to repair some specific parts inside the testicles.

Even though everything would be fine now, she was sure that in the future Hiashi might not be able to reproduce or even have a good time with woman.

The problem is not only the physical body but the psychological damage to the mind of Hiashi.

"His night life is finished."

Tsunade can only pity him a little but she would not speak about this incident or after math.

She told her thoughts to the third Hokage, saying that it might be intentional.

But third Hokage did not believe that as there are many witnesses and Suzaku is still a kid to have so many thoughts.

He told her to leave this matter as it is and asked her to cover up.

But Tsunade wanted to meet with the kid that caused the entire incident.

On that day third Hokage called Suzaku to talk to him and during the talk Suzaku told third Hokage that he would become a medical ninja to save the lives of the other ninja during the war.

This way ninja would not die like his parents died in the battle field.

His words moved third Hokage and he immediately got another plan in his mind.

If Suzaku becomes a powerful ninja in the Uchiha clan it is a bit useless for him.

This is because powerful ninja would have a time where they would go out to fight like the wars and they might die.

On the other hand if it is a medical ninja then he can be both useful and live longer.

This way he would have a permanent spy in the Uchiha clan working for him.

Medical ninja is naturally more useful to him too.

He already has many strong ninja and the number of strong medical ninja is very low.

There is only his disciple Tsunade from the Senju clan.

But after the death of Nawaki she became drifting and detached from him for some reason.

This made him think that she is investigating this matter.

He knows that it was actually caused by Danzo and himself.

If she someday knows about this matter than most probably fight with him or leave him completely.

This is not good for him to lose such a capable healer.

Since some things are inevitable he wanted to train another medical ninja on the same level as Tsunade.

Since Suzaku wanted to try, he wanted to give it a try.

If things work out then he would be the one that benefits the most.

After calculating many things he took Suzaku to meet with Tsunade.

He did not notice the smile at the corner of the mouth of Suzaku that appeared when third Hokage accepted his proposal.

Third Hokage said that he would take him to the best medical ninja in the village and if he was able to impress her then he can become her apprentice.

Suzaku showed the excited smile towards third Hokage and they finally came to Senju compound where Tsunade lives.

Because of the third Hokage no one stopped them and he went straight to the courtyard where Tsunade stays.

She was already informed about this matter.

Also she was already curious about Suzaku and wanted to meet him before.

Her expression is calm and she looked beautiful.

Her tits are still in the growing state.


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