Chapter 367: giving a piece of mind to Yahiko part-2

Chapter 367: giving a piece of mind to Yahiko part-2

"....Also, there are some that would think that if they don't have it then others cannot have it either.

So they would try their best to destroy the things in the hands of other people.

Humans are inherently evil by nature and their hearts can change at any time.

Where is the harmony and understanding you spoke off?

Also if someone really understood the other person, then they would most probably covet the treasures and things of the other person.

Instead of creating harmony the end result would be a deadly fight.

You are too naive to think of these things.

I will give you an example.

The person that gave you food is one of the three legendary Sanin that fought against Hanzo along with Orochimaru and my master Tsunade.

But even he hates me from the day we me.

I actually found the reasons for this.

First is that I am from the Uchiha clan that even they despise because I did not awaken the Sharingan.

Second is that I am close to Tsunade sensei that he likes.

So he simply hates me all this time.

I can really understand this because I am very sensitive to feeling since I am an orphan from the very start.

Unlike you people that lost your parents recently.

Do you understand?"

When Suzaku finished speaking, the faces of Jiraiya and Tsunade changed differently.

Tsunade became angry towards Jiraiya with her face darkened and her fists clenched.

Jiraiya on the other hand is embarrassed that his feelings were clearly seen by a kid.

He was actually ashamed that he could not hide his feelings properly in front of a kid.

Actually what Suzaku said is true and he showed this even when they are coming to fight with the land of rain.

Even Tsunade noticed this.

Right then Orochimaru spoke a sarcastic comment to make things worse.

"I did not think that Jiraiya would be so low.

I always thought that he is just a pervert."

He not only showed his contempt towards Jiraiya instead he also spoke about Jiraiya's secret that is Jiraiya is a pervert.

With that things became complicated with the trio of Nagato's group.

Yahiko became silent as he doesn't know how to refute.

Suzaku on the other hand walked towards Nagato and Konan and spoke to Nagato.

"You have the red hair and some features of the Uzumaki clan.

I am sorry that your parents died.

But I have a bad news and good news.

Which one do you want to hear?"

Tsunade also noticed this and knows what Suzaku wanted to say.

On the other hand Jiraiya are not in a position to think or speak as they are in a confused state.

While it is like that Konan spoke in place of Nagato to help him.

Nagato is more on the introverted side.

"Tell the bad news first."

She said to Suzaku without any change in her expression from the start to finish.

Suzaku looked at her and said.

"The Uzumaki clan, he belongs to has been exterminated scattering most of the clan members of that clan by the hidden mist village.

Hidden leaf village did sent ninja to save but they only saved one person that is most useful to them.

It was the princess of the Uzumaki clan that is Kushina Uzumaki.


Suzaku gave out a gap and then spoke again

"The good news is that your friend is from the Uzumaki clan so he can come back to the village with us and join in.

The wife of the fits Hokage Mito Uzumaki is still in the hidden leaf village.

With her help he and his friends as war orphans can enter the hidden leaf village and live there.

It would be hard to survive out here but it would be harder to survive there.

But at least you will have a sense of belonging there."

Suzaku said with a smile when saying the good news.

Nagato did not have any strange behavior because he did not know much about the Uzumaki clan or any feelings to his ancestry.

Konan understood what Suzaku said.

She clearly understood what it means hard.

Suzaku is a person that survived in the hidden leaf village as an orphan since birth unlike them that lost their parents recently.

Suzaku then looked at Konan and said.

"You should be the most understanding one.

The outside is not good for women and girls that have good appearance like you.

So at least for your sake they should want to come to the hidden leaf village as refugees.

This way, things would be much better.

At least, you will have some people you know.


After saying what he wanted to say Suzaku returned back to the side of Tsunade and sat there while eating his rations.

When he said that, Konan has good look at Suzaku and he did not show any lust in his eyes.

All he did is to give her the advice as a good person.

On the other hand Jiraiya wanted to regain his composure so he said.

So he immediately said to Suzaku.

"What did you say that only the person they needed was saved?

Do you doubt the hidden leaf village and third Hokage?"

Suzaku was actually waiting for the impulsive words of Jiraiya so that he would say what he wanted to say.

This was very important to break some things related to third Hokage.

Even if he did not do anything they would still leave third Hokage later. 

But Suzaku wanted to do that early so that he would not have too much opposition when he started to show his power.

At that time he only wanted his confidents to be there to support him.

With that in mind he started to smile inside for the question of Jiraiya and then started to speak.

"Do you really wish to know the answer to those questions?

Are you telling me that you really don't know what I just said?"


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